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Cruise Craig

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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Thank you Cruise Raider, you are getting me so excited for my first time on Princess with your amazing insights.
  2. That is my wife's concern with the catch as it will be the first sailing with the new concept there will likely be kinks. I want to go but we may just do crab shack lunch instead.
  3. I am thrilled to hear that the Crown Grill is excellent. We have it booked on embarkation day as it's our tradition to eat at the steakhouse to start the cruise right. It's our first time on Princess so the first time at crown grill. Speaking of speciality dining I keep hearing rumbling of The Catch opening in November. If you get the opportunity can you ask somebody from Bistro Sur Le Mer if they know when the change over will happen. Please don't go out of your way I'm just curious if the Catch will be ready for our Nov 11th sailing. We have Premier as well and I was wondering how early we have to arrive to take advantage of the reserved seating at the production shows. Thanks again Cruise Raider and I hope your B2B transition goes super smooth.
  4. They have something simlar listed on my sailing but featuring the Fleetwood Mac crew. I heard that princess couldn't match other lines for daytime entertainment but I'm pleasently supprised by the amount of enrichment talks that happened. Rock history is deffinately up my alley.
  5. I see that Leo Rossi is listed on my upcoming November sailing. I would have normally passed as I'm not familiar with him but with your high praise I'll make sure to check it out. I love that princess phoned the venue you were in to update you on your reservation. That's like the best of old school customer service and new tech in action. I find it fascinating. Your updates have truly been helpful and enjoyable thank you.
  6. If you get the oppertunity I would love to see pics of the MDR menus. Thank you so much for the updates I'm on the Nov 11th sailing so this is super helpful. Just Right Pillows for all. Thanks!
  7. I honestly believe this was one of the main reason's princess added the oceans now activation fee. Have it available to everybody stretched the crew over its max. If a 14.95 fee reduces the orders by even 20% I'm sure it will be a huge help in the quality and wait times. People get so upset by such and insignificant fee they fail to see the big picture.
  8. Haha thanks, I'll leave my calculator and stats textbook at home and just go with the flow.
  9. I am interested as it will help me understand how busy the casual dining venues will be and if the reserved seating in the theater is likely to fill up.
  10. We were also successful in using our complimentary dining credits. I have a feeling this is the norm but the people who have issues are louder and rightfully so.
  11. That is great to hear. The reserved Theatre seating was a big influence on us upgrading to premier. I feel it's an underappreciated perk. Ship time is priceless and I love being able to get seating 10 minutes prior to the show rather than having to rush through dinner to save some seats.
  12. I setup my mediallian as pick up at the pier prior to the Canadian Shipping being an option, does anybody know if I can change this now to shipping as it's an included option for my package? I still have plenty of time as I don't sail until Nov 11.
  13. The Salty Dog Gastropub was never open for lunch, I was kinda hoping this would change with the casual dining thing but it doesn't seem to be the case. It is open until 9:30 pm so I plan to dine there late with and early dinner in the MDR. It's the only way I can really fit it in and I absolutely want to try those beef short ribs. I'm glad that Gigi's and the sushi are open for lunch.
  14. I 100% agreed I also upgraded to the premier with the recent changes. I am very excited about having the Salty Dog and Ocean Terrace included. I am looking forward to Gigi's being less crowded experience will lead to better service and food. I'm also hoping oceans now delivery times are improved. I am not blessed enough to live close to a port and have to fly in. If I'm lucky I get to cruise once every couple of years. Ship time is precious and I have no issue paying extra for the best experience possible.
  15. For the surcharge items like the fantastic journey platter are we still able to order an appetizer (opening gambite) and entree (Beauty on a Plate) or is the extra charge items considered a more expensive substitute? It's not really clear to me if I'm paying 30 for an addon to my entree or a fancier entree.
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