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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Car is packed, washed & cleaned inside and out and has a full tank of gas. Making sandwiches and a snack bag while waiting for Little Miss HBE4 to come home from work so we can hit the road. Hopefully everyone is where they need to be so the roads will be clear and it'll be a smooth drive. GPS says 4 1/2 hours but it's usually closer to 5. Happy 4th to all!
  2. That is totally adorable. Leonard used to dip his paw into the bowl & then lick it just like Minnie. But only sometimes until we realized he only did it with a very shiny metal bowl. Apparently he saw his reflection in the bowl & didn't want to put his face too close. I guess he thought it was another cat?
  3. I'm not sure what the laws are in New York regarding legal fireworks. I think only hand held sparklers and certainly nothing that can be launched into the air. I can tell you that it's not enforced. My neighborhood has sounded like a war zone for the past 2 hours (currently 10:52 pm as I write this) and it will only get worse tomorrow. Many of my neighbors can put on better displays than the professionals hired by the town. In years past, I could sit in my backyard & look in all directions to enjoys. This year, I won't be around as I'm heading up to visit my brother-in-law (DW brother) in the Finger Lakes tomorrow afternoon. Would have liked to drive up today but my step daughter has to work tomorrow morning. Hope to catch some fireworks over the lake.
  4. I get what you're saying & don't disagree with it. But I'm at the age where the pounds go on quickly and come off slowly. 🙂 My new motto: Life is to short to waste good calories on bad drinks 😉
  5. Never did any of the parades but did see the Radio City Christmas show several times. Our family vacations were leisurely road trips up and down the east coast. Dad was a road warrior and had no problem driving all night to come back home while we all slept in the car. Pretty good chance we were arriving home about the time you & your dad were leaving for vacation.
  6. Now that I'm thinking about it, my dad took me on the Staten Island ferry & to the Bronx Zoo. Also, the 1964-65 Worlds Fair but I was *ahem* less than one year old at the time so no memories. 🙂 One fond memory as a child is he took me on the subways & would give me his wallet to hold. Because who would think to pick-pocket a 5 year old? I felt so important and gown-up!
  7. This! I usually get the DDP and just about break even give or take $30-$40 either way. But I'll always try some new specialty cocktail or drink of the day & not worry that I just blew $14 on something I'm not going to finish. For me, it's all about the convenience. However, if I was "losing" $200 or $300, then I might feel differently but so far, I've always been within my break even range.
  8. It worked for me too. 🙂 For those that don't want to google the image, it's the New London Harbor Lighthouse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_London_Harbor_Light
  9. I walked by last year when meeting ex-coworkers for dinner in lower Manhattan. What amazed be was the pools seemed so much smaller in person. Given how tall the towers were, I thought the footprints would have been much more massive (wider). I'm assuming where the names are etched would have been the outer walls of the twin towers.
  10. I 100% agree with this. I've been on top of the Empire State Building twice as well as the World Trade Center (twice) and Top of the Rock (once). But never been to the Statue of Liberty. Tried once some 30 years ago in July. Got to Liberty Island but the line to get into the actual statue was over 2+ hours long and it was 95+ degrees with no shade in sight. I said I would come back in Sept when it would be cooler & less crowded. Did I mention that was some 30 years ago? Same with Ellis Island, 9/11 memorial, Central Park and any other countless attractions. I guess because I'm only an one hour train ride away & can do it anytime, I never do. Go figure.🤷‍♂️ Same with restaurants.. It's usually an out-of-towner making a recommendation to me as they've done the research.
  11. One good thing about my cat Leonard is that he has absolutely zero interest in human food. He'll walk right by without a glance or sniff.
  12. LOL. Sometimes what I'm thinking in my mind isn't what my fingers type. In my mind, I guess I thought I was asking our CT & RI friends, including a lighthouse loving doctor @Ocean Boy, if they would recognize it. While it may be a local landmark, it probably isn't world famous enough to be recognized by all.
  13. And to think I was in your neighborhood this past weekend. Well, close by. Mohegan Sun Casino. Of course, my idea of serving drinks is opening a bottle of wine or can of beer. Maybe Vodka & Cran if I'm feeling adventurous. A few pics. Mohegan is a beautiful casino . Everyone's favorite Heidi 😍 when she was done clapping, the win was around $100. That's my idea of a big win. 😁 Monday was just too nice of a day to be inside so took a little road trip to watch the ferries. Obligatory lighthouse picture. Anybody care to guess where?
  14. What's funny is that ever since I booked my cruise, which is fast approaching, I'm spending less time here on CC. I guess preparing for an actual cruise is giving me my "cruise fix". And yeah, nice weather means less screen time too
  15. There are a few .99 cent Pizza joints around where you can get a slice for...not 99 cents but for $1.29. (Supply chain, pandemic, minimum wage, etc. The usual excuses). Be forewarned, it will taste like what you think a .99 cent slice would taste like. Think Sorrento's @ 2 am 😁
  16. @Momof3gurlz Add me to the list as well. For my upcoming flight to MCO, I had a choice of JetBlue or Breeze as Delta & United were too expensive. I seriously considered Breeze which was a bit cheaper but in the end, choose JetBlue. I used to be a big fan of JetBlue so for the extra $30 or $40, I decided to go with the known product. Curiously, Southwest does not offer non-stop flights from the New York area to MCO.
  17. There is a house on my street for sale. Neighborhood could use an ambiance upgrade. Cape Liberty is less than a 90 minute drive away. Just throwing that out there. 😉
  18. The smart guest will order 2 drinks right away & then as soon as they finish the first one, order the next. That way they will never have to wait. 😇
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