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Cruise Raider

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Everything posted by Cruise Raider

  1. The excellent tuna sandwiches, which was made on a croissant, was available every day. I was so happy, even though one should not eat tuna everyday. But, I couldn’t help myself! I’m sure you could ask for a sandwich to be made without cheese vs them just taking it off. Most of the sandwiches they had available were made with cheese. They also have avocado toast with a sliced hard boiled egg in the morning. Their selections have changed over the last 20 months.
  2. We were just on the Diamond a couple of weeks earlier and although the ship was full, the Internet was actually half way decent. But, with all things equal, the Royal’s 75% capacity is probably way more than the Diamond’s 100% capacity. And when taking into account the ship’s position and itinerary, there are just so many variables that come into play .. and as you say, the capacity when onboard.
  3. the internet was just not great, whether in port or at se,
  4. I answered your question on the wrong thread. So, photos of food and menus are really not something I do but I did check for dairy free items in the IC. While there are some obvious dairy free options, Sandwiches without cheese, fruit, etc … none of the other options were dairy free. I don’t eat meat and asked them to pull the roast beef off the sandwich a couple,e of times and they had no problem with that. It was delish! So, I’m sure they could do the same with the cheese on the different sandwiches before serving them, as well. Now, in terms of the custards and such, no, that is just not going to be good for you.
  5. I didn’t explain that very well in all my excitement. I won’t be doing the March 2-12 cruise on the Royal Princess. Busy packing up this morning after only 5 days. However, I really only packed for 10 days so repacking was a breeze. The seas turned a lot rougher last night but that was to be expected. It’s rather cool and cloudy outside but as of now, no rain.
  6. Absolutely! Our group went yesterday and Silvija, the manager of Alfredo’s took care of us! Wow .. she was so good and very personable. We all ordered variations of what was on the menu.
  7. I see someone has started their own live from thread for the upcoming sailing … I won’t be responding too much on this thread because I jumped on that Move Over Offer so quickly! We live locally and are retried and are back onboard at the end of the month .. so it was such an easy decision for us to make. many thanks for @HaveDogWillTravelfor posting all the photos. to the Bourbon lovers, we tried that Jack Daniels in the square bottle and wow, it was so good.
  8. there was Encore and Sweet Soul Music on this sailing.
  9. We just accepted the move over offer for the March 2nd cruise on the Royal. We are currently onboard and live locally, we are both retried and have a Hawaii trip planned for later this month anyway. For us, it was a no brainer.
  10. I believe the wine tasting for elites is tomorrow afternoon.
  11. we’d take that in a heartbreak. I don’t think they offered it to us, though.
  12. We saw Alvin the first day at lunch on this sailing but haven’t been back to the dining room since then. The lines are so long and we’ve just been interested in going. But, we will probably go starting after this cruise.
  13. So, another fun day at sea yesterday. Contrary to the weather forecast, we are blessed with full sunshine today in San Diego after a night of very calm sea. Although it was formal night last night, we just hit the buffet … it was surprisingly good. They had plenty of selection (no Bavarian night so far) and lots of Asian themed dishes. The place was absolutely barren, too. we heard the comedian was excellent but we were just too tired to stay up last night. The dining room lines are consistently way down the hallway. We’ve only made it there for the embarkation lunch and haven’t gone back since. I am doing a B2B so maybe on the next sailing we will go more often. We were certainly spoiled on those low capacity sailings. I knew it was just a matter of time to get them filled to capacity. Yet, the only place I have really noticed crowds was for the dining room. The pools may get more crowded now the weather is getting better. Nobody was out there yesterday, though. we also went to the future cruise office and booked for the fall. It’s so nice they have three people working there now. The wait times are so much better.
  14. Last year, we were able to buy several bottles of it in the shops onboard, so I know what you mean. It came to about $60 a bottle when we purchased it but if you can find it for under $100, I’d still say that was a great deal. Trouble is finding it … what an extremely great marketing campaign they have with limiting the supply and the horses all having a separate letter. We e looked in many of the ports for it as well … it’s just nowhere to be found.
  15. there is absolutely no Blantons onboard, neither in the bars or in the shops. This was confirmed by the bar supervisor yesterday. He said they gave up on trying to get it as it was just never available.
  16. I went by the watch store and there were 4 cases of the Tissolt watches. They have 29 differ t styles. There are two expensive watches that run $1700 and the rest are in the $400-$500 price ranges.
  17. so, we paid $50 for the plus package and it would be $10 a day pp to upgrade to the new plus package or $30 a day pp to upgrade to the premier package.
  18. We may or may not go to the formal dinner tonight. This is the menu from the app. we tried to hit up the chicken Korma in the MDR for lunch and it was crazy packed with a line way down past the main entrance of Alfredo’s. I now saw the lines that reflects the passenger capacity. we went upstairs to the grill and had a wonderful lunch of chicken tacos. Very tasty!
  19. Sorry for the repeats in that one post above. anyway, there are no stated dairy free options in the IC. I will check again for later in the day … this is still breakfast. they do have fruit and some avocado toast options that would be dairy free.
  20. The mini bar can be swapped out for the digital coffee card. The passes to the enclave is $299 for a 15 night sailing on this ship. There are no discounts for couples. also, since this was brought up, the plus and premier packages no longer stating that coffees are unlimited in the packages. I just confirmed that non alcoholic drinks are unlimited. BTW, there is a complimentary Zumba exercise class in the piazza. There was also a small one outside as well. The juice bar was all set up and ready to go in the Horizon Court this morning. Nobody was in line.
  21. here is what I saw in another thread. it almost pays to just get the plus package unless you don’t use WiFi BTW,
  22. sorry .. I have a hard and fast rule about phones in the MDR. Possibly, someone else will post photos.
  23. Im sure we probably have met .. we also go on a lot of cruises, especially since the restart. I do tend to cruise with @HaveDogWillTravel frequently. I was going to trade my minibar out as we already have the package. I was just going to inquire what I could trade it out for in case someone out there wants to know. I didn’t get a lot done yesterday because I was so interested in meeting up with old friends that are onboard. Wow, it was so much fun! thank you .. this is starting out to be another perfect cruise!
  24. Anything on under $15 is allowed under the plus package with no surcharge.
  25. Pier 27 is awesome and has a large circular drive through. Wherever your ride drops you off, there will be a porter nearby to pick up your luggage. The Concerto dining room on deck 6 midship will be open for embarkation lunch from noon to 1:30 PM. The food has been excellent so far.
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