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Posts posted by ONT-CA

  1. Thanks for the info.........

    Great to hear he is on the Crown.

    There are many reasons to book a specific cruise but once we found out that Oscar was to be aboard, that synched it, we immediately booked.

  2. Of course it isn't illegal as it's a company policy. However stupidity like this spoils it for everyone as abuse of anything will lead to its removal which means everyone suffers. Policy is there for a reason and fail to see why people have to bend it to the limit like the bringing on of too much alcohol and drinking it outside of their cabin. As someone said the above is just a silly faff and derives no benefit whatsoever.


    I believe the stupidity lies with the cruise company. They forced a non drinker to purchase an alcohol plan. What she did with it was her business, after all the drinks ordered were paid for.

  3. when items are purchased or scanned your picture comes up, so they would know the person who handed them the card is not the person who the card belonged to, plus the cabin number would be different.A little too much scheming me thinks...


    I know of two couples who traveled together where neither wife drank. However, two drinks were ordered by the one couple with both cards and then one drink passed to the gentleman with no card thus nullifying the demand that both occupants of a cabin purchase the plan. Nothing illegal.

  4. On a serious note, we once got onto an elevator searching for the gangway exit but which took us to one of those floors. Not sure how. Security were all over us. But we did have a quick look around and if you can picture going down a corridor of one of our passenger decks and then remove the carpet and all the wall coatings leaving cold steel walls lit by crude florescent lighting, you may have a picture. A glance into the sleeping quarters saw two two-level bunk beds with the most rudimentary furniture. It felt cold and damp and I have had a special admiration and appreciation for the people who work for us aboard ship ever since.

  5. Thanks again for your suggestions. Fortunately I don't need a wheelchair on the ship. I take EZ tours with little or no walking. I'm happy to have the ship as a destination! Karen


    I am in a similar situation where a chair is required at times. When taken to the gangway by chair they will ask you if you are able to climb the ramp or stairs. If so, a member of the crew will assist you up the ramp while your chair is brought aboard. At the top you can return to the chair to be brought to your cabin.

  6. Perhaps some consideration is being given using the same method as that currently used in Cuba. Upon disembarkation, a medical officer aims an electronic thermometer instrument to the passengers forehead and takes an immediate reading. If a high reading is detected the passenger is sent back to the ship. Of the many occurrences we have had, we have not seen nor heard of anyone being returned to the ship. But it was nice to see our personal readings. I say this as I have a slight variation from the norm and when I predicted the result the person was surprised at my accuracy.

  7. "Lastly,. we do a lot of back to backs. After the first leg,. whatever alcohol or cigarettes you purchased are brought to your room the night before the first leg ends. You can keep it and use it for the second leg.


    I know each ship is different. Some are stricter with the regulations than others. "


    In our experience they have checked our account and when they see we are on the next cruise they only deliver on the last night of the second cruise. As you say things are not always the same ship to ship.




    That is why we find kindred spirts aboard who are disembarking after the first segment of the cruise to then purchase our requirements on our behalf and transfer them to our room before leaving.

  8. I have been searching for a way to express my disapproval of drink packages as they pertain to placing heavy demand on service.

    How's this?

    I think I would prefer to sit frustrated at being unable to get a drink served to me which I had not as yet paid for, than the drink I had already paid for days ago.

  9. What is it?

    It is made from chosen cuts of beef such as filet mignon. The main concern is e-coli contamination which is found on the surface of meat. Once ground it enters the final product. It is often found in hamburger and why burgers must be cooked properly.


    But for Steak Tartar, as e-coli is found on the surface of meat, they first sear all the outer surfaces of the steak thereby eradicating any possibility before then finely chopping it. It is then mixed with various condiments and yes, it is raw. It is quite safe when handled so. I love it and have never known a problem with it's consumption.

  10. Taking us to both the ridiculous and the sublime, could a couple who must purchase the two drink package while having only one of them drinking alcohol, not meet up with a like couple and share their use and cost? To take if further could said holder of two packages use one in offering a drink to someone at, say, half price?

  11. Surly it's going to raise the number of excessive drinkers onboard trying to get their money's worth which in turn changes the atmosphere?

    It will be like the loud all inclusive benidorm style holidays any sensible person goes out of their way to avoid!!!


    Not that i know anything as i'm still waiting to go on our first cruise in November so have others that have been on the other cruise lines that offer a package seen this to be the case?


    We have found that the shorter the cruise the more revelry and the less discretion. Although that has applied to the first couple of days on a longer cruise but perhaps the resulting ill effect has something to do with the days of moderation that follow. But we have yet to experience anything that would put us off further cruising, with the exception of one particular line.

  12. You can’t compare the two - you’re on holiday remember not at work!!


    Anyway what does it matter, people can choose to spend and drink as much as they want on their own holiday, it’s their business and no one else’s. it’s also quite patronising to assume people are so stupid that they can’t make an informed decision



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums


    Our question is based on costs not volume consumed. The question is, can you purchase your beverages individually for a lower cost than that of the package. Something to consider.

  13. So that's £80 per day for a couple. I just don't get it. That's a helluva lot of booze, coffee, soft drinks


    Your comment sent me to Google where I found that the average daily consumption of alcohol in the UK, based for both men and women and expressed in £'s is £8.8


    Those with the ship's package will unlikely consume 9 X their daily home consumption, so the package price should be of some concern to them.

  14. I think all the ships may be going to the Cat 5 setup in the future.

    My movie device also has a Cat 5 output & may work although I have yet to give it a try.

    I'll be prepared with an HDMI cable or RJ45 next cruise.


    As a member of the Marconi wireless generation I will never understand HDMI or Cat 5 or RJ45, however, for our portable DVD player we disconnected the Red, Yellow and White plugs and inserted our matching coloured plugs and voila, watched our movies. :D

  15. congrats on the "down grade" - we would have taken that in a heartbeat...just like we did with our 'move over offer' - which we booked for a cruise the next week - went from 5 days to 7 days with increased grats, insurance, port fees all covered


    OBC was totally refundable...we got a 'little check' back in about 2-3 weeks



    Soda Package

    catamaran cruise

    wifes drinks


    a little casino, if I remember


    and still got a check back




    And with tongue in cheek I refer you to the posting

    "Carnival shares down 8%"

  16. P&Os drinks package at £39-95 pppd is competitively priced compared to other Carnival brand cruise lines Princess is $59-99 pppd and Cunard's which is currently on trial on QM2 is $69-99 pppd.


    One should take into account the currency value in these prices. Today for example, the £39-95 price is $52.40 in U.S. dollars and $68.12 in Canadian dollars. To take into account both passengers, the package for us is $136.24 CDN. You might see why we would not consider this per day charge as it represents our minimum daily wage. For the sake of comparison, what would £39-95 represent in the UK?

  17. The volume of alcohol consumption referred to for one particular day of the cruise in order to rationalize the price of the "package" may make sense to some . But no two days are alike for a multitude of reasons and to drink solely in order to obtain fair value for the expenditure would likely negate the pleasure.

  18. I have never been denied entry to a tender with my wheelchair folded and secured. As to the difficulty of getting aboard or ashore, who among us has not had some difficulty in rough seas regardless of the prime state of their physical health? That is why they have so many crew members attending to the operations. On some occasions the boarding appears to be that of a large group of drunken sailors...

  19. Definitely installed in Cabin 1984.... But seriously, now that we know how small it is and what it is suppose to do, how does one carry it? Is it worn on a lanyard? Is it reusable, do you turn them in? What if you lose it? What if you find one? What if you carry two together, both yours and another's?

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