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Everything posted by DublinCruise

  1. I had to pay full price for a teen regardless of no alcohol. If you get a different answer please report back
  2. I would love to hear more information about this too! Thanks 😃
  3. I'll be on this, embarking the previous day in Barcelona. First time with msc also
  4. I see on your website it refers to a different offering but I don't see enough information to know what the difference is. Are the flights still from Oslo and are the Parka and boots still included? Is an atlas expedition going to get us as close to polar bears as is possible? Any information you can give would be useful thank you.
  5. What activities or entertainment are offered on board for sea days especially on transatlantic sailings? Thank you
  6. I'd love that! Thanks so much
  7. Thanks so much for the reply. I am considering joining this cruise but I'm looking for more info before signing up. I live in Dublin so I'll be popping down to check out the ship anyhow! Have you traveled with atlas before?
  8. Good morning from Dublin! Can anyone who has travelled solo on atlas please share their experience? Thanks so much x
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