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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. But the granularity of the information now is so much better. How long did you spend at ‘x’ venue, where do you spend your time at, etc.
  2. Appears to also have a Dialog DA14697 (2023 Medallions) multicore wireless controller / programmable sensor node controller. Data sheet: https://datasheetspdf.com/mobile/1347612/DialogSemiconductor/DA14697/1
  3. Champagne waterfall on Monday, 12/18, so I’m leaning towards that being the first Formal night. Agreed with 12/25 being the most likely second FN.
  4. I’m currently in the Discovery Princess (10/26/23) and asked Google for the answer to this question. After more confusion, I asked the team at Gelato, directly. The answer: a scoop of CHOCOLATE or VANILLA gelato is included with the plus/premium package. All other flavors were charged.
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