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Everything posted by Eremita85

  1. Icon's float out ceremony will be on this friday morning. They will move the ship day or two later to the outfitting pier.
  2. Some photos from last night. The rear arch has received its logo, but it is protected with plastic wrap for now. Also the part of the ship's name is also now visible at the stern.
  3. Not sure if there are any big updates but at least we have some snow now.
  4. Not much anything new, but here are some photos from yesterday. They have started dredging in front of the shipyard.
  5. A couple of photos from yesterday. The rear arch has been installed.
  6. That photo taken from under the dome isn't mine, these are mine: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckj0o5OIfvX/
  7. Yep, we are quite often taking photos together, but this time I went alone to take photos of the installation of the dome, because I wanted to get a photos from several different locations and it's easier to get to those places with my bicycle than with his car. Also the lifting itself took so long to even start and he left home early because it was pretty windy and cold. I missed the next day's morning photos, which he went to take alone while I was still sleeping after my long night photo session 😄
  8. Thanks. Yes, I usually just use "Eremita" if it's not already taken, otherwise I use "Eremita85".
  9. Some photos from me of the AquaDome installation https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckj0o5OIfvX/
  10. No problem 👍 yes they have the dome itself and the structure for lifting the dome. This looks to be the hardest lifting operation they have ever done.
  11. What do you mean? This is earlier photo where they were installing the panels.
  12. The purpose for the strange structure is now clear, it is for lifting the dome! I went to take propably the last night photos of the bow without the Aquadome. I was there for 4.5 hours, but nothing happened, maybe they will wait until morning.
  13. They lifted the strange structure to the behind the dome itself. Maybe they are switching the cranes and will continue the operation. Still have no idea where it goes, is it part of the ship or is it the part of the lifting equipment of the dome itself? They started attaching the cables yesterday evening, and continued this morning. It took 8 hours before the lifting started so this is pretty complex operation. This was yesterday evening:
  14. Yep and that yellow circle looks like the "winch only" area for the helicopters.
  15. They have been busy with installing the glass panels to the AquaDome, still missing some but not much. Also BOTH funnels were installed today. It was sunset when I took the third photo, so the colors are a bit weird.
  16. Friend took some photos today. They have installed the diving platform on the AquaDome area. Also some LNG/air ventilation funnel on the roof. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3c7fzoDzP/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  17. Same pieces, they have now added some white decorations on them.
  18. Yep, the funnels have been there at least from the August when I first time saw them. These photos are from yesterday. At least some of the Azipods are already installed.
  19. Well that photo is taken by me, tho he propably found it from Loyal to Royal's IG profile: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjk9TrpoXhJ/
  20. Yesterday they brought something from Mobimar, maybe diving platform for Aquadome?
  21. The Royal logo on the starboard side of the ship got installed too!
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