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Sea Hag

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Everything posted by Sea Hag

  1. Your information doesn't "live" in the app. It's stored in a database and is called forth by the app and/or the web version. And personalizer as well. None of your information is stored in the app.
  2. Mine is. Same for all three - website, old app, new app.
  3. This is a new one on me. If you actually get two sets, you should probably bring both. Maybe you can wear them as earrings?
  4. We only had to use the Princess insurance once, for a non-covered reason. It worked exactly as it should. We got the credit to account quickly and applied that to another cruise.
  5. We had our medallions in advance for all of our cruises after the medallions became a thing. It seemed to me at the time and it still does that as long as you have your medallion that's all they care about for green lane.
  6. Last time I looked, he was green and I'm not. I ordered our medallions some time or other and am having them shipped. I fully plan to go in the green lane regardless. Can't see them kicking me out but I suppose they could. 😂
  7. Somebody is bound to point this out, so I'll do that myself. I didn't think this through very well. The fact that my internet package charges showed as Princess doesn't mean squat. The form data might very well have just been posted to Princess' payment gateway.
  8. I'm not so sure they do. When I book other things through the app, it shows as Princess on my charge card statement. I know this is true, since I booked internet twice through the app for two different trips. If it went through the third party, wouldn't the charge show up as going through the third party?
  9. The fuss is all about being forced to agree to storing the credit card with a third party. It should be optional. Since I never would use that facility, why should I be forced to set it up in order to get green lane?
  10. I hadn't actually looked at this section, since I'd already completed it in the old app. I never agreed to ashore purchases in the old app, but in the new one it showed as agreed to. I deleted my card from the ashore purchases section. It stayed in the other part of ship-side purchases. Fine. That put me in blue lane, but oddly my hubby is still in green. I do all the stuff for our cruises, so I'd set him up as an authorized purchaser. No card info shows up in his section, just the indication that he's added to my card. It'll be interesting to see if he stays in green.
  11. My bottom line thinking on authorizing our credit card for ashore purchases is this. We've all seen the multitude of posts here by people who got wrongly charged for purchases on the ship after the medallions came out. It happened to us once and needed the hateful trip to customer service to sort out (they were oddly reluctant to do so). Given that, why in the world would I shop with the medallion ashore, which might be even more annoying to get sorted out? Nope.
  12. I think it must be what somebody else said - something about the locations aren't loaded yet, and Crooner's is just a default.
  13. That's what I have - blue on white background. Oh well. 🙂
  14. Is loyalty status only indicated by the medallion color on one's profile or does it show elsewhere? My medallion color is white, rather than the black that it should be.
  15. Definitely useless for you and me. Some people may be happy to do this so they won't need to carry as much ashore, even though it will limit their shopping ops. Another nice revenue stream for Princess, depending on how many folks actually do this.
  16. Things are mostly working for me today. I still get some errors and "can't do thats" but mostly it's there. I do have to log in each time, but username/password is working. One thing I find odd is the muster station it's showing. We like forward cabins and have almost always booked those. Our muster station has always been the Princess Theater, but the new app is showing Crooner's Bar on deck 6. Anybody have any thoughts on that? Not a big deal, but just wondering.
  17. Yes, that would mean that the stores would need a medallion reader. My understanding is that some, but probably not all, stores have signed up for this. Princess gets a cut from each sale, so I wouldn't do this in any case. I'd rather the shoreside store owners got the profit.
  18. I think you nailed it. I propose a new slogan for Princess, to replace that "come back new" or whatever it is right now. "At Princess, we alpha test software on our customers."
  19. Oh, I'm not being helpful. 😂 Sorry, but I have no idea on that. I just think that unless it's a technical person it won't be very productive. It's doubtful that we could get anybody to do this, but if we did we'd probably end up with some marketing person who has no idea how the app should work.
  20. You're heading in the right direction, but I think you missed the target a bit. A Zoom meeting with upper management would probably get a lot of "I need to check with the technical team" or something like that. A Zoom meeting with top level technical team (I know that "Princess top level technical team" is probably an oxymoron) might be productive.
  21. I've signed in with both username/password and booking number. I get different results from each, but in neither case does everything work. Your comment about having to sign in each time is what I get with both methods, and it's currently my biggest beef. It's totally ridiculous. It's simply not rocket science to generate a login cookie so a person doesn't need to log in each time.
  22. And that would make it a really good deal. I'd jump on that immediately.
  23. I'm back for additional whining and complaining. Neither login method seems to save credentials. It doesn't remember me either through username/password or through booking number. Logging in through booking number shows a title at the top, "Quick Access," and it wants first name, last name, booking number, birth month, birth date, birth year (separate fields for each one of these). How, in the name of reason, is this "Quick Access?"
  24. I downloaded the new app, and I have good news and bad news. The good news is that after a second login, I seem to be staying logged in with my username/password rather than booking number. I'm also seeing some - emphasis on "some" - of the info for my next cruise. The bad news is that for the majority of stuff I just see a message saying one way or another "can't get that information." Good job, Princess! 🤣😂
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