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Posts posted by Snaefell3

  1. 31 minutes ago, Charles4515 said:

    The left behind people are claiming the 80 year old was “abandoned” and if they had not been left behind and found out about her it could have been catastrophic or something like that for the 80 year old. There are many news reports about the incident and NCL is getting a load of bad publicity. None of the media I have seen are blaming the people or the tour operator. Nor are they saying stick with ship tours in remote places. The 80 year old is being used as an example that NCL abandons passengers. 

    I've a growing suspicion that the Campbells -- one of the couples who were touring independently and missed the all-aboard time -- are media-connected and busily working their contacts.

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


    That reminds me. Holland America had a ship docked at one of the Israel ports on the day the Palestinian attack on Israel occurred (Oct 2023). They pulled out all the stops to get everyone back to the ship, even those on private tours, and did not leave until everyone was on board. Kudos to them for doing an extraordinary job under very challenging conditions.

    Kudos, indeed, but that could have gone so badly in so many ways.


    The officers, staff, and crew went above and beyond

    ...and the Master earned a lifetime supply of Maalox.

  3. 7 hours ago, Kay S said:

    I think I would be tempted to invite him down to steerage to see the system we have worked out for sharing the same roll of toilet paper.  😝

    I once heard a war story about passengers who were unknowingly doing that --  the TP storage got flooded on an Antarctic voyage (so no chance of resupply) and the stewards were quietly ...load-balancing the TP in the cabins.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, ronrick1943 said:

    Just an opinion - it cost the ship more $$$$ to be headed at a port longer than planned-which in turn is passed on down the road to those that got to the ship on time.  It's all about profit overall and that is the bottom line.

    Not only that, but the ship will usually need to sail faster to arrive the next port of call on time, getting poorer mileage.  The Master balances both against goodwill -- that is precisely his job.


    "Entitled shoppers" (still love that phrasing) deserve scorn.  Prudent folks who get whacked by "black swan events" deserve sympathy.  Both deserve to pay their way to rejoin if not on a ship-sponsored tour and the Master doesn't feel he should wait.

  5. 5 hours ago, Snaefell3 said:

    "Entitled shopper" (love that phrase)?  À la lanterne!

    Stuck on a bus, waiting for "all clear" from a bomb squad?  Not so much.


    2 hours ago, ronrick1943 said:


    Unfortunately it really doesn't matter--if you go on your own, you are responsible to get back to the ship (on time).  I would say I go off myself 90% of the time-and I've never been late because I keep track time and always leave extra time for mishaps.

    Uhh...  We were discussing how much scorn the late folks deserved, not whether they were responsible (of course) in even the most extreme cases.

  6. 30 minutes ago, shepherd really said:

    If a TA wants to charge you a fee the correct response is "no, thank you" followed by hanging up and blocking their phone number.

    Even better...

    "Pardon.  I need to answer the door.  Be right back"

    Then don't come back to just hang up for 10 min.  👼

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, ronrick1943 said:

    I think people that make a choice to go on their own have to be responsible to get back to the ship on time.  Why should a very few people make everyone else wait.......Same with tours, how many times have you waited on a bus for someone because they are late for a tour.  Come on, people should be responsible.

    "Entitled shopper" (love that phrase)?  À la lanterne!

    Stuck on a bus, waiting for "all clear" from a bomb squad?  Not so much.

  8. 7 hours ago, tine-tine said:

    I often wonder if this number is in reality an office hours and if there is a language barrier how easy is it to get help if required?

    Uhhh...  YMMV?  😉 


    Your answer will be different in Hamilton or Barcelona than in São Tomé.  If the Port Agent is *an* agent, he will be pierside to get handed pier-runners' passports, etc.

  9. 2 hours ago, shepherd really said:

    I had intermittent internet on the Marina in February in Antarctica.  


    It was completely acceptable, actually far better than I expected given the remote location.  

    For Antarctica, the most important difference StarLink makes is that it's satellites are in polar orbit (and actually overfly Antarctica) rather than equatorial orbit (and can't be used from high latitude) like all the other satellites used for internet-at-sea.

    • Like 1
  10. On 3/27/2024 at 1:58 PM, LuAnn said:

    The pizza served at Waves in the evening is much better and totally different that what is found in the Terrace...at least that was my experience. If you 2 like pizza you might try it there. 

    Just off the Vista...

    • I don't think Terrace pizza is baked in the Wave's oven.

    • Waves/evening was much better early in our voyage before word spread.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Clutj said:

    Most cooking classes have a waitlist and the chef can get a sub to take the spot with a quick phone call, so I’m guessing most cancellations get a refund. 

    ::wry smile::  There's at least one GM who disagrees.

  12. Sheesh!  Why haven't I or someone else chimed in way upthread with...


    Always know the Port Agent when you step ashore at a port of call!


    They're the folks who will be holding your passport if you've left it in your cabin safe. They're the folks who'll get cruise-sponsored tours to the next port of call.

    They're the folks who'll help the rest spend money to get to the next port of call.

    • Like 3
  13. 36 minutes ago, ORV said:

    I guess I don't understand the problem, you make arrangements just like any cruise that you have a room with. You're guaranteed. You're going on the cruise. 


    Perhaps it's the part I left out...

    4 hours ago, Snaefell3 said:

    "Guarantee" = We'll have a cabin for you, but we're waiting to see how to juggle you and others for the most profit.

    ...but understand whatever cabin you get, it'll be one no one else wanted.  🙄

    • Like 1
  14. "Guarantee" = We'll have a cabin for you, but we're waiting to see how to juggle you and others for the most profit.


    "Waitlist" (w/ deposit) = We already have enough customers to fill our cabins, but if folks cancel you are number X for a vacancy.


    "Waitlist" (w/o deposit) = We already have enough customers to fill our cabins, but understand you are interested in the voyage.

    • Like 3
  15. 1 hour ago, PhD-iva said:

    Can you share the name of your Part C Medicare Advantage company please? Thx!

    Be aware that specific coverage varies by state and county, and I'm not in Texas. 🤷‍♂️


    https://medicare.gov → [Find Medicare Health and Drug Plans] → "Enter ZIP Code" + [Continue] → "Part C" + [Find Plans], then look for plans with "Worldwide Emergency" showing a "", then check if the plan also includes "urgent".  After all that, you'll usually have to wait for Open Enrollment, too. 😞 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  16. 21 minutes ago, edgee said:

    Not true. A ship sponsored tour means the ship will wait regardless.

    Uhhh... No.  The ship will wait a lot longer since the Master has to figure rejoin costs into his balancing, but not "regardless".  In cases of sudden civil unrest, etc, he may even have to abandon all ashore irrespective of all-aboard times.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, FlyerTalker said:

    There's more to this story.

    Methinks there's *less* to the story:  Folks missed the all-aboard time for various reasons, and the Campbells are blame-shifting about their miss.


    Little realized facts:

    • If notified, it's the Master's discretion whether to wait (and he wants happy pax).

    • Beyond that, all "cruise sponsored" gets you is ship-paid travel to rejoin.


    On a cruise to New Zealand, ship's tours to Queenstown chased us up a fog-bound coast for three days before rejoining at Picton.  On another, we waited an extra 30 minutes for a couple not on a tour, but who called from a delayed train -- the CD made sure we knew the ship was looking out for us.

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