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Posts posted by hattack

  1. if my failing memory serves me correct, Cunard owned a resort on the selective islands that was part of the package..today's modern day inventory would probably not allow it, but I suspect if once Richard Branson successfully launches his Virgin Cruise product will probably follow that model ..he does own a nice private island in the Bahamas 


    the original intention of cruising was to give vacationers a "taste of the island" with hopes that travelers would come back and book a package to spend time on the island 


    yea Kathy Lee and Carnival had a nice run together as did the Love Boat tv series ..from time to time Decades TV channel has a week end binge of Love Boat reruns and its become a popular drinking game to watch it and pick out all the flaws and marketing placements ..can't argue with success 


    based upon the CV 19 snap back...I see an opportunity for domestic River Cruising to gain footing and the trend for Mega Ships holding 6000 declining 

  2. my thinking there is a link between the popularity of cruising and when the Airline industry underwent deregulation in the late 70's.( hub and spoke) ..this allowed the cruise lines to market with the airlines to produce a competitive produce for Middle America to compete with Las Vegas (fill airplane seats and cruise cabins )..I remember in the 70's Cunard had a deal when you could cruise to an island, stay there for a week and cruise back in the same cabin 


    I remember when Carnival introduced the Tropicale (1st newly built ) that was a big deal to fill cabins so it forced the cruise lines to market to middle America vs upscale older more demographics 

  3. thanks for the memories..in 1979 & 1980 when I lived in Seattle we cruised on Carnival's Mardi Gras, Carnivale & Festivale and had an absolute ball ..I made an album of each as a present to my then GF but she got married in in 1982 and we have lost track of each other and I'm sure she " archived " those albums prior to her wedding ...lol 


    we stayed in an inside cabin on all 3 (which was fine because we were seldom in the cabin ) and I don't remember any of the ships having balcony cabins 

    • Like 1
  4. we were trying to think if over the years if there was a particular Artist or Performance that stood out more than the others and came to the conclusion that it was actually the  midnight all star jam sessions that were the most memorable ..one year Charlie Wilson performed his show on  the lido deck under the stars and then joined the midnight all star jam session  in a packed to the wall main showroom that went until 0300 am...our group consisting of 12 couples were walking back to our cabin and the men decided to go back to the rear of the Lido Deck to get slices of pizza's and gave our cameras to the women and promised we would not be long and bring them a slice...as we were waiting in line Charlie Wilson's back up dancers were behind us and of course we invited them to join us which they were nice enough to accept...we lost track of time until we happen to look up to see our Wives and GF's who were "worried" that we might have been thrown overboard (once they saw we thought we might be by them )...we took a group photo with my camera and I had the photo blown up and placed on a stretched canvas frame for each of my partners for a keepsake ..I share that memory with you so when your DH & I go for Pizza after the midnight jam session and Candy Dulfer just "happens" to be in line , we may be a bit tardy getting back to our cabin and the slice of pizza may be cold but your DH will have a stretch canvas photo of us with Candy that he can share the tale...fyi...2nd place goes to the 1st time we saw Take 6 perform...awesome

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  5. I was chatting this evening with one of my Capital Jazz Super Cruise buddies (we have done 7 in a row from 2009 -2016) and we have incredible memories of close  brief interactions with George Duke, Chuck Brown, Teena Marie on the cruise and the following year they Passed which made the news about their Passing that much harder to hear yet feeling so Blessed of the time we did share in that unique environment ..we have photos together with almost every artist (both featured and back up artists ) on every Smooth Jazz Cruise since 2003 along with their signed CD's and the official t-shirt and signed poster from every cruise 

    which makes it even more special 


    it's time like these that we all who partake in these Smooth Jazz Charters appreciate these opportunities 

  6. will let you know if we do a Virtual  Reality component ..fyi pretty sure if you check the New Orleans WW 2 Museum web page they have a virtual tour of the Museum along with podcast of special events 


    several members of Cab Calloway's Band were from New Orleans and there is an annual Danny Barker Banjo & Guitar Festival in January that we hopefully will be involving in our Project...Cab was a regular on the Race Track Circuit in New York State in his heyday that resulted in the NYRA naming a Race in his Honor 


    my Mom (when she was under aged ) was a dancer in the chorus line at the Cotton Club for about a year when Cab's and Peg Legs Bates were the "house band" when Duke Ellington was on tour ( she passed in 2013 when I found this out) ..just finished his biography Hi-De-Ho 


    be safe will keep you updated as I make progress on this effort 

  7. for those posters concerned about their  upcoming Caribbean Cruises during traditional Hurricane Season have you factored in how  this Public Health Crisis  will play into the equation ???


    because at this time no one really knows what is going to happen with Public Health Pandemic Crisis  response less alone the economy and with Christmas coming up, I would suspect that incremental vacation funds will be held back and cruise line revenue management models will reflect a 1st quarter 2021 planning rebound model 


    the National Weather Service 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season Weather Forecasters are expecting strong overlap with the current Pandemic 


    perhaps one might consider the OBC funds you were looking forward to use, you might consider a matching donation to the local food bank or non profit  or patronizing a favorite small business that you patronize or your local hospital or provide a small scholarship stipend to help a nursing student in financial need 


    IMHO cruising during 2020 does not seem as important that cannot be delayed until 2021 to enjoy ..

  8. Bill Withers RIP...how I discovered Grover Washington Jr (Just the 2 of Us)


    I suspect ECP will do a special tribute on board both their  2021 Jazz & Smooth Jazz cruises to honor the artists we have lost due to this  Public Health Crisis 


    I will dig out my Bill Withers CD's from my collection and play this evening 

  9. I noticed you are posting from Somerville,, last October I drove from Worcester MA to Saco Maine and remember the exit sign ( I was born and raised in Litchfield County CT ) 


    hopefully you have had the opportunity to visit the WW 2 Museum in New Orleans that frequently has excellent special exhibits regarding the role of the Port of New Orleans and the role of African Americans during WW 2 ..when the Public Health Crisis passes, I look forward to visiting with the Historians to see if they can help with my project 


    we had planned on visiting the Smithsonian African American Museum this Fall , which of course will now be rescheduled for 2021 where I am sure I will be able to learn more about this topic ..my German Smooth Jazz Cruising friend has invited me to visit next year to retrace the steps of the 1936 Berlin Summer Olympics and the 1901-1903 World Tour of Cyclist Major Taylor


    what continues to fascinate me is the role of the Press (both White & Negro ) in the Post Reconstruction Jim Crow Era (1865-1939) coverage of World  Sporting events ( Thoroughbred Racing, Cycling, Marathoners, Boxing, 1936 Summer Olympic Team ) 


    Ocean Liners just serve as the conduit

  10. amazing Man, Father, Musician...He had a weekly Friday Night engagement at Snug Harbor and of course would perform with his Sons at Jazz Fest every year 


    Tradition would call for a New Orleans Traditional 2nd Line to celebrate his life ..with the curfew in place and the number of notable Passing of New Orleans standouts, it will be interesting to see how the City will honor our traditions 

  11. which validates both of our perceptions of transatlantic crossings ..my not so warm memories were on cruises out of NYC to Bermuda in the late 70's ( overt vs covert ) ..ironically when Carnival started cruising in the late 70's, early 80's it became much  fun because they were out to break the stereotypes of who would enjoy cruising ( The Fun Ships reputation was well earned ) 


    My Grandfather was a proud member of the 369th  Infantry Regiment (Harlem Hell Fighters ) during WW 1  and a member of the famed Hell Fighters Marching Band (which ironically the Band Master was from New Orleans ) ..they did on deck daily concerts during the transatlantic crossing when the weather permitted ..upon arriving in Paris, General Pershing refused to have his front line units integrated but the French embraced the Negro Troops and it became one of the most decorated American Units during WW 1 ..Pershing also refused to have African American soldiers who died on foreign soil buried in the same National  Military Cemetery , the French proudly buried them at their National Military Cemetery with full honors (I've visited there which was a very moving experience ) 


    ironically as a small child, my Grandfather never talked about the fighting in WW 1  but had extensive memories about the Band performing in Paris and on board the Troop Transport


    if you love Jazz the next time you travel to Paris I can recommend a self tour of great Jazz Clubs that can linked back to WW 1 when the Negro Troops elected to stay after the War rather than return home to Jim Crow Laws 


    in Cab Calloway's auto biography he speaks fondly of their 1st transatlantic crossing to perform in Europe during the 30's ..they were treated like the celebrities they were and the Captain ask them to perform in a special concert for the guests 

  12. will do, thanks ..when I first started Cruising in 1974 , there were very few if any People of Color that Cruised as Guests ..(nor did the cruise lines market towards minority markets at the time due to "offending' their target demographics ) ..I still have not so pleasant memories of being made to feel not welcome by some fellow passengers (crews treated us great) _..in 1982 we cruised to Greece for the 1st time on Greek own Royal  Olympic Cruise Lines Stella Maris and was amazed on how well we were treated 

    fortunately as the Cruise Industry exploded in popularity and vessels being built, to fill cabins cruise line have expanded their marketing efforts and onboard product offerings to attract a more diverse demographic 


    would love to have access to the SS Manhattan manifest (especially the press/media/Hollywood Film Crew on board to cover Hitler's Olympics)  each way on the Transatlantic Crossings that carried the 1936 Summer Olympic team ..ironically 16 of the 18 African American teammates were attending Northern Colleges (including Fritz Pollard Jr at University of North Dakota ) and must have understood the extra burden of redeeming the Honor of the United States & Democracy following Schmelling defeating Joe Louis in their 1st match 


    SS Manhattan was a flag United States vessel at the time that the Post Reconstruction Jim Crow Era Laws were in full effect but by all signs were not practice on the Transatlantic Crossing ..who knew

  13. I'm sure you are right..after all Your DH & I have an appointment to have lunch with Candy Dulfer on a full day at sea and discuss how the great 70's Funk Brass Bands have influenced her Playing style 


    lesson learned is life & one's health can turn on a dime so no longer put off in the future what with a stretch you can do in 2021 & 2022 

  14. WWCruiser..Brian Culbertson has just reschedule his 2020 Tour for 2021 and he will be in Portland OR on June 6th ..he is still hesitating to pull the plug on both his Napa Jazz Getaway in June and Chicago Jazz Getaway in September (which will probably come shortly ) so it may be an opportunity for your DH to treat you for 2021 

  15. if you have a chance view the documentary "Olympic Pride, American Prejudice " ..I suspect you are correct on how the Black Olympic team members were treated on board the SS Manhattan (especially on the return crossing ) but an entirely different story once the vessel docked in NYC


    Remember Max Schmeling had just defeated Joe Louis in their 1st match in June 1936 at Yankee Stadium (great PBS Frontline Documentary "The Fight" ) and had return to Berlin with a hero welcome from Hitler who was feeling rather full  about himself and his efforts to showcase his vision of Germany to the World and racial superiority ..to have the 18 American Black Athletes shattered that persona on the world platform only 2 months later was devastating ..in 1938 in the rematch Louis pounded Schmeling to the canvas in the 1st round put a ribbon & bow  on the smashing of the myth 


    the White Press build up Hitler snubbing the Black Athletes at the award ceremonies, but not a peep about FDR snubbing them by not inviting them to the White House celebration that same year ( that affronted was corrected by POTUS Obama in 2008 ) 


    to keep with the Cruising theme of this Board it demonstrated that up to the introduction of the Jet  Airplane that could cross the Atlantic, ocean liners were the primary form of transportation and I suspect that as long as one could afford the 1st Class Cabin Fare , the major Steam Ship companies that represented National Interest didn't care as long as the tab was paid in cash 


    in the early 70's (when i started cruising ) ocean liners were converted to more a vacation mode ( i.e. the SS France converted into NCL Norway ) in the United States and when the 3 class system of cruising was beginning to be replaced by Vessels  being built reflecting less class distinction that the marketing geo politics came into play 


    I'm thinking the SS Manhattan return sailing from the Summer Games was like a rock star Sports Theme Cruise but when the passage ended life went back to the Jim Crow Era 

  16. thank you so much for responding...I actually reached out to them this afternoon thru their website and hopefully since it is closed due to the Public Health crisis, someone will be monitoring their traffic ..I also reached out to Cruise Travel Magazine and contacted my Jazz Cruising friend that lives in Germany to do some research at his end 


    watching the documentary "Olympic Pride, American Prejudice" and reading books about Cyclist Major Taylor & Musician Cab Calloway & Black Jockeys have exposed me to a greater appreciation of how famous & well of African Americans were subject to Jim Crow Laws which restricted travel and lodging access within the United States especially below the Mason Dixon Line and yet encountered fewer obstacles when travelling transatlantic to Europe during the Post Reconstruction Jim Crow Era (1865-1939) 


    In Cab Caloway's case he and his big band actually chartered a luxurious private rail car to travel to engagements thru the deep South and would arrange to have the rail car parked in the rail yard to provide housing and meals to avoid Jim Crow restrictions 


    The White Mainstream Press (Film Media)  accompanying the 1936 Summer Olympic Team freely boasted of the victories of the 18 African American Athletes over the German Olympic Team with Hitler in attendance but was tone deaf silent when only the White team members were invited by FDR to the White House in 1936 for a celebration , a snub that was not corrected until 2008 by POTUS Obama


    Major Taylor booked 1st Class passage both ways in 1901 and according to written reports mingle freely and ate at the Captain's Table without incident ..the rules changed when he was disembarking at the Pier in NYC


    Sheltering in Place affords me the luxury of doing research ...will advise you if they respond 

  17. as part of my research for my Proposal I came across "Lagniappe" ( a gift or bonus i.e. pay for a dozen donuts and given an extra for being a good customer )


    in 1901 Cyclist Major Taylor sailed across the Atlantic on the German based SS Kaiser Wilhelm in a 1st Class Cabin and by all reports was treated well  like a rock star to begin his iconic international World Tour....in 1934 Cab Calloway's Band sailed on the SS Majestic to London to launch his 1st International Tour & in 1936 the iconic Summer Olympic Team sailed on the SS Manhattan to Berlin (including Jesse Owens and 17 African American Teammates including 2 Females ) complete with a large Media contingency 


    I'm wondering at the peak of Post Reconstruction Jim Crow Era politics practiced in America the response of their fellow passengers upon recognizing some of the most high profile African American Athletes and Musicians of their time ..sort of like today;s modern day Smooth Jazz Smooth Charters

  18. I am doing research on the above two transatlantic voyages that carried African American Cyclist Major Taylor to Paris and his 1st International Tour & the 1936 Summer Olympic Team to the Berlin Olympics which included 18 African American Olympic Team Members (including Jesse Owens ) & 1934 SS Majestic that Cab Calloway's Band sailed on for their 1st European Tour


    any assistance (photos, articles etc) you could offer to help my project would be greatly appreciated 

  19. I am doing research on the above two transatlantic voyages that carried African American Cyclist Major Taylor to Paris and his 1st International Tour & the 1936 Summer Olympic Team to the Berlin Olympics which included 18 African American Olympic Team Members (including Jesse Owens ) 


    any assistance (photos, articles etc) you could offer to help my project would be greatly appreciated 

  20. thanks for thinking of us in both respects.and keeping in Your Prayers ..would love to join you on one of the 2021 SJC sailings and will also be monitoring what Dave Koz folks are going to do since their June 2020 charters have been "rescheduled " 


    New Orleans Health Care System has never recovered from Katrina which has presented more challenges compounded by the fact that New Orleans is a service base economy so we are being hammered like a 1-2 knockout punch...the "good news: ( if one can call it that) is that upon taking office in 2016 our Democratic Gov signed on for the expansion of Medicade which means 450K or our most vulnerable citizens have access to a Health Care System ..my former neighbor is a Respitatory Therapist who is on the front lines of this Public Health Crisis , so if I'm lucky she will accept my invitation to join us next January ..she has never cruised nor been exposed to Smooth Jazz 


    French Quarter Festival, Jazz Fest & Essence Festival have been rescheduled for the Fall (maybe) ..all the weekend Food & Music Festivals have been cancelled thru the near future which is a huge blow to non profits who count on sales from booths for 90% of their yearly budgets ..Traditional New Orleans 2nd Lines have been banned 


    however the Spirit is upbeat based upon if we survived  Hurricanes Katrina  &Issac , FN 1 Tornadoes and the great 100 year Flood we can survive this 


    sheltering in place is made easier by listening to Smooth Jazz and reading and working on my project about America's 1st Black Professional Sports Heroes in the Post Reconstruction Jim Crow Era (1865-1930) and the difference in how they were ignored  by the mainstream media ..lagniappe there is a link to the music of Cab Calloway 



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