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Posts posted by teacherman

  1. Jan-Feb 2020:   HAL Zaandam Santiago to Buenos Aires with 5 days cruising Antarctica.  Three days in Santiago and a couple of days in BA at the end.  Also an amazing 3 days on our own to Iguazu Falls.  First I heard of Covid was at airport in BA coming home when they asked us if we had been in China during the previous 14 days.  I remember sitting in the Business Class Lounges in BA, Miami, and Charlotte with people from all over the world constantly coming in and out to get drinks and self serve food items.  Now the thought of that is a bit frightening.

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  2. I am somewhat confused (again).   Would people normally pay extra money to fly to St Marten or Nassau, or Greece, or where ever to take a cruise that may not offer all of the amenities they are used to and also requires some extra "jumping through hoops" in the MIDDLE OF THE SUMMER?  If not, then why do it this summer?  Cruising will probably return in the fall, and there are so many other beautiful and fun places to visit that do not require all of this extra stress. To each their own, but I just don't get it.  But if you are going, I hope it all works out well and you have a great time.

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  3. They don't know because they are ignorant.  By my use of the term ignorant, I mean that they IGNORE many sources of information.  They hear one source of information (social media, one news show, one opinion commentator, one politician, etc) and that is what they believe.  Sometimes, people will hear something and say "why didn't I know this"?  Possibly because you chose to IGNORE various information sources because it takes time to do some research and then evaluate what you have heard.  Many people like to simply give their opinion without backing it up with sources of information.


    And this has been MY opinion of why people choose to believe what they do about the development of these vaccines (and a lot of other things they believe).😇

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  4. WHEN THIS ALL BEGAN, we were told by the experts (people who know more than me) that this would probably take 12 to 18 months to get back to some type of "normal" IF we all did everything correctly to mitigate the spread.   And it would appear that we did not ALL do what we were advised to do.  So, 18 months is sometime around October and maybe it will happen then.   My cruise is scheduled for January and I expect it will happen.

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  5. When we got our first shot, we were asked/urged/but not required to register with the VSAFE CDC web site.  We did so and created an account.  Each day for about 2 weeks after the shot we received a text message asking us to report any side effects we may be having.  We do what is asked and it takes about 15 seconds.  This helps give the CDC the data on possible side effects that they report.  And when we log in to our account, it shows our names, birth date, what type of vaccine we received, where and when, etc.   Seems to me that is good "proof" if I ever have to show it.



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  6. And, to me,the final take-a-way was that the US government, who examined the ship and determined that Covid was spread through the air AND could be spread by asymptomatic people waited one month before issuing a mask order in the USA.  (over which we are still arguing).  A lot ofmistakes were made, and are probably still being made.

  7. We are in Michigan and got our 2nd shot last week.  We were told that our vaccinations are registered with the Michigan Dept of Health, and are also maybe forwarded to our personal physician.  There is talk of some type of vaccination "passport/registry" being offered for travel outside the country.  Some countries require proof of vaccination against things besides Covid, so it would probably be easier to have access to a passport-type thing instead of trying to get a different proof card, or something, every time you travel.  One difficulty I see with these summer cruises is that the departure countries, and the visited countries, may all have their own requirements for testing, so it will be interesting to see how it is all handled by the cruise lines.  As far as a "fake" card, I believe that there is a way to check which "lot" of vaccine you actually received and not just look at something written on a card.

  8. It is "cheaper" but if it is your first time in Copenhagen, and you have the time, there are some nice things to do and have a little time to get over the jet lag before beginning the cruise.  To me, the departure port, especially in Europe, is also part of the cruise and offers many things to do.  The last time we were there, we were able to enjoy some nice restaurants, touring the city, and even a Bon Jovi concert.  Just saying there are so many things to experience.  Either way, I hope you have a great trip.

  9. I don't understand how NCL can do this for a 2023 cruise since air schedules and prices usually come out only about 11 months early.  I have never used NCL air arrangements, but they seem a lot less "friendly" than other cruise lines' air programs.  But they do offer the "One Flies Free" perk sometimes.

  10. That's funny.   I thought it would give us an interesting insight from passenger's perspective of how a ship and several countries dealt with an unexpected medical situation.  It would not be the same today, but there could be a different type of situation in the future.  We should try to learn from past situations so we can, hopefully, be prepared for any future situation that could occur.  I also have had 2 family cruises cancelled and currently have an Africa cruise scheduled for next January.  I am NOT anti cruise.  It can be done safely if we figure it out.  If people want to go through pre-testing and mask wearing and limited activities on a ship, then that is their choice.   And HBO is not CNN or Fox.  They are an entertainment station with many different programs, some amazing and some average.  But don't just cut yourself off from possible sources of information simply because it might be slanted.  I don't agree with much of the opinions I hear on some cable "news" networks, but I watch some of their shows daily to get a different perspective on events.


    And I was on the Zaandam the cruise prior to their Covid situation.  I would not wanted to have been on that one.  Do you remember such ridiculous orders as to stay in your rooms, no one on a balcony, curtains closed as they went through the Panama Canal trying to get home?   Now that would make a good movie.

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  11. How long would it actually take to sue the FEDERAL government?  Where would the trial be held?  Will they select a jury?  Do you think the FEDERAL government is frightened of a potential law suit?  Isn't DeSantis presumed to be planning a run for President in 2024?  Exactly how welcoming was Florida to the Holland America ship Zaandam last spring when all of this began and that ship had to return all the way from South America because no country would allow them to land and debark their passengers?


    I suggest we all try to watch HBO on Tuesday night for their documentary "The Last Cruise", story of the Diamond Princess last spring.

  12. I do believe that cruise lines MIGHT be safer to only take vaccinated passengers.  Especially after what we saw on a couple of cruise ships when this first began.  Just the potential of having to deal with sick passengers is enough to make that decision a bit easier.  I also read comments on the boycott from people who said they are not going if they have to wear a mask and socially distance.  Just like old times, "it's my vacation and I will do what I want to do".

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  13. I live in Michigan.  If I could enjoy eating at outdoor restaurants year-round and out on my boat year-round and playing golf year-round, then I would never have to go to Florida in the winter.  I went for a week in December and did not feel as comfortable concerning Covid restrictions.  In large stores, like Publix, people were all wearing masks.  In restaurants, it seemed about half were wearing masks, and not even all of the wait staff.  In a small convenience store, I was the only one. Just MY personal observation.  When I see other people wearing a mask, to me it is a little reminder that things are not really "normal", which I think is what this thread is about.


    When this all started, about 12 months ago, we were told it would probably take 12-18 months to return to "normal".  It is now 12 months.  From the beginning, I thought "normal" activities might begin in the fall.   We are kind of on schedule for that.   I hope.


    We were also told that "if we did everything correctly, we could still lose about 240,000 people.  I guess we have not all done things correctly.   Sad.

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  14. Do the cruise lines really want to sail with half capacity?  I know that Celebrity and RCCL are going to try it, but what if people don't want to go under these conditions?  Having to fly to St Martin and fulfill their testing requirements before even getting to the ship, and then having to test again before flying home are not all that inviting.  And maybe get a "false positive" at either end of the whole thing which complicates your trip and all of those traveling with you.


    This is like when you get to visit a place and it is absolutely wonderful.  You go back and it is enjoyable.  You go again and it is okay.  Then you go and you wonder why you did it because it is not at all the way you remembered it to be.   Although a cruise with no children might be more enjoyable.


    We all want to cruise again like IT USED TO BE.  Maybe that will never happen.  Who knows?  Certainly not me.🤔🤔🤔🤔😷😷😷😷

  15. We were on the same cruise as ColonyGirl and really enjoyed it.  Antarctica is unlike any place I have ever seen.  The "experience" was enough for us, as we were able to "walk with penguins"in the Falkland Islands.  We also enjoyed all of the other port stops and had some fun-filled private tours.  We chose a longer cruise that included visiting Antarctica.  Other people just want to visit Antarctica.  To each their own.


    Either way, I would advise a side trip, on your own, to Iguazu Falls, a very beautiful place.

  16. Agree with above information.  If you have a "locator code" for the airline, you can probably go onto their web site and do a seat selection, if that is available under your class of seat booking. And, if you do get a seat selection, with everything going on in the world, I would advise you to go on the web site and confirm everything once every few weeks.  AA may change the aircraft they will be using and simply reassign everyone to new seats.

  17. We have booked 1 way business class several times with RCCL, Celebrity, and HAL.  We were given a choice of airlines and flight times.  We always either arrive a few days early or stay a few days after the cruise so that we can enjoy the European area we are either sailing to or from.  The only difference, as I recall, is that some cruise lines require you to pay for the air as soon as you select it, and some allow you to pay for it with the final cruise payment.  Of course, this was all pre-Covid.   

  18. We are scheduled on Jade next January out of Cape Town, South Africa.  Hope that we are able to sail on that, but if things do not look "promising" by final payment in September, I will probably cancel and then just wait to do a land trip in South Africa.  Too many "unknowns" to invest all of that money on a cruise AND the airfare.

  19. Current airfare rt from Detroit to Nassau ($430) and St Marten($700)   Not for me. If people actually start to book these cruises,  the airfare will most likely rise.   I just wonder what percentage of cruisers on each US port embarkation normally drive from their home to the ship.  We always have to fly, or drive a very long distance.  

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  20. Why do so many people get upset with the CDC?  Their job is to do everything they can to keep disease from spreading.  There job is not to open the economy or the schools or start cruise ships sailing again.  They are simply doing their job.  It is the politicians who have to make the other decisions, and they can't win no matter what they do.  We were originally told 12 to 18 months.  It has now been 12.  Maybe 6 more to go.  With vaccines, maybe less.  But then 30% say they won't take the vaccine.  So, who knows when it will end?  I certainly don't.  

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