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Posts posted by MrsWaldo

  1. It's actually in place in a lot of ports around the world and why so many cruise lines have an embarkation time of 2pm or later… but pax being what they are they want to get on board and get their $$


    the load placed on Immi is huge and the issues related to rorting rules etc has led to officials taking a tougher line (after all who wants to listen to pax whinge that immi is too slow when they have already been processed once and think priority should be given because check in has already taken place) and now trying to get things aboard the cruise line has said no to.


    Big ships have graded boarding times for a reason…

  2. I think my record is 57 items…. you need to look at past posts It does include a lot of long pants, shirts and dresses… the knickers go in the cracks ;)



    >>My record in the bag is 57 items . That included 6 pairs of pants/jeans, 6 polo shirts and 5 dresses, plus a multitude of t shirts and several pairs of shorts etc


    Roll pants and jeans etc, place everything in layers them stuff the smalls in the spaces......bras lay on the top nested into one another


    ( we have 3 of us for the laundry bag)


    It's way better than experiencing laundry wars!!!!


    Jumping up and down because now we are silver <<<

  3. I don't think you are being precious BUT


    1. it may well be everyone wants their suite serviced at the same time (what time are you going to breakfast) We always found if we were at breaky by 7.30 the suite has been done by our return. If we left at 8.30…??


    Have you discussed with your housekeeper how the schedule looks… maybe everyone wants it done at the same time



    For me anything after 12 would be an issue… and 1.00pm is nana nap


    Overall if it is a port day i am more flexible…but a sea day surely by lunch time

  4. Not a Marina Bay Fan…. we will do the Gardens by the Bay this time around as it is quite a while since the little Waldos have been. to sing




    I had a FS couples floor last March and really loved it. Love the adult only pool area.


    I have to decide whether to do 2 rooms or a big suite with 3 of us..


    I stayed at the Fullerton in about 04… and yes the room was compact (in those days we had 2 rooms)


    too much choice…

    Someone suggested the new park royal

  5. Cossie… the further south you go the more likely it is to be corrupted


    the further north you go the same


    Swimmers/Bathers is a north shore thing, togs when you head south…



    DONT dare shorten a child's name today…. unless the parent already has… Benjamin is Benjamin, Lucas is Lucas, Jack will be Jack,


    Robert's these day are more often Rob

    James are rarely Jims… more often J or Jamie

    Blueys are rangas


    Suburbs get shortened depending on the dominate vowel


    Sutherland is Sutho

    Cronulla is Nulla

    Mortdale is Morty

    Newtown can be Newo

    Helensburgh would down the burg

    Wollongong is the Gong



    Even within Sydney the slang changes by area

  6. Cossies in NSW….


    (i remember asking for cossies in Vic once… the girl looked at me blankly until I said costume…. then directed me to the fancy dress shop 3 doors down)


    My dad calls a pie a mystery bag


    The biggest issues are parts of a car and tools…


    arvo is one that always baffles.. as in Th sarvo I'll pick you up


    purse and wallet are also confusing….


    lets not even mention the fanny pack

  7. Thanks,


    Yes i am considering the overnight to Bagan.


    We've been to Sing about 20x. Its our normal stopover enroute to Europe.


    My best friend actually lives there and has for the past 15 years.


    I've booked the Valley Wing for the Dec stay. Mostly because we've stayed there a few times so they know us although we may end if staying with my friend if we decide to have a small party the night before.


    i'm umming between the Fullarton, The Four Seasons (close to Orchard Road so i can do some shoe shopping in the sales) and the Intercontinental coming home.

  8. I'm glad you said that :)


    The rooms are quite small and it is not necessarily convenient any more as SB has been relegated to the White Bay terminal which is akin to Siberia. You'll need a taxi and patience to get there. (unless you booked through SB) try to upgrade to a corner suite.


    If you booked independently you may want to look at the Langham which has just had an excellent refurb but is not as well located as FS.


    Shangri La is much nicer than FS IMHO (have stayed in both more than once and recently) however it is up a reasonable hill.


    Of course if you have no concerns spending $$ the best choice is the Hyatt

  9. Yes you are :) We embark in Sing. Where are you staying pre cruise?


    The two days I refer to are pre Singapore on the 3534, so i think they won't use it to add too many provisions and we have a big stock up in Singapore.


    I booked it late January, hence not responding to the other thread.

  10. Herman The Cat has made some excellent suggestions. When doing the Norway/Arctic Circle cruise on the Silver Cloud, my wife's birthday was on the day of departure. Our solution? We did the birthday dinner a few days after the actual date of her birth. That allowed for arranging with the dining room manager, Jorge, and the Executive Chef for a special five-course dinner for my wife and friends that was super special. Worked very well!! It was an awesome dinner, total fun, etc. My wife will never forget that evening.


    THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in OhioQUOTE]


    Thanks all, A few days after is Christmas :( We are having her party a few weeks early so it really needs to be something to mark the day. She always get a dud!


    Rachel, We've filled in all the boxes and SS knows. I just wasn't sure how Le Champagne would be on embarkation night. The ship will need to reprovision as it has comes out of Ho Chi Min and then has a sea day before Sing. I'm guessing they will do a fairly significant loading and that much won't be available until night 2. Am I on the ball? Sailaway is 5 and I know its not the most scenic of places so I'm guessing there won't be too much reason to linger on the deck… (unlike Stockholm or London)


    Herman I suspect that our first formal night may be Christmas?? (anyone with any ideas on that)

  11. On embarkation day it will be my daughter's significant number birthday.


    I am having trouble deciding what I should do for that night.


    La Terrazza? (I'm guessing we can cancel if she changes her mind) or The Restaurant

  12. Ok so here I am open to slaughter….


    We did our first " better cruise " in 06 with SS on the cloud. We enjoyed it and booked again in 08 (cruise cancelled)


    Time marched on and the little waldos and i were looking at Russia, due to university schedules SS didn't work but SB did… and with identical schedules just 3 days later we went on SB. I was happy but not "wowed"


    Whilst onboard we had the chance to do an inaugural season trip to antarctica (Explorer is too small for me and having the PA cruise canned…)


    This was the best cruise I have ever taken….tried to book things whilst onboard but dates didn't work and I won't compromise to get less than what i want for my $


    So time moved on and I wanted a Xmas cruise… SB once again had no suites anywhere I wanted them on the ship and the itinerary really was passé


    SS had something better on offer so I have gone with them….


    I hope I have made the right decision… SBs booking no penalty cancellation is losing them clientele



    I just hope ss lives up to 06

  13. Whitsunday Island is for Whitehaven beach. Possibly your only excursion option will be with the ship unless they can zodiac?


    Hamilton island is a resort island. It is a monopoly owned by the Oatley Family for the most part. Most operators will also align with the cruise ship. Options on the island are limited unless you want to play golf or lay by the beach. There is an animal park as well.


    Sorry, no idea on thursday.

  14. LOL Jeff


    In the house of Waldo there are 2 descriptors for a meal


    a) is fine. that means it was pretty darn good but has room to grow


    b) is beyond any words…. this happens maybe 2 or 3 times a year… (and this is the motivation to which you refer) 90% of the time this is when there was no recipe and I was playing and tasting and sniffing and have no idea how much of anything went in. Miss W always sighs when I say add a sploosh, or a glop..



    There's always a c) but not all that often if we can avoid it…


    and that's the oh dear….


    There's nothing close to the home made pasta available here…



    ice cream OTOH…. we have a local place that churns daily based on fresh fruits etc…. italian family. i can't beat them :( although Mr W came close with his amaretto ice cream.

  15. Jeff,


    Kudos to you and the other loving men :)


    I would have felt deprived if Mr W had cooked more than one night a week. Cooking for several hours has always been my switch off. Possibly the same enjoyment you get…


    I do agree that all men should be adept. Waldo JR has a good repertoire including an amazing slow cooked lamb shanks and an awesome strudel.


    This is a tip from Saffire for pasta….


    100gm durum flour, 1 60gm egg, high speed in the blitzer one minute, (still be a bit crumbly) rest 20 mins in the fridge in plastic wrap


    Use the pasta roller to combine the final bit…. 4 x through the first stage turning 90 degrees each time :)


    Gnocchi/spaetzle i use a 1:1 mix of flour and old potato…then add a small amount of egg to consistency :)


    and yes… cheats are always a good thing..

  16. I'm with you Globaliser…..


    some of it is just plain fairyland… and some of it is scarily wrong…. when did they change our voltage?


    any Saturday night the rates for a room are horrendous…. this is irrespective of the time of year.


    Plus we have so many other events on that during winter (which is actually also a very busy time as it is the vacation time for the Northern hemisphere and hotels know this) that rates are rarely a good find.


    You can guarantee airfares domestically will be horrendous doing the first few weeks of July and also September.

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