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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. I had the same issue. even with the snow blower in the slowest gear. Needed to do half-cuts & it worked fine although it took me twice as long. But I got my 10,000 steps in!
  2. It is heavy & wet. About 12-13 inches was the final total. Temps for the 5 days are mid-to-high 30's daytime & mid-20 night time but with the longer days & stronger sun, most of it might be gone by next week. We won't be seeing 40's until middle of next week.
  3. So far about 10 inches of snow has fallen with another 3 hours to go. Its coming down fast & furious. Plow went by about 20 minutes ago & the road is completely covered. Look closely and you may see a hint of blacktop.
  4. Let me know how she likes her new phone. I also have the Galaxy S10(e) which is slightly smaller than the regular S10. I love it & it's the perfect size. However, I keep getting tempting offers from Verizon (my current carrier) and T-Mobile via AAA and AARP discounts. Since the S24 just came out, they are still charging top dollar. I'll probably wait until summer when they are giving it away.
  5. That's the way I see it. If someone is going to offer me $5 million per year to work for them, I'm not going to say "No thanks, I'm fine with minimum wage". Especially if the person hiring me is going to make $100 million off my work in the form of ticket sales, TV rights, merchandising, etc.
  6. I read somewhere that his net worth is $400 million. Not sure if he has to give up some for alimony but even with $200 million, I'm sure he can squeeze by. On just the interest.
  7. I think they are part of Cirque Du Soleil as they beginning of the halftime show acknowledged Vegas show culture including the traditional showgirls with the big feathers & headdresses. Or maybe a nod to the exotic dance clubs.
  8. I forgot about the State Farm ad with Arnold & Danny, that was also enjoyable. And I was surprised by the Scientology ad too, wondered how come they didn't feature their ship, The Freewind. It seemed like Temu had the most airtime. They sure are spending big and your friend is right, it's a Chinese owned company that is a direct competitor to Amazon & Walmart selling low cost goods direct from factories & warehouses in China. They are a legit company although a few people have had the usual concerns when dealing with overseas companies - unsafe products, skirting labor laws, etc. Not sure if any of that it true.
  9. I think Super Bowl commercials peaked in the 1990's & 2000's and have set a very high bar that is tough to live up to. The past few years have been underwhelming & this year was no exception. A few that gave me a chuckle was the Uber Eats ad with Jelly Roll, Usher and Jennifer Aniston and being a fan of "Arrested Development", enjoyed the Reese Peanut Butter Cup (one of my favorite snacks) with Will Arnett doing the voice over & CeraVa moisturizer with Micheal Cera. The worst were Home.com with Daniel Levy (even though I'm also a big fan of Schitts Creek) & the weird alien commercial with Martin Scorsese. I guess advertisers figure all they need to do is just put a big name in a commercial and it'll be a hit. The actual best commercial was the one that was NOT shown in it's entirety, Cardi B's Duck Plumper ad. CBS did not show the second half of the ad, too risque I guess. Here is the full, uncut version. I personally find it hilarious & think it's safe for work but I have a twisted mind.
  10. I had recorded the game & start to watch it about 2 hours after it began. I fast-forward thru most of the first half, semi-watched the 3rd quarter& watched every second of 4th & OT. Good game, love the comebacks & last second score tie it up. I feel like there was a time when the Super Bowl was always a blowout & pretty much over by halftime. As you said, this is how a Super Bowl should be.
  11. If you think about it, there is a holiday every month worthy of tree decorations. Except August, no holidays on August. Poor August.
  12. That's what me & my siblings did after our parents died & we put the old homestead up for sale. After the usual sibling squabbles of course. There are 4 of us but once 3 of us were on the same page - which took a few years, btw - we were able to move forward. Like you said, don't get top dollar (which is what the lone holdout was looking for) but the speed, ease and peace of mind was most important at that time.
  13. I'm with you about how the house seems so empty & lifeless. Same here. I normally keep Christmas up until mid-to-end of January so this is really only 2 week longer. Just finished taking everything down & boxed up, ready to go into the attic tomorrow. I'm recording all things Super Bowl so now, at 8:00 pm ET. I'll start watching beginning with the pre-game show. I'm not much of a football fan & I have no feelings good or bad towards either team so I'll be fast forwarding a lot, basically watching commercials & the halftime show. If the game is close, I'll watch the last half. That way if there is any life-changing controversial calls/plays, I can join in on the Monday morning debates.😄😉
  14. Speaking of clutter, I finally had my pull-down attic stair case replaced. It had started to break at the end of December & became unsafe to use. As far as I know, it's the original which would make it 60 years old and it felt like it was made of toothpicks and sawdust. It was always creaking & groaning whenever I'd use it to go into the attic and it finally gave way at the end of last year. Wood started to crack, hinges bent out of shape & one of the springs snapped off. I had to prop it close with a pole saw. Now I have a nice, new sturdy aluminum pull down ladder with a 375 pound weight limit. What does this have to do with clutter? Well, my Christmas decorations and both Christmas trees are stored in the attic. And since I couldn't put them away & I didn't want a bunch of boxes cluttering the house, I left all the decorations and both trees up. Yep - house was still fully decorated up to yesterday & I kept both trees lit. Nothing sadder than an unlit tree. Finally putting everything away & returning the house to normal. 🙂 I'm pretty sure I'm the last one to take down their tree. 😉
  15. That's what I do. Works perfectly from my android phone but only occasionally with my Windows laptop. It'll bring me to the vicinity of where I last left off, sometimes a few posts before or after so I will miss a few posts from time to time. Weird.
  16. I'm no longer getting new posts notifications in the little bell in the upper right corner but I am getting notifications whenever someone reacts to something I posted. I've turned off email notifications a long time ago. Might be a good idea for you to do the same as you may be bombarded with 18,000 emails when (if) they fix the problem. Oddly, there is no banner message on the top of the page from the admin asking us to be patient while they work in the problem.
  17. I like to look at it as an investment in the future. The more I spoil my child now, the more they will spoil me when I'm a ols, broken down decrepit man. You've raised a fine young gentleman & that's a reflection of your awesome parenting skills. No doubt you keep him grounded as well. Congrats to you as parents & to him for his new set of wheels. More practical than a Mustang. 🙂
  18. That's a sweet ride. It's safe, practical, & just a cool all around vehicle. The complete package and he deserves it. My nephew has been looking into buying one but hasn't pulled the trigger
  19. I actually just finished up taking the time to type a thoughtful reply& got an error message when hitting the submit button. In the time it took for me to type, the post I was replying to went poof. I guess the mods are telling us to move on to a different subject so..... My prediction for tomorrow's game is they will cut away to show Taylor Swift 19 times. Approx 4 times each quarter and 3 times during the half time show. 😀
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