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Everything posted by kochleffel

  1. In Czech, the word for exit is výstup. The word for entrance is vstup. I managed to ride streetcars in Prague, years ago, without getting arrested, but I don't know how.
  2. Since posting that I've looked up the CR ratings, and a model from LG is currently the top-rated, both for performance and for reliability. It is neither the most nor the least expensive in their recommended list.
  3. I was thinking that umbrella cover referred to the fabric sleeve in which new umbrellas often come, but I gather that it can also be a plastic sleeve to contain a wet umbrella. No shrimp anything for me. I'd be willing to try the drink. For the wine I might substitute Dr. Frank's Hilda Chardonnay 2021. My itinerary for the fall doesn't include Valencia. Today in History: 1348 Papal bull of Pope Clement VI issued during the Black Death stating Jews not to blame and urging their protection There were extensive massacres of Jews during the Black Death in Europe, but one medical-journal article argues that there was no relationship: "Causes of the persecutions other than the effects of plague seem evident, mainly religious fears fueled by the Church, financial profit, and political interests. This article wants to draw the attention to a myth in the history of medicine, the myth of the plague as the main cause of the massacres in the 14th century. It also raises the question, whether the plague as a trigger for the massacres really was a basic requirement." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11625662/ I'm just back from the car dealer, having my car diagnosed but not repaired. I knew when I made the appointment that the part wouldn't be in stock, but they wanted to see the car before ordering one. The facility is new since I bought my car, with an enormous, rather luxurious customer lounge that could have been inspired by the last season of Rock the Block (lots of stone, double-sided fireplace). There's a machine that brews coffee to order from freshly ground beans. After that I stopped at Wally World, which is almost next door, for one item that no one else seems to have in stock. Most of my pans are from the 1990s, just before many manufacturers switched to magnet-friendly stainless steel. To make it worse, a kosher kitchen has three or four sets of pans: meat, dairy, meat for Passover, dairy for Passover. Because of lactose intolerance, I don't have dairy pans for Passover, but three sets total a lot of pans. I haven't settled on a brand or model. I've seen the negative reports about LG, and those about Samsung seem to be even worse. I'm unlikely to buy an expensive European brand.
  4. I'm planning to change to one. I've already begun replacing pans.
  5. I'll be doing two other non-drug things for it. One is using a device for "oscillating positive expiratory pressure therapy," which is well-tested for more serious conditions than mine. It looks like an oversize whistle that you blow into (but it's silent), that creates rapidly varying back-pressure. The inconvenient part is that has to be cleaned at least every second day and rinsed in boiled or distilled water. The second is a treatment from European, not Chinese, folk medicine that consists essentially of putting cold, wet cotton socks onto warm feet, then wool socks over them, and getting immediately into bed. This is not so well-tested but generations of grandmothers have approved it. It appears to be safe as long as you're warm at the beginning, which is not a problem at this time of year.
  6. I'm just back from being stuck with needles, but not the other stuff. Some of the locations were new, chosen to relieve respiratory problems, and by the end of the treatment I was breathing more easily.
  7. After the apple fell on his head, did he make turnovers? I was actually planning to make vegan chili, or something like it, today. I would probably like the drink and the wine, which might be available here. The grape that it's made from isn't grown in the Finger Lakes and if it were, its characteristic flavors probably wouldn't develop. I haven't been to Vigo, Spain, and it's not in my itinerary for the fall, but I have been to Vigo County, Indiana.
  8. No sidewalks in my neighborhood, so I guess we can't have fried eggs. In place of the suggested meal I will probably have a stir-fry of tofu and Brussels sprouts. The original idea was to roast the Brussels sprouts, but I don't want to use a hot oven. Not enthusiastic about the drink. The wine is not remotely in my budget so I'll suggest Atwater Vineyards Cabernet Franc 2021. I lived in Los Angeles for several years but have never experienced it as a port. I still haven't seen DaVinci and Mona Lisa. They are venturing farther out for food, but go right back to hiding. This morning I booked the return flight from Fort Lauderdale after the Spanish Farewell. I still need to book the flights for the Arches-Canyonlands trip next year, but I noticed that I will need to adjust either my travel dates or my room booking, because I didn't allow for an overnight in Salt Lake City since the outbound flight arrives too late to drive to Moab. I also need to remember that Moab, Utah, is not populated by Moabites from the Bible, as far as I know. And I've marked my calendar to pay the fare balance for the Spanish Farewell.
  9. None of the special days makes a lot of sense to me. Friends of mine had a dog that I think had excelled in Disobedience School. Definite no on the shrimp cakes, but Roy's alternative would be OK. No on the pseudotini. For the wine, not available here, I could substitute Heart & Hands 2020 Mo Chuisle Estate Reserve Pinot Noir, sustainably farmed on the east shore of Cayuga Lake, if it were in my budget, but it's $65.99. I haven't been to Stavanger.
  10. My father had severe allergies, and he and my mother were bound and determined that I should not have them, but I do. In other words, they were in a state of denial and were always treating me as if I were catching cold, which may be how I became a hypochondriac. Even when the doctor prescribed an antihistamine for me, they told themselves that it was to prevent colds rather than treat allergies.
  11. Give me a few minutes and I'll forget what day it is. Like RNB, I have been abducted, drugged, and probed, and I think there might be video. Recreation for the disabled should be encouraged. I sometimes order mushroom risotto, but more often gnocchi if both are on the menu. I'd skip the punch. The wine, even aside from price, isn't for me, because it should be cellared and I don't have a wine cellar, or any cellar at all. The Finger Lakes substitute I found, Stoney Lonesome Sawmill Creek Cabernet, is also kind of expensive. I haven't been to Sardinia. @rafinmd The unfortunate news from Baltimore was reported in the NYT this morning. Did they also bring back a recipe for hot dish?
  12. Although I seem to have written a lot earlier, I wasn't fully awake. That was a good thing: I slept more than eight hours last night, the first time in two weeks that I slept more than four. I meant also to write about the Halifax explosion of 1917, when the French ship Mont-Blanc and the Norwegian ship Imo collided in the Halifax harbor. The Mont-Blanc, which was loaded with explosives for France, caught fire and then exploded, resulting in the largest human-made explosion ever recorded before the atomic bombs in World War II. At least 1,742 people were killed and more than 9,000 were injured. The ship's anchor landed two miles away and a gun barrel traveled three miles. The first rescue train arrived relatively soon from Truro, with more following from other towns in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. In Boston, people contributed $100,000 within an hour after the mayor and the governor made a plea, and Boston sent a relief train with 30 doctors, 70 nurses, and a fully-equipped 500-bed hospital. Railroads cleared their tracks for it, but it, and other trains, were impeded by a blizzard. Nevertheless, the loss of life would have been much greater without it, and it led to the development of pediatric surgery as a medical specialty after a Boston surgeon was struck by how much less they could do for injured children. The following year, Halifax sent a Christmas tree for Boston Common. The gift was resumed in 1971 as a promotion by the Lunenburg Christmas-tree growers association, and is now presented officially by Nova Scotia.
  13. Rabbit, rabbit, and Happy Canada Day, especially to Canadian rabbits. We have Canada geese here but I think that the Canada rabbits stay north of the border, considering that it's in Lake Ontario. Living in this part of New York, I should be more enthusiastic about wings than I am. Every day should be joke day and devotion to duty day. The last time I had a Greek salad was as a main course in Alaska (!) in 2021. Pass on the drink. None of the red grapes allowed in Rioja is grown in the Finger Lakes, so the substitution is a wild card. I'll suggest the Silver Thread Blackbird blend of 2018. I've been to Halifax twice. The first time was on the night of Canada Day, so today is the anniversary, in 1982. The Air Canada flight was approaching the airport with fireworks visible to one side. This was for a stay at a friend's cottage on Cape Split. The photographs are all pre-digital but here's a vase from a pottery, Birdsall & Worthington, in Mahone Bay. The second time was on the Norwegian Gem in October 2018. It was raining, but that was an improvement over sailing through a thunderstorm on the way from New York, when the bow pitched down so sharply that sea water came over the pool deck. On our first morning aboard, every conversation I heard at breakfast was about Dramamine. I may have been one of the few passengers not seasick, but I was afraid of falling. These photos are from very near the cruise dock in Halifax. I was also in Ottawa once for Canada Day in the early 1990s and went to Parliament Hill for the fireworks. The occasion was a four-day Volksmarch festival over the holiday weekend, with four scheduled walks and five possible self-guided walks, all over measured routes. I wore out a pair of shoes during that visit.
  14. Well, I haven't committed a mass murder YET, with two hours to go. I missed handshakes during the shutdown, and they haven't fully rebounded. Regarding the debate on evolution, it is more settled in the UK and Europe than it seems to be in the US. For about 15 years I've organized Evolution Shabbat, and now its successor Religion and Science Shabbat, at the synagogue. To be clear, this is a real thing, under the aegis of The Clergy Letter Project. BTW, I'm considering enrolling for a graduate certificate in eco-spirituality through what used to be Hartford Seminary. I'll be ready for the halibut at about 6:00 p.m., if anyone wants to bring an order to me. I'm not sure that I want to know what the drink is, and for the wine I could substitute one from Lamoreaux Landing.
  15. My experience with Sasha was very much the same. I took her to the Cornell vet school for radioactive iodine therapy and she spent five days there. They let her come home a little early and told me not to let her lie on or next to me for another week, but she must have been angry with me, because she didn't try.
  16. I see this most early in the summer, when fawns are trying everything, including species that their mothers know don't taste good.
  17. The mentions of Tierra del Fuego remind me of fourth-grade geography. The one thing that everyone I went to school with remembers is that women in Tierra del Fuego killed the fish they caught by biting the heads off. My principal camera is an Olympus OM-10 for which I have a range of lenses. I also have a Panasonic compact superzoom that is smaller and lighter and doesn't require additional lenses, but I find it hard to use, and a little Panasonic waterproof camera. I use the standard neck strap for the Olympus, but replaced the wrist strap of the compact superzoom with a lanyard, and use a flotation wrist strap with the waterproof.
  18. I'm not sure that I understand any of the special days, but I suspect that we're not talking about drywall mud. I don't know what Vietnamese salad rolls are, but when I've eaten in a Vietnamese restaurant I've liked the food. I'd skip the drink. The wine is out of my budget, so I might substitute Fulkerson Cabernet Sauvignon 2017, " a flavorful dense wine. Robust tobacco leaf and jammy fruit on the nose. Spicy white pepper, mild oak, and sweet bing cherry round out the flavors." I haven't been to Ushuaia, but friends here called there twice during an Antarctic itinerary. The AQI now is 189, near the top of the "unhealthy" range and 30 points higher than the forecast. The owner of a restaurant nearby was called out for a false alarm early this morning and got this photo. I refilled the cats' dry food (still in the laundry room) when I got home yesterday, and set out more wet food at bedtime. They've eaten all of the latter and some of the former but are still invisible.
  19. I tell you, if people are trying to ensure that I end work on Friday angry and resentful, they're succeeding. Today we had a necessary meeting with a new account executive at our investment advisors, and the meeting was OK but the way people carried on after he left was not. And I'm being hounded about things that are, variously, unnecessary, impossible, outside the scope of my job, and in a few cases not even in the scope of our organization, plus questions that were fine the first time but someone is obsessing about them and asking the same questions every day. I'm self-medicating with Armagnac, which helps in the short term but isn't a very good long-term approach. I forgot to mention earlier: my doctor says that my last regular tetanus immunization is recent enough that I don't need anything now.
  20. DaVinci and Mona Lisa also ate the food I set out this morning. Skeppsratta .
  21. I've visited Stockholm twice, technically, but in the same trip: before and after a Baltic cruise, having to stay an additional day after because of flight schedules. I loved the Vasa Museum, and I have a Skeppsratta from the shop on my desk. The AQI now is 137 but they expect it to reach 151 this evening, which counts as unhealthy for everyone, and 160 tomorrow.
  22. A surgical mask probably won't. N95 or KN95 will keep out most of the particles, although you may still be able to smell the smoke. Our forecast for today is 105, which is just into the "unhealthy for sensitive groups" range. Tomorrow's forecast hasn't been posted yet.
  23. I have always been aware of insurance--my father was an insurance agent. Not enthusiastic about body piercing. Are the columnists newpaper columnists or Fifth Columnists? The FLW quotation make be true to human nature, but is contrary to common sense. Not sure about the meal. It would depend on the level of spiciness. Probably no on the drink, yes on the wine if it were available here. I don't think that it is, so I'll nominate Lakewood 2021 Chardonnay from Seneca Lake. I cancelled a cruise that would have called at Cozumel and recently used the deposit toward the Panama Canal cruise next year. I got up at 6:30 a.m. and closed the windows. I still haven't seen DaVinci and Mona Lisa but they ate the wet food I set out last night, plus some dry.
  24. The air-quality forecast for tomorrow is "unhealthy for sensitive groups." West of here, in the Buffalo area, it's like that already and will be "unhealthy" for everyone tomorrow. Where @dfish is, it was "unhealthy" today but should improve to "unhealthy for sensitive groups" tomorrow.
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