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Everything posted by DavyWavey70

  1. I’m all prepared for the flies, not sure about the rail workers though, nobody warned me about them! We only get the morning in Adelaide Joc so a quick scout only.
  2. I’ll send the question to the galley. Obviously I didn’t see anything more than a fillet (fill it, not fill lay) on the plate. Dinner last night was pretty good considering conditions. Not perfection but best food I’ve had on a train. We missed the excursion to Kalgoorlie as we were waiting on freight trains to pass. These things happen. Meeting some lovely people and several I’ll be sailing with next week. Approx 60% Britts, 30% Ozzy, 2 Americans, 1Brazilian and a few I’ve yet to survey in our train section. The Americans were very popular at trivia time as there were several questions only they would know! Heading towards Cook now and Nullaboor plains. 1200 miles of track without a kink or a bend in it. Having a fabulous time.
  3. Well spotted and Thank you for your insight Turtle, we are indeed en route to Kalgoorlie with a fluidly set arrival around 9 for the tour. What an utterly incredible land that you are so privileged to live in xxx
  4. Well I must say considering I’m usually in Chapel on a Sunday morning🤞I’m having the best time. Cocktails from 9.30, great company, new friends, fabulous lunch, I’ve no idea what a jewfish is but they taste delicious. Just taken a nightcap back to my cabin? Room? What do you call it on a train? It’s just like the Orient express but nobodies been murdered yet. Siesta time before dinner and a late evening visit to Kalgoorlie to learn about the gold rush. Utterly fabulous day and it’s only 1.30!
  5. 11 Hours in Perth. Arrived late evening after flight no 5 in as many days. Uber to the Hotel and went for a little wander. There seem to be 2 main groups of people about in the city on a Saturday night, those wandering around aimlessly looking for a non existent bar and those passed out on the street in a puddle of their own making. The City’s culinary scene was a little elusive. It might be a good place to write a book entitled 100 ways to cook a burger. There isn’t really anything else on offer. The Hotel Restaurants had chairs on tables 15 minutes before closing so Hungry Jacks it was. Lovely view from my room of His Majesty’s Theatre. I’m slowly adjusting to the time difference. I Forced myself to stay awake past midnight by very appropriately watching Misery on one of the few hotel TV channels so slept till 4. Out for a potter around the city at 5. Breakfast doesn’t start at the hotel until 9 so the only option was a muffin in a place with a Scottish name. It was filthy. Even the bag was out of date. At least the Maccies in Delhi gets mopped occasionally. Onwards and upwards! Joining the Indian Pacific in a bit for the the next 2,700 miles of my journey. Can’t wait! Disclaimer to the citizens of Perth. I’m no lover of City’s in general and had I had longer here I’m sure I’d have found something positive to say.
  6. Have a wonderful evening M. I’m rapidly loosing track of time zones!
  7. I’ve managed to upload a couple of pics and videos, not edited or to music though. That will all come later Sunrise over Uluru this morning. 5 January 2024 Sunset helicopter flight over Kata Tjuṯa 4th January 2024 Sunset behind Kata Tjuta from the helicopter
  8. You can only walk around, not on or up. Only a first class village idiot would want too though in these temps. The resort is apparently quieter than normal because we are at the very peak of the summer. Will get some more pics today. VThey had really heavy thunderstorms here Weds night and I hadn’t realised. Almost all evening excursions had been cancelled. I’m not doing too bad adjusting time wise. Fell asleep around 11 and had about 5 hours very broken sleep. Wide awake at 4.30 so I’m going to have a walk to the viewpoint for sunrise. Will try a siesta later and see if that levels me off a bit.
  9. Hopefully you will one day Lois. I Only got the upgrade offer the day before and I’m so glad I did it. Xxx
  10. Thanks Lola.It’s unbearably hot though, I’m scurrying around the edges of everything to stay in the shade. I’ve a strawberry blonde brother so have to be careful of these things.
  11. Arrived at Sails in the Desert mid afternoon after a long couple of days capped off with a sprint from the far end of Melbourne T4 to the far end of T1 and back to identify my luggage. Jetstar! Long story. Lovely resort. Managed to arrange a sunset helicopter ride of Kata Tjuta and Uluru. Utterly breathtaking but still hated making turns in the bloody thing. I Overheard the best 2 questions in the Restaurant ever earlier, I Won’t name the nationality of the culprit but in what must surely be one of the furthest places on earth from the Ocean he wanted to know if the swordfish was fresh or frozen. After learning it was frozen he decided against it and then asked the waitress what was the main difference between the beef burger and the barramundi burger. I Silently choked. Pics only for now (of the tour, not of me choking) Vids will follow when I’m somewhere less dusty.
  12. Well I got a great sleep a few hours in, hung around the bar a bit then snuck in another hour or so. Nearly time for breakfast now, landing in a couple of hours, 5/6 hours hanging around Melbourne then onto Ayers Rock. Emirates business on the A380-800 cannot be faulted. Breakfast just arrived but awaiting my Champagne.
  13. Well I’ve survived leg one (MAN-DBX) feeling more human after a nice hot shower and a couple of glasses of Moët for breakfast. Long stretch now to Melbourne then a 5+ hour connection to AYQ.Arriving lunchtime Thursday.
  14. I Just used 70,000 of mine last night 🥳
  15. An offer I Couldn’t refuse. Rude not to really!
  16. A Very happy new year to all in the cooler. Are you still on your BA LP Jeff?
  17. Looks incredible JP. Do they still make the liqueur there?
  18. Isn’t that a form of upskirting?
  19. Glad you're having a great time M. Much love to you both.
  20. Belated seasons greetings Coolers. Sorry I've not been around but I got locked out of my account after changing my email. All sorted now and a big thank you to @Host Jazzbeau for helping sort it out. Hope you are all well and have had a wonderful Christmas.
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