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Posts posted by luvsviola

  1. Thought of something....


    Make it free to leave your kid there til the 9:00 evening show is over.


    Frustrated me to no end this last cruise. We would go to the show at 9, and had to pick the kids up at 9:45 when the show is done at 10/10:15. Let kids who's parents are at the main show for the night come a little late to get their kids when the show lets out. My husband missed the end every night picking them up.

  2. I wish it was open 5-6--when I'm trying to get ready for dinner. :)


    Other than that, my kids loved it on Fascination. The hours were awesome--it was open most of the time, and we sleep in, so no one was up before 9 in our cabin anyway. Pickup was at 12:45 for lunch, then open 2-5, then 6-10.

  3. Was there with Fascination too...here are some pics...there were thousands of jelly fish everywhere. It definitely put a damper on the day being there with 3 young children--didn't want my 2 and 4 year olds in the water alone. By later in the afternoon, they all went to the bottom so if you weren't careful, you'd step on them.


    They were moon jellies--common jelly fish. They have a more mild sting, and the tentacles are short.


    We heard some pretty stupid people--"Carnival removed the stingers on these jelly fish" and "These aren't the kind that sting, but they can bite." UH....wow.





  4. Were just there this week and had cabana 8. I would want whatever villa is between cabana 8 and 9--far enough down the beach it is quiet without being all the way down. It was serene and beautiful without the massive number of people down by the bar/playground.

  5. I got a few button down shirts from our local Facebook marketplace for $3 each and 2 ties. Khakis, button down shirt and tie every night for us. FOr formal night, I got him a navy blue sport coat from the same Facebook group. I would never have paid retail prices for it, but I got it for $4, and he looked so cute!


    But, there were plenty of boys in khakis and polos.

  6. Piggy backing on the OP--


    What would you do in these ports with a 7, 4 (developmental age, really he will be 5), and newly 3 year old? We are adventurous, but require any vehicles to have seatbelts (for carseats). My son is a feeding tube kid, so any water has to be reasonably clean (salt water is fine) for his tube to not get infected.

  7. Did you end up bringing it? Mine are 7 and 8 and I honestly cannot decide what to do?



    Have you looked at the Bubble Bum? It is an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety "best bet" booster, and it folds tiny. It is perfect for travel. My Target just started selling them, though they've been on the market in the US for about a year.




    I would be genuinely interested to know - I'm not trying to make a snide point here - what exactly is the procedure for fitting three child seats in a vehicle while keeping full control of three young children?


    Double stroller. 4 year old is in the front of the double stroller. 2 year old is on my back in a BabyHawk Oh Snap. 6 year old walks. 2 car seats are in the back of the double stroller. Here is the rig from last time when we travelled. DH wore a Radian on his back (it comes with backpack straps). And yes, I can install carseats with DD on my back. Its not graceful, but I can do it, or DH does it. We are both carseat advocates, and he is as skilled as I am at installs.


    This is in the Atlanta airport.



  9. NO, we will not be using one on the plane! DS is traveling as a "lap infant". I know I'm not the only parent who has had to deal with this. And I know there are scads of board debates on the car seat/no car seat issue. Obviously some people think EVERYONE takes their kids seats! I'd like to see a family with 4+ kids managing all the seats HAHA, or even better a single parent with multiple kids...yeah right!


    My kids are 6, 4, and 2. All 3 ride in carseats on the plane, and any vehicles we travel in. DD (6) travels in a Frontier, DS (4) in a Maestro, and DD2 in a Radian or an Evenflo Triumph Advance.


    The laws of physics don't stop applying just because you are on vacation.

  10. Congrats! We adopted our son from foster care in June of 2012. He was a little over 3 at the time. It has been interesting, to say the least. We'd fostered him off and on the majority of his life. We are taking him on his first cruise in October. We had his birth certificate in a little over a month from our finalization.

  11. I am traveling with 3, 5 (special needs ODD, RAD, G-J tube, and sensory issues), and 7 year olds. I snapped it up.


    We travel with a crap ton of stuff, esp medical equipment and will have approx 400 oz of ready to feed formula with us that I refuse to check because it is irreplaceable by insurance if lost. I want to go straight to my room and put it all down. My son does NOT quietly wait in line for an hour unless he's in a stroller and I really don't want to bring a double stroller on board. I gladly paid the money for my room to be ready immediately and to put down all of our stuff.


    If it was just me and my husband, I probably wouldn't have. But traveling with 3 small kids on an itinerary with a tender port, I was glad to get it.

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