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Posts posted by nanuak

  1. Does anybody have an answer to this question? Thanks.


    Mach took a picture of the back of the TV's in the cabins. I believe that there are audio/video jacks; but you would have to take your own A/V cables from home. Search his posts, and you will be able to see the picture.... or we may get lucky and he will answer your question directly.

  2. Hello, has anyone had any experience with cabin 7420, deck 7 Empress. It it hot or noisey. Thank you, John



    We have been in 7444; it was really quiet, and a wonderful cabin. Since 7420 is only a couple of cabins forward, I think you will be really pleased with your selection. The Empress deck is sandwiched between two cabin only decks, which makes for a really quiet floor. In addition, since you are so close to the aft, there is not that much foot traffic :D.

  3. [quote name='Atona']I'm going with my DMIL. We have several things we don't know. Looking for lots of answers. I'm going to ask one question at a time.

    1. The dining. Do you have to eat in the dining room on formal night or can you eat elsewhere? and are you charged for it?[/quote]

    [SIZE=4][COLOR=indigo]If you like fine dining, I truly recommend dining at The Pointe. It has been worth every penny to us, and are already booked for this year too.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][COLOR=indigo] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [quote name='Atona']I heard and read here that the mayan ruins are a waste. Can you suggest some of the better ones? My MIL has had a stroke and cannot tolerate the heat real well, or humidity. I don't think a hot stinky bus is going to be a good idea. But we dont want to do anything on our own for fear of missing the boat. Money is also an issue.[/quote]

    [SIZE=4][COLOR=indigo]You are really limiting yourself by only doing Carnival excursions. Nachi Cocum (spelling?) is an "all-inclusive" in Cozumel. Very nice and relaxing and a short taxi ride to the resort. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [quote name='Gilesgirl8']Can anybody answer this....? I leave in 10 days and don't know what kind of magnet to bring....[/quote]

    [SIZE=4][COLOR=indigo]I think the reason you are not getting an answer is that the majority of cruisers do not use a magnet. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][COLOR=indigo]If you need to prop open the balcony door, you can use the dressing room stool or the small table on the balcony. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][COLOR=indigo]It is very humid in the Carribean and you might find that it will make the room too uncomfortable to leave the door open for long periods of time :). [/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][COLOR=indigo]Me... I suffer from "hot flashes" :mad:.... so the room being nice and cool is a plus for me. My husband also appreciates the better attitude when I am on the "cool" side. Can you see my horns sticking out yet.....:D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. Tender Tickets? How do you get Tender Tickets???


    We went on the Eastern this year and there were no Tenders. Next time it's going to be West. How do we get Tender Tickets? I want off early...I like to explore.


    Oh and FYI...we REALLY liked our cabin 1273 on Rivera deck. You could watch everybody board. It wasn't as fine as the balcony but it was right next to the elevators which was nice. If


    I can't afford a balcony. I'll pick THAT room again.


    We just go down to deck 0 early in the morning, and get on the first available tender :)

  7. Nanuak,

    We are booked in 7446 for our 8-30 sailing on the Conquest are these 2 cabins about the same, what can you tell me about it? This is our 1st. aft balcony. Have any pictures?





    7444 was right next to the aft wrap on Empress deck, we had a couch (great extra storage in the two drawers beneath the couch). Lets see if I can attach a couple of photos :rolleyes:. I don't have any pictures available of the balcony, although I could have sworn I had some.



  8. Please email me the capers (western itinerary) to kmmayeux@netscape.net (thanks!)


    Also, aft extended balcony - empress deck....good & bad about them? Will we have a hair dryer, fridge? Ample storage room (I tend to over pack for a 4 day can't imagine a 7 day).


    Anything to definitely not miss about this ship? First time on Conquest class ship...

    We have late dining (which was our request) - how was the food? Do they have any "adult" area like the serenity deck on Fantasy?




    On our first Conquest cruise, we were in cabin 7444...Loved it! Now we book the aft wraps, and have the best of both worlds :D!

    Don't miss Sur Mer, Paul's Deli, or The Pointe Supper Club (Steak House).

    I way overpacked on our first cruise and had ample drawer and closet space (my husband had some too LOL). You can store your suitcases under the bed. There are also glass shelves in the bathroom to store your toiletries.

    The Conquest went into dry-dock at the first of the year, so I am not sure if there an "adult only area"; but last year, there was not.

  9. Just posted this on my roll call...I put in a bid for hotel at houston hobby on priceline for saturday October 10th...had my 49 dollar bid accepted by the Airport Marriott!...how bout that.Now have to decide if we use the carnival transfer from the airport sunday or get our own shuttle. either way great deal on the room that is listing for 89.00!


    Great deal!:D

  10. Alyce,

    We will be on the Conquest 8-30, we have and Aft. extended balcony (7446). What cabin did you have and how did you like it?






    Our first cruise on the Conquest was cabin 7444, and we LOVED being on the aft, great location, plenty of storage, and fun lking with the others on the aft.

    Most would go out onto their balcony during sail-away or prior to dinner and we would all talk about the excursions or what we had done during the sea day.

    If you stand at the rail, you can see all the cabins on either side of you, and also the people above and below: But if you're sitting or standing closer to the balcony door, no one can see you unless they lean around the divider. In my opinion, it was the best of both worlds :D.

    Unfortunately, I started reading more and more cruise critic posts, and found out about the aft-wraps; now we are spoiled, spoiled, spoiled.

  11. [quote name='KGF']A few things...

    2) We're planning on bringing our Motorola Walkies....anyone have any experience with these?[/quote]

    [SIZE=4][COLOR=purple]On our first cruise, we sailed with my cousins and their two year old. We used these to keep in touch while on-board, and they worked great.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [quote name='croosieloosie']Thanks,
    That's the one I took. 8455 looks like an odd shaped cabin and the balcony has that little hidden corner part.
    My daughter has a Jenday Conure. He's really loud. Worse than Tiki. LOL[/quote]

    [SIZE=4][COLOR=purple]Now that I can't imagine :eek:. My Sun is in his bedroom, with the door closed, and I can still hear him screaming from the dining room. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][COLOR=purple]I think you will be very happy with 6483. Both of us loved the extra room in the cabin, and the balcony is to die for.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [quote name='croosieloosie']I have the opportunity to have either 6483 or 8455. Is one better than the other? Both corner aft. I have a Sun Conure named Tiki, is your avatar a Sun?[/quote]

    [SIZE=4][COLOR=purple]Personally, I would take 6483 over 8455. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][COLOR=purple]Yes :), my avatar is my Sun Conure. Beautiful, LOUD, and spoiled rotten :D.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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