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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. @schmerl Thank you for your post. My comment is not directed at you in anyway. This specific issue is not only a topic on "O". Every single brand has this same topic. For me, I get in trouble with my family all the time for doing something as simple as sending back a $65 steak that is not cooked right. I pay for a perfect steak at a expensive steakhouse. Now if I was at Golden Corral (I like golden corral) I just eat my $8.00 steak the way it comes. Yet, how in our world does someone have butlers like you did, and I have had; yet an others have the butler from down under. It is frustrating and so easy to point fingers at why this discrepancy can and does happen. I don't know "O" nor the butlers on "O". But I do know and love cruising. If you have something that disappoints, deal with it. Send that steak back. The person will learn, they are paid to serve and when they don't, you will express your dissatisfaction. It will make them better. Also, I personally have found, creating a relationship with a butlers upfront of humor, kindness and appreciation always gets me the extra mile. It is a two way street as it is in any relationship. They serve however they are not our servant. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  2. I came back to read your post again. Everyone has been so open and kind with their remarks. I think always using common business sense is a good practice. In my situation, If I were "O", if all the PH suites were paid in full, all the suite below the PH were waitlisted and paid in full, the only suite open were above a PH. I would offer an fare and reasonable upgrade offer to the most loyal "O" guests in the PH suites. Those loyal guest should always gain the upgrades. Loyalty is so rare in our world. To your specific situation. If it were offered to most folks, like you, they would have to turn it down. Airfare issue, vacation issue and just plain hassle issue. I would recommend "O" does not offer that situation to me. Both our airfares are fully refundable, changeable and cancellable. That kind of off reminds me of decades flying weekly with Delta. I was going from Birmingham, AL to LAX every single Sunday night and back on the last flight on Friday night. This was for years. On occasion, flight issues would happen and the Delta Flight vouchers would happen. Those were the days. Cruising on the other hand has so many variable that even if a ship staterooms were all showing Waitlist, folks cancel all the time up to the last second for lots of reason. For me and my guest, we are simply glad to be on the voyage, any PH cabin would be fine. Still, I am happy to have a Guarantee. It gives me something to think and dream about. Attitude is everything in this crazy world. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  3. @knscruiser322 Hello, I am the Author of this tread and I wrote the Butler letter originally posted for the Haven Butler. The key to a great butler letter is to develop it around your specific wants, need and motives. The challenge everyone who has never had a butler before has, is what will a butler on NCL do and not do for you. We all don't want to ask for something and be embarrassed. Let's start there. Google What Butlers do and don't do for you on Google. You will get a list for both. Once you have the list, think about your self and your family needs. Look up an old butler letter on this stream, there are more than one. Then craft your letter with those as a template. I want you to have background on why this letter was created in the first place. I was VERY disappointed with several of my past Butlers. The seems to not be present until the last day for their tip. That was not how truly trained butlers do their jobs. Something was wrong. So on one cruise, I had a serious conversation with my Butler on what was happening and why were my past butlers hit/miss. He explained, most folks don't know we Butlers are NOT on the pre-paid gratuities program. They assume the gratuities are prepaid for us. When they leave, the huge part of our income is never gained. When this started to happen over and over, human nature was do as little as possible. To add to that, the majority of our responsibility's are behind the scenes. The guest have no clue even when we do things to make their cruises better. This got me to think, let us try something a little unconventional. Let's write a letter with some simple and minor requests, give the butler a little bio of all guest in the suites and end with likes and dislikes. The Unconventional part was based on the conversation with the Butler. I hesitate to state it again because folk either like it or HATE it. All I am going to say is once I did this with the letter, my butlers were Good to Great every time. So you do you. I Tipped the butler on day one in the envelope with the letter. That one item changed for what ever reason the quality service I got from my Butlers. My concern was having an elevated cruise experience and it seemed to be achieved. Again, your letter and the reason for your letter needs to be upfront and personal to you needs. My approach and reasoning is what I do, it creates all kinds of debate online. I just want to have a great time and if this approach has accomplished it for me, it is a strategy that is worth considering. Just my two cents. Let the criticisms begin. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  4. That is both good and interesting information. Most folks say their guarantee suites are fulfilled a week prior to embarkation. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Cruise well, and enjoy every moment
  5. I agree, I always plan my dinner reservations around the shows. One of the main reasons why I even chose NCL is because I enjoy the shows. It troubles me that many of the shows I enjoy the most, will no longer be a part of the NCL cruise. Cruise well, and enjoy every moment
  6. A simple question and please answer anytime. We purposefully left our first night dinner open hoping to gain a waitlist for a specialty restaurant. Did you have pre-arranged reservations at Red Ginger or did you gain them once you were on-board. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  7. Thank you for taking the time to give "Real Time" information. I was supposed to go on the Marina but cancelled due to covid-19. It was interesting some of the comments given on the toiletries. I never new one could ask for special items like that due to allergies. But it does make sense. I know what it is like to take my vacation days and help folks on social media. It is a very kind gesture you are doing and respected by many. On that note, I have no idea why anyone would post Oceania Policy Updates for Administration Fees on a stream about live impressions of a ship. Hijacking a kind stream seems to be well, kind of rude. Just know, your efforts are noticed. Cruise well and enjoy every moment as well as much improved cookies.
  8. I have a PH3 Guarantee on a November 9, 2023 departure for a 10 day Mediterranean Cruise. I actually have two PH3 Guarantees. Currently, the sailing has most stateroom categories as sold out/Waitlist. PH3 is Waitlist, PH2 is Waitlist and PH1 is available with 6 suites. It seemed this shop sold a bunch of cabins with a four category upgrade and the Extraordinary sale. It seems that Oceania will be changing their pricing as of July 1, 2023, 10 days from now. In addition to the 6 PH1 available, Vista Suites have 2 available and Owners Suites has 3 available. Here are my assumptions based on common sense, not experience with Oceania. Prior to August 11, 2023 which is the final payment date, some folks will cancel their reservations. Even though they will lose some of their deposits. The sale will be over on July 1, 2023 however I would assume, key word assume the PH1 will sell by then. If all PH categories are sold out with full payment, what happens to my two PH3 Guarantees. I think you can see where I am going with this question. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  9. @Nashna I love the way you write and share information. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  10. Daniel, I think you will appreciate this. My birthday is on Wens. This morning, EARLY, I ordered Hot Pastrami, Rye bread, Pickles and Cheese Cake from the Carnegie Deli. It will arrive on Wens. My wife and I are on a Keto Diet to get ready for our November Mediterranean Cruise. We both have lost some serious weight. The only time we go off is birthdays, anniversaries and Cruises. I grew up on Huntington, NY. I would always visit Carnegie when I went to the city. This brings back great memories. I thought I would share. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  11. You are not wrong. This is the update to the original posting many years ago. Both took different turns as people posted different ideas. The problem is sometimes, when the topic goes off the intent, you just have to let it play out. The alternative is a huge issue that has nothing to do with the Secrets of the Haven VIP Experience. With the current investment in the Haven on all NCL ships, it should be what it was designed to be. Luxury on a Mainstream Cruise Brand. A Ship Within A Ship concept. Yet when NCL has 3 & 4 passengers free which are mostly kids, when the staff get a complaint from a guest even when the guest is wrong, the staff member pays the price. As I have said so many times, until you go to the Haven, you can't judge it. I have seen folks come in not appropriately dress. I watched them leave and come back dressed very nicely. I have also seen folks dress poorly, asked to change clothes and argue loudly. The one thing we can not control on a cruise ship, is the other guests as much as I would hope we could. The kids on the Haven Sundeck is a rule for a reason. I have seen younger kids up there but only for a very short time. To the kids, it is boring, to the adults it is amazing. Not designed for kids. I have never seen a kid in a hot tub in the Haven Sundeck. I have seen both the hot tubs in the Haven Courtyard filled with kids. This and other reason are why I have personally stopped doing any NCL or Haven cruise during any holiday or spring break. It is also why I am on Oceania on my next cruise. I hope this makes sense and you can see for the most part, I agree with you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  12. @Daniel A We are on the same page on Gym Clothes and Swim Clothes. I thought I was clear on that. Nice Shorts and a nice shirt was the issue. Let us also be clear, I personally NEVER wear shorts or tea shirts to eat in the Haven Restaurant. My comments was what I have observed. Sorry you thought differently or thought I was in agreement with Bathing suits. Not in my life time. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  13. @omahabobWelcome to the NCL board and this topic stream. I am the author of this topic on the Haven. My whole focus is "Realistic Expectations". It is my opinion that at any meal, nice shorts that are NOT BATHING suits and a nice tea-shirt, collared shirt or Tommy Bahama type shirt is all the Haven Restaurant will require. I have been on many NCL ships. They will turn you away if you have bathing suits or for ladies bathing suit tops on. This means if you are on the sundeck or Haven pool, you have to change before you go to the Haven Restaurant. The real issue and the reason so much is talked about on this stream is on rare occations, some folks complain about being turned away. On a recent sailing, I say a guest being turned a way and they were making a scene. The had a cover up long shirt over a wet bathing suit. That is a No/No, obviously. They posted there situation and was NOT accurate on what they were wearing. I was there. Common business sense makes all things work out. Now will other Have Guest potentially complain, YES. They have no right to do so. But many of them remember the "Old Days". I can say that because I am OLD. Times, they are a changing. So, relax, be flexibly, be realistic and enjoy the vibe of the Haven. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  14. @Daniel A My pleasure. The key to the NCL Haven, Celebrity Retreat, MSC Yacht Club and others, know what amenities you have, have to leverage them to exceed your personal need. Never use an excuse that I hear so much like, I really don't need a Butler. Instead realize, in life, it is rare to have others take care of you. You are the one that takes care of you and your clan. So learn to except service and kindness from other for your one week of vacation. You and everyone deserve it. The other thing always to remember is, have realistic expectations. Life is not perfect, you got to go with the flow. That defines cruising pretty well. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  15. @Daniel A See, you left that out of your information to me. Lol
  16. @Daniel A No, the butlers are no part of the pre-paid gratuities program. I also don't use them for pack and unpacking. What I do if find out all the other things that will make my cruise enhanced with them. The key to a butler is to let them know your likes, wants, needs and a little about you. That is why I use a Butler Letter. They are trained to take that and run with it. Butlers have made my cruise by treating me like a rockstar for 7-days a year. If you feel they are a waste and you will not use them, then reduce the amount. The amount is subjective. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. @McGarrett5oh Happy to comment. Let say it is a 7-Day Cruise, on one of NCL's larger ships with a full Haven setup. We also have to consider, more guest in the suite mine add to these amounts. I am making an assumption of two guests in the Haven Suite. Butler: $21.00 per day for the Cabin. Room Stewart: $10.00 per day for the Cabin. Bar Tender: $5.00 per day for the cabin Haven Desk: $12.00 per day for the cabin Waiters: Based on service provided. Those are my thoughts. Not everyone's but my thoughts. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. @mconthehighseas Well thank you for the kind words. I try REALLY hard to always be helpful, detailed and take the high road. Not the easiest thing I have ever done. Cruise well and enjoy enjoy every moment.
  19. My goal is aways to book my own airfare when I cruise. Also, to always fly at least the day before the cruise leaves the port. I shared this in this stream in GREAT detail so I will not rehash it here. This post is giving hints on keeping the airfare exactly what you intended while time passes before your cruise. I hope it helps whom ever reads it. Follow Up on my Airline Events: I really hesitate to comment on Airline preparation. There are some members that are truly experts. My situation is simply outlining what happen to my reservations and itinerary to possibly help others on some level. Doing My Own Flights: I have chosen to do my own air reservations for a party of four. Two will use points, the other two will purchase "Fully Refundable Coach". I choose fully refundable coach so if we cancelled the cruise, we would not take a loss on the air, which is a mistake I made in the past. I made the reservations as soon as the airline (Delta) offered them for sale. I did this to gain the best value, itinerary and seating. That was 330 days prior to departure/return. I was actually online at 12:01 AM. I am completely nuts with my preparation. Book Early for Best Value: During these 330 days, several of the flights have changed for one reason or another's. My goal was to have everyone in my party on the same flights so we could all travel together. Coordination if you have a Group: When some flights changed for one couple, they did not always change for both. I would call Delta and get the two reservations in-sync again. This has happened twice so far. For those that say, tie the two reservations together, they are. Equipment Change Good/Bad: On the long-haul from JFK to Athens, they changed the equipment. I am very precise where I want to sit on a long haul. I want the window, in Delta One closest to the window. Delta changed it with the new equipment. I changes it back to the seats I wanted. The GREAT news was I went from Delta One Business Class to Delta One Business Class Suites. A marked improvement. The message here is to check your flights and seats often. Most Recent Airline Change: This morning, our origination flight leaving at 05:30 AM in the morning showed "No Seating" assignments. I now know what that COULD mean. The flight is cancelled or there is a change in equipment. In this case, the flight is cancelled which will put me and our group on the 06:30 AM flight. This is the first flight out of our airport in the morning so it is rarely and issue to get to Atlanta on time. We should still have over an hour and 20 minutes layover. When triple connecting, I give as much fudge room with layovers as reasonable. You just never know what will happen. Conclusion: If you do your own airfare, changes happen. Review your flights and seat often to see if it still works for you. The quicker you get your new seats the better. Just my two cents. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. Follow Up on my Airline Events: I really hesitate to comment on Airline preparation. There are some members that are truly experts. My situation is simply outlining what happen to my reservations and itinerary to possibly help others on some level. Doing My Own Flights: I have chosen to do my own air reservations for a party of four. Two will use points, the other two will purchase "Fully Refundable Coach". I made the reservations as soon as the airline (Delta) offered them for sale. I did this to gain the best value. That was 330 days prior to departure/return. Book Early for Best Value: During these 330 days, several of the flights have changed for one reason or another's. My goal was to have everyone in my party on the same flights so we could all travel together. Coordination if you have a Group: When some flights changed for one couple, they did not always change for both. I would call Delta and get the two reservations in-sync again. This has happened twice so far. For those that say, tie the two reservations together, they are. Equipment Change Good/Bad: On the long-haul from JFK to Athens, they changed the equipment. I am very precise where I want to sit on a long haul. I want the window, in Delta One closest to the window. Delta changed it with the new equipment. I changes it back to the seats I wanted. The GREAT news was I went from Delta One Business Class to Delta One Business Class Suites. A marked improvement. The message here is to check your flights and seats often. Most Recent Airline Change: This morning, our origination flight leaving at 05:30 AM in the morning showed "No Seating" assignments. I now know what that COULD mean. The flight is cancelled or there is a change in equipment. In this case, the flight is cancelled which will put me and our group on the 06:30 AM flight. This is the first flight out of our airport in the morning so it is rarely and issue to get to Atlanta on time. We should still have over an hour and 20 minutes layover. When triple connecting, I give as much fudge room with layovers as reasonable. You just never know what will happen. Conclusion: If you do your own airfare, changes happen. Review your flights and seat often to see if it still works for you. The quicker you get your new seats the better. Just my two cents. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  21. Is this being done for the client. Indirectly but it will cost all more money. Does the brand focus on profit and increasing it. That is what make the world go around. If we don't like it, we choose another brand. For those that consider this brand in the future, they will do is on a price/value formula. Is it right or wrong, depends on who is making comments. The brand will survive with or with out some of us. On the reference to the car dealerships. That is a business I know very well, it has changed for the better in the last 15 years. I just had to say that. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  22. I have seen this happen on other brands in the past. Specifically change. The post here represent the exact same posts from the past. The question is why? Change is difficult for MOST of us. MOST of us like knowing the rules to the game and accepting them. Human nature really. I have been on this board now since I booked my first Oceania Cruise mid-2022. I read, learn, post and appreciate most of the quality of members. The tone that Oceania had to change some of their policies have been discussed, rehashed and debated. The general consensus was, clean up your act Oceania, you are confusing some folks especially the new folks. For me, it took a bit to get the program but after some thought, I got it. That was with the help of some loyal long time guests so thank you. Now my personal opinion which I don't expect for anyone to agree with or take as important. Oceania is now attempting to establish themselves with things that would me more like the "All-Inclusive" luxury brands. Reading the notes above, it is more like All Inclusive Lite. If you look at the drink program, nothing much really changes per the notes. The only real change is you get it and there for pay for the wine and beer program. If you don't drink, you still have it. that will make a certain group upset. On the excursions, many folks don't like the cost of the brands excursions so they do it on their own. Now they have to use some of what they believe is over price excursions with the credit provided. Those that so often claim "The only way to go is Cruise-Only" lose that opportunity and feel upset about that. The reaction is we won't use Oceania again or we will think twice. From Oceania standpoint, their future if they want truly grow are the converts from Main Stream Brands that want to lift their experience. This was a business decision to create a much better competitor to brands like Viking. Change is hard only for those that remember the way it used to be. The future growth often looks at those that have no frame of reference. Just my two cents. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  23. @johng75370 I will take "Pink Socks". The Crystal Ship had 200 guests out of 900. The guests onboard were mostly Crystal's most loyal. Some thought they owned the brand and wanted everyone to know that. If the ship was filled, these guest would have simply not been so obvious. The food was over the top great from the pool grill to the Asian Restaurants. My butler, Egnin was a new level of GREAT. I choose the wrong time to cruise. It was just to soon. My mistake. Cruise well and thank you from Pink Socks.
  24. @knscruiser322 Remember, you most likely paid for the gratuities pre-cruise for the room steward. The next tip you give them if any at all is the last day. There will be envelopes put in your suite. The bartender I usually give $20.00 for the crew on the first day and do another $20.00 a few days in. They can only give you what they have. However, there is a special line when entering the go-cart area for Haven Guest to fill in the race if cars are available. More crowed at night, less crowded in the day. All of your questions have to do with the number of people on your ship. No way to give a definitive answer. I found the go-carts hit or miss. I did it once and that was enough for me. Same with Lasor tag. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
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