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Everything posted by NextOne

  1. Kudos to Captain O'Driscoll in sneaking the NS past the Behemouth of the Seas!!
  2. To go along with today's theme - many years ago, DH & I bought plots in at a local cemetery. Fast forward to just a few years ago, when we decided that we both wanted our ashes interred in the columbarium at our church, surrounded by our friends and church family. When we sold the plots, we were floored by the amount we received, including interest on the money we had paid long ago....put the money towards our Tahiti cruise!😁 DS & I went to do early voting this evening - no line, yay! Afterwards, we celebrated by going to a yummy Salvadorian restaurant for dinner. Also bought some Powerball tickets -- gotta play to dream!
  3. Hanging out with Juliette Gordon Low at her home in Savannah.
  4. Are the 5pm departure times confirmed for both ships? Just asking because the NS left yesterday at 3pm. Thank you!
  5. Happy Reformation Day, Dailyites! This is always a big celebration at our church and normally I would have been at church for most of the day. As luck would have it, I picked up some sort of upper respiratory infection towards the end of the Nieuw Statendam cruise (not covid!!), and the doctor has me on some heavy duty meds. Not fit to go out into society yet, but at least I was able to livestream the service this morning. I volunteered to help next Saturday with the church's Craft Fair, so I need to be healthy by then -- all the other volunteer gigs are cancelled for this week. Not a fan of candy corn or tilapia, and never went out on Mischief Night -- not a big thing in this part of Maryland. I bought a pumpkin that I need to get carved before tomorrow night and got to the store (masked) to get the necessary candy. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so don't know how many trick-or-treaters we'll get. Prayers raised for all who need them, and congratulations to all who are celebrating!
  6. Bon Voyage Jacqui! Enjoy the trip and I look forward to reading your reports. I hope some time in the future we'll finally be on the same BHB!
  7. Off the NS after a wonderful cruise. As Debbie said, disembarkation was a breeze and we were able to get a taxi right away. THAT'S where the efficiency ended -- Budget Rental at the airport has not improved since last year. Lots of customers & only 2 agents. It's going to take a while!! So while we wait I'll pretend I'm back on the ship. It was SO nice to meet the other Daily-ites and all of the other CCers! The turnout for the M&G was terrific - thanks to everyone that participated! Edi
  8. It's late in the day but... Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit!
  9. Up very early this morning to watch Queen Elizabeth's funeral. I wanted to make sure I was early enough to see the procession from Westminster Hall to the Abbey. The service was sad, but beautiful. My condolences to all who mourn her. Now I'm watching the procession to Windsor Castle. The bagpipes are haunting. Graham @grapau27 , do I remember correctly that you and Pauline attended one of the Queen's tea parties at Buckingham Palace? What a nice memory to have!
  10. One more 9-11 memory. I was working in Washington, DC in a building close to the State Department. We had just started a meeting when someone dashed into the room and told us all to evacuate the building. Rumors abounded that car bombs were all over the city and the State Dept. was a prime target. When we were allowed to re-enter the building, there were tv sets going so we could see what was happening. The plane had already hit the Pentagon. From our rooftop cafeteria, we could see the smoke rising from the Pentagon for several days. I have a good friend who was on her way to her job at the Pentagon, but got delayed on the Metro. That saved her life because her office was in the area where the plane hit. Many of her coworkers were lost. We'll never forget.
  11. I plan to watch. I have always had great respect for her dedication to her country, her faith, and her family. And she & my sister share the same birthday, April 21 - gotta love her!
  12. Thank you for sharing your adventures once again! i'm looking forward to your excellent reports.
  13. The test kits that our library hands out are also expired, but they have a sign on the table that the CDC has extended the expiration dates by 6 months. Even so, I'm not sure an online testing company would allow one with an expired date..... Guess I'll have to buy some. Sigh!
  14. Has anyone been to a Cellar Master's dinner lately? My late DH & I enjoyed them before covid changed the world. I got an email from HAL the other day offering a "Cellar Master package" that included wine tastings, special bottles of wine, and 1-2 special dinners. Is it possible to sign up for just the CM dinner when we get on board? That's the way it USED to work. Thanks!
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