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Everything posted by msmayor

  1. A quick hello this morning...need to catch up. The day after my daughter and her family went back home after a WONDERFUL weekend with them, all heck broke loose at work as one of my clerks just walked out unexpectedly. It was the Monday-est Monday ever, and nearly every day last week felt like Monday....ugh. This too shall pass. Sending good thoughts to all, though, who are struggling with things much more difficult and of course cheers to those celebrating. Will check in again when I can.
  2. A very early good morning all - been up since 6am to put a quiche in the oven. Thank you for the lists - so many who could use our prayers; hoping that you all get through these hard times quickly. I've been a mother-in-law now for four years, and am blessed to have a fantastic son-in-law who is the reason for that 'title'...he and my daughter, along with Lana and granddog Dean have been here at the house since Thursday (which is why I've been virtually off the computer!). They had a good friend's wedding to attend, so it was Camp Grammy and Grampy for the grands this weekend! Quesadillas are a favorite of mine, but I think we'll end up eating leftovers from the weekend today to clean out the fridge. The weather has been spectacular since they arrived, which makes walking Dean a delight. The leaves are finally hitting their stride on color, and against the deep blue sky even more vivid. Having them here has also meant a long weekend away from work, something I quite desperately needed. I did get to do something I'd never done before, and that's ride in a fully-electric car! The kids just recently bought a Hyundai Ioniq 5 and that's the car they drove north in. I can't believe how quiet they are! Some rain due in this afternoon, so after we say our goodbyes and my daughter and her family hit the road, it will probably be time for a nap. Hope everyone has a good day today!
  3. Interesting recipe for this cocktail...anyone know how the cream doesn't curdle with the addition of the lime juice? These recipes all look amazing...I'll definitely have to try them!! Such sad news, Sandi - sending prayers to all.
  4. Good morning all - will be a bit chilly today after the cold front came through with vengeance last night. Sure glad I wasn't one of the fans that made the trek to Yankee Stadium, planning to see Game 5 of the ALDS. At least three hours of waiting and the inevitable happened...postponed to 4pm today. My husband and son love my meatloaf recipe - I always wrap it in bacon for extra flavor. My husband would love to have a beard but the hair just won't grow in the right pattern. My son-in-law, on the other hand, grows the shadow of his beard in a day! Arugula pizza sounds good, hoping the recipes we see show a drizzle of balsamic as that flavor seems to go wonderfully with the bitter greens. Key Lime pie is a favorite dessert of mine so I will be anxious to see the drink recipe. Sending best thoughts to those who are dealing with stress...and high-fives to those celebrating. Have a great day all!
  5. Graham, will be thinking of you and Pauline tomorrow, hoping all memories you celebrate are good ones. I didn't even know you could hire a service to get you through immigration - will need to remember that for any future trips that may have tighter connections and require more than just a gate change. Safe travels... Lenda, for years and years I was terrified of the dentist. I had more than one awful experience and had such a fear that I waited far too long to have a bad tooth taken care of. I found a sedation dentist who caught my attention with the two office dogs she had...while penned up in the reception area, they were there as 'comfort' animals to help those who were fearful. They sat with me while I did the intake paperwork and it helped. I still cried and trembled even with the x-rays, but Dr. K was incredibly patient with me and truly listened to my fears, and helped me manage my pain with mild sedation and tons of novocaine. Today, I can sit in her chair and smile every visit because she and her entire staff always make sure I am comfortable. Her hounds are there every time, and it's nice to give them cuddles when I check in.
  6. Thank you for the lists - always interesting to see what the 'days' are and hearing new meal and beverage selections. Not sure if I'll see my boss today but I'll certainly offer up thanks for his generosity over the years. Especially now that my plate is full of extra tasks - he always reminds me that home life has to come before work life, and especially this year with my daughter has been very understanding with the time away that I've needed. I thin we celebrate national pasta day weekly in my house - it's a staple meal in our menu rotation. Curious what is in today's drink, and interested in the wine. New Zealand is on my bucket list to visit someday. The baby shower for my niece went off wonderfully. It was a 'display' shower - we were asked to bring gifts unwrapped and they were all arranged on two large tables for all to see. This meant that we all spent time socializing together, and my niece avoided what she hates most...people watching her open gifts. It made for a wonderful, casual afternoon. I'm not sure where the cake came from, but it was spectacular, and a good friend baked custom cookies for favors. While my daughter, Lana and I waited for her husband to come pick them up we wandered through the mall a bit and decided to check out the baby section in Neiman Marcus. I suppose there's a market for the baby wear they sell, but in my world I simply can't imagine spending $650 for a Burberry infant coat. Spent the night down there in VA and drove home yesterday...was nice to have a three day weekend and now I'm sitting at the kitchen table sipping down my first cup of coffee and preparing for the day ahead. A short week - only three work days. My daughter and her family ( plus the dog!) are coming up on Thursday for a friend's wedding on Friday. Grammy and Grampy are thrilled to have more Lana time together. They'll be here through Sunday. Hope everyone has a good start to the week...cheers to those celebrating and healing thoughts to those who are struggling.
  7. Absolutely gorgeous! Enjoy the upgrade, hope the rest of the trip is blissful!
  8. Good morning all...on what for many is a workday, for me it is a mental health day. I've had a very rough few weeks at work and told my boss yesterday I was 'out of gas' and taking today off, and I mean OFF. My out of office message says that I have no access to phone or email and I'll get back to them next week. For now, in my jammies and slippers sipping my first hot cup of coffee and just relaxing. No idea what today's meal is, but the martini @summer slope describes sounds delicious. Roy's alternative had me at chilled pear soup though...love those fruit soups. The sun should be out today and temps warming up to the 70's, so a good day for a nice walk around the neighborhood to catch up on my podcasts. The exercise and fresh air will do me good. Later, I'll work on getting packed for a brief weekend trip down to the DC area. My niece's baby shower is tomorrow, and it's going to be a very special celebration. It's planned as a 'display shower', something I never heard of before. We're not supposed to wrap the gifts and instead they will simply be displayed with tags to show who the giver is. This way, it's far more of a social event where we can eat and chat and mingle with everyone yet still see all the wonderful gifts people have given. Hoping everyone has a wonderful day.
  9. Thank you Sandi - I am blessed to have folks who thought of me all this time - thank you to everyone for the care and concern. I'll have to find just the right photo of my dear Lana - her parents are very cautious with any internet posting and so far have probably only put 2-3 photos up on their instagram account, none with her face. They are concerned about too much being 'out there' before she is able to make those decisions on her own. I'll see what I can come up with... Thank you Graham - so kind of you. Thank you so much - it's great to be back to this friendly place! Thank you Jacqui - loved the photos of your hydrangeas. I finally planted one in my yard this year and can't wait for it to grow larger. I am hoping next year to plant more. Thank you so much! Condolences, Jack - I'm sure you will be there in your thoughts and everyone will understand why you are not able to be there in person. Thank you so much! Thank you so much. It's been a bit of a challenge to help my daughter find her way back to a better place after her challenges with post-partum anxiety. We established a daily check-in, usually around 6:30-7pm, every single night. It has now developed into our regular 'story time' - around 7, we log in to Skype together as she is putting PJ's on Lana. She chooses three stories and reads them aloud to her, usually resulting in her falling asleep before the last story is done. Afterwards we spend about 20 minutes and just chat about our day - gives her a chance to 'download' any stressors now that she's back to work. For me, it's a chance to make sure she is OK but also 'visit' with my granddaughter every single day. It's become a pretty sacred time for us, missed only if we have specific plans for the evening and will not be around. Tonight's is delayed since they are at a friends' house carving pumpkins, so I'm taking this time to catch up here. Thank you Terri - hope you have a wonderful time in Barbados! Ray, you can most certainly have wines delivered, as long as your state permits. I belong to three different wine clubs - one in California (Kalyra Winery - my fall shipment arrived yesterday), one in Arizona (Oak Creek Winery, not too far out from Sedona - they deliver to me three times a year) and one right here in NJ (Old York, two shipments a year in spring and fall). It's a wonderful way for me to try wines I simply cannot find here in my home state.
  10. Hello Daily Community - I know it's been forever since I've been around. Too many reasons to count, but categorized mostly as work and life in general. The blessings are good health, stable job and family is well...especially my dear granddaughter Lana. I'll get to hug her this weekend, and that makes me happy. I'll try to catch up as best I can, and participate more. This group still remains the best on the boards...
  11. @AncientWanderer I love the statement about things in threes - I'm going to share that with my daughter to give her hope that this is IT for a while! Most especially, my thanks to everyone for the good thoughts and hopes for my son-in-law. Despite his long history with medical professionals due to his health challenges, he absolutely hates taking any medicines. My daughter has tried to convince him that fever reducers, decongestants and talking to a doctor about the antiviral might help, he resists...at least for him the headache is gone. Congestion remains, but he says his breathing is fine. He's sleeping a lot and we hope that is allowing his body to use energy to heal. I am loving all the photos of Paris - thank you all for sharing!!
  12. Nice set of days today...my dad always had an amazing vegetable garden that produced volumes of tomatoes and cucumbers. Also grew his own lettuce, beans, eggplant and peppers. We always had an abundance of fresh produce in the summer. I like the Twain quote - a reminder that the education we receive outside the classrooms can be just as (and sometimes more) valuable as that which we receive inside a classroom. Never heard of linguine with fried egg - will be interested in the recipe. Would try both the drink and the wine. Have never been to France, so will enjoy it through the lens of others that have been. They say life is a rollercoaster, right? High peaks, deep lows, and it can change just that fast. My daughter was on the top hill for a bit and yesterday came down hard - her husband tested positive for Covid. He's got most of the main symptoms - fever, headache and very tired. My daughter took a test as well and came up negative, but will test at least the next two mornings to make sure. So far, baby Lana seems just fine - no fever, no apparent issues. We talked a lot yesterday - they got her husband isolated in a spare bedroom, and she takes food up to him and leaves it outside the door. He has his computer and phone, so they can face-time. He did sleep a lot, so hoping that helps him fight this off. Fully vaxxed and boosted as he is immunocompromised. We're going to hope for the best here. Daughter has tested negative for the second time this morning, so fingers crossed that is a good sign. She'll test again tomorrow too. Yesterday during the day she said it felt like a normal workday with him at the office and her home, but the nighttime was tough. We skyped late, and then were on the phone again together around 3:30am. It will be a long couple of days until we know he is through this. Rainy, dreary morning here - kind of matches my mood so far. Hoping it's dry at lunch so I can get a walk in. Wishing everyone a good day today...
  13. Good morning all - love today's quote, and to me it means not to dwell on the 'could have been or should have been' things of the day before. Fresh page - make it the best day you can. Love wandering through museums, though one of my favorites isn't international - the National Museum of American History in DC is always on my must-visit list. Now that my husband is retired and runs the household, he takes care of the dishes so I don't have to! I 'visit' my daughter every night on Skype, so got this covered! Dressed and ready to hit the office - my guess is there are 250 emails waiting for me, and at least three new issues I hadn't even thought of will land on my desk. Three days to the weekend... Have a great day everyone!
  14. My daughter and I talked about how much the gall bladder contributed to the problem - it was only complicated further by the fact that since she had a c-section, it didn't seem unreasonable that she had residual gut pain. I wonder if she'd delivered normally we would have thrown up the red flag sooner. She did comment today that these past couple of weeks have been blissful for her, and she's truly enjoying her status as a new mom. It is a great relief. I am loving all of these photos everyone is posting - such a beautiful place, I'll need to put this on my List of Places to Visit Someday. Just got back from the garden center...I really DID have a plan, but there were so many pretty things...
  15. Good morning all...planning to enjoy this second day off from work in full. The sun is shining, sky is blue so the garden center beckons! Taking these days now means three days of work and then a three-day weekend for Memorial Day. I'll take it! While I don't think I'm a pack rat, I definitely have a lot of 'stuff' that needs to disappear. I've already told my husband, when we move to our final 'forever' home in a few years, I don't want a basement...it will force me to be thoughtful about what gets saved and what goes. My father suffered from hypertension (among other things) so it is something I know to guard against. Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures, but very glad I don't share the earth with them currently. During the skype call with my daughter, she shared that she got the hospital bill for the stay for her gall bladder...just over $40,000. That's ONLY the hospital - the surgeon, anesthesiologist, etc. all still will send bills. Thankfully, she has good insurance through work and this stay ended up covered 100%. I suspect that with the maternity stay before, she hit her out-of-pocket maximum for the year. I don't know how others with little or no insurance can manage a debt like that.... Finished block 5 of my quilt, and started block 6 last night while watching the original Downton Abbey movie on TV last night. My husband and I plan to see the new one that comes out this weekend in the theater, so it was a nice review of things. @Cruzin Terri wishing you the best outcome on the root canal Sending caring thoughts to those in need and a high-five to those celebrating!
  16. @Quartzsite Cruiser what a gorgeous shot of the moon! All the talk of strong storms this afternoon, and right now the sun is out and the risk of rain has dropped significantly. There is still a thunderstorm watch out, they say the timing has now shifted to later. We'll see... Took time on my day off to fully switch over my closet from winter to spring. That's always a big chore, but this season I took time to really think about what to keep and what to donate. Finished that, and now just relaxing with my crochet club project. Really enjoying learning new stitches!
  17. Good morning all - enjoying my day off, still in my slippers and second cup of coffee in hand. I will need to get moving soon though, as a trip to the grocery store is in order. We skipped it yesterday in favor of Longwood Gardens, and I want to get there and back before the strong storms that are predicted hit the area. Predictions of heavy rain, wind and hail in our future this afternoon, so a good time to settle in with my crochet project. @dfish, nice set of recipes and certainly give me a different idea of a calzone. I've always considered them just pizza dough with ricotta, mozzarella and maybe some ham or pepperoni. Those are some tasty varieties with different fillings, and looks like something my guys here would enjoy. Definitely remember 'sea monkeys' as a kid. I'm with @kazu on the trees - love them leafed out, but boy it is a chore come fall when it's time to clean up. Sending all my prayers to those on the Care list...and toasting those who are celebrating!
  18. I do indeed have a great boss...when I was in VA for the second trip, I was logging in to work an hour here and there from the hospital, and over the three days I was out of the office I figured I worked a total of one...so I put in for two days of PTO. He declined the request, insisting I must have done more work...and said 'take the time when you can really ENJOY the time'. Even though we've lived in this area for many years, we only went to Longwood the first time in the fall of 2020, trying to find something we could do during Covid lockdowns. Walking around outside seemed to be the best idea, and even though back then we had to wear masks outside we still felt very comfortable. Loved it so much we became members, and now make plans to go 4-5 times a year. It's at least two hours of walking, seeing pretty things and just talking with my husband about whatever we want.
  19. Thank you so much @grapau27 - it is a huge weight off my mind knowing that she is having far more joyful moments than sad ones. She is truly enjoying being a mom, and the big blessing is that dear Lana is a very calm and happy baby - she must know her mama had a rough start! I will do my best, @kazu - for most all of my professional life, I've taken my responsibilities so much to heart that it's become harder and harder to let go and accept that the world (or the business) won't fall apart if I step away. Last week, when I was telling my boss that I was planning to try and take a couple of days he was quite relieved...he is always pushing me to regain a better work/life balance, and I appreciate that he's willing to be the 'bad cop' if people try to put too much on me. Its time I commit to Me Time first. My husband keeps saying he owes me a nice vacation. We're not sure if we are ready to cruise while all the testing protocols are in place, so I think I'll focus on a land trip, something here on the east coast so we can stick to driving and reduce the stress level of travel. I'd love to go back to Providence RI and see more of the mansions, or maybe its time to finally get to Boston and see the Red Sox. Maybe Charleston, a city I've always wanted to see...
  20. To all the Daily friends - I'm confident that the prayers and good thoughts have been felt by my daughter, and I think it is finally safe to say that she can exit the rotation on the care list... I know that I have been remiss in posting, and that is mostly because my days have been overwhelmed with work tasks (I am responsible for both HR and all things finance...and we've had no fewer than eight Covid-positive results in the past four weeks, and that included 2 of my 3 staff). My only 'screen time' has been devoted to my daughter - once I left VA the second time, I offered to Skype with her each evening to remain connected as in-person as we could, and she could unload any anxiety that we could talk through. We spend about 45-60 minutes a night connected, and it has really contributed to helping her. The daily medication has finally hit her stride and physically, she's recovered very well from the gall bladder removal. She's carefully introducing more fats to her diet with no side effects. She's been able to get outside almost daily for walks with Lana, and finally...FINALLY...having the time she wanted to enjoy motherhood. She's still with a counselor, and on a list to join a new-mothers' group through her OB, but definitely doing much better. I hit a brick wall at work this week and told my boss I was taking Mon-Tue off, so this is a long 4-day weekend for me. I told everyone I was going to disconnect from the work-grid and not answer anything. Told them all, if it was an emergency (especially HR-related), to reach out to my boss and if he feels I need to be involved, he has the 'break glass in case of emergency' way to reach me. I know that he will do everything he can to NOT text me, and I appreciate that. My husband and I took the opportunity today to drive out to Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square PA (we're members, so unlimited visits whenever we want) to get some inspiration for the garden plantings. I intend to hit up the nursery tomorrow or Tuesday to buy some annuals and see what perennials will fit in the landscape. Chocolate Chip Cookies are a favorite of mine, and fit squarely into a story about my very first cruise. Back in 1986...on Carnival's Tropicale...I was sailing solo and enjoyed a table of 10 total diners. One guy asked for milk every single night, so the servers ended up making sure it was there for him before we ever arrived. On the night we were in port at Puerto Vallarta, all aboard wasn't until 10pm and most of the table was eating dinner ashore, but me and another woman opted to dine on board. The server was distraught - he'd already poured the milk, and said he would get in major trouble if he brought a full glass back into the kitchen. I jokingly said to him..."I'd drink it, but I need warm chocolate chip cookies to go with it". Five minutes later, a half-dozen fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies were by my side, and every night after that. THAT hooked me! @Rowsby I hope that you have a wonderful visit to Hawaii and it recharges your soul... @kazu I continue to think of you, and my walks at Longwood today made me think of the beautiful garden photos you've shared previously. Thank you for teaching us all how to have 'greener' thumbs...here are few of the pictures that I hope will inspire me this year:
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