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    formerly from St. Louis but now Georgia
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    travel, reading, cross stitching
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    Seabourn, Princess, Holland America, Disney
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    Norway and Antarctica

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  1. Thank you Terry @smitty34877, Graham @grapau27, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Melanie @puppycanducruise, Gerry @ger_77, Joy @Seasick Sailor and Elizabeth @Haljo1935 for the happy birthday wishes for Morgan. She will love knowing everyone here wishes her well.🤗 Bruce @aliaschief I'm sending that Hobby Lobby meme to DD. Good thing my DSIL doesn't have to wait outside for her, she drives herself!
  2. Good morning friends! We are having another day of 70F at dawn, followed by a high temp of 87 and cloudy. Only change is it’s not supposed to rain. Thank goodness! We’ve had enough this week. Yesterday’s rain gauge reading was 8/10ths of an inch. As soon as the gauge was emptied at 5 pm it started raining heavily again. We could use some time to dry out a bit. The humidity is so high I can’t get outside to do some trimming, weeding and cleaning up around the outside of the house. Thank you Rich @richwmn for today’s Fleet Report and Daily as well as the location maps. Armed Forces Unification Day sounds like a good way to honor all our forces at one time. Having just recognized cousins, today we can honor our aunts and uncles. We have very few left and they are both in their late 90’s. I guess bagels deserve a day of their own. I’m not connecting with the quote of the day. No thanks to the menu suggestion or cocktail but yes, I’d try the Sauvignon Blanc. Thank you F&B ladies, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports. Prayers for our Care list people including their ailing relatives. Tana, Chuck @catmando and Annie @marshhawk, Jacqui @kazu, Joy’s @Seasick SailorDS Bonnie, Nancy’s @ottahand7 DB, Roy @rafinmd, Terri @Cruzin Terri, Ann @Vict0riann and Elizabeth @Haljo1935 to name a few. Also for my DB with IPF and twin sister awaiting shoulder replacement surgery, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the remaining hostages, and our men and women in uniform overseas. As for the celebration of special events let me start with happy birthday wishes to DGD Morgan who turns 22 today. Congrats to her and all here celebrating and cruising. Thank you once again Vanessa @JazzyV! The port today is Tunis, La Goulette, Tunisia. It’s been quite popular here having seen it four times before. Oct. 25, 2021, July 11, 2022, May 16, 2023 and Jan.7, 2024. I haven’t been there yet but do have it on an upcoming itinerary. Maybe I should go back and read up on it and check out some photos posted previously. Here are the links for your convenience in retrieving your photos. Hoping everyone enjoys this final Friday in July. Stay safe and keep well!
  3. We took a tour through HAL to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo, lunch at the Le Meridien Hotel, the Giza pyramids, the Great Sphinx of Giza, and a shopping stop. We did not go into the pyramid. Do they say they take you inside on the tour description? We did get close enough to touch the pyramids though.
  4. Gerry, I think your description of a mammogram is pretty darn accurate! It's done for this year and hopefully the results are good. Enjoy having your DS visit! Terry, I'm sorry last night was so difficult and you got no sleep. I hope Tana and you both have a much better night tonight. Takeout sounds perfect! Yum, that pasta dish looks delicious! Everything went well at the mammogram but yes, it was a bit painful. The price we pay. I have to agree about the little angels, Declan and Clement. Just adorable! 👼
  5. Pauline is right on both counts! Will be glad when that is over for this year. Debbie @dfish I'm sorry to hear about the fire across the street from you. It's a terrible tragedy and a big disruption for the neighborhood. Nearly 10 years ago a house a few doors down from us went up in flames due to an electrical problem. The fire department was here all night with many trucks at the scene. The neighborhood smelled like smoke for days, and the house actually smoldered and began small fires later that day. Fire crew had to come back. People from all over were driving up and down our street for weeks looking at the shell of the house. The house was totaled and it took about a year for them to get back into the rebuilt house. I hope it won't take that long for your neighbor's house.
  6. Jacqui could you please remove us from the Nov. 9, 2024 42 day Volendam Ultimate Mediterranean and Atlantic Passage? And then please add us to the Jan. 4, 2025 Volendam 21 day Ultimate Caribbean cruise. And also add us to the June 8, 2025 28 day Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice cruise on Westerdam. Thank you so much!
  7. Good morning friends! The weather is like a broken record here. Temp this morning is 72 with a high of 87 expected, cloudy skies and chances of rain this afternoon. It’s been raining a lot. DH measures the previous 24 hours rain at 5 pm every day. Yesterday at 5 there was about 1.1 inches. After he emptied the rain gauge it began raining heavily again! This morning we’ll be driving to my mammo appointment and run any other errands necessary. Tomorrow will be our heavy grocery shopping trip. We picked up the few necessities we needed Sunday on the way home from dropping off the rental car. Fridays are 4X fuel points day at Kroger, and we let DS, DDIL and Ren use our points to fill up their cars. We use so little gas, it just makes sense. Thank you Rich @richwmn for today’s Fleet Report and Daily as well as the location maps. Two great veterans appreciation days and I would hope all veterans would have a job waiting for them when they finish their service to our country. I have a pair of red kitten heels but they aren’t worn very often lately. It’s also Christmas in July and National Hot Fudge Sundae Day! Yippee! Today’s quote is another amusing comment by the late Joan Rivers. The recipe should be interesting today. No idea if I’d like a Baileys Colada. Not sure about the wine either. A big day for women in space and for transportation advancement. Thanks Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your reports each day. Prayers for DB, twin sister, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the few hostages still left and probably losing faith, and our men and women in uniform overseas. Many prayers for our Care list people here. We pray for your good health, excellent medical procedure results, and reduction in pain for all. Sending prayers of gratitude that Declan and Clement arrived safely and in perfect health. They are miracles! Congrats to all celebrating special events and enjoying wonderful cruises! Thanks go to Vanessa @JazzyV for her hard work paying attention to all our comments and updating her lists each day. What a champ! The port of the day is Celukan Bawang, Bali, Indonesia. This was the port before on Sept. 3, 2023 so I’ll post that link. I haven’t been to that port before, only Benoa, Bali. Thanks for your photos today! Hope we all have a great day, negative mammogram results, and please try to stay safe and keep well!
  8. Vanessa @JazzyV you reminded me to text Ren and see how he's doing this week. I think he's taking it pretty easy and sleeping the proper way and all. I have a photo taken today of Clement and Declan snuggling on Mama. They've had lots of tests today and all seems to be just fine. We're very thankful for that! DD says won't it be fun to watch them grow up and see how identical they really are? I agree! Big sister Elliott Rose met them this morning too. She will be 2 in October. These new parents sure have their hands full now, but are beyond excited and grateful they were given these blessings.
  9. Excellent progression in your PSA numbers. I hope you start feeling less neck pain very quickly. Hugs to you as you deal with all the details in your and Chuck's life now. 🤗
  10. Graham @grapau27 happy birthday to your cousin Yvonne today. Do you get to see her often? The twins were born yesterday on what would have been my DD DMIL's 98th birthday. Lisa thought that was a nice outcome. Lisa and her sister used to go visit her at the nursing facility once in a while, which we really appreciated since they weren't even blood relatives. My DD DS Nancy brought those girls up right! Charlene @cunnorl I hope you have a good day in Corner Brook. Did you bring nets to wear over your hats? If not use some insect repellant in Red Bay. Maybe it isn't even biting fly season yet. Enjoy your time in Red Bay and watch out for that frisky whale!
  11. Nancy @ottahand7 I'm sorry I forgot to mention your DB with his knee problems. Joint replacements are common in my family and I hope I don't have to go through it. Dad had a hip replacement, DB has had knee replacements, twin sis has had both knee replaced and is getting a shoulder replacement Aug. 16. My DD DS Nancy had knee replacement too. Your brother has certainly had the worst experience I've heard of yet. I hope something can be done to help him and send my prayers to him. The pain must be awful!🙏
  12. We were in Red Bay on Aug. 26, 2018 on the Seabourn Quest on our Iceland/Greenland/Canada cruise. What a fabulous itinerary! I would do that again and have done similar on HAL. Just not to the extent Seabourn does it. Red Bay was the buggiest place I'd ever visited. Even with bug spray on the bugs found a couple of spots to bite me on the back of the neck near both ears. My hair was covering it too. The following day I found all those itchy red spots hiding out back there. Here are my favorite sights in Red Bay, population 142. Someone was busy Probably the only restaurant in town. A cute church An interpretive center had a small display on whaling in Red Bay. The deck on the back of the interpretive center building This is Saddle Island, right across from the dock area. There was a hiking trail on this peninsula that some of the passengers hiked on. Not me! A close up of a viewing platform at the trail's end. A view back to the town from the ship. All day long there was a whale surfacing in that bay, first along the dock area where the tenders went and then alongside the ship in the afternoon. Unfortunately he was too fast for me because I never got him in a photo. Just lots of pictures of the water!
  13. Good morning friends! I finished exercise and breakfast and am ready to tackle the day including the Daily. Yesterday we got quite a bit of rain starting around 2 pm. Many times with thunder and lightning up to the time I went to bed last night. Today it is once again 71F, cloudy with a high temp of 87F. We expect more thunderstorms and showers this afternoon. The weather is in a rut! Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the location maps. It’s great we have a cousins day to celebrate that family relationship. Self care day can help focus on a healthy lifestyle. Drive-thru day champions an easy way to get your meal without leaving your car. Interesting quote. If there is a soup that aids in weight loss I’m sure it would be very popular. I think I’ll pass on the whiskey sour and the wine. Two big events in exploration history. Thanks Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports. Prayers for all on the Care list. Tana, Jacqui @kazu, Debbie @dfish, Chuck @catmando and Annie @marshhawk, Vanessa @JazzyV, Elizabeth @Haljo1935, Roy @rafinmd, Terri @Cruzin Terri, Joy’s @Seasick Sailor DS Bonnie, and I do hope I haven’t forgotten someone in real need of improvement. Prayers for the people in Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still living, and our troops at sea and on bases in the region. Also for DB and twin sister. Alex and Jordan are thankful for prayers for their sons and are ecstatic they arrived safely yesterday. Thank you for your prayers! Cheers to everyone celebrating special events and cruising. Dixie @summer slope I hope you are enjoying celebrating your birthday this week with your siblings. It's great they could all surprise you like that. Have fun! Much appreciation Vanessa @JazzyV for the list keeping today! The port of the day is Red Bay, Labrador, Canada. This was the port before on June 24, 2021, Dec. 7, 2022 and June 14, 2023. We visited there in 2018. Here are the links for your convenience. Here’s what you want to know about Alex and Jordan’s twins. I’m told they both weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces which is a great size. They were given the names Clement John and Declan George. John is Jordan’s Dad’s name and George was Alex’s Granddad’s name. Here are the photos I promised. Grandma Lisa, my niece, is sooo happy and excited! Hope everyone has a very good day! Stay safe and keep well!
  14. Vanessa @JazzyV good luck at your mammogram tomorrow. Mine is Thursday. Sorry to hear of all the vertigo and dizziness issues. I hope they can come up with something to help you. Well, I just had the best news from niece Lisa. Apparently the baby boys couldn't wait until Thursday to be born. They came early. Today! Everyone is doing well, and Grandma Lisa gets to meet the boys tomorrow morning. Photos coming tomorrow. Our prayers have been answered. 👶👶
  15. Debbie @dfish good to hear all went well and you are currently pain free. May that continue from here on out! Enjoy your patio sitting time.
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