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Everything posted by sfred

  1. Here are several more photos courtesy of @martinmct. This is a different view of an existing port in the game, but it will be a new port because the terminal and pier shown here are located a significant distance away from the previous location we've seen. The location is given away in the Queen Elizabeth position thread, so don't read that if you want to have a guess.
  2. Thanks - I believe it should count, particularly as it is a personal photo taken during a trip you made to the port. Port number 627 in the game, and only our third port in Russia (the other two being St. Petersburg and Yalta).
  3. Thanks @Sue-B. That looks like the airport/olympic park at Sochi, Russia. Indeed, an unseen port on the list, and one where Cunard is unlikely to visit again anytime soon. This might be my last opportunity to beat @bluemarble to a port identification, as he returned to New York off QM2 earlier today US time. 🙂 I hope you had an excellent voyage @bluemarble, albeit shortened by QM2's mechanical issues. I've enjoyed your photo postings.
  4. By the way, I see that your next port after Aomori is Otaru, for Sapporo. That is another unseen port in the Where in the World game. In 2019, we used Muroran for our Sapporo call, on the other side of Hokkaido. A photo would be wonderful - thanks!
  5. Hope you've had a nice day in Aomori, @martinmct. That was our first port on 7 May 2019 after leaving Tokyo for Alaska. Mrs sfred and I had a very nice day there. The cherry trees in the parks all still had their blossoms, while Tokyo's were already finished for the season.
  6. I'm quite happy with getting to the ship. It's getting from the ship that I find crushingly depressing. 🙂
  7. As @Sue-B guessed, the port is indeed Taiwan, specifically Hualien Taiwan. Port number 626 in the game. Thanks again to @martinmct for the contribution.
  8. Thanks @martinmct. You're lucky to have a clear day to see Mt. Fuji. The hotel where I used to stay in Tokyo had a concierge lounge with a window facing Mt. Fuji. In all my work trips, I think I had a clear view only once or twice. Hope you have a good port day.
  9. No, I guess there aren't. The bow mast flags that sometimes provide a clue are too far away to see, and there's not much detail on the pier. A hint is that it is a port that was on @martinmct's voyage prior to arriving in Japan, in a nearby Asian country. The "Queen Elizabeth position" thread gives it away, so avoid reading that if anyone wants to make some guesses.
  10. As mentioned, with these three additional ports Japan has now entered the top 10 list of countries in the game. Italy Greece and Australia remain tied for the number four spot at 29 ports each. And France and Spain are tied for seventh at 25 ports each.
  11. Thanks @martinmct. Hualien was also an unseen port where none of us could find a webcam covering your port call that day. I've copied your photo over to the "Where in the World" game.
  12. It looks like all our game participants have either already read the giveaways in the "Queen Elizabeth position" thread or have been stumped by @martinmct's generous contributions. I'll go ahead and reveal the very badly kept secret of the three previous photos, all of which are new ports for our list. Kochi, Japan (perhaps the worst kept secret given the welcome banner from the port greeters) Aburatsu, Japan Miyakojima - Hirara, Japan This brings us up to 14 seen ports in Japan, bumping off Brazil for the number 10 spot in the top 10 countries seen. 625 ports and cruise-bys overall. And, in case you're reading this thread first today, here is an additional new photo contribution from @martinmct. This unseen port from our list isn't in Japan!
  13. Here is a third port, also unseen and not on our unseen list, courtesy of @martinmct. Again, if you'd like the challenge, don't look at the Queen Elizabeth position thread for the giveaway.
  14. Thanks for your Kagoshima photo. That is a much better view than the webcams that @bluemarble and I found of that port. Interestingly, since your QE port call there, there has been a partial eruption of the Sakurajima volcano. Volcanic ash was spread over the eastern part of Kyushu. Here are two web sites with some photos. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/02/08/national/sakurajima-eruption-kagoshima/ https://volcano.si.edu/volcano.cfm?vn=282080
  15. Here are two photos of two unseen ports that are courtesy of @martinmct, who is aboard QE and has kindly given me permission to copy and paste these photos here for our game. This first photo will be a bit obvious... 🙂 This second port might be a little harder. If you want a challenge, please do not read the latest posts in the "Queen Elizabeth position" thread which will give it away. Thanks again @martinmct!! Best wishes for the remainder of your voyage.
  16. Many thanks @martinmct!! I hope you have been having a fun and enjoyable voyage. Would it be okay if I repost your Kochi and Aburatsu photos in the "Where in the World" thread? It will give us two more ports that we can add to our list.
  17. I'm afraid I can't comment on texture. My mum's cooking similarly ruined any enthusiasm I might have developed for the more obscure bits of animals. I do enjoy a good cumberland sausage, though, which is kind of ironic given the mixed lineage of sausage ingredients.
  18. QE is in Kochi Japan today. Another unseen port in "Where in the World". And unfortunately another port where I've failed to find a webcam covering the port area.
  19. Back in 2016, on a QV domestic cruise from Sydney with a free QG upgrade from PG, our adjacent tablemates in the restaurant were from country Victoria. The husband of the couple was a sheep farmer by trade, and he arranged with the QG chef to have devilled lamb kidneys for breakfast every morning. I believe they are prepared with mixture of paprika, cumin and cayenne pepper and fried in butter. Not quite my thing, I must admit, but our tablemate on that trip happily devoured them each day. @exlondoner, does this recipe look correct? https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/recipes/devilled-lamb-kidneys-recipe
  20. QE is in Aburatsu Japan today, on the eastern shore of Kyushu. I've searched for a webcam showing her arrival, or at the pier, but no luck. There is a webcam located further north in Miyazaki that might record her departure later tonight, although she may be too far offshore by then to appear. Aburatsu is an unseen port in our "Where in the World game, so if anyone here on Cruise Critic happens to be aboard and can post a photo, it would be much appreciated.
  21. What a great walk the High Line is! Mrs. sfred and I try to do it anytime we pass through NYC. Other cities are trying to replicate the experience. I saw a good article recently about one being developed in Singapore along an old colonial-era railroad right of way. I wish we had something like it in Brisbane.
  22. That was what I was thinking too. Chelsea piers / Pier 57?
  23. On our November trip we had one of those 315 days it does rain. It is a charming place, regardless.
  24. A sunny clear day in Bergen? Looks wonderful!
  25. I think this may have been our first video contribution of a port/cruise-by in "Where in the World". Thanks @Sue-B. If I hadn't caught the glimpse of the lighthouse at 8 seconds, I would have had no idea where to start. From a long distance, the Isle of May has a roughly similar outline to Pladda, hence my initially incorrect guess. This is port number 622 in the game, and number 61 in the UK, 25 of which are in Scotland.
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