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Everything posted by lkjacobs

  1. I disembarked less than a week ago as it repositioned to Boston. She definitely was aboard then. Suzana is one of my favorite concierges.
  2. Bir Rana is the GM on the Breakaway now. Vuk left on vacation.
  3. For what it’s worth, let me add a fresh voice to this conversation. I’d like to take wearing tier pins to the Latitudes cocktail party off the table. The party is to recognize frequent cruisers and provide a forum for them to share experiences and knowledge. Contrary to what many attendees believe, it’s not just for a free drink and cheese cubes. In that environment, the pins are no different than raising your hands and applauding when each tier is pointed out by many CruiseNext managers. Outside of the party, many senior Latitudes members wear their pins as an open invitation to fellow passengers to ask them questions, knowing that they have a depth of NCL cruising knowledge. Back when I was Diamond, I wore that pin on occasion, and several guests opened dialogues in the theater before a show, on a bus to an excursion or in a restaurant, comfortable asking another passenger things that would be uncomfortable or inappropriate to broach with the crew. I welcomed those exchanges and was glad to help. I haven’t yet received my Ambassador pin, but likely will wear it sometimes for the same reason. It won’t be to show off, but after turning over many tens of thousands of dollars to Norwegian, I’d have absolutely no issue with someone else having that motive.
  4. I know more NCL officers than I can count, many of whom are friends - much more than acquaintances. When I get on a ship that I frequent, not only do the officers know me by name, but so do many restaurant hostesses and waiters. Sure, if you cruise once every few years, nobody will know you, nor will they if you make no effort to interact with them; they’re not mind readers. My bigger question is this: if you feel that keeping track of key crew members is so pointless, why are you even reading this board, let alone throwing insults at those of us who have relationships you never will?
  5. I can’t tell; was this question directed to me? Obviously, I can’t have sailed recently enough on all 16 NCL ships I’ve boarded to provide relevant lists for all of them. I was on the Star in November 2017, so any information I have would be useless today.
  6. Here’s the officer screen on the Sky as of today:
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