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Posts posted by beachbunny6

  1. 9 minutes ago, C-Dragons said:

    Science has proven (and even X officers have admitted) that Purell and other hand sanitizers don’t kill germs. Aside from that there are some of us who are allergic to Purell. 😉 The best defense is hand washing. The washing stations are a great idea, but as we all know not everyone will use them correctly or even at all. At least it is a step in the right direction.


    Since I am not a fan of those Purell-type hand sanitizers, I have mixed feelings.  I know they are not strong enough to actually kill all germs, but I also believe there is very little chance to get people on cruise ships to stop at an open-to-the-public (as it were) hand washing station, and also I agree about getting splashed by everyone around you.  That is just not a good idea, but it is a try in the right direction.  


    I am in agreement in that I, too, wash before meals, then touch nothing on the way to the buffet line, so at least I feel like I am doing my part to help the situation.  Trouble is, most others will not, so other than those of you here on this board, we are all at the mercy of the germ police, and have to trust that they will do all they can to keep us safe.  Get your flu shot, everyone!  Maybe that will help.  :classic_wink:


    Vt - hope you are having a good day!



    • Like 1
  2. Too many comments about the Eden dancers to reference them all, but I agree that they are interesting, eclectic, strange, resembling the walking dead, and not to my taste.  I just don't see the point.  So if that is all there is to Eden, I probably will not spend much time there in the evenings.  


    Does anyone know if that kind of performance goes on all day, or is it just in the night time hours, so the lights are better for the performances?  


    Anyway, thanks for posting the video.


    One more thing, I have seen multiple comments about the restaurants that are mostly open to the area around the Martini Bar, and I can see where the noise level is pretty high, and not conducive to fine dining/relaxation.  I watched a couple of the longer videos that were posted on You Tube, etc., and the background noise of talking and music was really loud.  There seems to be no noise-dampening built in to that 3-level open area.  Reminds me of a casino with all the machines at full volume and people laughing and cheering, etc.  Really detracts from the whole experience for me.  But, as always, that is JMHO.  I certainly don't expect nor want everyone to agree.  To each his/her own.

  3. Regarding the hand washing stations at the OVC, they are very nice, but the problem is getting people to use them.  It is difficult enough to get the hand sanitizer used, but at least someone can essentially block entry into the area by standing at the door and dispensing it to everyone.  Once it is on your hands, you almost have to rub it around to get rid of it, and that works.  However, to get everyone to stop and wash their hands WELL, is another problem.  (I believe you are supposed to wash thoroughly for 2 minutes) You know that is not going to happen.  So, even if we all wash well, not everyone else will, and there you go... germs passed.  The only way to get it controlled on a personal basis, is to get your food, put it down at your table, then go wash before you eat it.  That way, you have not touched something anyone else did before you touch your own food.  Just a suggestion.


    Did anyone else notice that the bar stools in the Retreat area outdoors (at least I think that is where the photo was taken by VT) do have the horizontal foot bars on them?  And, remember back a long while ago, there was a conversation about those white plastic chairs that were being used by the folds in Blu to hang those chandelier icicles?  Well, aren't those the white chairs at the tables under the roofed-over area in that Retreat outdoor area?  Just wondering.


    The only thing I would say about the lack of foot rests on the bar stools is that it would be not only uncomfortable for those of us with shorter legs, but it can be unhealthy because having your feet dangling off the edge of a chair without support can compromise the circulation in your lower legs.  That is a very bad thing to do.  I wonder why no one at X thought about that.  Design has to be ergonomically comfortable and efficient and medically safe, too.  



  4. 2 hours ago, hcat said:

    ... it might be port property. .Broward County..Maybe u could file a report at port authority...


    I was going to mention that.  hcat is right, it can't hurt to try.  I know you are not out to get rich from it, but if they will waive your EMT costs and cover the onboard medical center fees, both now and on the 1st, then it will work out ok for you.  Just ask.  The worst answer you can get is 'no', but if you don't try, you won't ever get a 'yes'!


    Glad you are feeling better today, and I hope you have fun despite your injuries.  We are all pulling for you and wishing you well.

  5. 2 hours ago, vtcruising said:

    ACF641DD-871C-40B3-B56E-F545345934DE.thumb.jpeg.5abea3732c568d9c429a0cf7cba0ce86.jpegJust sent that now but that was hours ago. I have good news and bad news.


    The good news is that I’m onboard and got a free Edge hat. The bad news is that I tripped on a raised thing on the gangway and smashed my head and ended up in Medical and had 8 stitches in my head. I’m still alive and they let me stay on the Edge!!!!!!! I look like a train wreck, with a split lip, maybe cracked nose and lovely stitches up my forehead and scalp. The MD was wonderful and everyone here has been so supportive. They even got me a free Edge hat to cover my wounds. It looks like I will live and am thankful that it wasn’t worse!!  Was scary at first. 


    So I finally got to my S1 at 1:00 and this was my view! Love love love this suite!! 


    I’m off to muster- not sure I’ll be at the RTG - I look like a train wreck. I may have you all here to see me later. 😀


    Oh, Marilyn, I am sooooo sorry to hear of your accident!  Please, please take some rest time for yourself, and enjoy the next couple of days, in spite of your injuries.  I think if you are not taking any Rx pain meds, maybe a couple of your Margaritas could be a big help.  We all wish you a speedy recovery, and send our best to you with huge thanks for everything you have done to include us all in your adventures on the Edge.  Just think. . . now you have the ultimate Edge souvenir... a scar which you will forever have to wear your new Edge hat to cover up!  Great excuse for your new headwear of choice! :classic_sad::classic_wink:


    Please take care, and feel better!  *hugs*


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  6. Marilyn, THANK YOU for the IV Accessible photos!  I cannot wait to see it in person, and I am sure that my concerns about my scooter fitting in are not warranted.  I am glad, however, that I did not book a regular cabin with the idea of finding room for the scooter.  


    Maybe those that did choose a regular cabin can let us know how it works out, and post pics, too, ok?  


  7. OMG!  You are so great!  Thanks for sharing your adventure with all of us.  You should get paid for this, since you are so good at it!


    I have been sitting here shaking my head at all the requests people have sent you for specifics, and now find that after seeing your schedules for today, that I, too, have a request.  When you do the Stateroom Discovery tour, which I am sure you will, can you please snap a pic of 8245, the IV-Accessible?  It will be like the one we have in January, and I want to send it to Barbara 2.  And did you see prices for that gorgeous book and the ship model?  I know "they" say that if you have to ask, you can't afford it, but I am curious and need to know how much I will be spending for them.  :classic_biggrin:


    Thanks again, VERY MUCH, for taking your time to do this for all of us.  We cannot tell you how much we are enjoying your narrative and photos.  

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, kearney said:

    Thank you for this. I actually sent an email to the CEO about this. It is possible that the back of the horse is too high to place a child there.... but what a photo op it would be. I just could not get the thought of a child... not waiting for their parent... to just slide off the back. It does look much higher than before .... a  good 18" more. Now I can relax.


    I, too, am glad to see it is a better scenario than we originally thought it would be.  Safety is always a good thing.


    And, Mr. Edge is really beautiful!  

  9. 1 minute ago, CruisingTheWaves said:


    sorry, kinda don't get it, but I just don't like how it looks at all. they could have chosen something tasteful in such a visible area.  think it's busy, tacky, and unattractive.

    Ok, I agree 100%.  I call it "jove" because that is what it looks like in the script lettering they used.  I know it is supposed to be "love" but the L makes it look more like a J, hence "jove."

  10. 1 hour ago, vtcruising said:

    It is so funny that you mentioned that because when the Infinity was leaving last night, she looked huge to me. I haven't had time to look up the stats. 🙂

    Since no one else has answered this,  here's the scoop:

    Infinity       -   Length  965',   Beam 105',  Passenger Capacity 2170

    Edge          -   Length 1004',  Beam 128',  Passenger Capacity 2908

    Reflection -   Length 1047',  Beam 121',  Passenger Capacity 3046

    As you can see, Infinity is the smallest of the three, but Edge is shorter but wider than Reflection and who is to say whether that 7' beam difference is really visible.  And Reflection has the highest Passenger Capacity to go with her length.  It is so difficult to judge their size ranking.  X has said in the past that Edge was not as large as the S Class ships, so I guess they don't take that 7' into account, either.  


    Bon Voyage, whichever you are sailing! :classic_smile:  But, VT, BON VOYAGE TO YOU on our EDGE! 

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