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Everything posted by CactusRoot

  1. Yes, ship tours. We are eliminating the one with shopping and the one with folk show. Agree and thanks for the info. My spouse is fluent in Spanish, so that helps with some of our travels.
  2. We will be in Cartagena at end of February 2023 and trying to decide between 4 different tours. Briefly listed below. Any feedback will be helpful. This will probably be the only time we are there and want a good experience. #1 Old Cartagena Walking Tour ( 3 hours and includes shopping) #2 Exploring Magnificent Cartagena ( almost 5 hours and includes Folk Show and Beverage) #3 San Felipe Fortress & City at Leisure ( 4 Hours Getting dropped off) #4 Amazing Cartagena Bay & Walled City ( 4 Hours and with Audio Guided Tour) All the tours are similar but the wording a little different. Are all the guided portions of the tours, audio guided or do they have a person speaking to the group? Thankyou, very much!
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