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  1. In there lies the problem, Cunard are inconsistent when it comes to enforcing their own dress code as per some of the comments on this thread alone suggest, they also use term "suggested" in some of their literature rather than perhaps compulsory, "suggested" is simply the get out clause some are looking for!!
  2. But that's the whole point, those days are gone and won't be returning.
  3. On the other hand, perhaps they've listened to customer feedback and have relaxed the dress code based on that. All other mainstream cruiselines are smart casual attire, I think you'll struggle to continue cruising if you're not accepting of that.
  4. Hit the nail on the head. Cunard enforces the dress code not the customer, if people don't like the changes the simple answer is to switch cruiseline, albeit they'd be hard pressed to find another as formal nowadays, that in itself tells a story, most people don't want it anymore.
  5. I'm intrigued as to why so many people worry about what others are wearing, it has no impact on me whatsoever. Cunard control's the dress code, if they are not enforcing it then so be it. Lifes to short to worry about how others dress for dinner.
  6. Does anyone have any credible knowledge as to why Cunard appear to be gradually relaxing dress codes and formal nights. I am of the opinion that this is them trying to modernise, but that's only based on personal opinion. Is it possibly a result of customer feed back? Are they attempting to get younger age groups? Is it something else?
  7. Thanks for all your effort @Joe33472 with your almost live blog. It's refreshing to see not only the good but some of the negative aspects to the cruise, especially on embarkation day, thankfully things improved and despite further issues here and there you are seriously considering doing it again. Have a safe onward journey 👍
  8. In that case, I guess the moral of the story is do as they did, get in early if you want the best seats, can't see how they can be criticised for that. People simply can't expect to get a seat if they turn at kick off, whether that be on a ship or local pub.
  9. 6 coffees for two people twice? seems rather excessive!!!, but knowing the Kings Court buffet coffee, I expect it was cold time she got it back so had to go twice 🙂 As for seats, surely they are first come first serve, they obviously got in early and bagged the best seats, can't see what the issue is to be honest. I concentrate on my own enjoyment, not worry about what others are doing.
  10. Could I please ask what was it that made it one of "worst examples of people carting things around"?
  11. I think that's clear and obvious, the difference is advertising online that you're on holiday for eg; two weeks clearly gives the impression that your property could be vacant during that period. Given, I don't feel the need to tell people online that I'm going to work for the day probably answers that. All insurance is based on risk, telling people you're away increases the risk of crime significantly.
  12. Different times, different crimes I guess. I'm with @grapau27 on this, never disclose your whereabouts online, it's an insurance companies dream.
  13. Not forgetting the no milk note for two weeks in the milk bottle on the doorstep 😳 Can you imagine doing that today? Just goes to show how society has changed.
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