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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. We've been married for 49 years. Have always been joined at the hip, except for military necessity. If you paid any attention to us, you'd think we didn't get along at all. We pick on each other a lot. I think our relationship will survive. Many said that our marriage would never survive. We'll see! Love your story. We are in a very small but sober group.
  2. My wife hates it when I go grocery shopping with her. In the isle I'll stand right next to her and then hit and run. She's not a fan of my eating habits. Beano Beano - No to Beano <sang in my best cheerleading voice>
  3. Love it! I'm a caring and sharing guy. I really think that Beano should be illegal.
  4. LOL, you've got a good point. It is also better when it is "Stinkyer". LOL, almost did it again. The spell checker suggests "Slinkier" and I just accepted it without really looking. Apparently, Stinkyer or Stinkier isn't a real word. Oh well.
  5. The slinkier the cheese, the more I like it. Especially with a nice glass (bottle) of Burgundy (or dry red, whatever is available) wine.
  6. Just a though: I wouldn't wait to ask your Steward. If there are multiple people in other cabins that need the fridge as well, they may not have enough. I'm sure there is only a set number of fridge's available on each ship. So, if you request it at the time of booking or shortly after using the form linked to below, they would have time to use their resources to get what they need, if there isn't enough fridge's on board on that particular ship. This is exactly what you need: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/resources/guest-special-needs Mini Fridge is included on the form.
  7. I was typing my response as you posted your post. So, my response wasn't directed towards you specifically. Having said that: "on a bottle of wine from RCL my TA had delivered to my cabin. Took the rcl bottle to dining room and was charged. I'm always the exception". He/she says that the bottle was given to him/her by a TA. I've never heard of a RCCL "Phone Answerer" being referred to as TA. Possible, I guess. And, it is possible that RCCL just put the bottle in the cabin that the TA purchased for them, in which case, I believe the Policy/FAQ applies. Adhered to or not is a different story. Anyway, my quoting of the FAQ/Policy was based upon the use of the term/abbreviation of TA. If my assumption was wrong, than I was wrong with the assumption. But, the policy/FAQ is what it is. Again, I'm not saying that I agree with it or I don't agree with it. Just trying to present factual information. EDITED IN: But, I see your point. I guess an argument could be made that "The Guest" didn't actually bring the bottle onboard.
  8. The FAQ/Policy does say that a corkage fee of $15.00 will be charged for any wine and/or champagne brought on the ship by guest(s) and consumed IN PUBLIC areas: "Does Royal Caribbean charge a corkage fee? A Yes. Guests who consume their personal wine and champagne in public areas, will incur a $15 corkage fee per bottle. Guests wishing to bring personal wine and champagne onboard may do so only on boarding day, limited to two (2) 750 ml bottles per stateroom. No beer or hard liquor may be brought onboard for consumption". Disclaimer: The above post is presented as a matter of fact, not what is the norm or what some folks get away with, or anything else. Nor am I agreeing with it or disagreeing with it.
  9. I'm sure you will, in short time, get an answer to this question. I wish you luck with it.
  10. I'm going way back to 2017 and earlier here, so it may not apply anymore. But, here goes: When I was loyal to Rustbucket Cruise Lines, and on Healds Facebook page, the amount of complaints about unwanted charges because people were using their phone on embarkation, in port and debarkation, in port was amazing. People saying that they were charged thousands of dollars by Rustbucket and were not warned about turning their phones on to "Airplane Mode". Don't know if that is happening anymore. But, because of that, I have learned, way back when, to turn my phone on during the transition from terminal to ship and from the ship to terminal. Fortunately, I never got caught-up in that, I read Rustbuckets FAQ or whatever it was, about that issue, before I ever stepped a foot on their ships. I don't think it is as much of a problem now, at least with Royal cruisers. Disclaimer: This post is not intended to change anybody's mind about anything. It's just a social media discussion. There is no nefarious intentions.
  11. For me, I like the new policy. I don't care about the vouchers being available during the early morning of debarkation day because I have driven to and from the port on every cruise but one and I don't need to drive drunk and I don't. However, if I stay up a little late, after midnight, the night before debarkations, it would be nice, and now it is available, to use my voucher(s) after midnight. Being a newbie to the D and no experience, I'm not even sure if voucher drinks were available after midnight the night before debarkation, if not, this new way is good. Disclaimer: This is how I feel. I'm not trying to change anybody's mind about what is wanted or not wanted. This is just a post on a social media thread and has no nefarious intent.
  12. Close! Fireball Whisky is what I learned by my mentoring NCO's.
  13. Just curious! Has this been resolved to your satisfaction?
  14. Yep, none of that would turn me away from, possibly, trying X one day. That's for sure.
  15. I wasn't going to start doing a deep dive into checking out the "All In" on X until I was seriously looking for our next cruise to book. But, out of curiosity, I just looked into X's adult beverage package(s). Unlike Royal, X has two tiered adult beverage packages. When you cruise with X and you select the "All In" fare, it includes the lower tier adult beverage package, "Classic Package". Not the "Premium Package". No real big deal for me/us. I'm happy with the status/quality of the choices in the Classic Package. It's just fruit for thought for those that don't know that, as of today, there is a difference. Also, their included Internet Package is also the lower tier package. Much like Royal's packages, or were. I find myself having to make a disclaimer these days, so here goes: The above post is meant to provide information. It isn't an attempt to sway any opinions one way or the other. It's not intended to say one thing is better than another. It's just a post on a social media site with no nefarious intent. <not intended toward you, Dan.
  16. I never get enough of Space activity: https://www.spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=SES-O3b-mPOWER
  17. While I don't agree 100% of what's in your list (I only have very minor diversions from 2 of them and not worth noting) and that's your list, your preferences.
  18. Okay, I'm done with this, unless you make any more outlandish remarks.
  19. Urban Dictionary - LMAO. Do you do Wikipedia too? Again, my comment about not reading my post was in response to a false premise, period. Again, when I say that I didn't read every post it was only, repeat "ONLY" for the purposes of excusing myself for possibly repeating something someone else may have said. If you say that you read every post in a thread that has ~dozens of pages of posts and then make a comment within that thread, I'd have my doubts. Just because I and many others in here, don't read every post in every thread doesn't mean that there is any disrespect, especially any disrespect intended. I don't care how @Caps_Shield"FELT". I only know what his/her words are/were. And if you see a long post, like mine was, feel free to ignore it and move on. Having said that, I'd be the first to admit that I ramble at times. So be it. I'm not going to change for you or anybody else. There is a "BLOCK" option in this forum, I suggest you us it. BTW, I don't need a lecture about what these/this forum is here for. I've stated it many times in this forum and others.
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