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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. @julia Extremely well stated. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  2. @mamashanks Your question is asked all the time. The answer is not as clear as I would like to be. In the Haven Restaurant has space, usually they approve this request. It cost more then Specialty Restaurant I think $50.00 per person for dinner. I don't know your situation however have you considered a Haven Two Bedroom Family Villa or the H2 Owners Suite with second bedroom. Both usually have 3 and 4th person are free or discounted. Just a thought. I did the H2 Owners Suite Joy with my adult children. We had a great time. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  3. @Daniel A There was a time when it was so important to me to get a "Sea Day" massage. I would run to the spa and sign up. Some times for two or three for different days. Than as other have so clearly stated, the uncomfortable feeling of the upsell happened every single time. The prices went up to the point now it is almost the cost of an Inside Cabin. Now I avoid the Spa will everything I have. The last time I was on a cruise was the NCL Breakaway. It seems the spa was NOT booked up. They had just re-raised the prices and even thought the cruise was completely booked out, the spa was not even on sea days. They set up a back massage table by the pool with three folks manning it. $20.00 for 15 minutes for a back massage. I did that once or twice. That is my story and I am sticking to it. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  4. @roscoff I do my first time Oceania Cruise the month after you. Going to some of the same places. I am not an expert however prior to my decision on the drink package, I did lot of research. Other will comment on your posting because it is a good CruiseCritic.com board and the members who travel Oceania tend to truly want to help folks with questions. Here is my reasoning and it will differ from some. For me, it is less about the package and more about the over arching strategy. No Package Option: When you booked you most likely had a option of one of three perks. To have no drink package means you did not that as your choose the Select Drink Package which is Wine and Beer at lunch and dinner meals only. The approach in my opinion based on the information you gave it to leverage the nightly (sometimes twice a night) happy hours for two for one drinks. Also, attend the events like the Captain's Party where complementary drinks of some sort are provided. As normal, this is your "Pay as you Go Strategy". Select Drink Package Option: This is a nice option if you occasionally want a cocktail before or after dinner. Again you can leverage the two for one option or simply on occasion order a drink. You also have the option of upgrading to the Prestige Unlimited Drink Program for $30.00 per day per passenger. Prestige Drink Package: This is what I choose and here are my reasons. My strategy is to not have to worry about the end bill under my stateroom door the morning you leave. Some bad memories of being young and crazy even though I am old and boring now. I know I will never get my money's worth however not worrying about it makes a difference to me. I took the $300.00 On-Board-Credit per person and pre-cruise purchased the $600.00 Prestige Package (I added $300.00 on my credit card). So no easy answer, however based on how you want to approach your vacation strategically. No wrong answers here. I will say, I like that I can get a Drink Package and my spouse does not have too do so. The only challenge there is some cruisers do not like having to show their cruise stateroom card every time they get a drink. Just a necessary evil with so many drink strategy options. I hope my nebbie take give you what you are looking for. I assure you, other will have very pointed opinions on your questions. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  5. As far as I know, All. They come with three bottles of spirits or Wine. It also has Welcome French Champagne. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  6. @Daniel A, I always have to wait until I am onboard. The Butler puts stuff up on a shelf but does not take it out of the suite usually. But worth a try. My point is, don't be disappointed if you have to ask the butler onboard. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  7. @azappraiser Hello and thank you for reading. Unfortunately everything in the Suite Mini-Fridge is a cost time. I have it cleared out by the butler on day one. It does not matter which drink program you have. On a Mega Ship, when only in the Owners Suite does the soda's in the mini-fridge come complementary. Now if you are willing to purchase the items, they will stock it anyway you want. I hope that makes sense. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  8. @Agent999 Well that was nice. I wrote that reply to the author and attempted to be as balanced and fare as possible. I knew the author being challenged could lead to some pushback. Part of the possibility of posting when someone is complaining. My words as normal were chosen carefully to apply the authors issue as a Industry Issue and not just NCL. I have been reading and participating on CruiseCritic.com for quite some time. The Words, "I will Never Cruise this Brand Again" happens more time than I can count. It is always one sided, it is on all brands and it simply is the way it is. We the cruise guest have an obligation to play fair. My message is and always will be realistic expectations. Before you give your credit card, do your due diligence and learn the rules. A search of your topic is all most of us need. Thank you again for your very kind words about my membership on CriuseCritic.com. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  9. @delee78 I know you wrote this a long time ago. I am THRILL to be on the Oceania Riviera November 2023 10-day Mediterranean voyage in Vista Suite 12001. Your information was very helpful. My I assume you where in the Vista Suite after they renovated it back then? Also, and this is a long shot, do you know if during the recent dry dock and renovations, if the Vista Suites were renovated again? Any information would be helpful and great post above. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  10. @Bandit2301 First you are new to CruiseCritic.com as of earlier this year, welcome. Your post is similar to other post made on this and other boards. Whether you never cruise with NCL or any other brand again, is a personal decision. Why you choose to share this on a social media site for NCL is because you feel wronged. All cruise brands including NCL get posts like this all the time. Especially about when stateroom fair get reduced after final payment. Common place. You sound like you have cruised before but this is your first time on NCL. I really can' tell. Cruise brands are like hotels. If the inventory is high and available, they reduce prices to fill them up. Supply and Demand. The majority of those reductions happen after the final payment and the penalty phase happens. The reason why folks still to this day get upset is because they don't read the fine print. I know, I made the same mistake and it does not feel good. Yet it is NOT NCL or any other brands fault. It is common knowledge and they make it clear in their contract with you. That is why I ALWAY book WAY in advance and watch the prices and inventory right up to the last possible moment. NCL did not do you wrong, other brands do the same thing. You made a decision to get a stateroom because at the time you thought they might sell out. You were wrong and now you want your cake and eat it too. I feel for you and know this can make your vacation a little less enjoyable. Just the way it is and no offence and this will NOT be a popular comment, you need to take some accountability also. Play fair with comments on any brand. The details are always in the Fine Print.
  11. Thank you so much. Let me know if you have a topic you want me to add to this theme. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  12. As always, "I LOVE the NCL Haven Experience". Where it is true the Crystal Cruise will be a bit more formal, it will also be a wonderful experience. Unlike what you have had in the past with the NCL Haven. The key is you choose the Crystal Cruise for the itinerary. That is normal and it is usually port intensive cruise. On the dress code. Yes it is a bit more formal but not over the top. What you gain is elevated personalized service, elevated dining and a much more relaxed environment. Everyone once leaving their stateroom are treated exactly the same. Unlike when leaving the Haven, you kind of become a number. Smaller ship, higher ratio of crew to guest leading to better over all service. You give up the big production shows, go carts, virtual reality area and the Mr. Sexy Legs competition on the pool deck that I always lose at by the way. With cruising experiences, you always have give and take. Pros/Cons. Consider as I did when I did my Crystal Cruise to make it a "Luxury Cruise Test Drive". I have a video on YouTube of my Crystal Cruise experience. I am not a pro on video's and I am NOT selling anything. It was done on a 7-day round trip to the Bahama's just as Covid-19 was ending. It is named, "Crystal Cruises Serenity to the Bahamas August 2021". Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  13. Topic: "Respect, I get no respect at all!!" This thread is all about "1st time cruisers". My emphasis is preparation and strategy to enhance your cruising experience. All this work allows a "Realistic Expectation" for your vacation. My preparation is excessive which I fully admit. I can justify my reasons emotionally but it would be a lie. I do it because I like doing it. The benefit my family gains is a secondary benefit to me. Yet my actions are validated as the cruise vacation comes closer. Allow me to give a situation that happened literally yesterday with my wife. We are 100 days out to our 10-Day Mediterranean Cruise. We have a pre-hotel in Athens, Greece. This will allow us to arrive in the embarkment port city one day early and in the morning. We will be tired and jetlagged but push through to enjoy this one day in Athens, Greece. I have travel to Europe many time in my business career and know how to handle getting on the time zone. In the Journey Document that I created for my wife and friends, I talk about jet lag. Will my guest take my advice? Probably not but that is the nature of advice. Like many of the items I have presented on this topic stream, most folks will NOT utilize them. One of the things I did was gain a "Hard To Get" reservation for a restaurant on the highest mountain top of Athens, Greece. Unbelievable view and great food. You take a tram to the top of the mountain, there are some steps to get to the restaurant. Yesterday my wife finally watches the video on this lovely experience and says the following; "We will never make it to this place. We will be to tired and those steps to the restaurant will be to hard." Here is the lesson for this blog entry. Having something planned and researched is knowing what is available. When the time comes to do them, it depends on how you feel at the time. If you are to tired from travel and Jetlag, the group says skip the restaurant reservation, you cancel it. That is just fine. Sad but fine. The key is, you knew about this great experience. You took action to do it. You decided to skip it. That for me is better than finding out we missed an opportunity after we came back from our trip. We planners have to understand, our guests and family only get involved at the "last minute". They tend to procrastinate. But when they get involved, they tend to throw a wrench in a lot of the work we do. Somethings like hard to get reservations for Cruise Ship Specialty Restaurants can't be changed. When your guest say, "I will change them", let them. Remind them not to give up the reservations we have until they confirm the new reservation. Your guest will learn quickly that there was a reason you did all these reservation early. Don't get mad, just go with the flow. If you force folks to do things they don't want to do, it will be a bad experience for all. So the hard to get "Mountain Top Restaurant" reservation in Athens, Greece may be utilized or not. The opportunity would not be there if not for you and your due diligence. Now apply this strategy to all your planning and watch how your vacation will be enhanced. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  14. ALL Cruise Brand marketing departments need a lesson in how to communicate effectively and timely with guests. ALL of them. I have been on most brands and IMHO, all approach communication poorly. I just figured, a long time ago, those were the "rules of the game". Don't like those rules, don't cruise. My money, my decision. On the adding of another device for the internet per stateroom starting October 1, 2023. It ALWAYS should have been two devices. Just the way I feel. Now, for a moment consider if we were on the original "Olife", not in an upper suite, we could have added another unlimited non-streaming internet device for $24.99 per day or for a 10-day cruise, $249.99. That was not going to happen in my life time. But now it is a moot point which I see as a benefit. Now if I were "O", giving everyone in the stateroom two devices simply makes my life easier. Too hard to manage otherwise. Doing the math, I wonder who would not have changed to SM knowing the October 1, 2023 change? Love to hear from those that changed and would not have? I love this NEW change. Why, it benefits my situation the most. My cruise is in November and my guest now have two devices. Selfish of me, of course. If someone wants to complain about this kind of delayed announcement, call out the awful marketing/communication most brands have, and call the brand shady. Go for it. Yet the only reason to still book with the brand you now have issue with is because this is an industry issue, not a brand issue. Which in my opinion ONLY. Wish it would change but then what would we all complain about in the future if the communication was great? Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  15. In December 2022, I was on the Breakaway in a Club Balcony Suite. It was lovely. May I recommend getting a week pass for the Vibe Beach Club it made our week. That plus, extra Specialty Restaurant package and the Free At Sea PLUS made this trip what I call, "Haven Lite". Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  16. As one parent that took their kids on many cruise when they were young, to another. NCL is a Family Cruise Brand. So much so that they always seem to have 3rd and 4th person free promotion. That should tell you something right there. This topic is one of those where the debate ranges from one extreme to another. I am a Frequent Haven Guest and do many op-eds on the topic. Here is my take simply for a perspective. I would absolutely take my 2 year old to all my dinners. Haven Restaurant, specialty Restaurants and so on. As a parent, if my child started to act up or do something that could make another guest uncomfortable (Toss food, start screaming or loud crying) I would take the child out until I could control the situation. Something tells me because of your concern, this will not be your situation. When I am a guest and you have a child, I am most likely to small and enjoy the child/families enjoyment of this lovely dining experience. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. Call NCL directly. That does not sound right. I get your situation. I am always of the opinion, do everything you can so when you are on the ship, no thought is needed. Your situation, just does not make sense to me based on my past experiences. Messaging and calling are two different folks. Give the call a try. Since you like my recommendations, let me give you a Family Cruising Tradition. We always book this place the last night. Not that the food is so great. It is just a ball of fun. Consider that and you do you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. Here is my strategic answer. On NCL, 21 days before your leave the Online Check-In opens up. I get on the link the moment it is open to my cruise to get the earliest check-in time at the port. I want "Group #1". I then find a seat as close to the entry door as possible. The people when boarding starts are "Animals" sometimes. So the time for check-in is 09:00 AM, you are in Group #1, you find a seat in front entry. You will wait for the ship to clear all guests, get inspected, they let the Haven Guest on first, Disabled followed by military/first responders, then Group #1. That usually starts at 11:00 AM. You bring a book or have a fully charged phone to enjoy your two hours. I do this all the time. The time flies by. I want on the ship as soon as possible. Go-Carts strategy is a good one. The Hibachi reservation should be for 2 or 4. Do it online for 4, as soon as you can. You can't get reservations for the Comedy Club or the Cavern Club. It is first come, first served before the show. Reservations for the Main Theatre Shows need a reservation. Look on your Online NCL App under your reservation. I hope this information is helpful. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  19. The recent information on this stream has been incredible. So many contributors however a special thank you to @cruiseny4life. Your knowledge, writing and format is OUTSTANDING. As so many have commented, there is lot's of information on this stream for Haven Guests to leverage to enhance their cruising experience. All most to much. That is why many questions are asked over and over again. The Search Feature on CruiseCritic.com is kind of hard to navigate for some. Please be kind to new posters that ask the same questions that we all have answered in the past. Always have a balanced reply meaning the true pros/cons your experience. If I know the cons, I can take action to change my outcome. If I know the Pros I will leverage them to make my vacation better. When folks post here and focus on Hating the Haven yet have never had the opportunity to cruise in the Haven; that is just Social Media where we all use aliases. We can even learn a think or to from them. Thanks for your time. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. Hello All: I started this stream for NEW cruisers. I wanted to provide some usable information to help you control the items on a cruise that you could effect. To give some hints on questions that are commonly asked by others and myself that have dealt with them. To have credible information by people that take it seriously with the goals of Realistic Expectations and enhancing your cruise vacation experience. I am THRILLED with the last few posts above where truly experienced cruise have joined. They know so much about cruising yet they had questions about a specific cruise brand that they and I are sailing on in the not to distant future. The message here is even Long-Term Experienced Cruises have questions. They want to make sure they know what a cruise brand provides to insure a successful vacation. My responses usually are "Cut & Paste" from documents I work on daily. Those document are really for my benefit and the benefit of the guest that join me. Yet, I am always happy to share. So, new to cruising and New to a brand is very much the same thing. Never be afraid to ask questions. My goal was to have many of the questions already answered so this and other OP-ED's can be used as a reference. I have found it much to difficult to search on CruiseCritic.com a fine point. That is why many of the exact same questions are asked on a board over and over again. This stream will take turns along the way. That is the fun part. However, it will always come back to ways all of use can learn to take advantage of our RARE vacation opportunities. I learn so much from you so you need to give back by writing balanced reviews when you finally cruise. Always be honest and factual. The member of CruiseCritic.com will be very appreciative for that information. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  21. Not sure the Oceania, Vista, and Owners Suites are on the promotion. Worth a call. My situation was the result of a comedy of errors. To long a story tell. I also did not take the airfare, I booked business class Delta one using every last Delta mile I had saved for years. On that sailing, everything is waitlisted except one Owners Suite on deck 8. I look at that sailing every day because I have one more booking for our best friends who are cruising with us. They have a PH3 Guarantee. My hopes are the will get a PH1 when they clear. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  22. @BSR This level of detail was SUPER hard to get. It took a long time. This is a hobby of mine and I do it for all kinds of things. I started when I wanted to go to the Four Day Hangout Music Festival on the Beach. I wanted to go as a Super VIP category. Nothing was available except marketing stuff that was awful. So I took a Risk, Paid the HIGH Premium and wrote what I know call a "Journey Document". I wanted folks considering it to know what the Amenities were and how to leverage every once of value from it. I am completely NUTS as you can tell. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  23. @FetaCheese You are correct. I will be in a Vista Suite. I can't believe it but yes that is the case. I feel like I won the lottery. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  24. The way this works is, in a PH2, you have a early boarding time of 12:00 PM. Usually, and that means most of the time, your Suite is ready when you board. In the Haven, you can drop off your luggage early but the suite is not usually ready until 1:30 PM. On Oceania, you go straight to your suite. I love that part. When you get to your suite, the pillow menu is on the bed. You read the choices and share what you want with your butler. Unlike the Haven where on day one, the butler can be hard to find early, Oceania they seek you out. Tell them your choose for the pillows and it is done quickly. When you get in your rooms, there is a bottle of Real French Champagne (Blue Label). If you don't want the Champagne, they will swap it out for wine. Again, a Butler thing. There will be a small plate of a few nice goodies next to the Champagne. Nice touch. On the afternoon canape', every morning the butler will give you a menu, you choose what you want. I know why you asked about the pre-cruise concierge. Maria on the Pre-Cruise Haven Concierge Desk was wonderful for me. You may or may not get call from Oceania. Usually closer to the cruise departure date. Have a list ready if you like. On to the Penthouse PH2. I hope my list below is what you were looking for. YouTube has a video released yesterday with a complete walk through of the newly updated Riviera Penthouse. I can't tell you the presenter because he is a travel agent and CruiseCritic.com will delete this post if I mention so just search. Penthouse (PH) categories: (In addition to all stateroom amenities.) Accommodations: Last time renovated was with drydock at the end of 2022 with the exceptions of a few PH3. 1. Larger than a Concierge Stateroom. 2. Desk, chair with large mirror and lighted makeup mirror. Outlets are right by makeup mirror. 3. Complimentary still & sparkling “Vero™” Water with two (2) stainless steel Vero™ refillable bottles. 4. Walk-In Master Bedroom Closet. This is always appreciated. This will be all the room two (2) people will need. a. NOTE: The safe is NOT large enough for a laptop. 5. Love Seat, table, and round storage ottoman. 6. Dining room table and seating for two (2) for in-suite dining. 7. Recently redesigned master bathroom with single vanity sink, rain fall shower head and extra storage. NOTE: I found it odd that a Penthouse had only one (1) sink. Usually they have two (2). 8. The veranda has two adjustable back cushioned chairs and a side table. NOTE: Perfect for drinks yet NOT large enough for a full meal on your balcony. Some Penthouse suites on the back of the ship have extended and much larger balconies that wrap around the ship. · 12:00 PM Early Embarkment, priority luggage delivery. NOTE: Unlike other cruise brands, this embarkment means your suite will be ready when you come on-board. No waiting unless an unusual situation happens. · 24/7 butler service with a suite wireless phone to take with you onboard to call the butler. NOTE: If you are of the opinion, butlers do nothing for you, save your money and do not consider a Penthouse Suite or above. · The newly refurbished suites done late 2022 have been rewired to accommodate more U.S. outlets and USB outlets. NOTE: Not so on Oceania, Vista, and Owners Suite which lack this wiring upgrade. · “Sweet Dreams™” Pillow Menu is located on the bed. · Complimentary welcome bottle of Heidsieck & Co Monopole Blue Label French Champagne. Not sparkling wine, REAL Champagne. Nice touch! · Welcome Petit Fours and bowl of Werther's Candy. Other brands have some items when you first get in your stateroom as well. These Petit Fours are a small plate but of high-quality items. “Less is more in this situation.” · Priority early online Specialty Restaurant Reservations. Earlier than other staterooms below Penthouse. When everyone on the ship gets one (1) guaranteed reservation per specialty restaurant, when you can book them early is a valuable amenity. Many new guests don’t understand the value of early pre-booking for Specialty Restaurants. This can be a cause of disappointment when days and times are completely booked. · Suite expanded Rooms Service Menu. I am rarely a Room Service Guy. In the past, on other brands I found the food not very good, average to below average quality and a limited menu. This expanded menu is an enhancement. I also noticed no add-on charges for things like breakfast Steak and Eggs. · In-Suite dining from ANY restaurant including ALL specialty restaurants. The Penthouse Suite Table is a bit small but will work nicely for two (2) people. If you can’t make a reservation at Polo Grill that night, have it served in your suite. Nice touch especially if you can eat comfortably. · In-Suite Afternoon Tea Service. This is also a nice touch. I would rather go to the Horizons Observation Lounge for the ship afternoon tea. I do like having the choice. “Choices make a more luxurious experience for me.” · Afternoon Hors d’oeuvres that can be chosen from a special in-suites Hors d’oeuvres menu. The ability to make a choice is lovely, the quantity is small which does not affect your enjoyment of your dinner. Personalized service is all about providing a personalized choice. On other lines these afternoon Hors d’oeuvres are standardized for all. · Oceania no longer uses plastic bottled water. You are provided aluminum containers for the Vero™ Water System to be refilled throughout the ship. · Thick terrycloth bathrobes. Two pairs of bathing slippers. Just a little bit of class to establish a sense of sending a message. “When in your suite, we want you to relax and be comfortable.” · Exclusive card-only access to private Executive Lounge staffed by a dedicated Concierge featuring complimentary soft drinks, coffees, and snacks throughout the day. A nice place for a light continental breakfast. The first time I had this kind of place was on the Celebrity Equinox (Michael’s Lounge). It was small and cozy. I loved it then and even more in Oceania. Not everyone feels the same way, so it is empty most of the time. For me that is a value. · Complimentary laundry service – up to 3 bags per stateroom (20) items per bag with a three-day turn-around time, some restrictions apply). Ask your Butler and know the rules and deadlines for providing your laundry service. · Unlimited access to “Aquamar™ Spa Terrace”. This lovely place is underutilized by most guests, especially when in a colder climate. For me, this area is very important. NOTE: It reminds me of the Haven Sundeck, Vibe Beach Club and Thermal Spa combined. This was a big benefit to my enjoyment. · Apple iPad® upon request for your enjoyment on board. A nice to have but not a have-to-have amenity. NOTE: This is based on limited availability. · Cashmere lap blankets. Needed at night in colder climates for the veranda. · Complimentary shoeshine service by Butler. · Complimentary pressing of garments upon embarkation (certain limitations apply). Concierge and higher get four (4) items provided within the first three days of sailing. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  25. If you are in a Haven Suite, tell your butler. My wife and I were on Keto. He accommodated us. I will give you some advice. I told the Butler we wanted some nuts. He brought raw peanuts. Be as specific as you can and usually they will do well for you. If you are not in a Haven Suite, the only other suite that brings snacks on the bigger ships is the Club Balcony Suites. That is once or twice a week, not every day. None of the other staterooms have snacks. I hope that helps. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
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