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Everything posted by NextOne

  1. You had me at rouladen!! That's been my family's special treat for as long as I remember. Last year I taught my DS how to make it, so the tradition survives! Thanks for the smile!
  2. Rabbit, Rabbit, white Rabbit -- or since it's so late in the day, does that make it a Gray Rabbit? - lol! I had a series of very busy days, but I hope to catch up tomorrow. Best wishes for a good month to all!
  3. I'm pleased to say I got some good news yesterday: "Edi, fortunately at this point time we do not need any procedures." I also thought this note was interesting! Apparently, communication isn't great between the departments! "I am disappointed that you are not contacted by the surgical team at the **** Hospital I will forward a message to Dr. B*** who is an excellent structural heart specialist at ***** Hospital. I am sure he will contact you within the next few days." I'm just happy that this doesn't threaten my July cruise & I was right to be concerned that no one had contacted me! @marshhawk Annie - I'm sorry to hear the news about Irving. You are a good pet parent! @kazu Jacqui - good luck tomorrow with the elbow surgery.The new dog toys are adorable! Prayers raised all that need them, and cheers for those celebrating! I, too, was sadden by the news about Harry Belafonte. He was such a remarkable man.
  4. My mother was born in 1914. While all my friends' mothers guilted them with the "starving children in China", she reminded us of the starving Armenians, even though this was in the 1950s. She never explained. It wasn't until the late 1990s when I finally learned the history. @kazu Jacqui and the rest of the Garden Club, these are for you. My iris have popped in the last day or so.
  5. I celebrated Earth Day this morning by working out in the garden, before the storms rolled in. We had some t-storms and heavy rain during the afternoon, but it seems to be winding down now. I grew up with the Girl Scouts -- my Mom was a leader for my two older sisters' troops. I got to go on all the camping trips and excursions with the older girls. When it was my turn, she handed me off to another leader and retired. Hmmmmmm... Easter is the only time I have jelly beans -- purple is my favorite. Enjoy the weekend, everyone!
  6. So far, this has been an interesting week. After church on Sunday, I decided to wash some clothes. Everything into the washer, including detergent, and turned it on. Nothing - not a whisper! I thought the Dailyite appliance curse had finally arrived! Made a fast trip to BestBuy, purchased a Whirlpool & made all the arrangements for delivery tomorrow. Got home & something made me go to the garage and check the circuit panel. Yup, it was a thrown switch! Okay, this is when DH would certainly have come in handy - he would have known to do that first! Luckily I was able to cancel the order without any problem. So, now to figure out what tripped the switch. DS & I installed a window AC unit the week before - that's the only thing different. Now, why an outlet on the second floor and one in the basement are on the same circuit is beyond me! Yesterday, the electrician came checked things out and determined a new outlet on its own switch should be installed for the AC unit. That happens on Friday, when we're supposed to have record heat - hope it doesn't take too long! In between all this, I had the pleasure of taking some friends visiting from Alabama to see George Washington's Mount Vernon - their first visit. It was beautiful, and they said it was the highlight of their trip to DC! Besides the mansion, the museum there is wonderful. Highly recommend it if you ever visit here. Tomorrow is the first ever reunion of retirees from the federal agency where I used to work. Supposedly around 90 people will attend. I hope there's someone I know! As I said, it's been quite the week! Edi
  7. We have tix for "Hadestown" in Baltimore this afternoon, so I doubt that I'll get to see sailaway. Pictures of our dear Dailyites would be appreciated! Bon Voyage!!
  8. Another beautiful sunny day, with a slight wind. Despite all the "big winds" we had during the past several months, the garden is coming in nicely. Here's a shot of the bleeding heart for the Garden Club!
  9. Okay, I stalled dinner as long as could. Thanks Leanne & fellow addicts. See you next time!
  10. Is that fog or rain? With all the buffering, I can't really tell. OK - never mind. I rebooted, and now it seems (reasonably) clear & windy!
  11. Checking in, but don't know if I'll be able to stick around until sailaway. I'll try!
  12. Will this be another rainy sailaway? The sky looks threatening!
  13. I don't remember confetti, but there were lots of streamers on our first cruise in 1983 on the old Veendam - RT NYC to Bermuda. My BFF was able to come onboard for lunch before we sailed. Lots of fun, and a nice memory!
  14. It's been a long & lovely day. My church choir sang in two services today, so the alarm was set for 6am. Ugh! Made it to church by 7:30. Finished up around 11. Came home, took a nap, then helped DS install a window AC unit in his bedroom. It was beastly hot in there last week during our brief heat wave. DS & I went out for Easter dinner and I was thrilled to see leg of lamb on the menu. Yes please! And strawberry rhubarb crisp ala mode for dessert. It's been a VERY good day!
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