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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. Thank you for your kind reply. The real issue is not about the Haven. It is we as CruiseCritic.com member reply, comment or do a stream; don't inflate the experience. Be accurate from you the cruisers experience and opinion. I also cruise in Balcony's, Club Balcony's and in the past Inside Cabins. I have had just as good a time there as in fancy suites in the Haven. It breaks my heart when people outline their experiences that I know are just not going to happen for everyone. Then the person that took the advice reviews their disappointment. Life is so much better when you expectations are realistic and you are positively surprised. I love the way you travel. Very exciting and cool. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  2. I appreciate any and all your comments. You are an excellent writer and appreciated. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  3. @Sthrngary here and I hope everyone is having a outstanding day. In my life prior to retirement, I spend time learning about meeting and exceeding clients expectations. A focus was on the "Luxury" buyer and how their needs constantly evolve. The reality is every single buyers wants, needs and motivations constantly evolve not just a luxury buyer. We would deep dive into survey systems. We would do the same for review sites. Our goal was to really learn in great detail what would improve the client experience leading to them becoming what is know as an advocate. Someone who would go out of their way to tell other people how much they loved the brand. We on CruiseCritic.com have an obligation to each other, regardless of the brand, to be as accurate as possible with our writings. When I read reviews, comments and posts, it sometimes looks like every aspect of the persons cruise experience was over the top perfect in every way. Things were done for them that were special yet they establish it as a every day thing. On the other extreme hand, others share that their entire experience the worst of a life time with no redeeming value. These two extremes really create a false narrative of what a persons experience will be and when it is not achieved, they are disappoint. Their expectations were unrealistic from the get go. That is not fair to those that read your comments. I see this a lot from marketers, influencers and Travel Agents. I want to give some examples of how our comments can negatively effect a cruisers experience: Vibe Beach Club: I really like the Vibe Beach Club and have written about it many times. One small thing I never wrote about until today is what happened one lunch time. If you have read all my Op-Eds on the "Secrets of the Haven", you know I truly know the Haven and all the amenities so I share them. How do these two items relate. One day I was at the Vibe Bar cruising out-side of the Haven, the Vibe manager asked me if I would like a Haven Burger (exclusive to the Haven) for lunch. This only happened once, it was not a perk of the Vibe. I never until now brought this up because it would set an unrealistic expectation, even for this to happen to me again. It was just someone being extremely nice to me. Haven Access to Smaller Shows: No where on the Haven Amenities does it say you can get access to the smaller show venues like the Beatles in the Cavern Club or the Comedy Club. These venues are first come and first serve. Yet people all the time are asking about this. All this is because just like my Burger in the Vibe, a Haven crew member once brought a Haven Guest through the back door of one of these venues before the crowd came in. Now someone new to the Haven or NCL expects this and they don't get it. Unrealistic expectations. Bottle of Wine In Suite/Cabin: My wife and I don't like the sparkling wine in the room that comes with certain Cabins. I have asked many times if we could exchange this bottle for a bottle of Chardonnay. I have asked five times and it happened once. On all five times we had the Premium Plus Beverage Package which provides a bottle of selected wines with meals instead of a glass. This does not apply to room service, cabin steward or butler. If I say I got a wine swap, everyone expects it and it is no policy. Again, someone was being nice. Escorted Access to the Ship: This is another thing that I have never shared until this writing. It was unusual and will never happen again. Others have written about it and then I read a review where some one was disappointed when they cruised. My family and I, end of November 2021 finally (four cancelation) did our 42nd (should have been 4th) wedding anniversary cruise. We were in the elusive (H2) Haven Deluxe Owners Suite. While in the Haven Port Lounge at the New Terminal in Miami, a Haven crew member was looking for me. I was completely surprised and thought there was something wrong. He said that he wanted to escort my family and I on board and to our suite before anyone else was boarded. Now for the rest of the story. I communicate extensively with the pre-ship Haven desk. I make friends because that is who I am. I also give updates of my experience unsolicited to the NCL executives (long story here for another post). It seems, this was a very special kindness for me this one and only time. When it says Haven guest are escorted on board, it is a group of haven gets not just one family. When you read this amenity it gets convoluted all the time. Unrealistic expectation. There are so many other examples where folk share things that are not policy so they could happen normally. Other folks read it and are disappointed when it does not happen for them. We owe fellow CruiseCritic.com members accuracy and honesty. No cruise is perfect and no cruise is completely a mess. Those are extremes. In survey evaluation we toss the best and worst review out to focus on the 80% in the middle. We should read comments and posts on CruiseCritic.com the same way. My goal is and always will be to promote "Realistic Expectations". I hope this makes sense and helps folks have the best cruise possible. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  4. @Lunesse You are more then welcome. I have to clarify something. Were many people are all about following the rules to a "T", if you don't you are not being a good person. I am not that guy. I suggested the Soda Package because when not in the Haven, I wanted you son not to feel uncomfortable. In the Haven, they will make him feel like a king. May adult daughter was on a recent NCL cruise with my wife and I on the NCL Joy in the Haven. When she knew we had the Premium Plus Beverage Package and she did not, she was kind of upset with me. I have spoiled my kids horribly. Yes, with four adults in a room, two of the four can get the Premium Plus Package and the other two get the Premium standard package. You just have to do a few hoops. Back to my story, my daughter wanted the high end champagne which comes by the glass. When we were at dinner, I just ordered two and gave her one. I know that is not the NCL policy but no one said a word. My other updated Haven stream is Please ask me any questions you like. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  5. What you say is some what my experience. Allow me to clarify. Virgin Drinks, sure thing. Coffee and Specialty Coffee's yes, no issue. Will the fudge on occasion with higher end sprits, yes; but not all the time. They are much stricter on wine and things like Tequila 1942. Because I really don't want to debate this issue and my intent is to establish realistic expectations, all me to share. In the Haven I have had both the Premium Beverage Package and the Premium Plus Beverage Package. I drink spirits and my wife drinks wines. What the bartender will do is let you know for certain wines and spirits there is a extra charge. How do I know this, because I drink high end tequila's. The drink price for the normal package was up to $15.00. My tequila was $42.00 a shot. They told me and I choose another tequila. The next cruise I purchased the Premium Plus package and drink my high end tequila, high end champagne and wine the entire week. No extra ad on charges. I am not saying a nice bartender might give someone a upgrade on occasions. That happens all the time especially with the Smoking Drinks. I am saying, if it happens, don't have an expectation prior to boarding it will always happen. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  6. Hello from Sthrngary the OP. Please remember this stream has been updated with the same name put revised at the end. On to your question. Make sure you son has the Soda package. On coffee's, in the Haven, all coffee, specialty coffee's are complementary. This is a perk that is not talked about often. On the Virgin drinks. You will have to get someone else to educate you on this. My strategy if in the Haven would be, to tip the Bar Tender and servers. Ask them if they can provide virgin drinks to your son. Or, if you could order a virgin drink and give it to them. I can not guarantee it but, in the Haven, something tells my they will treat your son like a King. On you and your spouse. Read the stream on the premium plus beverage package. I always get it and feel like a rock star. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  7. So sorry for the long answer before. I try to cover all bases. The answer is, YES. Just give them some notice. Also understand, the Haven is always a sellout. This is because NCL does the Upgrade Bid process. That means and this comes from experience, the Haven Sundeck is more crowded then let's say the Vibe Beach Club. The bar in the Haven is small so sit in the lounge and have the server bring you drinks to isolate a bit. The Haven Restuarant can also be as crowded or more than a specialty Restuarant so keep that in mind. Eating early solves that issue and the same hold true with specialty Restaurants fYI. Take full advantage of the Horizen Observation Deck for drinks as well, it is never crowded. They don't have a bar but they have servers that get you drinks. If you have any other questions, it would be my pleasure to assist. My wife and I have cruised three times in the last year. We are cruising again in December. We are fully vaccinated, 65 years old and recently both had covid anyway because we went to the World Games in Birmingham AL and saw Sumo in a small inside venue. I totally get your reason and want you both to be safe. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  8. @pbenjaminAllow me to answer your question with what I recently did. My wife loves a desert from the Cagney's. We were eating in the Haven Restaurant and they got the desert for her. Since it was only desert, I was charged. I asked for this to be done the night before we wanted it. On to a more elaborate answer. The Haven Restaurant will accommodate you on almost anything it you request with a 24 hour notice. Do you actually need it, no. It is the right thing to do. It would also make it easier if you knew what you wanted exactly but no critical. Please understand it will take extra time to get it to you and it comes from a different kitchen so it might not be the same temp as if you were in the specific specialty restaurant. I have ordered from the the Main Dining Room also having it served in the Haven Restaurant with notice. Because I really want you to have the very best cruising experience, I would like you to consider actually going to the specific specialty restaurant instead of having it brought to the Haven Restaurant. The other restaurants are lovely and the service is excellent. I fully understand if one of your party is ordering from the Haven Menu and another party is ordering from lets say, Cagney's. I can see that. Or, which happens more frequently, you are dining in your Haven Suite. My big focus on this thread is to assist in realistic expectations. My suggestion above will get you the better outcome however it is not my call, it is yours. My focus is as nice as the Haven is, NCL is very process driven. Every time you approach an adjustment to that process could create disappointment. I hope I assisted in some way. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  9. Agreed, it came as an email. Thank you for clarifying this. Always have a back up for sure. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  10. @njkate You have made a very valid point. If all things were equal, I would never cruise any other what other than the Haven. In life, things are not equal. In life we have to make personal decisions some of which are budget related. I am about to write something that I have never written before and I hope it is taken in the way it was meant to be perceived. My first Haven Cruise was after being extremely sick. I recovered and wanted to reward myself with a cruise that was a cut above what I was used to. I look at the NCL Getaway out of New Orleans. I see the fares and at the end was something called the Haven. The rate per person for a seven day cruise was $1,980.00 and it was for Thanksgiving holidays. I started to research this think called the Haven. At the time, very little was written or online other then Travel Agents that just wanted to sell you a cabin. Anything I read or viewed was diluted. How can a person consider something that is over two or more times the normal cruise rate without a real overview of all the value and amenities from a guest perspective. I was both Excited and Frustrated. That rate today is kind of unheard of but who knew back then. Seemed more than fair so I booked it. My intent was to completely enjoy the cruise and also pay attention to all the value both known and unknown with booking a Haven Suite. When I came back, I wrote the first Op-En on "The Secrets of the Haven VIP Experience". I recently updated it to be more current. I did this to give a guest perspective from my point of view. However, I sincerely say now, if that fare was $3,000.00 plus I would have never considered it. Some may feel differently however I wanted to explain how it all happened. After that experience I was hooked yet like most of us, I am on a budget and our needs constantly evolve. Fast forward to my December 2021 seven day cruise on the NCL Joy. That cruise I booked the elusive (H2) Deluxe Owners Suite with Large Balcony. The real story is I originally booked a Two-Bedroom Haven Family Villa on the Encore. My cruise was cancelled four times due to Covid-19. With all the discounts, FCC %, I had a tidy sum I could utilize. First I booked the Encore to Alaska again this time in the Owners Suite. It was going to cost me $6,000.00 more. I said, what the heck, it is a family vacation now for my 42nd wedding anniversary. Gee how times fly's during a pandemic. That cruise was in May 2021 and as most of you know, it was my 4th cancellation. Prior to the cancelation, I did something kind of smart. I booked a back up cruise. It was the one I eventually went on. The NCL Joy, December 2021 with my family of 4. We were in the Owners Suite. What I never talked about was that instead of paying an extra $6,000.00 like on the Encore, it was less then the credits I already had. As the cruise came close, the other Owners suite was selling for literally $8,000.00 more then I paid. If the original price was that much more, I would have passed. Did I have a good time. My family and I had a GREAT time. We also decided we would never book the Owners Suite again. Not because it was not great. It was. Because at the current fares we would rather by a new car. I am a huge Haven Fan. I love it and know who to get every ounce of value from it. I write about it, do YouTube videos on it and help people consider it. The key is, there is a point when the price does not equal the value. Only you can make that decision. There is always the bid upgrade system that could some some money however that worked a lot better when the ships were 40% filled. If you get an upgrade bid, many will be very impressed. I have already put my upgrade bit in for my December 2022 cruise on the Breakaway. I hope I get but if I don't, I have a Cabana in the Vibe and did the Free at Sea Plus package. I share all this with everyone just as a point of reference. I am not the expert, I am just a guest like everyone else. Hope it assists. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  11. @KeithJenner Free at Sea Plus was a mystery to me. Then, in a quest to get my Vibe Beach Club week pass to a Vibe Cabana, I called my Haven Desk associate. She looked at my booking and said, I can lower your costs and increase some benefits with the "New" Free At Sea Plus. I was completely in the dark. I of course purchased it along with the Vibe Cabana on the Breakaway for December 2022. I notices not only was it not published or available on my NCL online booking, it still showed I could purchase Premium Plus Beverage Package, Unlimited Internet, did not show the extra two Specialty Restaurants. Because I don't trust anyone, I called to make sure I had all the items that come in the "Plus" upgrade and they confirmed it. This kind of information really helps cruisers. That is why I really like CruiseCritic. Other then the occasional arguments, I have a heads up on new policy's that my favorite cruise line put in place. By the way, to find out the benefits to the "Plus" program I also found it on a google search. You had to know it existed though. Next step; I just got the Upgrade Bid Email and all things considered, on my cruise that Haven is almost sold out, I did some really low bids including a Haven Courtyard Penthouse and Club Spa Suite. My experience shows me I don't have a shot but what the heck. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  12. @ChiefMateJRKYes, I read lots of folk that did not enjoy the experience. I go back to managing ones realistic expectations. Before Crystal Cruises went under, which probably happened because I drank all the vodka; I got to feel what in my opinion true luxury felt like. The food, personalized service, bar service, and experience. Hard to explain or compare. I would expect that same feeling if one went on Regent Seven Seas or Viking. You paid a significant premium which remembers me you get what you pay for. That said, the luxury cruising experience was not for me. It lacked some excitement and was some what boring. I would have rather gone in the Haven or Suite with the Vibe Beach Club. I love the big ship activities and pool games. On cruising there is give and take. Once you know what floats your boat, just go it. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  13. I personally would call to see if they can give it to you now. Many folks have had great luck calling. Good luck. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  14. Thank you for confirming. A little extra information. I initially booked my week Vibe Beach Club with a representative on the phone. It was 120 plus days before my cruise. I was thrilled because, unless you are in the Haven, I really don't like getting to the port at 08:30 AM to be the first to board just to get a Vibe pass. If I am in the Haven, as most know, I get their about 10 ish because the board first. I digress. I found out after making that Vibe Week booking that you could get a Cabana on the Breakaway for just a bit more. I called back to get the Cabana and had a series of lets say, NCL folks with no clue. They all told me there was no Cabana's available. I gave up. Then out of the blue, I emailed a contact at NCL and bingo, Cabana Booked. Now I look at my online cruise, go to entertainment and there are still Cabana's available but the Vibe Beach Club Passes are not allowing purchases. I suggest if anyone is booked on a future cruise, look at your online booking if you want a Vibe Beach Club Pass. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  15. Hello everyone. I have decreased my postings on Cruise Critic but today I thought, let's look at the topics. Those that have read my postings and comments can understand why I would write something on the topic of the NCL Haven. As I read all the comments it is about the same. Cruisers fall in to categories as it relates to the Haven: I love it and won't go any other way. I can go on 8 cruise for the price of 3 in the Haven. My Butler was awful. My Butler was the best. The Haven Restaurant is the best on the ship. The Haven Restaurant never changes its menus. Lots more. I love the Haven and would choose it every time. I don't because sometimes the investment is a bit to rich for me. That last statement is from a person who recently took his family on the NCL Joy in the Deluxe Owners Suite. I also recently went on a Solo Cruise on the Joy and was in a Club Suite. Cruises are what you make of them. You can book outside of the Haven and still have a spectacular time. I did it by added some extra's like the Vibe Beach Club, extra Specialty Restaurants and such. Was it different outside the Haven, Yep. Was it still a great experience, Yep. Would I have preferred the Haven, Yep. My main emphasis on the Haven is creating realistic expectations. Nothing is worse then investing in Premium, expecting what a fellow cruise shared, and it not being available. You feel short changed. So my humble advice is to do your research. Don't believe everything you hear. Take folks comments even my with a grain of salt. In December 2022, my wife and I will be on the NCL Breakaway out of New Orleans. My wife won the Slot tournament on the Joy in December 2021. That gave her an entry into the Slot finals on this cruise. My sister whom has never cruised before will be booking this cruise as a solo. I made it clear to my sister, I will be bidding for a Haven Suite. If I win my bid, we will only be joining her for the Specialty Meals when dining. Do I think now that the bookings are high again, my low ball bid will be accepted, NOPE. But you can't blame a guy for trying. Cruise well everyone and enjoy every moment.
  16. @TheycallmeDrew NCL changed the way you can book the Vibe. I like you have done everything I could to be one of the first on board, ran to the restaurant where the Vibe Desk was to get my week long Vibe pass. Now, you can book the Vibe and or the Vibe Cabana pre-cruise under the entertainment tab. On my cruise on the breakaway in December 2022, I have a Cabana. Those interested can book a Cabana which comes with two vibe pass for the week still. They are not sold out. I hope that helps you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. I have obsessed for months prior to a cruise. I would justify this action that my family does no planning and it was all up to me. I also sold myself on the fact, it I did not plan, I would miss or loss the opportunity to do something I would regret. My approach would be to start what I call a Journal document. Normal stuff like dates, times and reservations. Then my cruise got cancelled. This lead to adding my Covid-19 Card image, specialty restaurant menus and pictures of all passengers passports. This manual is now up to 20 pages. Then came my second of four total cancelations. In went the different between the Premium Beverage package and the Premium Plus. This process went on until I had a book, which I bound that had close to 30 pages. I gave the document to my wife and two adult children about two days before our flight. I choose that date because that is when all the stupid questions happen. Like, when is our flight, where are we staying pre-cruise, what ports are we going too and the list goes on. The moment I get one of those questions, I hand the journal out to everyone. After to doing all this work, no one really looked at this fine work of a Journal. That cruise was lovely however for me it was anticlimactic. I visualized each element so many times before sleep it seemed I had cruise this cruise hundreds of times before. My next cruise is in December, I have one page and it is a Excel Calendar with times and dates. On Cagney's. This steak house used to be one I would avoid. My last cruise in March 2022 solo, I tried Cagney's again on the Joy. I ended up eating their 4 nights of a 7 night cruise. My secret was going a bit earlier then I would usually eat. The Chocolate Cake is the very best. Hope my thoughts help. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. Hello Folks: @sthrngary here. Thank you all for keeping this “Secrets to the Haven VIP Experience” alive. I would like to remind everyone; I updated this stream at the beginning of the year per many members’ request. To me, it does not matter which you post too. All that matters is that it helps everyone with information and education. I have attempted to back off answering every question that is asked on my postings that I have authored. My philosophy is, the knowledge of the group far exceeds the knowledge of any single member. When I read the responses, that logic is very true. I would like to address a few recent items from my perspective. Remember, we all have an opinion, and it does not make it 100% accurate. To Haven or Not to Haven. That is the Question? : When I wrote this blog and posted it on CruiseCritic.com, I did it for a reason. I was frustrated that all the information on the NCL Haven that was available seemed to be marketing by NCL or a personal cruise consultant whose take was everything was perfect. It did not allow me to make a business decision for what we all consider a premium priced approach to cruising. I posted this topic and what happened was simply amazing. Folks added items, clarified details, and updated new benefits. Also, some folk really criticizing both the Haven and those that choose to invest in the premium to stay there. That is fully expected in any social media format. All I ask is to always be respectful and kind. If someone disagrees with your position or point, there is no need to be harsh. Yes, I am aware some posters who are aggressive with their dislike for the Haven have never stayed there. Yet it is their right to post their opinion. This is about the love of cruising, not who is right or wrong. Haven Suite Phones: I have been in Haven Suites with and without the wireless phones located in the suite. Personally, I never utilized them. That was my choice. I have seen folks have the phones with them on the Haven Sundeck and call their butler. Because I rarely use the device, I have not noticed if it was in every Haven Suite on different ships. This leads me to a very important notion and additional reason for authoring this topic. I wanted all of us to establish realistic expectations. If you visualize the Haven as the ultimate in personalized service, you will be disappointed. If you look at it as a significant improvement from a normal cabin or suite, it will exceed your expectations. Please be realistic so your cruise is all it can be. Food, Glorious Food: I love to eat, drink, and have great service while dining. I have enjoyed the Suites Only Dining on Celebrity and the Haven Restaurant on NCL. On Celebrity the menu changes daily. When dining in the Haven Restaurant the menu for any meal never changes. In both my examples the food was consistently excellent. The service was superior. I don’t really care about variety so the same menu every day is fine for me. Yet I still take advantage of the ship specialty restaurants for the fun of it. Whether you dine in a specialty restaurant or a suite only restaurant like the Haven; you will have a better meal all around compared to most ship main dining rooms. The key is to know and be realistic with your expectations. The Upgrade Fairy is Alive and Well: I think NCL was brilliant when cruising began again after Covid-19. Not to say Covid-19 is gone, it is not. We have just managed around it. NCL on ships that were less than 50% filled, made sure their upgrade bid program filled every single suite in the Haven. Some bidders got the bargain value of a lifetime. This allowed many who might never get the opportunity to try this exclusive way of sailing. Now that the ship is filling up to capacity, these upgrade Haven Bids cost a bit more so not everyone can afford them. I know, even though I write a lot about the Haven, my last cruise and future cruise is not in the Haven. I made that decision based on my own personal budget. I assure everyone, I will be bidding on a Haven Suite, yet my expectations are it does not matter. I will love the vacation either way. Butlers: I made a comment earlier about setting realistic expectations. One of the biggest debating points seems to be on what your Butler can and can not do for you. If even having a butler is it worth the premium. Butlers in the Haven are hit or miss. The biggest complaints seem to be folks that read online what a butler did for another guest. Please remember social media often sound better than reality. About Butlers. Most of you know I write a pre-cruise butler letter. If I don’t see my butler right away, I ask the Haven Desk to have them come to my suite so I can give them my letter. Nothing in the note is excessive. No special favors. Over the years I have figured out, butlers want to please us. They just can’t read our minds. Guest sometimes are shy and don’t communicate or ask their butlers for anything. My suggestion is to read the many topics online focused on what a butler will and will not do. The letter I have written and other CruiseCritic.com members letters are attached to their posting on the topic. All that really matters is we know that the butlers on an NCL ship do not participate in the automatic gratuities program. How much you choose to tip them is up to you. The gratuities question happens once a month. It creates lively debate because it is both subjective and personal. Just remember, you butler has many suites and other responsibilities. They are not exclusively for you. They also don’t have a crystal ball so know what you might need or want and communicate with them. Ask for nothing you will get just that. Haven Embarkment Day Lunch: Because food is so important to my cruising experience, I take the subject very seriously. On all my Haven voyages, when you board you can have lunch in the Haven Restaurant if the ship has one or a special restaurant which NCL selects. Most recently on the Joy, it was the American Diner. I had the “Blue Plate Special” which was classic roast beef, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and bread. I loved that kind of food, so I was happy. My family all got different entries and they did not like them at all. I found it interesting that the Milk Shake was not part of the complementary meal. Those that got the shake, loved it though. On the Getaway some years back the lunch option was Margaritaville. My choice unless those I am with insist on something else is the Haven Restaurant. I just enjoy it better and I know it is a personal choice. The reason I initially booked the Haven way back when was the need to improve my cruising experience. I was upset about folks that unofficially reserved chairs by the pool, when the bar tenders would make my wife wait for a drink by the pool for 30 minutes plus, rows in the theatre venue saved for guest that did not show up, below average food in main dining rooms, and the hassle of getting on/off the ship. I just wanted a solution for some or all those items. The Haven did that for us. On the other side of the coin, I spent to much time in the Haven area and lost the fun of the rest of the ship. Now we approach both equally. Truly a ship with in a ship concept. I hope my thoughts assist in some way. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  19. Great plan, glad you had a nice time. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. @CoastalbreezesThat is exactly what I was hoping to here. Thank you for taking the time to share. Sound like my wife will have some fun and with here luck, she might even have shot. Better odds then the lottery, LOL. Thanks again. Cruise well and enjoy every minute.
  21. If anyone has any actual experience on this Tournament, could you share any details. My wife won an entry. Thank you all in advance. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  22. About the Author: Gary (sthrngary) writes exclusively about his actual cruise experience. He is known to be truly knowledgeable about the NCL Haven. His writings are never paid for by any company. It is his hobby and passion. Unlike many other op-eds on CruiseCritic.com, Gary will respond to all your questions and all he asks is a like on this main op-ed if you agree it was worthy. Opening: Hello everyone. After my last cruise just few months ago, I have rarely posted or commented. I wanted to give CruiseCritic.com a rest. I review all your comments every day and appreciated what I learned. As some of you noticed, I was asked to update my op-ed on the “Secrets of the NCL Haven.” I did so at the beginning of the year 2022, based on my experience on the NCL Joy, with my family, on the November 26, 2022, sailing. Thanks for the great response to that update. I had such a wonderful time on the NCL Joy, I decided to go on the ship again as a first time Solo Traveler. Now for a bit of transparency, my November 2021 NCL Joy cruise with my family was a new level of expensive. We were not only in the Haven, but we also had one of the two (H2) Deluxe Owners Suites. A true once in a lifetime experience. I did an immensely popular YouTube video on this unique suite. You can imagine how my mind thought about not going in the Haven for my Solo cruise, after that experience. For my solo cruise, I booked a Club Suite which was an incredible bargain. Because of the expense of the Family Cruise as you might expect, my funds were limited. I am also retired which also limits my “Fun Funds” for vacations especially for myself only. This created the notion of a strategy called, “Haven Lite.” Do not anyone get the wrong, I had eight upgrade bids for the Haven on that solo cruise. As a solo cruiser, the rub is you must pay the upgrade bid twice if you win. If you bid $500.00, it cost the solo traveler $1,000.00. This limited my willingness to bid high. More importantly, the Haven Suites were sold out early. This was because NCL cancelled cruise on a large ship that hit a sand bar. All those passengers were given options with the Joy sailing date I was on as on. If those distressed guests had a Haven Suite prior, they had first rights to the Joy’s Haven inventory that was left. The result was a Haven fully booked much earlier then normal. I knew this could happen, so I started planning my “Haven Lite” cruise. The rest of this op-ed will focus on my experience. Remember, your experience will change based on what is most important to you and your family. I guess all you long-time members of CruiseCritic.com know why I made that disclaimer, LOL. Haven Lite Strategy: Goal: Have as close to a Haven Luxury Experience as possible during a cruise without having a Haven Suite. Approach: Utilize all the tools and amenities that NCL offers including but not limited to pre-pay for amenities. Do not forget to leverage the “Free at Sea” promotion as well as any benefits you receive from your credit card provider. Strategy: Below are some the add-ons I purchase to great the Haven Lite experience. Each add-on to a cruise may have some due diligence that needs to be done along with some expense. Some examples are but not limited to the follows: Vibe Beach Club: You cannot prepurchase the Vibe Beach Club. Your strategy must be to get in the Vibe Beach Club line as soon as folks are let onboard. This means you must research where the club passes are being sold and make a run for it. You also must remember each member of your party has to be on the line to get the pass. From a strategy standpoint, the Vibe has a limited set of passes for the week because the daily passes are so much more profitable for NCL. Specialty Restaurants: I always receive the “Free at Sea” promotion that provides me with two (2) specialty restaurants. I book my cruise with my American Express Platinum Card which provides me with “On-Board Credit” and one additional French Restaurant for two. This is a grand total of three (3) specialty restaurants. I then buy a specialty restaurant package with either two (2) or three (3) additional dinners. If I were in the Haven with a Haven Restaurant, I would not buy this additional package. The Specialty restaurants you choose is up to you. We all have our favorites. Premium Plus Beverage Package: To each his own on this package however I aways purchase the “Premium Plus Beverage Package” using the upgrade option when utilizing the “Free at Sea” promotion. Since I am going Haven Lite, I have saved so much money from a Haven fare, this option is reasonable. Many would disagree with this claim but as I said, it is a personal choice. My goal here is to show the many ways I make my cruise as luxurious as possible based on my definition of luxury. The “Plus” package allows me to have very high-end spirits, wines, and French Champagne that I would never purchase at home. Don Julio 1942 tequila is one of my favorites. A bottle, if purchased at a liquor store would cost close to $200.00. The larger bottles are closer to $400.00. On a ship, a shot is $45.00 each. This is just one example of things I have tried and enjoyed while cruising Haven Lite. Now if you do not drink, then take a pass. Remember, this is not about finding a way to justify the upgrade for the “Plus” package. Drink responsible. Unlimited Streaming Internet: The internet on a cruise ship is awful on its best day. I remember when you had to buy it by the minute a decade ago. It was expensive then and now. The “Free at Sea” promotion gives you 250 minutes of normal internet. The upgrade to Unlimited Streaming is about $100.00. If I were in the Haven, I am not sure I would upgrade. Haven Lite, I do it every time. Excursions: Talk about personal choices. My opinion, all cruise excursions are over-priced, lack luster, and underwhelming. The exception is a few cruises in Europe. Over the years I have done most every excursion. Knowing that the value does not meet the investment, I still have some favorites. I have just resolved myself that paying a premium is just the cost of admission. My favorites include: · All Inclusive Over the Water Bungalow: I wish you were at this attraction for more time for the price of $550.00 for two people. The other issue is the horrible 45-minute ride to the location. Past that, this excursion gives everyone what they might want. Food, Drink, Water, and Privacy. For 6 hours you feel like you are on one of those islands that only billionaires can visit. You can also engage with the neighbors who want to be in a group in the water. That is what my wife and I did. We did tequila shots, eat steak/lobster, and floated in the water with our new friends for most of the time at the resort. With all that tequila in our systems, the right back was a gas. · NCL Private Island Beach Villa: The NCL private island is lovely. It is a joint venture with the local government. It looks and feels brand new. You can reserve a Private Beach Villa with golf cart transportation, some soft drinks, butler service, air conditioning, internet and the list goes on. The cost is now $899.00 for all six guests. Not bad if you split it with a group of friends. The kicker is you must pay for both food and drinks. Add a few hundred for that. Seems like the price of a cruise for 7 hours on the beach. We always find a way to have folks join us and share the expense. The Spa: I love a great massage. When you are on a cruise ship, the massages are not great, they are good. The price is high because we are all captive. Not of this is an issue for me. I always book one massage for the second sea day. You must book it quick because everyone else has the same idea. To enjoy this experience even more, allow me to give you some advice. When the spa personnel attempt to upsell you, just say, “Not today!” This is the one issue I have with the spa. Also, remember the tip was included automatically. Many people miss that little tidbit. The Average day comparing the Haven Luxury Experience and Haven Lite: The Morning: · Haven: I wake, get dressed and go to the Haven Observation lounge. I get a cup of coffee (Starbucks from a great machine), I have two Haven Almond Danish (Only available in the Haven) and look out the window at one of the best views on the ship. · Haven Lite: I wake, get dressed and to the Observation lounge. I get a cup of coffee made at the actual Starbucks, I have granola with milk and look out the window at one of the best views on the ship. Breakfast: · Haven: I wait for my family to wake, and we go to the Haven Restaurant for breakfast. On the first few days we get a full breakfast then we sometimes simply skip breakfast in the future. The night before, I ask the server if I can have a filet with my steak and eggs. I always order French Press Coffee. The breakfast is always great. · Haven Lite: I wait for my family to wake, and we go to the Main Dining Room for breakfast. On the first few days we get a full breakfast then we sometimes skip the meal. Steak and eggs are usually not an option, so I substitute some other kind of meat. I order a Starbucks cappuccino. The breakfast is always great. Mid-Morning: · Haven: My family and I go to the Haven Sundeck. We usually get an umbrella near one of the Hot Tubs. I let the bar server know to check on my group from time to time. Rarely a crowd and has a lovely view. · Haven Lite: My family and I go to the Vibe Beach Club. We usually get an umbrella near one of the Hot Tubs. The staff bring over ice water and fresh fruit. It you want an umbrella where this is none, you just ask. The bar service is in the Vibe beach Club and the bar is twice the size of the Haven Bar. Rarely a crowd and has a lovely view. Lunch: · Haven: We go to the Haven Restaurant and usually sit outside. The food is always great, yet it is a long unrushed lunch. To long when things are going on that you want to attend. After a day or two, all you really want is a burger and fries. You usually can get that on in the Haven Courtyard sitting near the Haven Pool or on the Haven Sundeck. Worst case you ask your butler. · Haven Lite: We go to the Main Dining Room. The food is always exceptionally good, yet it is a longer lunch because it is a full-service restaurant. After a day or two, all you really want is a burger and fries. This is when the buffet becomes a great option. Like most buffet, you need to make good choices. We also consider the 24/7 restaurants which surprisingly has a nice menu and a great burger. They are also quick. Afternoon: · Haven: This is where it gets complicated. The Haven is a wonderful place just to hangout, especially in the sun. Yet, the rest of the ship has fun activities going on all day. We usually leave the Haven to venture on the rest of the ship. When the crowds get to much, we simply go back to the Haven Sundeck. · Haven Lite: There is no difference being in the Haven or Haven Lite in the afternoon. It is important to leave the Haven especially if you like pool games, music, and water slides. When the crowds get to you, you simply go back to the Vibe Beach Club. Pre-Dinner: · Haven: I go to the Haven Bar for a nice relaxing cocktail. I usually sit at the bar meeting new friends and engaging. I am waiting for my family to join me because I can not stand hearing, “My hair looks awful,” “I have gained so much weight on this cruise.,” “I am retaining water.,” “Who has my Tylenol?” I stay out of the family flame thrower by having a drink alone. · Haven Lite: I go to the “A” List Bar for a nice relaxing cocktail. Now cut and past the above because nothing changes except the bar location. Dinner: · Haven: I absolutely love the Haven Restaurant. I am fully aware they do not change their menu’s and I am still quite satisfied. The quality of the food, service and flexibility suits me. Please remember we have three (3) Specialty Restaurants we can choose from during the week for variety. I also have never had an issue eating in the Haven Restaurant at 07:00 PM any night I wanted to do so. · Haven Lite: I add two or three specialty dining packages to my account. The nights I do not do a Specialty Restaurant, I do the Main Dining Room and have enjoyed it. The food quality of the MDR is not as good as the Haven however it is so much better then attempting the same dish in my kitchen. My 07:00 PM timing has never been an issue with the MDR and I always pre-book my times/days of specialty restaurants 125 days prior to the cruise. Entertainment: · Haven: It is true that the Haven Guests have a special reserved seating area for the larger venues. It is located stage left in the orchestra section. I have very rarely used these seats because when I arrive, I find a better seat on the end so my lovely bride can go to the bathroom and not bother anyone. Much has been written that the Haven team will escort you to the smaller venues like the Cavern Club or the Comedy Club through the back door prior to the doors opening. I have found this to be extremely inconsistent. · Haven Lite: The same comments as above. Most all the entertainment is accessible with nice seats if you just get their a few minutes early. Getting On and Off the Ship: · Haven: Nothing beats the quick access to and from the ship when you are in the Haven. The port days, you use the service elevator. When it is the last day, you do the same. The priority allows for a full and none rushed breakfast. You can even take a shower the day you leave. This one amenity is the greatest loss for me when I am not in the Haven. · Haven Lite: It is all about the strategy you use. Let us begin. The instant I can check-in online I do so. The reason is I can choose the earliest boarding time which is usually 09:00 AM. I sit remarkably close to the entrance doorway so I can make my mad dash for the purchase of a Vibe Beach Club pass. On the excursion days, I follow the rules and go to the places where my group needs to meet. I always plan to go early. On the last day, I hide in the Observation deck with a cup of coffee. The night before I went to the Front desk to get the luggage tags that best allows me to get off the ship and make my flight. As I said, it takes some planning, but it has been seamless and quick. Conclusion: With some strategy and planning you can make your non-Haven cruise close to the Haven experience. Now that I have done both approaches and said that statement, here are my thoughts. All my life I was working sixty plus hours a week. I left home on Sunday afternoon with my family and friends enjoying my pool. I came home on late Friday night or Saturday morning to see dishes in the sink which I did immediately. None of this do I regret nor harbor resentment. I had a stroke at age 60 and retired. Those decades of demanding work, budgeting, savings, and smart investing gives me the option of staying in the Haven or choosing not to do so. I realize I am fortunate and never forget where I came from. Growing up, we did not have enough money to even eat out at a restaurant. Some of you might remember Howard Johnson’s Restaurants. Once a week they would have an all you can eat, fried chicken dinner. Once a quarter, my mom would take us there. We can never forget where we have come from. All that said, I believe in a concept called the price vs. value formula. “When the Price of a Product or Service exceeds the value by one penny; then and only then will the guest purchase.” I would take the Haven every time if I had unlimited funds. I do not and most of you do not either. Now I look at the sailings, sometimes you can get a very reasonable rate in the Haven. If not, I book a Club Suite or Suite followed by an upgrade bid for a Haven Suite. As you can tell from this op-ed, I always know what the Haven rate was prior to booking a club suite. That way I can realistically bid with the highest chance of winning a Haven Suite. I am just not disappointed if my bid is not accepted. Now, “you do you,” as my 36-year-old son tells me all the time. My wants and needs are different than yours. My budget or willingness to stretch my budget is also my own. Do your due diligence and most importantly, be happy with your final decision because of your research. “Cruise well and enjoy every moment"
  23. As I got off the NCL Joy with my entire family from the November 27, 2021, cruise, I knew I would cruise again soon. Hard not to after having such a good time when you are in the (H2) Deluxe Owners Suite. I also knew my family would NOT want to join me in the future. All that was fine. I have also gone to the Bonnaroo Music festival three (3) times solo. I lived my life on the road most of my life. I looked at every ship from the Encore, Breakaway, Bliss and Joy. I knew I had to book it 30 days or before to do what I wanted to do. I settled on the NCL Joy even though I was just on it. The single rate was very reasonable for the Club Balcony Suite (MC) at approximately $1,200.00 total with fees. My wife and I are on the NCL Breakaway in December 2022 and the rate per person for the Club Balcony Suite is more. Please remember I am used to paying Haven prices for two or more people so for me, this was the bargain of the year. My next step was to have my travel agent book it and get the American Express Platinum perks. They were $200.00 OBC and one meal at the French Restaurant. As soon as this is confirmed by my TA, the booking will be completed and fully paid. The sailing is 28 days away. Now I wait for the bidding process if it happens. I have captured what the current Haven costs are now and will make my upgrade bid accordingly. The key is that many Haven Categories are already sold out. I am not sure when or if the upgrade email will come to me. If it does, my goal is to keep the total price in the $2,000.00 or less range and be in the Haven. I would consider that a WIN. This is currently all hypotheticals. Like any cruise, you must have a contingency plan. If I am not able to upgrade to the Haven, then I attempt to make the cruise as Haven like as possible. What that means is the following: Gratuities: Pre-pay prior to the cruise. Total Expense Pre-Cruise: $108.50 Premium Plus Beverage Package: Upgrade to the Premium Plus Beverage Package. $243.60 Specialty Restaurants: I have three specialty restaurants now, upgrade to have two more. $106.80 Vibe Beach Club: Purchase a week at the Vibe Beach Club. $200.00 + Aprox. Well, I will keep everyone informed of my progress. Cruise well everyone.
  24. 2022 Update of the original post from 2019 This content is very long and detailed. It was designed to give a perspective on the sometimes-controversial topic of the NCL Haven VIP Luxury Experience. Prior to booking the Haven, the information available at the time was far from complete. This led to many of the same questions being asked on CruiseCritic.com and other social media outlets. You will notice my spelling and grammar are horrible. Please focus on my message. please don't be CRUEL or HATEFUL to me or anyone replying to this post!!!! Introduction: As a frequent cruiser for over 43 years, I research my experience prior to taking all my cruises. This trait provides me with a high level of enjoyment from my vacationing experience. It allows me to visualize my cruise even before it happens. For me personality, it also allows me to take care of details ahead of time. The result is as close to a fully inclusive vacation as possible. I can relax from the first second of my cruising experience throughout its conclusion. The past few years, my wife and I have chosen to attempt to improve our overall cruise experience by upgrading our cabins to suites levels sometimes in exclusive sections of a larger cruise ship (Reference: NCL Haven; Celebrity Suite; MSC Yacht Club). This trend on our part, started over a decade ago, when we entered into our 50's. We are now in our mid-60’s. We started the suite trend with Holland America Line (HAL), then to Celebrity Cruises and on to NCL. In the cruising industry, the last 10 years has shown a rise in the popularity of these exclusive suites/ship area’s; also, the perks and amenities these premium cabins provide. Luxury Cruise Test Drive: Before I go on, please note our goals support this documents context. My wife and I, for the first time are taking the jump from Mainstream cruise brands (NCL, Celebrity, Royal Caribbean, MSC, Carnival, Holland America), to a luxury cruise brand. We called it our “Luxury Cruise Test Drive”. We just needed to know what, if any difference there was between the NCL Haven and a Luxury Cruise. It was clear the Luxury Brand ships were smaller; it is a different cruising experience than the huge 5,000 plus passenger’s ships. These sailings are also mostly adults due to investment, entertainment, dining, demographic, and accommodations. The ship sailings focus much more on itinerary, since small ships can get into different much more unique ports. Mostly, the luxury brands have a true lock on what I call personalized service. The brand we choose was Crystal Cruises and our sailing was September 2021. We had a very nice time yet realized Luxury Cruising was not for us. As most of us know, the Crystal brand is now going out of business. This was not seen or felt on our cruise. Everything was lovely. My wife and I just missed the large ship experience. We missed the energy, music/show options and yes even the young people who make us feel young again. This is a personal preference however important to bring up as a point of reference for the rest of this topic. Remember, what we were and currently attempting to do? It is the quest of the best cruise experience possible for our personal wants and needs. Personal History: We have been cruising since our Honeymoon 43 years ago. We have gone on over 25 cruises. We have taken our children when they were young and now as adults. In November 2018, my family and I went on the Celebrity Equinox in a cabin upgraded cabin level called the “Celebrity Suite”. On NCL this would be a Haven Penthouse with large balcony. The Celebrity Suite included access to the ships Michael's Club and the “Suites Only” restaurant called the “Luminae”. This upgraded category also provided a butler. Michael's club was a small, quite private lounge with a full bar. During the day it would provide little appetizers and treats. Even though it was small, I absolutely loved this private little hangout amenity. The Suites only restaurant, Luminae, was the best restaurant on the ship by far apart from the Crystal Cruises dining experience which was a new level. This is including the so-called specialty restaurants which we have been disappointed with more than enjoyed. The Butler was a non-issue because we simply did not know how to utilize their services effectively. That is one of the key topics for the balance of this article. If you are going to invest in the better experience, should you know how to leverage ALL the amenities including your butler. In my searches in 2019, no articles did a deep dive about these mainstream exclusive areas. That prompted the original op-ed and this update revision. This brings us to topics of this document, newly updated “Secrets to the NCL Haven VIP Experience”. Frequently Asked Question I Hope this Op-Ed Answers: Is the premium for the Haven worth it? What are the Haven Amenities? Can guests not staying in the Haven use Haven amenities? What will our butler do for us? How do I handle Specialty Restaurant Reservations when in the Haven? What will the Haven Concierge do for us? How to I make special requests pre-cruise when booked in the Haven? Are the items in the Haven Suites mini-fridge complementary? Will Haven guest have special seating to ALL shows? Is the Haven Butler and Concierge included in the NCL Pre-Paid Gratuities Program? What is a “Ship within a Ship” Concept? If you don't already know, the NCL Haven is a "Ship within a Ship" concept. It allows, for a premium investment, a certain level of exclusivity, amenities, and privacy without taking away a large cruise ship experience. A private luxury boutique area within a classic mainstream cruise experience. Another word, you can have a private pool, padded lounge chairs, hot tubs, bars, restaurants, and butler. You can also have complete access to all other amenities that a large ship provides. Hence, a “Ship within a Ship” experience. You can “have your cake and eat it too.” Some long-time cruisers get very upset with these special and restricted premium guest areas. They don't understand why the cruise ship brands, allow this to happen. Why they can’t have access to the entire ship for the cruise investment they have made. The answer is quite simple. The average cost for an inside state room, is about $499.00 per person (not including taxes & fees). During normal times, lowest cost for a Haven Suite is approximately $3,000.00 per person on average. The cruise brands profit much more on a Haven type level guest. Even more interesting is these exclusive special guest area suites sell out very quickly. This begs the question. If a guest can afford the premium, the question, is it worth it? For me today, it is worth every penny. For me 43 years ago. Absolutely not. For some, yes and other not. This overview is to educate those who are considering the upgrade and want to know how to leverage it for their own wants and needs. Full Disclosure: It is important to note, my comments now will be from actual experience I have had. I am not a travel agent, internet influencer or paid by any cruise brand. I am just a person who wants to enjoy his experience to the fullest. A person that tastes have evolved over many decades. My goal is to help other do the same. The NCL Haven Luxury VIP Experience “Secrets”: You first must know what some “secrets” are to getting all the value you can, from the NCL Haven Luxury VIP Experiences. Here are just a few: Pre-Cruise Haven Concierge Desk Requests: When you book the Haven luxury VIP experience, approximately 60-days prior to your sail date, you get a U.S. mail letter from NCL. In the envelope are special luggage tags and a letter requesting any special requests. You can communication these request via a special 800 number or send an email. I always choose to send an email due to my many requests. Haven Secret: I make my own luggage tags using the download from the NCL online site. I then insert them into purchased clear plastic luggage tags purchased off Amazon.com. The provided luggage tags are lovely however have been accidently ripped off in the past. I saved this email address so future NCL Haven Cruises, I could communicate well before 60-days out. My requests also evolved over time. The email address is, NorwegianConciergeDesk@ncl.com . I share this with everyone NOT to be overused. Instead to have as a resource well prior to 60-days out from your cruise. This will make even more sense when we discuss specialty restaurant reservations in an upcoming topic. Haven Secret: I will mention this again. Haven Guest can reserve specialty restaurants 130 days in advance. Sometimes the online reservations don’t work. I email the Concierge Desk and they take care of this for me. Now you have the contact information, so you also have this resource. My “pre-thought-out” email, addressed things I would normally ask for, when I arrive on the ship. 43-years of cruising experience helped my preparation greatly. My Haven requests can be redundant with request I give the butler on day one. Here is the initial list the Concierge Desk and I hope it helps you. It included, but were not limited to: CPAP Machine: Extension cord, power strip & sterilized water for my CPAP machine. Suite For Sale Items: Removal of all “Extra Cost” or “For Sale” items from our suite. I hate being nickeled and dimed on a cruise. These items are included on luxury cruises. Just and FYI only. Food Issues or Requests: Dietary considerations, as it related to afternoon snacks/teas provided. My wife and I are on Keto. In our opinion, a big perk of the Haven luxury experience is this lovely pre-dinner snacks. If our wants and needs change as we cruise, we tell the butler. Specialty Restaurant Reservations: Adjustments for specialty restaurant dates and times, prior to cruise. As long-time cruisers, we always pre-book our specialty restaurants online the moment reservations are accepted. The times as well as dates for these reservations, were not acceptable. The Haven guest have priority to book these dates 130 day ahead of cruise. Yet you only get the Haven Pre-Cruise contact information 60-days ahead. Personal Likes and Dislikes: Cruiser personality profile are provided, allowing our butler to knew about us, prior to the cruise. We don’t want our butler to have to read our minds. This is somewhat over the top, I know. However, has gotten great results in the past. Haven Secret: We provide the same likes and dislikes to our butler one day one with a letter we write them. I will outline below under butler letter. Haven Secret: Think about how much less stress, you would feel if you had some of these issues handled pre-cruise. The NCL Haven luxury experience gives you this opportunity, for an investment of course. Embarkment/Disembark/Testing: The most stressful time on a cruise is when you get on and off. The lines, noise, crowds, and confusion. In today’s cruising experience, you must add in the port Covid-19 test. I hope this test will soon not be needed however at the time of this re-write; it was common. Let us break these down so you can fully leverage the Haven Secrets. Haven Priority Boarding: This is one of my favorite amenities. Haven guest can be at the port terminal and board first. My recommendations are always to fly in the day before the cruise, stay in a hotel close to the port, and get the earliest time for check-in as possible. My goal is to get this sometimes-stressful part of my vacation over, quickly. This does not mean you will be on the ship instantly because the ship needs time to turn itself around, clean and prepare for your arrival. You will be on first though. Covid-19 Test: All guests are treated the same way for this test. It is critical to ask the staff at the port where the entrance is for the testing. In Miami it is at the end of the building. In New Orleans and other ports, it could be off site. Knowing this information makes this aspect of boarding less stressful. The process is somewhat simple. *Testing Barcode: Pre-cruise, have your barcode for the test printed or on your phone ready to show. *Testing Line: Get on the line for testing. *Testing Booth: Go to the booth usually in groups of two at a time to register with your barcode and take the test. * Screening Lounge: Sit in a socially distanced waiting area with a screen showing when you are approved to move on. *Approval: Once approved, a staff member gives you a wrist band so you can move to registration and boarding. Look for the Haven/VIP registration area. *Time Frame: From start to finish, 30 minutes max. It feels longer because everyone thinks they are going to fail the test. Embarkment Registration: *Look For Haven Signage: I wish this was easier however it depends on the port terminal. You would think that the port terminal staff would be better informed, but they are not. Look for the Haven/VIP sign. *Line for Haven Registration: Usually it has no lines, and you go right up to the reservation agent. However, with the Covid-19 testing now, the lines even for the Haven Registration takes a bit longer. It will help if you do exactly what NCL asks you to do in the Pre-Cruise Online Registration. In our recent cruise on November 27, 2021, on the NCL Joy, from the time we got on the Haven Registration line to completing the registration was 15 minutes. Haven Secret: Check your key card carefully for the correct “Drink Package” and “Specialty Dining Package”. I always do the Premium Plus Drink Program. It seems NCL never get this right and I have an extra minute or so to have them redo my key card. My last trip, they did not have a “Drink Package” for my adult children. I did not notice, and it caused their cocktail to be charged to my suite for a day or so. I got it fixed and the charges were taken off. All I am saying is just check upfront. Terminal Port Haven Lounge: This is a nice amenity yet don’t be expecting much. It is a private area just for Haven/VIP guest awaiting boarding. Coffee, soda, water, and some very light snacks. Comfortable seating of course. This area ranges in quality from the Miami Terminal which is extremely well appointed. To the makeshift area in the New Orleans terminal. Escort for Boarding: Please don’t read too much into this amenity. Essentially an announcement is made that the first group of Haven Guest that want to board and follow a crew member with a Haven sign to the ship. It is not just your group or family with your butler showing you the way. Still nice to get on the ship first and always exciting. Haven Secret: Stay close to the entry door. Alert your part, the moment the Haven Crew announce the first boarding, get on the line. This gets you on the ship first and to the Haven Concierge desk first before the lines begin. Haven Courtyard: Your escort takes you to an elevator that is usually roped off with a Haven Guest sign. It takes you to the Haven Courtyard entry on the ship. You enter using your Haven Colored Key Card. This area is where you will see the Haven Concierge, Haven Courtyard with pool/lounge chairs/hot tub. On occasion the Haven Concierge will give a little speech usually letting everyone know the Haven area is only for Haven Guest. You can bring non-Haven guest to your suite only. Haven Secret: The elevator closest to the entry to the Haven Lounge usually has a Haven amenity not stated often. If you are on that elevator, tap your key on the key card device. It skips all a deck and takes you to the Haven Entry Deck. Be kind to others on the elevator and use good business judgment. Haven Concierge: These folks are usually very busy when we arrive. That is why I suggest you handle any reservation and other items pre-cruise. Even with our best organization, we need something when we get on board. Even if you must, wait your turn. Take care of this with your Concierge as quickly as you can. Some examples: *Go-Cart Reservations: On a full ship, these reservations are filled up fast. Pre-cruise have your wish-list of day and time for the Go-Cart Track. I recommend you do this activity at least once. It is $15.00 per person. You can do an unlimited plan. Just know the track hours are limited on port days. When you arrive for your reservation at the Go Cart track, Haven Guest has a special line when you check-in that is clearly marked. Nice touch but only saves a few minutes. *Changes In Specialty Restaurant Reservations: Even with all the playing I did, my family at the last minute wanted to change our date/time reservations. These requests are usually accommodated with no issue but that is not always the case. The butler does not handle specialty restaurant reservations. *Lasor Tag Reservations: Just like the Go Cart reservations, think through the day/time. I again recommend you do this attraction at least once. I also suggest you do it at night because it is more fun then. *Show Reservations: Some NCL ships have shown that need a reservation. In most cases, you can do this online way ahead of time. If you want to change them, do it here and now. Please be advised of a few things: o Escorts to Show: Sounds good on paper however unless you have a mobility issue, it is not necessary. o Haven Reserved Seating for Larger Shows: This area is roped off on the left side of the stage. It is nice and if the show is crowded, it is nice to know you have a seat. The ropes are pulled off a few minutes before the show starts. If you want center, it is not reserved so get to the show earlier. o Comedy Show or Beatles: No reserved seating or entry is provided. Many have said they have had the Haven Concierge walk them in the back way to gain a seat upfront prior to the doors opening. I have never experienced this, so I simply don’t count on it. Get to the shows early it is worth the extra effort. *Vibe Beach Club Entry Purchase: The question of buying a Vibe Beach Club entry when in the Haven is a hot topic. It depends on lots of issues. I personally never do the Vibe Beach Club when in the Haven. The Haven sundeck gives me everything I need except for a bar. The Haven Crew bar servers walk-around asking if you want a drink. You can also go down to the Haven bar and get your drink. If this is a holiday cruise, the Vibe Beach Club is worthy of consideration because of all the families with young children in the Haven. Just know, this is something you can purchase from the Haven Concierge. Carry-On Luggage Suite Drop Off: One of the things I really like is I can drop off my carry-on luggage to my Haven Suite even before it is ready. This is an amenity, and you should never feel badly for leveraging it. My adult son literally got mad at me for doing this. He thought I was breaking the rules. Now you can walk about without worrying about your luggage. Lunch Day One: You will be given a choice of lunch at the Haven restaurant or a complementary lunch at a specialty restaurant. It is usually the “American Diner”. My recommendation is always to do the Haven restaurant. Our last cruise we did the “American Diner” and none of us were impressed. A perk or amenity is only as good as the enjoyment you receive. Suites Usually Ready at 01:00 PM: After lunch your suites are usually ready, yet your luggage can take a few more hours to arrive. I recommend you walk the ship now before it gets crowded. You will be in your suite all week. Excursions and Getting Off the Ship: Breakfast: Know when you must be on shore to check into your excursion. If it is early, arrange with your butler for an early in-suite breakfast. If it is a reasonable time, go to the Haven Restaurant. The food is always better at the Haven Restaurant. Go to the Haven Concierge Desk: Let them know when you want to get off the ship. Service Elevator: Behind the Haven Concierge Desk is the hidden service elevator. The Concierge will have someone escort on the service elevator, and you are off the ship or on the tender. No lines and super quick. Returning to the Ship: I never see a sign for Haven Guest when I come back to the ship. I could be missing them however it is never really an issue. Getting back on board seems to be easy and quick. Disembark: Breakfast: I rarely have my butler do in-suite dining. My one exception is the last morning. The Haven allows quick disembark off the ship so why not enjoy the last breakfast. Shower: Breakfast is nice and a shower before travelling is even nicer. You are never rushed out of your suite when you are in the Haven. Go to the Haven Concierge Desk: Let them know when you want to get off the ship. Service Elevator: Just like when you have an excursion. Luggage In Special Haven Area: It is super simple to find you luggage and go through customs. Just part of the Haven VIP Experience. Timing: From the time I when to the Concierge Desk, to the time I was in the cab was less than 15 minutes. The Haven Butler: There was no placeholder to add in the Haven butler in real time. I placed this topic here because it made the most sense. Utilizing the Haven Butler is a huge topic especially for those that have never stayed in the Haven Suites before. It was for myself as well until I did some research and thought about this valuable amenity. My approach is also somewhat of a controversy because of the detail I put into my butler. Until I approach my butler as outlined below, their services were hit or miss. Now I have had excellent experiences. I will start by saying, butlers do not have a crystal ball and need to know what if anything is important to you. This next section is from the Journey document I do for my family. A Journey document gives everyone all the details of the trip and is quite extensive. My family never plans for trips, which is my job. Now let’s talk butler. Overview: On day one, I provide the butler a pre-written letter that has some of our basic needs. I also tip them upfront which has always worked for me. The Haven Butler is not under the NCL normal gratuities program so what they get from us is their income. What your Haven Butler WILL do for you: *Setup your suite: Butlers will do everything from packing and unpacking your luggage to offering pillow menus, and stocking and re-stocking your suite bar with your drink preferences. They will also bring CDs, books, board games and DVDs to your room. They can even draw you a bubble bath if you ask -- or if they sense you could use one. Haven Secret: Because the items on the counter and in the mini fridge are not complementary, I ask my butler to remove all “For Sale” items immediately. The only exception is when you book a “Owners Suite” or “Three Bedroom Suites” where these items are complementary. *Handle logistics: Butlers or the Haven Concierge will save you from spending your vacation waiting in line or dealing with the minutiae of your trip. They will handle all your reservations for specialty restaurants and book appointments for the spa, salon, and private fitness training. They can book ship or private shore excursions and arrange shoreside dining and entertainment. They will even work with the chef to expedite special dietary requests, such as paleo, keto, or gluten-free meals. Haven Secret: Careful what you ask for. I asked for nuts. We got a soup bowl of nuts. They were raw nuts not planters. I also asked for cookies and milk at night. Not two dozen cookies ever night. *Make deliveries: Butlers will be your complimentary room service provider. They will deliver fancy canapes daily. The food items are the same for all Haven Suites. If you want something special, ask your butler ahead of time. They will also bring you room service or morning cappuccinos and espresso, even serving you dinner course-by-course, in your suite or on your balcony. Please always ask for all food deliveries to be ONLY from the Haven Restaurant if possible. Regular room service is below average. Haven Secret: I gave me butler permission to enter my room in the morning without ringing the doorbell. When I woke up, the coffee was waiting for me and my family. *Take care of your laundry: Butlers will handle laundry, dry-cleaning and pressing requests, and return your clothes expertly folded and wrapped in tissue paper. There is always a cost to your suite. *Have a party: If you are social types, butlers can help you organize cocktail or dinner parties in your suite and even bartend or help while your guests are present. For special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, they might decorate your suite or present bubbly and celebratory cakes. Haven Secret: I cannot emphasize enough that any alcohol delivered by your butler, regardless of your drink package will be charged to your suite. No exceptions so a cocktail party may have a significant cost. *Take care of the little details: Butlers will shine shoes, place bookmarks in books and wrap eyeglasses in cleaning cloths. They will even solve problems for you, such as finding an appropriate crew member to fix broken eyeglasses or stuck luggage locks. *Give advice: Butlers know their ships inside out and are often familiar with ports. They might advise on everything from the finest shopping street to the best hours to hit the onboard fitness center. What your Haven Butler WILL NOT do for you: *They won't work exclusively for you: Most butlers juggle several suites; for the best service, plan. Make requests, such as for in-suite dining reservations, private shore excursions and beauty appointments, well in advance so butlers can manage their time to make your wishes reality. If they do not instantaneously answer a page, they might be busy with another passenger. *They won't babysit: Don't expect the butler to watch your kids, although they might assist in hiring a sitter and often play with children, time permitting. *They won't act as aides: If physically challenged, travel with a companion. A butler will always assist in an emergency but should not be expected to help you with daily physical needs. *They won't be your personal companion: While some butlers can be chatty -- particularly with solo passengers seeking company -- they are not your friend or travel companion. They can escort you to a restaurant or show, but they will not sit with you. *They cannot always fulfill challenging requests: If you ask for a miracle, such as dinner reservations in the ship's hottest restaurant 15 minutes before you wish to eat, a butler cannot always meet your request. That said, butlers try to make magic. They can serve you dinner from that restaurant in your suite or secure a table at a later hour, instead. Haven Secret: If you don’t see your butler by mid-afternoon day one, contact the Haven Concierge and ask to have the butler come to your suite. I can’t give the butler my letter until I see them. Haven Secret: If you feel your butler is not doing their job properly or efficiently, also contact the Concierge. There are way too many folks online that complain they did not see their butler until day three. I must add something here. The difference between a butler on a Luxury Brand and NCL is night and day. The luxury brand butlers are extraordinary. My recommendations are to gain close to the same experience on a mainstream cruise brand. Haven Secret: In your suite, you have a mobile phone. You can take it with you and call your butler from anywhere on the ship. Haven Private Sundeck: From a frequent cruiser standpoint, this little amenity is much more then it seems to be at face value. Let me explain some key points. Cushioned Private Lounge Chairs: The lounge chairs have nice soft cushions on them, which is a great plus yet, not the biggest benefit. The fact that you always have enough sunning lounge chairs with GREAT views, is the major plus. Unlike at the main pool, the distasteful fact that many cruise guest, wake up early in the morning to put considerable efforts to reserve a pool side lounge chair for their all-day usage. Chairs that are often unoccupied most of the day. For me, just not dealing with this situation, is almost worth the entire premium paid for the Haven. Boy I can tell you stories about this one. I love a good argument with selfish guest, just not on a cruise vacation. Bar Service While Lounging at Haven Pool or Sundeck: The Haven pool/hot tubs are usually very close to the Haven bar. This is not the case on the smaller ships like the Pearl, so they make up for it by having attendants wander around the Haven pool/sundeck area often. I am not ashamed to tell everyone reading this document, I tip servers, especially by the pool and bartenders on day one. I do this much more for my wife benefit, then for myself. My wife is an introvert and won’t ask for anything. I want her service to be over-the-top because selfishly I want her to want to come on another cruise. If she is not by the Haven pool and is instead up the short set of steps to the private Haven Sundeck; I want that server to check on her drink situation often. When my wife is HAPPY, I am HAPPY. Hot Tubs on the Haven Sundeck: If you study NCL and their ships; you know they have different sizes of ships. The larger sizes are called Breakaway or Breakaway Plus. Please check your ship’s Haven Sundeck. All the sundecks have an age requirement of 16 years old or older. Some have super large hot tubs and other don’t. My recent cruise on the Joy (Breakaway Plus), the Haven Sundeck had two huge hot tubs. In the past, my cruise on the NCL Getaway did not. Haven Restaurant: Just like my reference to the Celebrity Suite Only restaurant, the Haven Restaurant is known as the best food on the ship. It really comes down to personal preference. What you must remember. The Haven restaurant menu is fixed and does not change from night to night. The best strategy is to eat in the Haven Restaurant on the first night of cruising. This allows you to get a feel for the food, service, menu and make relationships with the crew. This holds true for breakfast and lunch on day two as well. A couple of notes: The smaller ships like the NCL Pearl do not have a dedicated Haven Restaurants or bars. They provide exclusive use of a specialty restaurant for breakfast and lunch for their Haven guest. They also have a smaller scaled down version of the Haven pool, hot tub, and sundeck. Most cruise lines have a sale for the first evening of sailing. They reduce the cost for the specialty restaurants by excess of 30% if you go the very first night. I chose not to do this yet know it could be available if you would so choose. If you don’t like what is on the Haven Restaurant Menu, tell your server in the afternoon you want something else, and they will do their best to have it for you. The best examples are filet steaks (normally strip) for your breakfast steak and eggs, lunch menu items for dinner, salmon from the main dining room and the list go on. Ask and you will receive just give the crew some time to plan. The Haven Bar: This is no ordinary bar. As a percentage, most Haven guest receive the “Premium Beverage Package” perk. In addition, many Haven adult guest upgrade that beverage package to the “Premium Plus Beverage Package”. The Haven bar knows this and is a kind of unique mixology experience bar. There is a very nice video on YouTube™ titled, the “Haven Bar”, that give you an example. My routine is to find my favorite bar on a cruise ship and make great friends of the bartender. When in the Haven, this is a no-brainer. Haven Secret: The Haven bar is somewhat small. Maybe 8 high top chairs. They get busy very often. They are also taking orders from the Haven Restaurant. Add to this, on more than one past cruise, some Haven Guests live on a high top at the Haven Bar taking up two to three chairs at a time. This bar as popular. It is needs to be larger and have another bartender in my opinion. I share this because I don’t want to be disappointed and think everything, I share are all perfection. They are not. Remember, realistic expectations. The Haven Horizon Lounge: Not every ship has a Haven Horizon Lounge. My last cruise on the NCL Joy did. This area was my absolute favorite place on the ship. Like everything I describe, it is all how you utilize it. The Horizon Lounge is an observation deck. It is in the forward of the ship with huge glass windows with the same view as the captain’s bridge. It is climate controlled. The seating is beyond comfortable. On inclement weather days or let’s say you are cruising Alaska; this is the place to be. From my first morning on board, I would wake up early. Quietly I would leave my suite and head to the Horizon Lounge. The coffee machine there made a better cup of specialty coffee then I can get at a coffee shop at home. The had limited food options. What I found was the almond Danish with a cappuccino was my joy (No pun intended). I never missed and after my family found out where I was, they ended up joining. Haven Courtyard: Each NCL Ship makes a few changes to their respective Haven Courtyard. Allow me to address some of them: Food Options: Some Haven courtyards have a light menu and serve outside. During the day they have water and coffee available. I noticed this on the NCL Getaway. Other Haven Courtyards have no table for dining near the Haven pool. This was an example of the NCL Joy. Haven Secret: I was on the Sundeck of the NCL Joy. I called my butler and had him bring me a burger and fries to the Haven Sundeck. It was no issue and all the folks around me were a little envious. Good burger also, I might add. Retractable Roof: Some Haven courtyards have a retractable roof for bad weather days. The NCL Joy had this. Other did not and the roof was exposed. That is an example of the NCL Getaway. Check out what your ship has to offer. Hot Tubs: I noticed on the ships that had the two huge hot tubs on the Haven Sundeck, they only had one hot tub in the Haven Courtyard. The NCL Joy is an example of that. Other ships had no hot tubs on the Haven Sundeck and two hot tubs in the Haven Courtyard. That would be the NCL Getaway. Pool Lounge Chairs: These are the lounge chairs that are in the pool just above the water. Each ship has a different layout of these chairs. Children in the Haven Area: In my original posting back in 2019, this one paragraph got the most heat and push back. I could not believe it. Then I figured it out. The way I wrote it led people to believe I was against children in the Haven Courtyard. My approach and writing seemed upset and angry. I am so happy I have another shot at this. The issue on the table is rude guests in any section of the ship, Haven or anywhere else. If a guest were to get a main pool lounge chair first thing in the morning and attempt to put their stuff on it to reserve, it all day. That is rude. If a guest would reserve an entire row in the theatre for all their friends. That would be rude. If a guest would go through the buffet and touch food and not put it on their plates. The would be rude. All those examples are usually adults. Many of us choose the Haven because we want a quiet reserved area to relax and enjoy. When a parent thinks the Haven Courtyard Pool is their babysitter; that the Haven Crew members should watch their children; with children that are controlling the pool area from morning to evening unsupervised. That is Rude. The issue is not the children. It rarely is the kids. It is the entitled parents that think their job of supervising their children ends when they get on board. I have been in the Haven Courtyard where we had group of children that did exactly what I described. I have been in the Haven Courtyard with children that were kinder and nicer than adults. I have been in the Haven Courtyard with no children at all. My purpose is to give those that are reading this document, some strategies. Haven Secret: If you book a holiday or spring break, you will have lots of children in the Haven Courtyard. Don’t book those weeks. Book the week before or after. If you book those popular family dates, set your expectations accordingly. If you want a ship that has no children, book a luxury cruise that specializes in that kind so specifications. I booked the week after thanksgiving, and we owned the Haven Courtyard. If you book Christmas, consider also booking the Vibe Beach Club or simply book a ship with hot tubs on the top Haven sundeck. In each case, problem solved. Haven Suites Examples: Haven Spa Suite: This suite is not available on all NCL ships. The most recent example was the NCL Joy did not have Haven Spa Suites. The reason was the Joy did not have a “Thermal Spa”. The “Thermal Spa” is a huge indoor spa that is designed to create relaxation. In the area are tile heated lounge chairs, sauna, sail sauna and steam room. Haven Spa Suites are not located in the Haven Courtyard area. They are usually on the same floor as the Ship Spa Facilities. What makes the Haven Spa Suite unique is it has a Jacuzzi in the bedroom, and you have complementary access to the “Thermal Spa” Area. Many guests don’t like being outside of the Haven Courtyard proper. My wife and I did not care. Just an elevator ride to the entrance of the Haven area. Your tastes may be different. This room and the associated veranda are smaller than other Haven suites. We were just fine with that as well. The investment tends to be less than other Haven Suites. Haven Secret: Know the location and size of the suite you are getting prior to cruising. Most of what I am presenting is to realistically manage our expectations. Haven (H2) Deluxe Owners’ Suite with Large Balcony: You may be wondering why I am describing this huge Haven Suite. I wanted to show you the difference between the smallest suite, the Haven Spa Suite, and the Largest. I have stayed in both. I have done a YouTube™ video on the (H2) Deluxe Owners Suite. The link is: https://youtu.be/o41jS5lNrTY . The Owner’s Suite is very nice. I am glad my family and I did it. There are some amenities that are different than the other Haven Suites. The Owners Suite comes with three (3) bottles of spirits, several bottles of water, and mixers all complementary. The water and mixers are replenished upon consumption. The butler will provide you with clothing pressing on the formal night if there is one. The suite is a two bedroom, 2 ½ bath 1,450 plus sf suite with a huge wrap around veranda. We had 4 guests, yet it could have sleep 6. We all loved our experience. We would NOT book this suite again. It had huge amounts of waisted space that we rarely utilized. We only booked this suite because of pure luck. Again, a bucket list suite for sure. The cost could allow a couple to cruise in the Haven many times instead of once. Haven Secret: Notice that 95% of the Haven Amenities come with every single haven suite regardless of investment. Conclusion: We all must make the decision, if an exclusive area like the NCL Haven is worth the premium investment it demands. For my family’s needs, yes it does. For many, it does not. It is nice to have the option, without having to double your cruise fare again, to go on an Ultra-Premium or Luxury Cruise line. I personally love the big ships and the feel it gives us when you see it and venture through it. I don’t want the crowds 24/7, therefore the NCL Haven gives us the “best of both worlds”. I can’t leave this conclusion section, without saying a few more words. Cruises are what you make of them. Attitude makes a cruise. Finding compatible new friends will make a cruise. What we all must understand; no cruise is perfect. Things happen, crew members, like any other humans, have good and bad days. I believe the best cruises are really the obligation of the cruiser. This might sound crazy I know. I have personally experienced this during dining, show, excursion and entire cruise experiences suffer. Because of one issue or interaction with a crew member or fellow passenger I would lose my mind. I have come to realize that no amount of research, will match my perfect visualization of what a cruise should be. There is no perfect cruise, just the next one in the future. I hope this information helps some folks enjoy their next cruise experience. Whether you go with a NCL Haven luxury experience; Celebrity suites or any other brands upper-level experience, you now know what to expect. Cruise well everyone.
  25. What makes a cruise vacation different from all others? The fact that there are NO perfect cruises, ever. Something always surprises you. Some catastrophe will befall you. Something, out of your control, will frustrate you or a member of your family. Murphy’s law is still alive and has a bullseye on your upcoming vacation. The imperfect nature of a cruise vacation is what makes them most memorable. You just don’t think so at the time. Yet the memories are priceless. What we all can ensure is that our next cruise, will be as good as it CAN be. This is done with due diligence on our part. The sheer nature of today’s cruising demands a new level of strategic planning. When I bring this essential aspect of cruising up on social media or even with my own family; I get the same negative comments. “You have to stop planning so much. Just live in the moment and go with the flow!”. What everyone seems not to remember. I used to be a, “Live in the moment and go with the flow” kind of guy. By never planning and using no strategy, my vacations were expensive and, in most ways, below average. When I started to think it through a bit, the improvements were drastic. My goal from-start-to-finish; to enjoy the process and control what I CAN control. Once I have done that due diligence, I understand that, whatever happens is out of my control, “It is, what it is!” Let’s go down the list of planning I do, have done and will continue to do in the future. In this outline I will also give my opinions, which might differ from yours. I will tell some very true stories to add some context to my overview. Let’s get started: · Online Check-In: All the cruise companies have a website for online check-in. You can eliminate so many hassles and planning mistakes by just using it. Consider it a cross check that you have everything you need well in advance. The greatest mistake made is not having a valid and up to date Passport (see subject below). The most important part to remember; even if the passport is valid today, it must be valid months after you came back from the cruise. Not many people know that fact and get turned down when attempting to board. Online check-in also allows for providing all the information for your guests and how their on-board expenses are paid. What is funny about online the check-in process is it seems when you get to the check-in desk, the day of the cruise, the cruise staff seem to ask some of the same question. Still it is a best practice to have completed all the information, way ahead of time. · Make Online Reservations for Shows, Excursions and Specialty Restaurants Early: Cruising has sure changed a lot over the years. It used to be all you had to do is tell the cruise line what dinner seating you wanted, early or late? Today with specialty restaurants, Broadway type shows, excursions, go-cart tracks, laser tag and the list go on; if you want to choose your day and time; book right away online if possible. If you are staying in a suite or VIP area, you can do these online reservations before anyone else. Read the perks of your cabin to see the dates. This will allow you to know the benefits you receive with the cabin category you have chosen. · Coordinating Dinning, Shows and Excursions: I hate rushing, especially on vacation. When I am on a cruise, I want to have a meal with conversation. If I just wanted to fill my belly, I would go to the below average buffet. After I dine, I want a drink or two. Then go to a show or the evening’s entertainment. Coordinating restaurant reservations with the shows times onboard takes some thought. Along the same lines, excursions that come back to the ship close to dinner, do not allow for bathing, drinks and relaxation prior to dinner unless you plan it that way. This category falls again on reducing stress, frustration and anxiety. · Develop A Calendar for a Page-At-A-Glance: For every cruise, I develop an excel spreadsheet for every day, with times from 06:00 AM to 12:00 midnight daily. Everything I have confirmed reservations for are listed. Arrivals and departures of laid out daily. The flights prior and after the cruise are listed. This one document is the foundation of all the work I do pre-cruise. · Travel and Trip Cancellation Insurance: I never considered travel insurance for 20 of my 22 cruises. Then I read so many bad stories about all kinds of things. At this stage of my live, my cruises are extremely expensive. Especially when we take our adult children to stay in our suites. Although I am quite healthy right now, I am also 62. I came to find out that when you are on Medicare; like I am currently, it does not cover medical outside the United States. Glad I found that out. Also, if you don’t book your air with the cruise line, if you are delayed or have a cancelled flight; they have the obligation to get you to next port of call. If you use Airline points for purchase your own ticket, you better have travel insurance. Stuff happens and I no longer am willing to take the risk or have the stress. My upcoming Europe 10-day cruise I used Delta Airlines points for Delta One business class seats. If my cruise come back to port two hours late, I miss my return flight. I just want my air fare in Delta One to be covered. I am thinking ahead. · Arriving, the Day Before Embarkation: Do you have travel insurance, YES. Do you like stress on the first day of your cruise vacation, NO. Do yourself, your family, your cruise partners and your stress level a favor; fly or drive in the day before. Think it is expensive, it is not. Use one of the online hotel discount services like PriceLine.com. Get a hotel near the port. This allows you to chill, not worry and most importantly to me; get on the ship early. I like getting on the ship early to explore when very few passengers are on board. I also like to get a drink immediately. For those situations like reservations that you must make on board, you are first in line. I have heard every single excuse not to arrive the day before. You have been forewarned. I must add a note here. My best friends, wife and I are going on a 10-day Mediterranean cruise in October 2020. I told our friends that I was going in the day before. The husband refused to do this because of money ($450.00). I explained, you must buy transfers ANYWAY that will cost $175.00. It is a bargain to get the pre-cruise hotel because it includes the transfers. He said the cruise line will get them onboard because they booked the flights. I shared with him; the cruise ship will leave without them. They will fly them to the first port missing the first two-days of his cruise. He still refused. Let see what happens, hope he is lucky. · Book Your Departing Flight 12:00 PM or after: Most cruise ships get in to port at 06:00 to 08:00 AM. Unless you have a suite or priority status, getting off the ship can be very time consuming. Then getting to the airport also can be tough. Don’t cut it to close. I will give an example so you can truly see my point. I booked a European 10-day cruise. I did a “cruise only” then used all my credit card and airlines points to get a Delta One™ round trip for my wife and myself. Delta One™ is the highest level or class from Delta Airlines international flights. The cruise comes back to port on the final day at 08:00 AM in Athens, Greece. My flight leaves the Athens airport at 12:00 PM. It is a 45-minute trip to the airport. If I miss my flight, there is no other flight until the next day. I also may not have a Delta One seat if that flight is sold out the next day. I am taking a risk however I know that upfront. I also have travel insurance. Another words, I have hedged my bets on this one. · Make a Hard Copy Binder: I print out my cruise documents, travel insurance policy, reservation for everything, airline information, and the list goes on. I can’t tell how many times I get to the ship and someone contradicts the work and preparation I have already done. Most recently it was the Canyon Spa facility. I pre-booked at 25% discount spa treatments. The onboard spa folks said it was not valid. An email from the V.P. of Canyon Spa’s doesn’t lie. This is only one example of the benefit. My Binder is now famous. I make it a bit more elaborate every cruise. I love this stuff. · Know the Cruise Line Rules: There are a couple of rules you need to know before booking your perfect cruise. It is important to add that every cruise line is a bit different. Do your due diligence on the cruise line you have chosen. 1. Cabin Prices Do Change: The price can go down prior to you paying your full balance. If it does, you can rebook, get free upgrades as well as perks, and or on-board ship credits. Check frequently. Oh yes, I know all about the computer programs that inform you about price reductions. I tried them and they were just OK. My frequent checking is much more accurate and fun for me. 2. When You Pay In-Full: Don’t look at the listed prices online. If they went down, you will be disappointed. Once you pay in full, you can’t change, and you won’t get the extra benefits. The reason why? The cruise line dropped their prices because they had to many cabins in that category. Their need to move what will soon be dead inventory. They have no incentive to give us a deal when they have ALL our money. About now, some of you are getting very angry with me. You have had the positive experience of calling the cruise lines after full payment and gotten benefits. I on the other hand have had undue frustration of having my travel agent or discount house do this for m. My experience is on multiple occasions, the travel agent and discount houses are way more of a hassle then I can accept. Book directly with the cruise line and have direct communication when you have any needs. Back on topic, the disappointment of not saving a few dollars makes my cruise that much more unappealing. I just don’t’ look now. “You do you”. 3. Upgrade Promotions: Look for those unique promotion. They happen; when they do, you might just get lucky. One happened for me on my next Oceania cruise to Europe in October 2020. I went from a Concierge level to a Penthouse for the same money. The lesson is; once the promotion is gone, even gone for a single day; they won’t honor it anymore, PERIOD. I saved $2,400.00 per my cabin. 4. Passports: I brought this up earlier, yet it needs to be mentioned again. Think if your passport is valid for your trip. You could be wrong. Every cruise line has different rules on when the passport expires. Do your research so you are not left at the port. 5. Late to the Ship from an Excursion: No cruise line wants to leave you at the port. No captain wants to leave a port while you are late coming back to the ship. Some folks, not many, want to test the cruise line rules and captains’ patients. Then they complain on social media telling half the story, so the cruise line looks bad. I have been on a cruise where two-couple that were traveling together were always the last ones to arrive back on the ship late. After this happened twice, the captain warned the couples personally. They did it again. The ship left without them. The couple met the ship at the next port and were irate. The lesson here is just like hoping your airline will wait when your incoming flight is delayed, cruise ships have more to worry about then just you or me. 6. Smoking Anything: Specifically smoking in your cabin or balcony. This is a sure-fire way to be kicked off a cruise ship. The smell affects anyone near your cabin. The real issue is fire. That is what makes the issue so dangerous. Cruise ships don’t mess around with smoking in cabins. a. Vaping: Vape is also not allowed unless it is a designated area. This rule I don’t understand, and I am sure will change in the next few years. No smell or fire. However, the rules say they are no difference between vape and tobacco. My wife Vapes. She does it all the time and everywhere she goes. She has mastered the technique of stealth vaping. In four years, no one has ever seen her smoke her vape. I hate she does that but again, in my opinion, vape is different. Just my two cents. b. Cigars: There are many cigar lounges on cruise ships now. I know, I frequent them. There are also outside smoking area’s for cigarettes and cigars. These areas allow the smoking. Therefore, please do not go up to folks in these area’s and ask them to put out their cigars. This has happened to me and I nicely informed them I was in the designated area. They were none too pleased. All I am saying is follow the rule. c. Pot: Yes marijuana. It is illegal. Should it be, NO. Until it is legal, it should not even be a subject or question if it is ok to smoke marijuana onboard. Seem common sense, but it is not. I can’t tell you how many times on Social Media this question comes up. I used to post back and now I just skip it. My opinion does not count if the item is still illegal. Follow the rules. Read Online Reviews: There are lots of places to read online reviews. I use Reddit, CruiseAdiict.com and CruiseCritic.com most of the time. The strategy for best use of reviews is the middle 80%. Top 10% love every element of their cruise experience. Bottom, 10% hate every element. The middle gives a much better perspective. Don’t just take one review as the truth. Get trends and patterns over several reviews. Look at all aspects of the cruise, not just the ship itself. Let me give you my categories to consider and some examples of what I have found in my research: 1. Complementary Restaurants: It becomes clear where the best food is located on a cruise ship. In addition, what to or not to order. I focus on the Buffet, 24/7 restaurant and Main Dining Rooms. What I have learned is to avoid 24/7 restaurants; consider buffet for breakfast; consider pool grille if folks like the burgers, Etc. In my situation, I rarely go to any complementary restaurants at all. I always have specialty restaurants or suite-only restaurants. I also rarely have a complaint with my food because of my choices. If you are not in a suite, just check the reviews. They will suit you well. 2. Specialty Restaurants: You would think since you pay extra or receive specialty restaurants as a PERK, they should be GREAT. You would be wrong. The best example is on both NCL Getaway and the Celebrity Equinox. The Steakhouses were both very disappointing. On the NCL Encore, the American Diner was also rated below average. Now I review online, every specialty restaurant prior to making a reservation. I also down-load the sample menus. This increases my enjoyment of the food experiences onboard. I rarely miss now and love sharing my food experiences. 3. Excursions: I am not a classic excursion person. I have had so many bad excursions, I have learned my lesson. The online reviews both good and bad, give you an idea if a specific excursion will suit your tastes. I have a personal favorite, which I will share. The All-Inclusive Cabana/Beach Villa/Bungalow on some ports and or private islands. These little day events allow for maximum flexibility, relaxation, pampering and family time. They usually have a butler and sometimes have an unlimited bar. Everyone’s tastes are different so make your educated selection. I would like to add when free PERK is offered as a benefit. Be very careful, like with Oceania. The Free perk of excursions are standard excursions. None of them were anything I would want to do. Now the special more expensive excursions were great. I choose to take the onboard credit over the excursion package and glad I researched it. 4. Cabin/Suite Types: The most important thing to remember is on mainstream cruises, regardless of your cabin/suite level, everyone is on the same cruise ship. Prices for cabins/suites can be as low as $500.00 all the way up to $6,000.00 plus per person. When I started cruising 40 years ago, we got the cheapest cabin on the ship. As cruising became more popular, the quality of the service, food, dinning, entertainment, pool lounge chair availability, etc. started to go downhill. The reason was both economics and cruise industry marketing. To drive new, current and future cruisers onboard, the prices went down, the PERK became a factor and upsells became much more common place. My wife and I started to want a better cruise experience, so we began the journey to the VIP Suite. One category at a time. Eventually we were in suites with butlers and private restaurants for suite-only guest. We now only go on a cruise in the VIP Suites area’s or with luxury/premium cruise lines at Penthouse or above. Before we book any cabin/suite, we review it even more closely due to the investment involved. Your tastes and budget may vary. 5. Entertainment: For the most part, cruise entertainment has been average, to below average, overall. Not the way it used to be for sure. Then I realized it WAS the way it used to be. I was just not going on the brand that had the best entertainment. When we first began cruising, we cruised on Norwegian (Now known as NCL) for the first five (5) cruises. The entertainment was great. Then we started to go on different mainstream cruise brands for the next 17 cruises. We finally ended up back on a large NCL ship called the Getaway. The entertainment was top notch. If you want entertainment, NCL and Royal larger ships seem to be the choice of most cruisers. Look it up for yourself. 6. Ship Renovations/Drydock: I suggest you see if the ship you are about to go on is scheduled for a Renovation/Drydock soon, choose it another time. The ship will show wear and tear. I also really feel like travel agents get some sort of incentive to put you on those older ships, even though I can’t prove it. If it just went through a drydock, wait a few weeks to months until the crew get reacclimated. I went on the Celebrity Equinox in 2018 right before it was going to drydock. Let me say the crew was rather awful, some of the venues were closed, the signs were wrong and the food, other than in the Suites restaurant, was below average. What is funny is the Equinox gets high marks on CruiseCritic.com all the time. I call it the curse of drydock. 7. Ship Layout: It matters how the ship is laid out. Especially the newer ships. With the very popular VIP sections to ships, the common areas seem to be taking a hit. The best example is the brand new NCL Encore. They took away a lot of the main pool area, lounge chairs and other common areas. In its place is laser tag and a huge go cart track both of which cost more. The upper deck where the prime viewing is now the VIP Haven Sundeck only for Haven clients. The VIBE Beach club which cost extra, is also on that deck. The cruise lines are looking for ways to improve their bottom line. To be fair, I am going on the NCL Encore in May 2020. I will be staying in the Haven and already budgeted for go carts and laser tag. Just my chose to do so. All this came with research so I will not be upset at the additional expense or in this category, ship layout. 8. Cruise Line Added Client “Pay Extra” Items: a. Spa Treatments: My opinion, skip them. It is always way overpriced, and the quality of the treatments are average at best. The spa service is also known for the classic upsells. I literally hate all upsells. Think you are getting a bargain when you pre-book spa treatments with a quantity discount, think again. I did this on a recent cruise, and it made little or no difference. The onboard spa staff said my discounts would not work and tried to double talk me. I called the spa company while onboard on day one, prior to sailing; they called their staff to set them straight. I will never make that mistake again. b. Thermal Spa: On this, I do recommend you consider it if you like quiet, relaxing and exclusivity in an adult only area. My only suggestion is that you do a thermal spa on a newer and larger ship where the facilities are better. You can also book a Spa Suite and the thermal spa comes with that as a PERK. If you have a few extra dollars, NCL has the Haven Spa Suite. It has all the VIP benefits of the Haven and the spa thermal suite comes as a PERK. c. Mini-Refrigerator: The moment you get to your room, have the room steward empty all the “For Sale” items from your room especially the Mini-Refrigerator. Everyone thinks this stuff is free until you get a big bill at the end of your cruise. Then aspect of your perfect cruise is gone. The one exception is on Premium and Luxury cruises. The contents of the Mini-Refrigerator are usually complementary. They also get refreshed every day by your butler on those nicer cruises. You pay extra for this PERK, however less then what you might expect. d. Specialty Shows: These are shows in a smaller venue on the larger ships, that usually come with drinks and possible a meal. Some are great and other are not. Learn before you book them. I rarely will do a specialty show that has a dinner meal. I am usually in the Suites and or specialty restaurant for my dinner meals. Just does not make sense. I would make an exception if I heard the show was spectacular. Only one way to find out, research it. e. Activities: Laser tag, Go-Carts Track, Reality Adventures and Escape games usually cost extra. Some are well worth it and others it is better to just watch folks do them. A great example is the very cool Go-Cart Track. What they don’t tell you is regardless of your reservation time; you still must wait. If you bought an unlimited pass, the availability of the track is limited during port days. Folks that stay in the VIP section have a quick pass lane as do the folks that purchased the unlimited package. The lesson here is simply knowing what to expect. f. Frozen Vodka Bars: Cool idea, I love Vodka and I would PASS on this item. They give you a winter coat, provide you with a vodka drink and provide you with a bill that is mind numbing. Better to go to one of these bars “on land” for the full effect. Your Attitude: Cruises are what you make of them. If you get mad at the slightest thing, a cruise is simply not for you. Make a commitment to yourself that regardless of what happens on a cruise, you will make the best of it. When I read a review from someone that complains about a steak being over cooked and it destroyed their cruise, I am saddened. Some of the worst situation my wife and I has ever experienced on a cruise are some of our fondest memories. Over the years when I changed my personal attitude, my cruise experience got so much better. My issue now that I must work on is not what happens to me. It is over reaction to what happens to my family. I feel like I must protect them. I am working on it and getting better, slowly. How to Handle Rudeness from Fellow Cruisers: You are on a huge ship with a lot of different people. Entitlement is a huge issue on cruise ships. How you handle it will make or break your cruise experience. Here are some examples of rudeness: 1. Hall Hogs: These are the folks that take up all the space in a hall not giving you a way to pass. They stand there like they own the hall having a group conversation. They either don’t see you or don’t care. a. Solutions: i. Ask firmly to be allowed to pass. This solves the issue most of the time. ii. Tap someone on the shoulder so you can get by them. iii. Tell them off. Say, “Folks are trying to get by, take the conversation to an open public area.” This is a last resort. I have done this when all else has failed. 2. Loud Folks: Whether in a public area or in their cabin. Some folks are just loud. My wife corrected me in the thermal spa one day that my voice was too loud. I had no idea and I quieted down immediately. There are many stories about couples in their cabins fighting verbally and or well, being loud doing other things that should be private. a. Solution: i. Leave a note on or under their cabin door. ii. Call the cruise staff to act on your behalf. iii. Just let it go. 3. Drunk Folks: I am no prude. I love to drink. Sloppy drunk is unacceptable. If this person is not effective your time, just let them have their fun. If they get into your space and you have an issue with it, they take some action. If another person, hits on your spouse, you obviously must act on this. Let’s not get tossed off the cruise for a drunken fight, not a good idea. a. Solution: i. Tell the bar manager quickly. ii. Be firm but nice to the person asking them to back away. iii. Move to another area and don’t get an attitude. iv. Avoid the situation at all costs, if you can. v. If you are the drunk one, buy me a drink. 4. Restaurant Storytellers: I love to be entertained; I really do. Just not while I am having a quiet dinner, it a lovely French restaurant. One such situation happened recently. A couple started by verbally and loudly commenting negatively on every single item they were served. Then the wife started to bring in other table to tell her life story. Seems her cruise was freebee because, in her words, “She Gamble so much!” Her husband keeps rolling his eyes at her and let us know how much pain he was in all the time. By the time this couple was done; we knew their entire life story. They finally left and all the table around us let us know how happy they were, we were next to these storytellers and not them. a. Solution: i. Go with the flow and consider this to be an extra show you did not have to pay for. ii. Ask the server to discreetly move you. iii. You can try not to engage but that simple won’t work. These folks are professionals at what they are doing. 5. Lounge Chair Hoarders: This is the most famous of ALL rude people. Some folk’s think these folks do not really exist. That they are folk law. Wrong, they are alive and well. Rules mean nothing to these people. They go to elaborate means to reserve their front-row lounge chair by the pool. Custom made signs, huge beach bags, getting to the lounge chair at 06:00 am and one couple that had a towel that said, “This Chair is Reserved”. Before I give some solutions, let me say this is one where I WANT to get confrontational. It is just wrong and selfish for these folks to do this. a. Solution: i. Ask the folks around the chairs if the folks have been around or are at the pool. Then move their stuff under the chair and take it for yourself. ii. Skip the above step and simply move their stuff and put under their chair. iii. Get the crew to move their stuff. iv. If someone says they are reserving the lounge chair, say “I will move when your party comes back.” Then, take the chair. v. My favorite thing is when the person holding the chairs for hours says something to me. Huge mistake on their part. My response is quick and simple, “These chairs are for using not saving. Read the rules provided by the cruise ship sometimes. If you have an issue, call the pool supervisor. I will be sunning in this chair if you want to find me.” Say this loud enough for the folks around you to hear it. I have gotten an ovation from the folks sitting close. 6. Theatre Chair Hogs: These folks are different then the Lounge Chair Hoarders. These folks were delegated by their family to save entire row of theatre chairs for their group. They are embarrassed and some of them look like they want to go under one of the chairs. In 22 plus cruises, these poor people wait and most of their family just does not show up. That is my experience anyway. a. Solution: i. Don’t ask if the seat is available, just take it. If they say anything, just say, “This theatre’s policy is first come and first served.” Then order a drink. ii. Tell a staff member what is going on and insist they address the issue. iii. Just stay in a suite or VIP section of the ship. They have reserved seating for you for most of the show. Most folks won’t like this solution. It is very expensive to stay in those accommodations. I know that completely. The suggestion is a real tell of where the cruise industry is today. These higher priced suites and VIP sections of cruise ships are its most profitable cruiser. 7. Buffet Slobs: These are the folks that touch food and then done take them. They eat while on the buffet line. They use utensils for other items in the item in front of them. They cough and blow their nose near the food. They spill stuff all over the buffet and walk off. All these practices are completely unhealthy and unacceptable. This is a health issue, more than anything else. You must do something here. a. Solution: i. Say, “Are you going to take that?” ii. Take the item off the buffet and give to the attendant. iii. Ask attendants to swap out utensils or clean the area. iv. If it is someone else’s child, tell their parent. Children issues are very tricky whether on a cruise ship of not. v. When you leave, share the experience with the buffet manager. 8. Unsupervised Children at the Pool: I left this for last because it is the most difficult to handle. It seems, some parents thank that the pool is the cruise ships babysitter. The parents seem to think this is there vacation and their kids can do what ever they want. The hot tubs are filled with kids splashing away, jumping in and out of them. Even on a recent NCL Haven VIP area, the kids were making this relaxing area a playground. I mentioned this on both CruiseCritic.com and Reddit Sub-directory. In both cases, I got yelled at for accusing all children are not well mannered. Not my point at all. The quality of my vacation could be damaged by this situation and it needs to be addressed. a. Solution: i. Tell the staff if a rule is being broken. Running, jumping, splashing, ECT. ii. If you see the child’s parents, say something. Choose your words carefully. iii. Never address the child. That will lead to a confrontation you don’t want to have. iv. Good luck with this one. Tough situation. I know it seems like a lot of things to consider. Consider them ALL we must. For years, I was a professional speaker. Folks were amazed at my ability to always have an accurate and prompt answer to questions given. They were amazed that I could handle the rudest participant in a way that was non-confrontational and did not take away from the other participants learning experience. What all the observers missed was the hours, days and weeks of preparation and study it took to be in front of that room. It was not a gift; it was hard work so the event was as close “Perfect” as it could be. No event, like no cruise is ever completely perfect. That is where my entire strategy for the Perfect Cruise Vacation comes from. Preparation for almost all the possibilities so a strategy is in place. This allows for far less mishaps and far more of what a cruise can be. I hope you enjoyed this article. Feel free to let me know if you have any question. Always cruise well.
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