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Posts posted by KelSny1011

  1. 7 minutes ago, S.A.M.J.R. said:

    This could have been settled outside of court before the plea deal.  RCI isn't interested in settling (at least that's what it appears). 


    GF might have not been willing to plead guilty and take a plea bargain prior though too.  

    RCI better have a great defense on why this family doesn't deserve a dime from them.  We all cruise, so we get why this family's claim is bogus.  However, have you guys seen what others are saying?  Majority of people commenting recently on websites have so much compassion for this family and see RCI has the enemy.  That's why I wonder whether RCI might prefer to settle outside of court.

    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, TNcruising02 said:

    It's not surprising that Anello's attorney has chosen not to reconstruct the accident scene since doing so would prove that he was completely responsible for Chloe's death.


    I agree and now I'm curious what their defense will be?  RCI is responsible because they should have had signs that said "Don't dangle babies outside windows"???  


    • Like 9
  3. A good friend of mine was mauled by a pitbull on a large fast food chain property.  Without getting into specifics he was advised to sue the large fast food chain as they knew this dog was dangerous as their own employees and other patrons were almost attacked by this dog prior.  While my friend was fighting this case his attorney was pro bono. However, he had to pay for any processing fees, therapy fees, hiring experts.  He also could not back out of the lawsuit bc he would be on the hook with expenses occurred to fight this large fast food chain.  He did end up winning his case however for the amount of money he got after it wasnt worth the fight.  That's why I brought up the "the family might be on the hook for expenses accumulated so far if they back out now".  I saw from my friends personal experience what happened to him. 

    • Like 5

    14 minutes ago, S.A.M.J.R. said:

    That was my understanding of how things worked also.  But a number of posters (here and elsewhere) have mentioned they might be on the hook for lawyer fees if they drop the case.  My comments recently have been assuming that is true.  If they can actually walk away with no financial loss, yea, they should. 

    They do have a G0 Fund me page that is public, however, I do not think that is enough money to pay for whatever attorney fees the family has accumulated thus far.

    Edit: apparently you cannot type of g0fundme


  5. 14 minutes ago, Charles4515 said:


    Stop? People should be fearful. 


    The only thing I'm fearful of is that America is more focused on COVID-19 than influenza.  Get your yearly flu vaccinations!  If anything this should make us all more aware about viruses and how they affect anyone who has a compromised immune system.  80% survival rate so far has been reported, there is a steady decline in China, and I'm curious on those that died what their health was like before death.  I've heard people claiming that the majority has been Asian (obviously), male, who are heavy smokers. 

    • Like 4
  6. If your mom is that scared about COVID-19 she should stay home.  You do not need her ruining your family's trip, with fear mongering conspiracies.  

    Good thing for you is that RCI is not allowing anyone from that area on board

    No RCI ships have reported a COVID-19 outbreak

    Viruses (cold-like) do not do well in higher humidity weather


    Only bad news is that you have a greater chance contracting norovirus or influenza before COVID-19. However, a sunburn or a hangover is more probable.  



  7. 43 minutes ago, tonit964 said:

    As another poster stated earlier in the thread, this poor child was doomed either way on this cruise being looked after in any capacity by GF. I think something horrible would have happened to her at some point in this cruise. Imagine if they had a balcony?! So preventable.


    I have had that same belief.  I think this guy was an absolute moron and maybe they never realized just how dumb he could be.  I think he might be likable/lovable and that's why it's easier for them to place their blame and anger on RCI than on this grandfather.  Their argument from the beginning is that all ships should basically be idiot proof, and that's why RCI is fighting it.  I hope RCI wins because this could change cruising for us all.

    • Like 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, EeyoreRN said:

    Yes!  Flights are high, but cruise fares are pretty low. Breaks about even with cruises out of Florida, but the itineraries are much better IMO, which makes it worth it for us.


    We are in the NYC area, so we are lucky with lots of choices and times available. But for times that are reasonable and not red-eyes, the airfares are about double what we'd pay to get to any port in FL.

    Yes.  Our friends were not liking the flight costs, priced out RCI out of Galveston, and when they did their grand total it still came out to the same price.  They ended up booking with us, and I agree that these areas are worth the flight  headaches :)

    • Like 1
  9. Shouldn't we as a consumer know what we are getting ourselves into before we put down thousands of dollars on a trip?  OP has already been down this road before by canceling a previous cruise due to being ill.  I have a hard time believing he wasn't aware of insurance, and since he was able to get himself out of last cruise, he assumed the same thing would be acceptable with RCI cruise.  Tough lesson to learn, however, it's not a matter of compassion it's a matter of knowing what you're purchasing before you plan something that is going to cost you a lot of $$.  People talk about the extra money it costs to have insurance, how it makes the cruise more expensive and some people cannot afford it.  I find that excuse ridiculous.  I'm far from rich, but I'm smart enough to know that this trip is costing me a lot of money so why risk it? I get the insurance.   May this post be a lesson to all.  ANYTHING.CAN.HAPPEN.DO.NOT.RISK.IT.

    • Like 4
  10. Hello


    I have sent Glory tours two emails inquiring about booking a private tour and haven't been successful at getting them to respond.


    Did you have any issues initially getting them to respond?  Is it better to call them?  

  11. 55 minutes ago, mitsugirly said:


    Anello said in his interview that he leaned her in so that she could reach the glass.



    You have mentioned downloading the video and high resolution several times. I haven't been able to find anything more than 6 minutes long and they are all the same crappy video that isn't clear. Where do you find this and how did you download it? I haven't seen anything that can be downloaded.

    I see how the top windows bump out.  


    I also have the same question about what videos people are watching bc the only ones I have seen are very grainy.  


    I'll be on the Freedom in April and will be looking at this area to try to put myself in his shoes.  I just have a hard time understanding the rationalization this family has regarding this matter. 


  12. 55 minutes ago, Another_Critic said:


    It doesn't matter for the civil liability case.  GF violated the Passenger Code of Conduct that he agreed to (either personally or via proxy) when the cruise was booked.


    Already posted multiple times, but here it is again:


    Unsafe Behavior

    Sitting, standing, lying or climbing on, over or across any exterior or interior railings or other protective barriers, or tampering with ship’s equipment, facilities or systems designed for guest safety is not permitted. 


    Sorry..I'm not arguing that it wasn't unsafe or that no code was violated.  I'm questioning theory of whether the baby was placed on the railing or being placed outside the window.  Some posters think the stepGF was holding the baby outside of the window, but I think it's possible that the baby could still fall outside the window by being placed on the railing.


    It's quite shocking being a parent on what reckless things parents will allow their kids do in their presence (or assistance). Growing up by the beach I always saw the following:  The ones that allow their kids to stand on railings of the pier where they could fall.  My example would be Huntington Beach, CA pier.  I live near it and I would freak out if my kids would want to stand on the railing. However I watch parents allow their (very young) kids to do it all day long.  I would also see kids getting pulled out of the water all day long by life guards when there are flags out letting every one know the riptides are bad.  It's crazy how completely ignorant people are to danger.  I feel like our society has become dependent on other's to make things safe.  This case would be a perfect example of how our society is today.  

    • Like 3
  13. Is it possible that stepGF placed the baby up on the railing, and assumed that he had a good grip, and also assumed she wouldn't lean forward? Obviously, the unfortunate happened, and in order for this family to cope they want to blame RC for having these windows, while never thinking about the fact that the majority would never do what the stepGF did (if ever..trying to be kind). 


    I still believe he knew it was glass-less but perhaps the baby did not.  However, to make him sound less negligent he claimed he did not know.  




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