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Everything posted by Szt

  1. We found St Kitts to be very quiet and a little boring. But it is beautiful. St John’s is one of our favorite Caribbean ports. The architecture is cool and it has a lively vibe. We have been to Antiqua and I honestly don’t remember it at all. After a while, all the Virgin Islands are more or less the same.
  2. I totally know what you mean. I’ve had the same thought. I’ve talked to other cruisers who live in port areas and find great deals on last minute cruises. We live too far to take advantage of those. I don’t even give those 75% off or 2nd guest free a second look anymore. And the “last day” scare doesn’t phase me because it’s always extended. We don’t usually do super expensive cruises anyway so, like you said, the prices don’t change much. However, we have seen better than average rates offered when you book while on a cruise. I think NCL always offers the 2 for one cruise next cert. while on a cruise. So you can save up to $500 by buying 4 (max) $250 certs for $500 total. But you can’t use them all for one cabin on one cruise. I will also say, the deal I found for our upcoming cruise was pretty awesome. Best I’ve seen. But we are traveling in Nov so maybe that’s why. Also, if you get an offer for a “free” cruise to do a timeshare presentation. Don’t do it. I used to sell these. It’s never as easy to book as they make it sound and the sales presentations are super high pressure.
  3. One “mistake” we made last time was in picking a 7 night cruise with 6 ports. This meant each stop was shorter than we would have liked and couldn’t do much in any one port.
  4. We have done a couple of European cruises and have learned a thing or two along the way. 1st: Don’t plan to arrive in Europe the same day as the cruise embarks. There are just too many chances for things to go wrong. The first cruise we took was out of Barcelona. We routed our flight through Amsterdam. Instead of a 4 hr layover, we arranged for a 48 hr layover. That gave us 2 wonderful days on one of my favorite cities. Transportation to and from the airport is easy in Amsterdam. That allowed us to arrive in Barcelona early in the day with a very short flight. There was a pre cruise excursion we signed up for. We were picked up at the airport, with our luggage, had a wonderful, well organized tour, then taken directly to the port. Easy peasy. The 2nd European cruise we flew into Milan. We spent a few days there, then took a train to Trieste. Itinerary said cruise began in Venice, but it was actually Trieste, a two hour train ride away. The train from Milan to Trieste was about 4 hrs and very inexpensive. Italian trains are notoriously unreliable. So we planned to arrive in Trieste the day before our cruise. We were so glad we did. There was a strike on RailItalia, as there often is. We missed our first train due to a cab driver that never showed. The train we did get on was not non-stop. The connecting train was cancelled. We ended up arriving in Trieste about 6:00 pm (as opposed to 10:30 am as planned). We would have missed the ship had we planned to arrive on embarkation day. It turned out there was a huge yacht regalia (I think that’s what it’s called). It was the first since Covid and the whole town was one big festival. It was so fun. But, again, without good planning, we wouldn’t have been able to find a room. On return, we traveled to Venice from Trieste and spent the night there. Then flew out of Venice. By giving ourselves extra days we got to see more, and not stress over delays. European Ports: Kotor was the surprise favorite for us. The history and culture of Montenegro is so fascinating. Malta was our favorite from the first cruise for the same reason. Most of the stops in Greece bring you right to the port. Most in Italy do not. But as an earlier post said, it’s not hard to get where you want to go in Europe. Rome- we hired a driver right at the port who took us the hour into Rome and showed us everything! Got back with time to spare. Did the same in Kotor and Malta Sicily- took the ship’s excursion to Taromina. LOVED it! Wish we had more time, but appreciated the security of knowing we got with the excision. The port town was yuck. Villefranche- it’s a tiny town on the French Riviera. So cute. We looked at the excusion itineries and did them ourselves using trains, in reverse. Took the train to Eze- awesome town made even better because we had the morning there to ourselves. Ship tours flooded the town in the afternoon when we were leaving. We trained to Nice and back to Villefranche. Did it all for a fraction of the price of excursions. Lots Of towns have hop on hop off buses that pick up in port. To reach towns further from port- you can hire local driver in most places and get an education from a local as you are driven through the countryside. Sorry such a long post.
  5. Maybe this is selfish, but I’d hate to see a return to masking requirements. I get claustrophobic wearing masks and am miserable. During Covid, I rarely went out because I hated the masks (though I did always wear them). I wouldn’t cruise if I had to. But if you are at high risk, it’s not a bad idea to voluntarily wear a mask. Our last cruise (10/22) my husband got Covid. He started feeling unwell 2 days before our cruise ended. Since we were fully vaxed, we thought it couldn’t be Covid. He stayed in the cabin because he didn’t feel well enough to do anything any way. He had a miserable trip flying home and did mask so as not spread whatever he had. When we got home he went to the Dr and tested positive. If we had thought it could be Covid, we never would have flown. We were told that he should have had a booster shot before traveling. He had his 2nd shot 9 mo prior. I had my 2nd shot 3 months before our cruise and was fine. We asked our travel agent if our insurance would have covered anything. She said if he had tested positive on the ship, they would cover medical expenses and all costs associated with having to stay in Italy for all of us until he could be cleared to fly. They would not have covered missed work for our kids traveling with us or boarding expenses for our dogs. So it’s good to know how that would go. Now we know to get boosters every six months.
  6. I had. I idea this is even a thing. How wonderful! How is it getting around the ship on a scooter?
  7. Thank you all for such kind thoughts and good suggestions. Many of you misunderstand. It’s not about being embarrassed. Yes, passing out is embarrassing. But I rarely do that now that I know when it’s coming on. I don’t use a Walker because, for 1, I don’t need it- yet. And 2 because I hate carrying extra things around. I already have to carry a cpap on with me. I won’t even carry an umbrella. And it’s not because I worry about what others think. It’s because I like to leave my hands free for taking pictures. Now that I have learned from responses here that I can carry a seat that clips on or can go in my backpack, I’m ready to hit the seas again!
  8. If Covid had taught us anything it’s to expect the unexpected. Getting the travel insurance has become a must.
  9. Maybe they should make medical alert bracelets for stuff like that. If people saw that maybe they’d be more forgiving. I have severe arachnophobia. Not quite as bad as your bee phobia. And for some reason they don’t bother me as much outside. But anything that gives me an adrenaline rush makes me pass out.
  10. I think it depends a lot on how flexible you can be. If you know you want a warm weather cruise sometime in winter or spring, don’t care which line, and can go on short notice- then watch for good deals and jump when one comes. It you have to get vacation time cleared through work, plane tickets, or know exactly where, when, and in what line you want- I’d say don’t risk it, book early. The last time we cruised, they offered the chance to bid on upgrades. We already had the class we wanted and wanted to be assured we’d be near our kids. But we talked to quite a few other passengers who did bid. They all got upgraded for $100 or less. So maybe book the lowest class you’d be ok with and see if you can get an offer like that.
  11. Last time I was at Disney we got the fast pass for everything we could. We didn’t go on any rides that didn’t offer it. But I think my Disney days are over. You reach a point where those “exciting” rides don’t feel so good. And Jungle Cruise, haunted house and It’s a Small World get a little boring after so many times.
  12. I think you misunderstand. My husband stands in line while I wait nearby. When he gets to the front, I join him. So I am waiting my turn. If I could stand in line I’d be there with my husband. I don’t want any special accommodations other than a place I can wait my turn out of the sun, sitting. It’s just there isn’t always a place to do that. All I was asking was for suggestions in these instances. I got some great ideas here. I also wanted to raise awareness to people with disabilities you can’t see. I’m not being insecure. I think it’s natural to not want to seem rude.
  13. They used to make everyone stop before boarding and take a pic. We laughed so hard at all the pics of exhausted travelers who just wanted to get to their cabins. Of course we laughed hardest at our own.
  14. First of all, we have never had that issue. Maybe because we eat at least half our dinners at the buffet. But on the rate time someone has approached us I just put up my hand in front of my face and say “no thank you, please”. That’s pretty clearly “get out of my face”. You don’t really even have to say anything. They are not going to take a pic with your hand over your face. If you just keep on with your conversation they don’t interrupt. At least that’s been my experience.
  15. My dad used to sell women’s clothing. They had a summer line, winter line and a line called cruise wear. It was basically summer clothes for the winter. I don’t think no white after Labor Day is a thing anymore. I always have clothes I can layer. I even have pants that convert from capri to long. Bring shoes you can wear with or without socks. Nobody judges. Just be comfortable.
  16. When I lived in Las Vegas there were always long lines for the buffets. When it was more than two of us we could send a runner from the group to come get me when they were being seated. But some of the casinos had a system where they’d give you a number. You could go do what you want as long as you watch the boards posted where they would show group numbers. When your group is up you go get seated. Worked great. I wish more places had that.
  17. You hit the nail On the head. I don’t look like a senior citizen or have any visible disability. And I can walk and move fine for limited amounts of time. So it looks to others like I’m abusing. That’s why I wanted to post here. To help people realize disabilities are not always obvious. Although I haven’t dyed my hair since Covid started. So maybe my new grey look will help. 😁
  18. I do the same when I can. I also use a wheelchair in airports.
  19. Oooh. That does look good. You could also use it to put up your feet at the airport. With my back, I can’t stand to sit without my feet up for a long time. So long waits in the airport are hard too. And before another person tells me I should stop traveling- it’s worth the pain!
  20. I’ve seen walkers with seats. But I didn’t know there were cane options. After reading these posts I did a search and found so many options! Many have a strap so you can sling it like a purse, or fold up to the size of an umbrella. I’m so grateful to the board for solutions.
  21. Good idea. I do that sometimes. But sometimes the line is a constant. For example, in Santorini- the line for the gondola that takes you down to the port. It wound around and went down an escalator. Not everyone in the line was from our ship. So waiting till the end of the line meant missing the ship. Going to the front and waiting for my family in line wasn’t an option either. Fortunately, it was at night so cool and the line moved well so I was fine. The cane chair thing sounds like the best option.
  22. Maybe I’m being selfish. But one of my greatest joys in life is travel. I have changed the type of travel I do. It’s one reason I cruise Backpacking across Europe isn’t an option anymore. Cruising allows us to go at our own pace. Last year we were on a cruise. I have always wanted to go to Dubrovnik, especially after Game of Thrones. But the GOT tour included a lot of climbing up the walls. I knew I would kill myself trying to keep up. So we did a bus tour instead and walked the town as much as we could later. So I get that I have to scale back. I know my limits. But I don’t think giving up travel is necessary just yet. And people on this thread have been so helpful giving work arounds and solutions. I hope to travel for many years to come. fyi- I have had both the fainting condition and back issues since I was a teenager. So it’s not a matter of age.
  23. You are right. My sister snapped at a person in the line once who made a comment about “I wish I had a disability so I could get in the fast line”. Disney now makes it VERY difficult to get the pass to do that. If you are not in a wheelchair, they deem you healthy enough to stand in line. I don’t blame them. All those who didn’t need it ruined it for those of us who did. It’s one of the reasons I don’t go to Disney anymore. That and the heat and many rides make me sick. That’s no one’s fault.
  24. There isn’t always a place to sit at the top Of the line, even floor or ground space. Often just leaning on a wall works. But there are often times when the only way to the front is through the line. And that’s where the dirty looks come in. I had seen canes that allow you to lean into a seat. But I’m not a petite person. But I did just look on Amazon at the earlier suggestion. There are little seats that fold up into the size of a water bottle. I think those will work well. I may even get one for my husband who has leg pain from diabetes.
  25. I do rock. That helps a lot. I think I look like I have to go to the bathroom. 😳. But you’re all right about vanity. I just don’t like people to think I’m rude. I posted this as much because I want people to be aware, healthy looking people may have issues you can’t see. Don’t judge. My niece is autistic. She freaks out waiting in line. At Disney they let her go to the front. But if looks could kill…
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