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Everything posted by kfs

  1. Amaverde will be docking and disembarking in Gönyű on Monday morning, not Komarom. Looks to be about a 90 minute transfer to the airport. Those getting off in Budapest are being accommodated overnight in the Marriott.
  2. Currently on Amaverde heading towards Budapest, which was meant to be our finishing point on Monday. We were told yesterday in Belgrade that, due to low water, we would be leaving Belgrade at lunchtime and miss our afternoon excursions, and would not be calling at Novi Sad. We called at Vukovar this morning instead of this afternoon, and are now en route for an as yet unnamed Hungarian port on Monday, which I assume will be Komarom. We will be stopping at Budapest at 6 pm for what they tell us is 30 mins only tomorrow Sunday to drop off passengers who have an early flight on Monday, where they will be put into a hotel overnight. Others being bussed to BUD on Monday morning. Tomorrow’s call at Mohacs also cancelled, we are told due to the Hungarian authorities not allowing vessels to dock there. Not looking good for cruises now about to start. We will cope with over 36 hrs onboard with no stops, but it’s not what we’ve paid a lot of money for.
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