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Posts posted by wytygr8

  1. On 2/5/2019 at 12:50 PM, teknoge3k said:


    There's nothing wrong with not owning a suit or dress shoes of frilly dresses. Hell as an almost 40 year old man, I don't own a suit or dress shoes. There's no need for me to waste my money on that for 2 days of playing dress up a year.


    And that’s what the buffet is for.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, crzndeb said:

    I read thread after thread about bad food, but nobody ever says what was bad. I have been cruising since 1980, on several cruise lines and several ships, and I have never had bad food. There are things I haven’t liked, but that’s my personal taste.


    So what exactly is bad? Raw chicken, stinky fish, to much fat on steak, undercooked rice or pasta, to salty, not enough seasoning? Since food tastes are so different with every person, there has got to be reasons why people say the food was bad.


    Are people supposed to describe each individual item? A general “bad” implies that it was a lot of things, including bad versions of things they normally like. If someone says Golden Corral is bad, do you think they’re just talking about one or two items? Most people arent going to provide a short story describing each of their meals.

  3. 17 hours ago, cruzeluver said:

    Not really sure what the OP expects corporate to do with this letter due to a complete lack of details. What made the food poor quality? Just saying its bad is of no help.


    It was low quality, not as hot as it should be, and tasted terrible. To point out one example, one night on the buffet, they had Mac and cheese, and it was, without exaggeration, the worst Mac and cheese I’ve ever eaten. It was kind of like taking the sorriest generic boxed Mac and cheese and trying to add seasoning to make it better but only making it worse instead.

  4. 2 hours ago, FSHLOT said:

    Don't you think you should ask yourself this question?  I see more posts from you defending CCL like no one I ever seen before. I'm very open minded and not dedicated to one Cruise line. I like variety, but CCL is getting worse and worse. Imo


    I’ve only been on a few cruises and don’t have much to compare to, but my experience with Carnival has been miles better than with Royal. It would take a lot of getting worse and worse to get to that point.


    Probably going to try NCL next year.

  5. Just finished a 9 day on Jewel, and the food was terrible. This was the third cruise for my wife and I, previously having been on 2 different Carnival cruises in 2018 and 2017, and the drop in quality for this cruise was huge and tremendously disappointing. We won’t be going back to Royal again anytime soon. Good food is just so much more important than any amount of entertainment.


    I didn’t complain to anyone directly, but I did completely bash the food (but not the service) on the survey the sent me on Tuesday. 

    • Like 2
  6. After a few times on Carnival, we just finished a cruise on Royal, and the food was not just worse on Royal but WAY worse. There was one day where the buffet had a bbq day, and I loaded up on like 5 different bbq staples from ribs to Mac and cheese. With each one, I took one bite and didn’t take another. I’ve never gone so quickly from excited to completely disappointed. I don’t know how many who think Royal’s food is better have been on both in the past 3 years, but we won’t be going on Royal again any time soon.

  7. On 10/20/2018 at 4:17 PM, lazydayz said:

    They may not have to honor it, but the best ones do.  At Publix, if you are charged the wrong price, you get the item free. I bought multiple packs of cupcakes for a party. When I told them the price was incorrect, they double checked  and gave me all of them for free.  That is one reason why they have such a loyal customer base. Royal seems to go the other way. They don’t seem to mind irking their customers. 


    I would argue that the best ones don’t. Having a system that is easily abused by unethical people means the costs end up higher for the ethical people.

  8. 16 minutes ago, clean1owner said:



    I'm trying to show that for every objection people have against smokers, there are equal ones for other offensive habits. So we can either accept that we will come across things we don't like, and just deal with it, or go on a CC rant about how the Cruise Lines should ban it.



    No, there's nothing even close to equally offensive, and I say this as someone who smoked for 9 years. I understand that there's nothing I can say to convince you though.

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, clean1owner said:



    1. Nobody forcing you into the Casino. If you don't like the smoke, stay out.  You can walk down the side of the ship where smoking is not allowed, thereby not being "forced" to breathe it in.


    2. If your perfume / cologne  / BO stinks and I have to tide next to you in an elevator, I am forced to breathe it in. Or either one of us could choose to take the stairs


    3. If your awful perfume smell comes from your balcony to mine, you have just encroached on my right to enjoy mine.




    Are you really trying to compare a perfume you find distasteful to actual poison?

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Mikew0805 said:

    Thanks for that... you lost me at "shared butter, jam, or whatever." :classic_tongue: I guess that is why I never thought of this, as there is no way I would share that with someone other than my partner. 


    You've never been at a big family dinner or something where various dishes and condiments were passed around? It's certainly much less of a thing than it was 100 years ago, but it's still a thing.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Mikew0805 said:



    I don't care about the hats, it's visual and I can ignore if I do not like what I see. 


    However, this bread thing... what?? I always cut my bread with the knife, and I will not stop doing that. How in the name of all that is good, could anyone possibly care how one slices/breaks their bread. Seriously, I do not have enough free time in my life that I can scrutinize what other people are doing, especially when none of it affects me. I couldn't tell you how anyone at any table I have ever sat at (cruise or otherwise) cuts their roll/bread. 




    Two parts to this that are separate but not entirely. It's about having shared butter, jam, or whatever. You use your butter knife to get butter out of the shared supply and put it on the side of your plate. You don't touch it to the bread or other food so that the next time you get butter, you don't contaminate the supply. Then, you're supposed tear off bite sized pieces and dip them in your butter. Bite sized pieces because anything that goes near your mouth is supposed to go in it, which minimizes your mouth germs from getting onto your plate and once again potentially back into a common supply. Also much less likely to "spray" anything if you're not tearing your bread or other food with your mouth.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

    We actually enjoy the CK because it is less formal and a more relaxed setting. Our cruise fares were not Golden Coral or Walmart prices. 


    I don’t know what you personally pay, but one can get a 7 day cruise for 2 on Royal for a total vacation price of $1200. That’s cheaper than if you stayed in at a Motel 6 and ate at Golden Corral every meal with no entertainment at all.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, Sitzmark said:

    it may be the only product there that uses a fresh egg, but it still tastes like it was made by Goodyear.  I will admit that in the many years since I've eaten at a McDonalds, they may have improved, but I'm not willing to take a chance on it.


    I’ve ordered those exact eggs as just eggs on the side, and they taste exactly like eggs.

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