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Treacherous Cretins

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Everything posted by Treacherous Cretins

  1. I've never had an issue with drinks in the casino. If a server is not right there at the table, the dealer will ring a call bell and one will be by very shortly. Not long after I get my drink.
  2. We got the three fee bottles of booze on the Dawn in an S3 cabin in March.
  3. OMG a bald spot or receding hair line, what a horrible thing to have.
  4. We do? Pants are pants no matter the length. It may mean what you say to you but it surely is not that was for all people in the US.
  5. You say his post is not true then you go on to give the exact same info he did. As he said, you absolutely do have to wear pants at all times (unless in your cabin, taking certaibn spa treatments, or if you are wearing a bathing suit. In most places you can have either long or short pants but pants are indeed required. NCL is not quite THAT freestyle. 🙂
  6. Wow no pants? I hope you aren't going commando with no pants as well!
  7. One of my traveling companions is a cap wearer and I have to remind him ay every meal to take off the cap. I never understood wearing a cap indoors in the first place...
  8. It is probably a low ranked tie breaker I am guessing.
  9. There is no 'typical' or 'average' time frame for cancellations. It can be anywhere from year or more to a week or less. While cancellations do happen, it is not what I would call frequent by any means. We are never concerned about it and so far we have never had to deal with it other than COVID and all of us are sapphire latitude members.
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