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Everything posted by Whiteduck1

  1. According to Marine Radar App.. Barbados 20th at 11am....
  2. Don't worry, honestly the passengers are Fred's greatest asset.. Everyone welcome!
  3. Firstly sympathys to all aboard. Can't imagine how awful and scary it was for you. Just asking and if I'm being silly just say.. Why are you still having food in and being told to stay in the cabins in what now looks like fairly normal stormy weather during the winter months. Is it because the restaurant is still being used as a field hospital? ... Being cynical I wonder if they want to keep the passengers in their cabins and apart so that they don't start asking very difficult questions..... If I was the Captain I would start looking forward to my new job with Saga, probably involving toilet duck.....
  4. I think they've heard that you haven't got a dinner jacket, so they haven't invited you .... 😊
  5. Can you please tell me if they do any sort of afternoon tea in the buffet or is it just the dining room.. Thanks.... and congratulations on your 2nd badge, it's well deserved. It's a great blog.
  6. I must say, I don't obviously know how it tastes but it looked far nicer on Cunard...
  7. Hope you have have had a reasonable day aboard..I've missed all your usual posts today, hope you are feeling OK.. Safe sailing...
  8. I'm really enjoying reading all about your trip. . Go with a formal night, I'm sure you would enjoy and have great fun. You do come over as a smashing guy with these posts, always positive....
  9. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your cruise. As the weather is so amazing I'm going to go down to Portsmouth tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully I'll get a picture as you leave( if I do I'll put it on here). Have a great and most importantly safe holiday... Nick
  10. Hope you have a smashing cruise, and the great weather holds for you .. Hopefully you'll do a blog on here. Really looking forward to hearing all about your trip..
  11. I wondered what a luxury turn down was , I had visions of the "Roses of Heliogabalus" but thought it probably was going to be an extra chocolate!! 😂
  12. Apologies if I caused any offence.. It was just a throwaway line, just my English sense of humour, I didn't expect to upset anyone .... Anyway sorry...
  13. Thanks.. Sounds great, but champagne at breakfast is probably not a good idea in practice!.
  14. Please don't worry or get upset, next time you cruise I'd just go for another line.. Let's be honest there are a certain type of people who book the Retreat.. Poor things
  15. BTW.. To everyone who has replied and are going on board shortly. Have a smashing holiday and I'll look forward to hearing all about your trip on here.. Nick
  16. Thanks very much for the reply. Useful to know about the smoke, we are in the aft on A deck but a few in so hopefully that won't be a problem. Is it possible to get anything hot for breakfast or is it just cereal and toast ect. It would be good to get something hot if we're going out for a long day.. Thanks..
  17. Thanks once again for your reply. As for your comment about everyone being equal on board, we're all travelling together and that's how it should be.
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