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hal lover

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Posts posted by hal lover

  1. $11.50 a day per passenger. Where else could you tip for 3 meal's a day, hotel service and wonderful crew so cheaply? NO WHERE! Just keep the auto tip in place. IMHO. I myself, like to tip up and beyond. But that's just me. If a crew member has made my vacation a little more nicer, if you will.. then I tip them for it.

  2. We sail on her to Alaska in June. My first reaction was OH NO!:eek:

    But I am confident the ship will be in great shape. They certainly don't want to disappoint HAL customers. They couldn't afford to do so. I agree with other posts; the ship may be in the best condition ever to make her more marketable. So my mantra ...don't worry, be happy!


    Why thank you Mr. Henry and everyone else! I'm not going to worry (too much) and for sure am going to be happy! This is my dream cruise!

  3. I would suspect they will maintain all required/scheduled maintenance and upkeep. You just may find her in even better shape in order to get a good price. :)


    Same as when we try to sell our houses, we do some extra 'sprucing up' and make any very necessary repairs.



    OH Sail, thank you! Always the voice of reason! We are booked in October. Will continue to think positive! I am a Realtor and I never thought of it the way that you did Sail! I should have known better! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  4. Thank you for your quick response Sail! Keep receipts won't be any problem.


    I wonder though, will HA keep up the ship or let it go? I sailed on the Statendam once, right after dry dock and it was not very nice for many of the passengers. I would hate to be on her for the 30 nights we have booked and be miserable.


    Truth be told, I have uneasy since we booked this trip. I'm for the most part a very positive person but this booking truly has me second guessing!

  5. I have been smoke free for 10 months now. I truly never realized the smell of cigarettes! I am not going to be one of those reformed smokers that hate smokers! No way! I understand the addiction far too well.

    However, I do feel that HA should consider going with trend and not allow smoking on balcony's. I feel there should be a few different smoking areas on all ships. A nice area inside for smokers should be a must. A "smoking passenger" pays the same amount that a "non smoking passenger" does for the cruise and should be accommodated.

    I really don't know how to handle casino smoking. Just because you have one or two nights smoke free does not make the casino less ashtray smelling.
  6. Thanks for your review. When a ship comes out of dry dock, unfortunately there are issues remaining. It's sad but it happens. I was once on the MS Statendam as her first sailing after dry dock and she had many issues! HAL should "dry" run her with the HAL official's onboard and see how quick the issues are taken care of instead of leading the oncoming paying passengers that everything is so lovely. I love MS Maasdam and am sorry to hear she has so many not normal issues going on.

  7. Posts often appear here that clearly indicate a fear or serious reluctance to use a tender to get ashore and return to the ship.


    I can easily understand mobility issues, although I did see someone come ashore in a wheelchair from a Disney ship the last time we were in Grand Cayman.


    Is this something like fear of flying? What kind of worries arise when someone ponders a tender ride?


    Whenever I go to the tender, I remember the first time that I did. It was at Half Moon Cay and I had NEVER seen water so beautiful! I am not a strong swimmer so of course I was scared that I was going to fall in! I managed but I always think about that time and I smile!:)

  8. Most Meet and Greets are great. However, the last one I attended was nothing more than a "let's get together and complain" gathering. I did not like that at all! The 2 HA reps that were there got slammed. I was embarrassed to be a part of that! I like a gathering were everyone is happy to be cruising and has lots to share about their travels. It's always nice to put faces to the names.

  9. I am and we have a few other solos on our roll call. I got tired of waiting for someone who had the desire, and the time, and the money. Life's too short so I decided to go alone before there was a chance I couldn't physically (or mentally) travel.


    This is the BEST attitude to have! Hope you enjoy every minute of it!

  10. Nicotine is reported to be a far more powerful drug than either Marijuana or Heroin which is the reason so many people don't have the ability to give it up.

    Smoking is heavily regulated in public places in Australia and it is only a matter of time before smoking in public will be illegal. I don't think it will ever be outlawed completely because the Gov makes too much money from the addicts. In Australia a pack is now over $20 with most being tax. I find it amazing that even with all the education on the side effects of the drug that young people still take it up.


    Yes you are correct. The government makes quite a bit on tobacco products and therefore it will not become illegal.


    I used to be a smoker. I am now almost 8 months smoke free. The smell of cigarette smoke does not bother me as much as others are bothered. Perhaps its because I KNOW how addictive it is.

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