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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. @FetaCheese Do you remember how we met on CruiseCritic.com? I had done a post for "New Cruisers". I posted what happened on my "Guest Paid Upgrade" from a Penthouse to the Vista Suite. You showed class when asked to share where you saw the post and diverted to me. That show of kindness and class made me one of your biggest fans. Then I read your posts and was so impressed the way you were always fair, balanced and detailed. Unlike me, you mastered the art of being clear without writing a book. Impressive. I have not issue sleeping. I do an Ambien and Vodka. I call it a "Night Cap"!!! Seriously, I have done everything that anyone can do and then some. My wife has more lists then I have ever seen. We will be so exhausted we will pass out for sure. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  2. @harryw GREAT question and I am on my first Oceania Cruise leaving on Thursday. About a month prior, I got the really nice portfolio and in it was luggage tags. I have them but will most likely not use them. Oceania to my knowledge has no printable luggage tags. However, I created one and will share with you below. The tags I use are from Amazon, see link. Highwind Cruise Luggage Tags for Suitcases I hope it helps. Cruise well and enjoy every moment. Template_Luggage_Labels.docx
  3. This is so very true. The hard part is making sure you get there and get back. From there, for me, it is how to get from the port to city central. I have a list of potential places and never really make the final decision until just before. Usually it is how I feel. This trip, I leave this up to the other four guests. I turn my planning brain off as soon as they get onboard. My job is completed and I go into Vacation Mode. It starts with a smile, then drink, some food, then smile. Repeat until the vacation is over. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  4. Sunday, November 5, 2023: Pre-Cruise Communication Summary: Flight leaves 06:33 am, November 7, 2023. Pre-Cruise Hotel is on November 8, 2023. Cruise departs on November 9, 2023 out of Athens, Greece. This final preparation allows for excitement to build. Your vacation should have a Before, During, and After element of JOY. Difference between Oceania and NCL Haven: At this day, two day prior to flight, there is "NO" real difference to speak of other then some communication and documentation some weeks ago. Pre/Post Cruise Hotels: Both hotels have sent information sheets and confirmations this morning. I am always afraid I booked the wrong dates. Travel Insurance: We used Allianz Insurance Company, full coverage including cancel for any reason. This morning a final confirmation was sent. I noticed the return date was off by one day and fixed it. Packing: All bags are packed. My wife has packed three times, changing items each time. I was FORCED to go clothing shopping and YES I have an jacket for dinner. The luggage is in the SUV already. Money: I had my bank order me both types of currency for our itinerary to cover little inexpensive items on the street. Easier to do than I thought. Journey Document: Final version is at the Printer for pick up tomorrow. A work of art that no one will read or look at including myself. However really helps me when you check in to hotels and the ship. It was fun to do. Butler Letter: Final version was printed, and sealed. This letter is far less detailed and lengthy as I have done in the past. I did one for our guests as well. Online Airfare Check-In: Will receive tomorrow morning. Pre-Flight Menu's were sent for the main meal. I ordered the Beef Short Ribs and my lovely bride plus our guests ordered the Ravioli. Conclusion: Basically all checks and cross checks are done. The biggest challenge we have is staying on our diets until we leave. It is so easy to go off the deep end even before you are on vacation. If you never had a weight problem, I envy you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  5. Sunday, November 5, 2023: Pre-Cruise Communication Summary: Flight leaves 06:33 am, November 7, 2023. Pre-Cruise Hotel is on November 8, 2023. Cruise departs on November 9, 2023 out of Athens, Greece. This final preparation allows for excitement to build. Your vacation should have a Before, During, and After element of joy. Pre/Post Cruise Hotels: Both hotels have sent information sheets and confirmations this morning. I am always afraid I booked the wrong dates. Travel Insurance: We used Allianz Insurance Company, full coverage including cancel for any reason. This morning a final confirmation was sent. I noticed the return date was off by one day and fixed it. Packing: All bags are packed. My wife has packed three times, changing items each time. I was FORCED to go clothing shopping and YES I have an jacket for dinner. The luggage is in the SUV already. Money: I had my bank order me both types of currency for our itinerary to cover little inexpensive items on the street. Easier to do than I thought. Journey Document: Final version is at the Printer for pick up tomorrow. A work of art that no one will read or look at including myself. However really helps me when you check in to hotels and the ship. It was fun to do. Butler Letter: Final version was printed, and sealed. This letter is far less detailed and lengthy as I have done in the past. I did one for our guests as well. Conclusion: Basically all checks and cross checks are done. The biggest challenge we have is staying on our diets until we leave. It is so easy to go off the deep end even before you are on vacation. If you never had a weight problem, I envy you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  6. Sometimes it is hard to share when we receive a meal, in a nice restaurant that is sub-par. Does one eat it, send it back, or just leave it on their plate and later YES get some really cheezy pizza??? This third world problem will have to be dealt with in a serious way. I am just the "Fat Guy" to do it. But I will do it with a kind tone in my voice and a pleasant look on my face. If the cheif is looking at me from a far when the new food is delivered, I will force him/her to take the first bit. Problem solved. Cruise Well and order something else if you don't like what you got. It is a Cruise.
  7. @YourWorldWithBill Bill, I am a foodie also. I am also very particular. I have been taking notes for what folks said online about different foods. If I only saw one person say something was good or bad, it was simply a note. If several folks said the same things, it would be emphasized. In my family, I am the one that has no hesitation to send food back that is simply not good, over or under cooked. My wife on the other hand, HATES when I do that. I think folks going on a cruise vacation fall into those two categories (I know it is more then three but humor me). Send it back and don't sweat it. Wait for your new items to come out. OR, eat it, say little to nothing and call it out after the fact. I say, handle it as it happens and don't lose your cool. You never will go hungry on any cruise. I am quite positive I will love most of the foods serviced and there will be an occasional miss here and there. We will see. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  8. Same thing happened to me ONCE on the NCL Joy Vibe. What I notice are folks that have differing opinions and not just about the Vibe. Many times their opinions are way different then mine. Sometimes I am not sure if they are real or legit however a very long time ago, I made a mistake about a person and it left a lasting mark on me. Now, regardless of the view, everyone has the right to feel the way they want about the services they receive. My money, my decision, my like/dislikes. For me, I simply won't go on a NCL non-Haven cruise without the Vibe. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  9. Installment #3: Airfare My goal was reduction of stress. The older I get, the more I seem to want to stress-out on things. I almost missed a cruise embarkment once and this is a memory trace. That was very stressful. So now I want complete control over my air travel, brand, connections, times and seating. This for me, makes using Cruise Brand flight, even if they are less expensive, not an option for my travel. 1) Fly In Early: I always want to come in one day or more early as a general rule. I noticed that a policy changed with Oceania a few months ago that if you use their air, they will book you in a day or so early with no additional charge. Not sure if NCL has that but nice if you book your air with the cruise brand. 2) Consider All Options: If you are completely flexibly and want the cheapest air, you have to consider which ever cruise brand air is available regardless of brand. Still check the booking direct with an airline. My approach was a comparison of Fully Refundable fares. 3) Perks Provided by Cruise Brand: I though it was a nice touch for a trip to Europe that Oceania has a $299 per guest per international segment to have Coach Premium Plus upgrades. Not available for all itinerary but was for this cruise. I have not seen such an opportunity with NCL. I will also say, the Add-On for business class for Oceania was unreasonably high and I would price shop with major carriers. Conclusion: I booked my Business Class and my Guest Fully Refundable Coach directly with Delta Airline. My business class was with point I saved for years. The coach for my guest was paid with a credit card. I purchased both on the first day the flight became available to get the lowest fare. Over the months, I have upgraded my guest to First class on all domestics flights and Business Class on the first long-haul flight. All VERY reasonably for a cost stand point. Keep all your options open, and make your decision based on facts that are available. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  10. Thank everyone so far for their comments. I promise I will do a good review. I will be fair and balanced. To some contributors points, it will still be somewhat subjective. My approach is to compare and contrast my personal experience because that is all I have to reference. Everything said on social media needs to be taken with a grain of salt. My comments included. Request: If someone comments here that there experience has been poor, please allow them the space to express themselves. If something I eventually say focuses on a poor experience, I would hope the member in CruiseCritic.com would give me some space as well.
  11. @GeorginaSpica It is clear that consistency was not there for your second cruise. Your comments are very important. Some might think you were being picky or unrealistic. I think your honest feelings allow other new folks like me, to have a much more Realistic Expectations. For that we thank you. I personally did not choose Oceania for the extra premium or benefits I would get for those paid premiums. Instead, compared to the other brand and kind of cruising I was doing, Oceania was much less of a premium. Kind of surprised me. I knew if I was willing to really step out there financially with some Ultra-Luxury Brands, it would defiantly be better. Our groups budget could not handle that so we all knew their would be trade offs. After my cruise, I will review if those trade offs and if it was worth it. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  12. Disclaimer: Nothing will take away my love for the NCL Haven Concept of a "Ship-Within-A-Ship". Yet I am very respectful it is not for everyone. When I do my comparation, it is not to sell anyone on one approach from another. Every choice we make has Pros/Cons. When I choose my next cruise on NCL Sister Ship it was for the Itinerary and for a change to a different emphasis for my next cruise experience. Did I feel something were not up to past levels on my NCL Haven Experience, Yes. However is was a minor reason for considering a change in brand, ship size and type of cruise. Hope that makes sense and answers some questions. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  13. You are so right. Things are oh changing. Times force change. Yet human nature want status quo. So some folks get upset at the brand for changing. They often times leave for greener grass or just to see if other brands are a better value or experience for their dollars. Some come home, others find a new home. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  14. @BSR Full disclosure. I got a call from Oceania 6 months before my cruise. I posted this and every reply was that this did not happen for them. Then I remembered, I sent Oceania a very nice email letting them know this was my first Oceania Cruise and some history. This might have stimulated that call. I am a Haven NCL Lover also. I am not saying the communication was bad with NCL. Just this specific cruise, which is my first time with Oceania was really good. Love the little portfolio they sent though. Nice touch. Hope that makes sense. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  15. Installment #2: Budget (I am only covering this because it was a question from someone) When I book a Haven Suite, usually the least expensive one is the Haven Suite outside of the Haven Proper. The daily rate with the "Free At Sea" promotions give me a rate of between $460.00 down to $360.00 per guest per day. That is my experience anyway. It was higher in September of 2022. Over the past few months, those rates came off the $460.00 and got closer to the $360.00. When I priced out the Oceania Cruise in September of 2022, comparing it to the two NCL Haven ships doing essentially the same itinerary which was the Viva and the Breakaway, Oceania was far less. To be transparent, at the time Oceania was offering a four category upgrade sales which I took to the Penthouse level with a butler. A few months later, Oceania had another special sale called the Extraordinary Saving Event which took the rate down even further. The final daily rate was $310.00 per day per person which included the "Prestige Unlimited Wine, Beer and Spirits". If we priced another itinerary, all of this could be reversed. The lesson is check, do your due diligence. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  16. @UKstages Funny, I saw the post by the author and was going to reply. Then I said, "Gary, folks are getting on your case for top many post on CruiseCritic.com." So I passed. When I read your post, I had to reply. I agree with @UKstages 100%. I won't even take a NCL Cruise without a Vibe Pass for the week. I like it better then the Haven Sundeck. I have never gotten anything but outstanding service there. It is part of my "Haven Lite" approach. My wife, who does not agree with me much, feels the same way. She loved it. ESPECIALLY the Joy Vibe. That was our favorite. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. Thank you for being so nice. I hope so too. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. @GeorginaSpica Sorry this happen to you, anyone would be disappointed. You rated your second Oceania Cruise on your first. I did the same thing with NCL and Celebrity. I as a bit disappointed as well. Hence my change in brand for this cruise. The difference is I and others have NO expectations with Oceania, just the experience I had else where. For me and others, the bar is very low. If I had stellar dining on my first trip followed by below par on my second, that would be enough to have me looking elsewhere. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  19. @njhorseman I have a Vista Suite, my guest with us have a Penthouse. This allows me to talk about both. I will compare the Vista Suite to my recent stay in an H2 Haven Owners Suite. Still hard to compare and be fair. I will compare the Penthouse to the Haven Penthouse. I purposely did not put budget in quite yet. It is my intention to do so. It will be hard to compare the cost of the Vista Suite to the H2 Owners Suite because I got a real deal on the Vista Suite. I will do my best to be accurate. The Penthouse suite is much easier. I just have to show what you get on each line for a fair comparison. My approach and would love your feed back is to do the cost, per guest, per day vs. a total amount. Thoughts? Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. Disclaimer: I am working hard to clean up my communication. Reducing the details, using less words and cleaning up my spelling/grammar. It won't be perfect but the effort is being made. I wrote "The Secrets of the NCL Haven VIP Experience". My next cruise is on NCL's sister brand, Oceania Cruises. I was asked to do a comparison of my experience in a Haven Suite vs. a Oceania Penthouse/Vista Suite. My cruise leaves on November 9, 2023 for a 10-Day Mediterranean Cruise. I will attempt to post while on the cruise. If you have any specific questions please feel free to ask and I will attempt to answer as they come up in Real Time. Installment #1: Pre-Cruise Events I got better communication pre-cruise from Oceania Cruises then the NCL Haven. First several months ago, I got a phone call asking if I had any food needs. Second, I got a very professional packet of information that was semi-personalized with Luggage Tags at about 45 days out. Third, all Specialty Restaurants are part of the Oceania amenities, however you are only guaranteed pre-cruise one reservation per specialty restaurant. Like the Haven, if you are in a Penthouse or above on Oceania, you can make those reservation earlier then other cruise guests. Fourth, I upgraded to an upper suite on Oceania with a Paid Guest upgrade. The stateroom is called a "Vista Suite". From a size, location, amenities and perk standpoint it compares to the (H2) Haven Owners Suite on the NCL Joy. I found the pre-cruise gifts, perks, amenities in the Vista Suite far better then the Haven Owners suite. Fifth, all water and soft drinks in the Oceania Staterooms regardless of category are complementary. Sixth, depending on the drink package you have, Oceania Adult Beverages can be served in your stateroom as complementary. Rules vary based on drink package. There is a charge on NCL. Have a question ask it. Just remember, I get on the ship next week. Be patient on my responses. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  21. @BSR Oceania seems to be getting a lot of new guests from NCL/Haven and Celebrity/Retreat. Both you and I included. I promise to make comparisons because as with trying any new brand, you only know what you get, after you got it. So far, the pre-cruise communication for me is a lot better on Oceania. I got a call, a booklet with information and luggage takes. All very professional. More to come.
  22. Part of cruising is not always the cruise. All parts make up the experience. So far so good. Pre-Flight Air: One week prior to flight, Delta Airlines in Delta One send you a pre-flight menu and information package. You can choose your meal way ahead of time with options not available on the flight. We choose Beef Short Ribs. The information tells you how to approach the flight for best results. Nice Touch Delta.
  23. @FeliciaLee I will do my best to be fair and balanced. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
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