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Bonne Voyage

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Everything posted by Bonne Voyage

  1. To all on this site thank you very much for your interesting posts and updates. Your cruise is nearly completed and it certainly has been an interesting one. It was particularly interesting how Princess handled the tier 3 conditions. We have only 10 more sleeps til our next cruise then we will be on the Coral again in March Kind regards Heather
  2. Once again thank you for your updates so glad you are able to resume your cruise now. Thank goodness when you are in Melbourne our weather will be better it has been bitterly cold and wet. It has been so interesting reading your updates and your very positive attitude whilst you were unwell Do you have any tips for our next cruise this month? Kind regards Heather
  3. We will be joining you on the 17th November. We haven’t been on the Grand before so looking forward to finding our way around, I have been told it’s is very much like the Golden Like you we will be wearing masks as we did for our September cruise . Have a wonderful cruise, and please continue with the updates. Regards Heather
  4. Thank you for your great video it was wonderful, what a send off.🎉 How is Frank today?
  5. That’s good news as it’s no fun to be unwell and cold. I have been trying to get rid of those few extra kilos from our last cruise, before our next one, your almond croissant sounds delicious 😋
  6. We had problem with our heating/ cooling in our September cruise we were freezing with it on the highest setting We reported it and it was in fault mode, they fixed it very quickly and it gave us no further problems. Maintenance staff may not be able to enter your room at the moment. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better today and your husband is still negative. Keep up the interesting discussion, I particularly like your mask comments my husband often commented that passengers must breath through their chin. Kind regards Heather
  7. All medicinal of course, hydration is so very important. How are you both today? Kind regards Heather
  8. Well done Julie a great article, how are you feeling today, how is your husband? Princess is to be commended for the treatment of their passengers, it will be interesting to see how many people test positive. Please take care, rest when you can and keep up the fluids😜. Kind regards Heather
  9. Yes they make such a difference, I will note the name of your cocktail and make sure I have one each night on our next cruise-medicinal purposes of course . 🍸🥂🍸🥂 🍸🥂🍸🥂
  10. Ohh dear Julie you have been so careful, it’s such a virulent virus. We have friends who have been on the Indian Pacific who have tested positive, they were horrified we went on our cruise in September. I’m so sorry you are missing the next ports. Thank you for organising our cruise critic meeting in September. Having Shingles recently will effect your immune system Thank you for your updates my husband Chris has become a Cruise Critic fan, in your case “A Cruise Positive” update.. Kind regards Heather
  11. We are on the Grand Princess in November so was interested in your recent cruise, was the virus a problem on your journey? We were on the Coral for 12 days last month but managed to stay well. The cruise was very good with most passengers and all staff wearing masks. Regards Heather
  12. I’m sorry to hear you have the virus, like you I haven’t had it yet. Friends who have had the anti viral medication said they had a rapid result so fingers crossed Have you been happy with your medical care on board? Where you at the Cruise Critic meeting on the Conflict Islands cruise in September? Here’s to a speedy recovery for you Regards Heather
  13. I have been following your posts as we are booked to do the cruise you are on in reverse next year. We we’re also on the Coral Princess in September to the Conflict islands, we were very happy with the number of people wearing masks and remained well. Thank you for your very interesting posts I hope you are feeling much better soon. Our next cruise is next month on the Grand so we are hoping that all goes well. We have just watched “Under investigation “ on ch 9, on crime on cruise ships, it gives cruise ships such a bad reputation, we have completed 12 cruises and have not had any experiences like the ones described Take care enjoy your balcony dinner, Kind regards Heather
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