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Everything posted by Yorkieboy1972

  1. TUI certainly have lot to answer for. They had to evacuate a ship at speed yet found the time to cover the TUI signs and names on the ship.
  2. We seem to have some serious levels of denial from the crew on the Isla. They are claiming that the level will rise another 20cm and then start falling.
  3. Hi Brian I’m the Cassandra who’s been warning Jean about this since Vienna. Apparently the Captain wanted to stop in Passau but TUI told him to come here because it’s free.
  4. I’ve just been up top and the path is now flooded. This is TUI at its finest. This unserviced area was obviously cheaper than a “real” port. When we came past yesterday I didn’t see any other ships docked here or abouts.
  5. I wouldn’t call where we are a “Port”. It is basically a pontoon that we’ve tied up next to. You can see the path that is our only way to escape. Instead of TUI calling coach companies yesterday to arrange trips to Passau and Regensburg I was suggesting they should have been trying to arrange coaches to evacuate us.
  6. We got under the bridge in Passau at 02:20. We’re now heading to Deggendorf where I’m guessing they’re going to cancel the cruise.
  7. I’m guessing this will be like trying to empty a bath with a thimble?
  8. They’ve flattened the top deck. I’m hoping this is a good sign. The crew are talking about leaving Aschach ASAP and sailing straight through to Regensburg.
  9. Sorry to be a pain but now I’m completely confused. I’ve just spoken to the driver and our issue isn’t Passau because we can pass with 7m level. He says our problem is at Bogen.
  10. We’ve just arrived in Linz to drop people off. We’ve got no chance of getting to Passau before 6pm.
  11. Steamboats When you say 6.3m is “critical” is that when cruise ships can’t get under?
  12. Our TUI Rep has now told us there WILL be problems. The plan is to stop off in Linz to drop off those who’ve got trips booked. We will then sail on to Aschach and those who stopped in Linz will be bussed to meet us. We’ll then sail on passed the bridge and park up. I’m calling rubbish on that and we should just completely miss out Linz and get under the bridge.
  13. Thank you for that, I think. We’re on the TUI Isla, hopefully we have the right kind of superstructure but knowing our luck probably not. The rep on the boat claims there shouldn’t be any issues. She wouldn’t want to scare the horses? What happens if it is impassable?
  14. Hi been Following this thread for a while and have just joined. we’ve just docked in Vienna and are heading to Frankfurt. We’re due in Passau on Saturday, should we be expecting fun and games?
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