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Posts posted by HBE4

  1. 2 hours ago, kaymoz said:

    Has anyone read this story, and would you care to share about it?


    I don't think it was meant to be a serious cruise review but rather an absurdist, satirical article with over-the-top dark humor, so not for everyone. I found it generally enjoyable and worth a chuckle or two but there were some edgy. borderline mean-spirited comments that I can see some finding offensive. 


    If you're a fan of Don Rickles insult comedy or being the subject of a Tom Brady-like Roast, then you'll enjoy it.

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    • Haha 1
  2. I watched "Baby Reindeer" on Netflix the other night. Only 7 episodes, most of them around 30-35 minutes each. How can a show be riveting and hard to watch at the same time?  As uncomfortable as it is, I found myself having the watch the next episode immediately.


    Very dark & disturbing show that is a must watch. As is Jerry Seinfeld "Unfrosted", a light hearted, totally fictional comedy about 2 rival cereal companies race to invent the pop-tart. I needed to watch it after "Baby Reindeer" to clear the mind so I wouldn't have nightmares. A lot of cameo appearances from other stand-up comics. Very enjoyable, simple comedy.

    • Like 5
  3. 1 hour ago, Sea Dog said:

    Good for you. I am still a lowly Diamond/Elite. Trying hard to get to D+ but it’s going to take a while unless they offer another double points promotion which I doubt we will ever see again.


    I'm even lower on the Royal food chain, an Emerald which makes me a Celebrity Select, a status I have to share with Platinum,which is even lower than Emerald. I mean, those people are barely  cruisers.😄 😉😇


    Joking, of course.

    • Haha 10
  4. 54 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

    All of those big oak trees are a pain to deal with, but then they keep our house 10° to 15° cooler in all the shade.  Here, we get one or two days a year when I think it might be nice to have AC, but then night falls and it cools dow


    Fortunately, the nights have been cool & the house has good airflow so it cools down pretty quickly.  My backyard faces east & has many tall trees to block out the sun so the house doesn't really get to cooking until mid-to-late afternoon for a few hours. 


    However, as the saying goes, it's not the heat, it's the humidity.  No amount of shade or breeze can take away the clammy feeling when its humid outside.


    But I'll be heading down to the Jersey Shore (Point Pleasant) for a few  days & if its still hot & humid next week, will put the window AC units in the windows. At least I can still stick to my "No AC before Memorial Day" rule. 

    • Like 7

    17 minutes ago, voyager70 said:

    I agree. I was a diehard Survivor fan for years but became very disenchanted when they started throwing in all the new “twists “ and stopped watching. The show, for me at least, became less and less of what it started out as and I lost all interest. I keep telling myself I’ll give it another shot someday but haven’t been able to so far. 


    6 minutes ago, SteelCityCruiser10 said:

    Same, I used to be a diehard survivor fan never missing an episode until a few years ago.  I believe i posted about it before here but when every tribal began to be a life lesson on race, equality yada yada i lost interest.  entertainment value gone.  I hear enough about how terrible the world is on the news which i also quit watching.  shame because i loved that show.  I will rewatch very old seasons on netflix though 😀


    I recently caught part of an episode - and along with the conversation here - could easily see myself getting sucked back in.


    I'll have to rewatch some of the older seasons on Netflix. Season 1 probably seemed so innocent where people thought Survivor meant who could survive in the jungle the best, not who can survive lying, back stabbing teammates. Sue's snake-and-rat speech is legendary.


    The Outback and Africa (Seasons 2 & 3 I think) were the best.


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    I don't have central air and rely on window air conditioners. Much like autumn when I try to go as long as possible before turning on the heat, I try to wait until at least mid-June before putting the units in the window. Certainly never before Memorial Day.


    The heat & humidity the past couple of days has certainly been testing my resolve.

    • Like 6
  7. 27 minutes ago, doghog said:

    food rewards (do away with those) that are allowed to take others,


    When they go to tribal, they should be voting immediately. They've had plenty of time to discuss who is being voted off before going to tribal. 


    I remember when the food reward was a can of beans. Is a box of matches still considered a reward?


    As for tribal, it seemed as the years went of, Jeff became more privy to some of the one-on-one interviews  and footage of conversations between certain team members. That way he could ask certain questions to "poke the bear" so to speak and  cause dissension in the ranks and maybe sway a vote a certain way. At least, that's how I remember it.


    So yeah, I can see how it might be semi-scripted.

  8. 6 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:


    I have to avoid this thread for awhile.  We are two weeks behind on Survivor because we were on a cruise.  We will hopefully watch those weeks tonight.  NHL and NBA playoffs have been the priority.  Now that the Bruins are out, there isn't a playoff game every night to watch and we can get back to reality tv. 😄 I was four episodes behind on American Idol and was trying to catchup without finding out the winner but that didn't work out.  DH turned Good Morning America on before he left for work on Monday and first thing I saw was an article about American Idol.  Oh well......


    I'm still two episodes behind on Amazing Race & that ended last  week. So far, so good on avoiding who the winners are.


    BTW, I meant to thank you for your Liberty review. It was exactly what I was looking for re: condition of the ship (creaky balcony, worn carpeting, etc). Being a light sleeper, balcony noise would definitely be intrusive.  Hopefully you'll get to see this when you return to this thread.



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  9. 10 hours ago, grapau27 said:

    For information to my friends on here.

    July 4th will be a general election in the UK


    That reminds me of an old grade school joke.


    Teacher: "Do they have 4th of July in England?

    Student: "Of course not!!"

    Teacher: "Yes, they do. It comes right before 5th of July. They just don't celebrate it" 😊


    Hopefully that won't get me sent to the Sin Bin. 😇

    • Haha 11
  10. 10 hours ago, helen haywood said:

    Seeing the Alamo for most people is a shock…they had no idea it was so small!  Kind of like the first time you see the Mona Lisa…


    8 hours ago, voyager70 said:

    That was my exact impression when I visited the Alamo. Also was shocked it was right in the city. I had no idea! Loved San Antonio



    I also had been warned that the massive Alamo out in the middle of nowhere I see in the John Wayne movie is nothing like the real thing & in the town was built up around it. So I thought I was prepared. but still was shocked at how small and literally in the middle of downtown.  Most of it was torn down as the city was built up before they decided to preserve what was left.


    The Riverwalk is also a very nice area.


    • Like 6
  11. 21 hours ago, Tree_skier said:

    Arturs Silov, the third string goalie, exceeded every possible expectation but he only went into it with 9 professional hockey games.  He now has 10 Stanley Cup playoff games... exceeding his professional regular season games total.


    I missed the fact he had only 9 games before the playoffs . Looked impressive to me, should be promoted to at least backup, if not starting goalie. Hopefully not beginners luck

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

    Linda has urged me to hire out our mowing but I actually enjoy mowing. I don’t even want a riding lawnmower I prefer a powered push mower. I like the exercise but do agree it would be so much easier having it done by someone else.


    I'm the same way.  In fact, it's what I did today. Self-propelled, walk behind mower in 88 degree heat under blazing sun, not a cloud in the sky. Ejoyed that so much, I put down a half-a-dozen bags of mulch left over from last year, cleaned the gutters, removed 2 wasp nests & made a temporary repair to vinyl siding that came loose during a recent storm. Probably lost 5 pounds due to sweat, my clothes were so soaked, it looked like I swam in them.


    Recording tonight's NY Ranger game so I can fast forward thru commercials & intermission. Will start watching it shortly.

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  13. 35 minutes ago, BonTexasNY said:

    I missed a few Idol seasons and that was one of them.  I read that Idol winners get $125,000 when they win and another $125,000 when they put out an album.  What happened to that win money?



    15 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

    I'm sure tax man took a good chunk of the win😪


    Good question. No mention of that, other than she was living out of a hotel room which means eating out every day. Plus, the tax man.



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  14. 8 hours ago, bobmacliberty said:


    Our dog in Cincinnati would hear the garage door going up and would be waiting at the door from the garage to the house, tail wagging, every time I came home.  After we lost her, it hit me every time I walked through that door.  I'll even occassionally get that feeling walking through the similar door here in Florida, even though she never lived here with us.  


    6 hours ago, Sea Dog said:


    Our past dogs did that and our current pups do that too. We even have a ultra quiet garage door opener. They must hear the frequency but they are always waiting for us wagging their tails.


    The last dog I owned was the same way.  Anytime he heard the garage door opener, he'd run to the laundry room, where the door from the garage to the house was. Sometimes, he would lay against the door so we had to be careful opening it as to not whack him.


    He passed away 20 years ago & we never got another dog. Still, once it a great while when I come home, I gently open the door & half expect him to be there.


    Leonard, on the other hand, will hear the garage door, leap off whatever furniture he's napping on, hurl himself down the steps 3 at a time to the laundry room as if he is going to greet someone. Then he will plop down in the middle of the floor, start licking his paws and gaze around the room in a disinterested fashion as if to say "Oh, you were gone? I never noticed".


    He think he's being Joe Cool. 😆

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  15. 7 hours ago, HBE4 said:

    But now, I'm not so sure. I think it was 2 or 3 years ago I saw  a report of a former Idol winner that had to return to performing on the streets & subways of NYC in order to survive.  I have to look it up.


    It was a singer that went by the name Just Sam.  The way she explains it, she got caught up in the COVID lock downs & was unable to get into the studios to record. But I remember hearing somewhere Idol received some criticism for not doing enough to support the winner afterwards. 




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