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Everything posted by erstreet2017

  1. OKAY but I don’t want to PURPOSEFULLY swim with the sharks. Is that acceptable? 🙄 PS for everyone else- I’m the Liz she’s talking about 😂
  2. Oh good, someone who can confirm this really happened! I’m Michelle’s “unbiological” daughter Liz- and I also happen to be the only human back home who was allowed to see the video. When Michelle and I first started getting close, Ron seemed pretty quiet. I now know that’s NOT the case, but he still surprises me sometimes and his, um… performance, at the show was definitely one of those times lol
  3. Liz again! I feel like we cannot stress enough to y’all just how “cringe” some parts of the Love & Marriage Show were on this trip. I love the show every time, but y’all…. It was bad 😂 To put it in perspective- I tell Michelle EVERYTHING. She has heard words come out of my mouth that she never dreamed, some of which I have been (rightfully) chastised for. I would NEVER say what that “final answer” turned out to be. Ron and I love to joke around, play on words, etc. but even we were speechless, and that’s saying a lot for us 😳 Also, the way the middle couple got on stage was that the wife LICKED THE HUSBAND’S WHOLE BALD HEAD!!! Yuck!!
  4. OKAY BUT I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET YOU TO GO TO DISNEY WITH ME 🙄 Hi everyone! I’m the “Liz” mentioned here. Michelle (and Ron, by default) have graciously adopted me (along with my husband) into their lives and vacations, but as you can see- we all love picking on each other! All in love, of course! Lol Normally I just read along with the reviews, but I wanted to pop in this time. Yes, I was the security problem this cruise, but in reality it was Derrick’s bag all along, which was right behind mine! The process for boarding in Charleston is different now than it used to be, a few more steps involved, but this new way definitely cuts down on long lines. As far as the ship, Michelle mentioned it being an older ship, and I just wanted to note- there were actually some parts of the shop that were actively in the process of having work done. I’d never experienced anything like that until this cruise. It wasn’t a problem or in the way, but it was just odd to me.
  5. Now that I'm nearing 30, I definitely have no trouble getting served with sodas at the bar, but even when I was cruising while younger I never had too much of an issue. Much like a bar back home, you do have to still be trying to get the bartender's attention versus just sitting there waiting.
  6. That's a super good point I hadn't thought of. Makes it easy to be a bit more adventurous. Thank you for the idea!
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