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Posts posted by MrsWaldo

  1. Singles on a cruise ship are slightly narrower than the standard single.. otherwise known as a small single…


    The difference in the terminology…


    2 small singles actually equal a UK King or an Asian King (which is known as a Queen in many places)


    2 Standard Singles equal a UK superking (which is known as a King in most places)


    (Never buy King Sized sheets in Singapore)

  2. I've used the shuttle. It's fine for getting around the island.


    If you are there to see Singapore other than Sentosa then probably not the best choice IMHO…


    the expats use Sentosa as a weekend getaway location :)

  3. LOL… I could say something totally not PC




    I may have missed this earlier in the thread but which hotel are you in?? Looking for a post "Holiday Cruise" next year. I've booked the Shang Valley pre but I want a change. I am considering the the Four Seasons and stayed there last year, but I'm always shopping for a new place to try. I love to walk around and despite the heat (maybe our humidity here helps) find it a good option for anywhere we go.


    You are right there's actually a lot in Singapore that is hiding from the general tourist. We have expat friends there (for 15 years) and it never ceases to amaze what is can be found in different places, especially food in the "suburban" areas and not just the Hawker stalls. It took them a while to find the hidden gems because the majority of the population is so transient.

  4. Do you mean the Limo Bus?


    If so I've used the bus to YCAT a number of times.We are collected by a friend though. I like the bus if coming from the Airport as you see a lot by the side of the road.


    Buses to the hotels at Minato are less frequent which is why we've had to use YCAT. i think they are mostly served in the late afternoon but there is a 7.30am service.


    It's efficient and departs regularly. You would then need to take a taxi to the port or change to Minato Mirai


    Just a note about taxi's. They do not have large luggage capacities so if you have 2 bags you may struggle if you cannot find a larger taxi (few and far between)


    We've also used the train from the airport to Yokohama and changed to Minato Mirai (on a weekend). No hassles.

  5. Oh and we were on Sojourn..


    Lincslady you actually participated in the thread where I discussed what happened with our upgrade…. and were very vocal about people getting better suites on GTY….


    Please see my suite post re Holiday cruise as well.. You will note I declined the booking because I couldn't get a suite I wanted. And FWIW the non split on the OW actually made me less inclined to book that level as I may have done, for Antarctica I was more concerned about swell (justified) but for other cruises with the 3 of us an OW would have been ideal.

  6. And I have the impression that one at least of the Owner's suites cannot be a twin, which is not on the web plan of the ship?



    Yep and if it had been Master W and I total disaster,,,, I am not ready to share a bed with my adult son (and the number of rollaways are limited)

  7. "I'm 18, can I have a beer?"


    In fairness on our first cruise…. Miss W was unaware of the 21 rule until we went to lunch (it's 18 here)… she was given a champagne on arrival…. so had no idea until Master W was knocked back/asked for ID (he was 22)… as she looks older they automatically asked her which wine she would like (she actually had water)… the stewardess came to the suite with 3 champagnes…. We were also in Europe where the age is 18


    It was only at dinner on the first evening she was refused service when she asked for a drink and they had ascertained who was who based on the photos kept behind the bar….


    She would never have prefaced her request with i am 18….. (there are ways and means around being u21 as long as you behave)

  8. I wasn't being ungrateful….


    It's just that it will make zero difference now…


    If i get caught out again I shall ask you… but by the time I go to make another booking it could all have changed :)

  9. It's all good….


    it wont change my decision now..


    I know that the travel agents only have access to a certain number of suites, SB has access to them all. What doesn't sell at the end of the day SB hand over to the agents.


    It's odd that CC and Trip having the same corporate owners would allow a most useful feature on one site but not the other.


    I think they learned that the PM feature was hard to monitor… lots of behind the door selling of goods…


    and lots of discussion about posters…. ganging up and bullying to delete posts etc

  11. Thanks One and all.


    I have actually "jumped ship"


    I went with a SS cruise to Myanmar which is more appealing for the destinations on the cruise (places we've not been), able to get a amidship suite, it also go out and back to the same port which saved me a lot of $$ in flights.


    I am resigned that SS may not be as good but either cruise involved compromises and having a suite that is more central and ports we've not been too was the kicker.


    I'm pretty sure that suites on Sojourn will open up when it comes time for people to pay up front but it's not a risk I am willing to take at that time of year when flights are horrendously expensive out of Sydney




    I accepted your friend thing. Not sure how it works. For various reasons I' rather not put my email on here. I had a lot of issues last time (and yes it was an account set up just for this type of thing..


    I wish CC had the pm function like Trip...

  12. NOT TLC,




    we used the Arlanda Express train which is very efficient and we used a taxi from the central station. (reverse trip)



    Gamla Stan allows vehicles through early in the morning so in that regard you are fine. You could do a taxi to the Station then train.

    I was warned not to take a taxi during the peak hour as prices are inflated as you need to get across the city and the metre keeps running.


    Finally, if you like haute Nordic cuisine, you might want to see if you can get a reservation at Geranium, which is one of the best restaurants in CPH. But you have to be prepared for a very long dinner and many courses. They also serve lunch if it fits with your schedule.


    We had an excellent meal at Geranium. Book as soon as the dates open though as it is very hard to get into.


    I'll also second the comments about Nimb. The concert for us was a key attraction but had it just been me then I don't think i would have been keen. They also start cleaning the park about 6am… D'Angleterre wasn't taking bookings when we were planning and I wasn't willing to risk not getting Nimb.



    Terry, the rooms at the Grand are quite luxe. We had 2 different room styles. Master W room was a very bottom end basic and it was a good size and light and airy, done in "european castle style" furnishings. I agree the lobby is not good and I found it quite "feral" when all the debarking passengers arrived at 9am and were angry because their rooms weren't ready.


    Miss W and I had a room 2 steps up from that. It was decorated the same way and had a sunny aspect overlooking a cobbled area on the back?? of the hotel. It was very large and had a separate bath and shower and the toilet was also in a different room. It had a small lobby entry.


    We stayed in Gamla Stan in 06 before we embarked on the Cloud. It was a good area but very noisy on the Saturday night due to the "hidden" bars in the basements etc of some places and people spilling out at around 3am. Cloud was docked just down the road so it was very convenient for us.


    The thing I have noticed for both Stockholm and CPH is that often SS and SB are in town in very close time frames so it can be hard to secure a booking at the smaller/ more upmarket hotels.

  14. Thanks,


    I did read the other threads and it sound like the right fit. it's the ports that work plus the big day is a sea day.


    Does anyone have any particular side for this cruise or no matter.


    "odds or evens?"

  15. Lovely thread Mrs Waldo. I can only speak from my experience on the Wind here but on the odd and rare occasion that I've stayed up into the wee small hours l have always found company...ironically on the pool deck on my last two voyages!

    No live music, but a steward was on hand to serve drinks and it was so lovely to have a quiet ship and listen to the ocean whilst chatting to the few other night owl guests.


    Sophia :)


    Thanks!!! exactly what I needed to know :)

  16. So I am considering the 21 dec cruise out of Singapore


    We last did SS in 06 (cloud) and it was OK


    Did a cruse with SB (baltic Russia Sojourn) in 13 and then did Antarctica which we all loved in 14


    Got screwed over by SS when they first launched Prince Albert and said they were doing tahiti so not positive there


    3 adults,,,, 1 in her 50s with the 2 just 20s who enjoy fine travel and educational experience (11 and 14 first ss cruise)


    What are your experiences of a holiday cruise in non US ports? Too many under 10s? Too many over 70s?


    Food? Service?? The Shadow itself?


    I do expect the rara group plus the seabournite No way group..


    I'm looking for arrange of people to say how they felt

  17. So if i wanted to party/ listen to a bit of music/ chat until maybe 2 or 3am is there anywhere on Shadow I may be able to do this… drink supply not necessary… BYO from the suite

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