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Cheshire Blue

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Posts posted by Cheshire Blue

  1. Apologies if this is answered elsewhere (but lots of posts appear historic). 


    We are sailing from Southampton on Celebrity Silhouette in late September.  I understand as well as covid vax status (NHS app) we will need to do some form of test prior to boarding.  What is the current thinking as to where we get these tests done ?   In Southampton or at home (NW) the day before departure and where exactly - Boots / Lloyds or somewhere else ?   


    Appreciate past experiences 

  2. 5 minutes ago, dcbiker97 said:

    The Five Courses includes selections from the a la carte menu. The upcharge is for the wine. The five courses wouldn’t be included in a meal package because of the wine inclusion.  But you could just structure your a al carte to get the same food and use you beverage package to get the wines. You may need to get different wines to fit the beverage package parameters. 

    Thank you - that's very helpful.  We will order from the a la carte menu and then "pair" our own wine choices from the premium drinks package  

  3. Sailing on Silhouette out of Southampton in a couple of months. We will have speciality dining package (several nights) .  if we eat in Murano - am not sure what we can order / is included in our package ? 

    I understand they have an a la carte menu and also a five course menu ?    


    Can we have either on our package or are we limited in some way ?   We also have premium drinks package.    


  4. 34 minutes ago, Purplsmurf said:

    Almost seems like an old list. Premium is up to $15……and that’s before gratuity. 

    Thanks for coming back on this.   I thought I was going mad ! 


    I was sure I had read elsewhere on this forum that the premium limit was now $15 (excluding the gratuity).  If the gratuity is then added this would amount to $18 in total (if the prices are shown on the menu inclusive of the gratuity).   


    This begs the question as to whether the price list above (stated to be current as at July 22) is simply an old one as its does show $13 as the limit !   


  5. 14 hours ago, cruisestitch said:







    Thanks for posting this 

    I note the Cattier champagne (which I understood is in the Premium package) is listed at $15 (plus the 20% service charge - so making a total cost per glass of $18). 


    How does this fit in with the premium package limit (which I understood was $ 13 + SC = circa $16) ? 


    Apologies if I am missing something here ? 


    I will be sailing out of Southampton and so understand the pricing will be shown inclusive of the service charge.  Is that correct ?    In this case - the champagne would probably be listed at $18.  hence is this within the Premium package ?  

  6. We are 73 days out from our cruise from Southampton (Silhouette) and have received details of Move Up opportunities 


    Assume this doesn't work when we have travelling companions in cabin next door ?   Although we could both apply for a move up (say to a suite) the danger would be that only one of us is successful - so leaving one couple to eat in Luminae and one in MDR.  Likewise I assume its highly unlikely we would get a move up whereby we still end up next / close to each other ?   


    Am I overthinking this ? 

  7. 12 hours ago, Chrissit said:

    So with Celebrity, you can pretty much order what you want. Also it sounds like you are looking at a Solstice Class ship so my answers are geared that way.

    If we go in and ask for a salad, a soup, an appetizer and a entree plus a half size of pasta (thinking of Tuscan here) plus a side or two, no one would blink an eye at the order. If it were me placing the order, I may need to be rolled out of the restaurant, but Celebrity would be fine with it. 

    The $89 option in Murano includes the wine paring for the menu. The “regular” menu you can choose as you go and pair wine or drink whatever you may choose. 

    The most “restricted” menu we’ve encountered is Le Petit Chef - they have two menu options and one follows the storyline of the video, other does not. It comes with four courses - you choose an option from one of the two presented menus. 

    Curious as to how this works (menus in Murano) with a pre paid dining package ?   If I have a dining package and choose to eat in Murano - what can I have within the package ?   Note I also have a premium drinks package  

  8. Of interest to UK passengers only


    Sailing from Southampton in September.  Will drive down day before cruise and so looking for options to stay over and then leave car for 10 days ?   Where do people recommend ?  Transfers ? 

    What about staying in Hotel - but still driving to Port in the morning in own car and using car parking ?


    Any thoughts ?   

  9. On 6/1/2022 at 8:49 PM, chemmo said:

    Advantage of pre booking individual restaurants. You can select the exact date and time. You board with the knowledge you are dining in the restaurants you want on the days you want and at the time you want. If you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary probably worth pre booking for the peace of mind. Disadvantage, you have paid full price.


    Advantage of pre booking a package…You will pay a bit less than booking restaurants individually. 

     Disadvantage, obviously those who have pre booked individual restaurants at full price and higher suite guests who may have pre booked through the shoreside concierge may have secured the most popular times. Occasionally on boarding you may have to compromise on date or time when booking certain restaurants. Hence, on boarding it is worth heading straight for one of the speciality restaurants to secure the venue, date and times you want rather than leaving it until the next day when others with dining packages have already filled many slots.


    Advantage of waiting until you board to book speciality restaurants is you can sometimes get discounts above the package discount. If you are not fussy about the day/time you have more chance of getting offers. Disadvantage, there may not be any offers on any restaurants or only offers on a specific venue. Often good offers involve dining early or late.




    Thanks for all the replies.  I have opted for a five night package (and will keep an eye open for any pre cruise discounts - in which case will cancel and re book).   Once on board - first stop (after cabin - to pick up first night reservation) will be one of the Restaurants to sort out the actual dining dates and times - fingers crossed that reasonable times are still available on the evenings I wish to dine etc.   

  10. Am booked (via travel agent) for cruise on Silhouette from Southampton in late September. 


    At the time of booking, "anytime" dining was not available so am currently fixed at 8.30 pm. 


    I note new bookings can now have anytime (as well as 6.00 / 8.30) so how best to change my dining time to anytime (for flexibility) ?   Do I ask my TA to deal with this (probably involves a lengthy call / hold), can I do it myself via Celebrity Customer Service (query time / hold delays) or is there some way I can do it online - which would be the easiest ? 


    Any reason I should not do the above (and instead stick with 8.30) ? 


    Have seen reports of lengthy delays in MDR - especially those on anytime dining - so unless these are now resolved, maybe should stick at 8.30 ?  


    Thoughts welcomed 



  11. 3 hours ago, Mark_T said:

    I've booked and cancelled dining and excursions many times pre-cruise to take advantage of price drops.


    All that happens is whatever payment method you originally used is credited, either CC or OBC, but one word of caution...


    ... OBC refunds are instant, the CC refunds take a few days and it is worth keeping track of them as I did have to chase up on a few that somehow got 'lost' in the system.

    Thanks for the advice


    Do price drops as to dining and excursions happen a lot and is there any rhyme or reason as to the timing of them (e.g. bank / public holiday sales etc) - or is it just a case of keep watching / hoping  ?    

  12. 1 hour ago, 39august said:

    If this happens just cancel the package and rebook at sale prices. 

    Really !  Can you do that ?    I assumed that once I had booked the dining package (and spent the OBC that I have) that was that.  If I could subsequently cancel the package and re book at the flash sale price - well that helps a lot.  Thank you  

  13. 2 hours ago, sgmn said:

    We were on Silhouette a couple of weeks ago and saw no evidence of discounting but we didn't ask. Past cruises we have has waiters coming round the main dinning room offering 30% off.  I think there's a lot of OBC around at moment and people seem willing to pay these (IMO) high prices 

    There are no half price first night deals offered on Beyond in our planner for June so I presume they are happy with their full price pre sales

    Thanks for everyone's comments - appreciated.  Sounds like the prices (which seem high to me) are the new norm and now include the 18% gratuity.  A dining package may be the way to go.  Does anyone have any experience of these being discounted - flash sale etc - in the cruise planner before the cruise ?  I'd be annoyed to buy now (and spend my OBC) and then find some sort of 10% / 20% off sale come up in the coming weeks ? 

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  14. First time poster (so please be kind) and apologies if this is answered elsewhere - but unable to find what I am looking for !


    Am booked on Silhouette in late September (out of Southampton) in Veranda cabin.  Thinking of doing a few (perhaps 4 or 5) nights in the Speciality Restaurants and have seem fair bit of comment as to price increases and service charges being added.  Could someone please confirm current (full) pricing for the various restaurants (appreciate there are first night discounts and sometimes discounts can be had whilst on board - but let's ignore for now). 

    At present my Cruise Planner is showing the following prices pp

    Murano - £47.32  (equates to approx $ 60

    Tuscan  - £42.58  (equates to approx $ 54

    Petit Chef - £52.06 (equates to approx $ 66

    Lawn Club - £42.58 (equates to approx $ 54


    Are the above prices (in $$) the same as currently charged on the ship (before any discounts etc) i.e. $54 - $66 per meal


    Do these prices (which seem a fair bit more than I recall - 3 years ago) include any gratuity / service charge - or will that be added as well ? 


    Am thinking of getting a dining package (for 4 or 5 nights).  This would bring the price per meal down (although I appreciate I may then miss out on any "on board discounting" that may arise).

    Any thoughts ?  



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