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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. No problem, I haven’t mentioned it much. I don't think I ever mentioned the fall on my eye. I almost posted a pic of the black but it's gross.. I was hoping I would be recovering quicker.
  2. Thanks. I have a great and thoughtful wife which helps a lot. Staying away from bikes is probably a wise thing. My first big fall was when I wrecked the bike in Hilton Head this last summer. My worse fall so far was a couple weeks before Christmas when I was playing with Caden. I tripped over him and landed on my right eye without breaking my fall. Caden felt really bad. I cheered him up when I walked into the room where he was and showed him the football and said, I got it. He started laughing.
  3. πŸ˜‚ Actually none. For the last 6 months my legs have been weakening and messing up my balance. I have had a few falls. Bad enough Sharon and the girls decided I am riding a scooter while at Disney this week. I was hesitant but am thankful now that I really did not have much say in it. When Kenzie joins us maybe she can drive. πŸ˜‚
  4. When we got off a couple weeks ago at Costa Maya they were not running the tram. It was a long walk. When we got back they had the tram running to take people back to the boat. The tram was parked on the edge of the pier. As I was getting in I lost my balance and fell to the other side. I was so thankful they had safety rope on the other side. I fell on the rope and it stopped me from falling out the other side! If the rope was not there I probably would of been swimming.
  5. I replaced a 3t with a 4t. I am going to give it a week to make sure all is well and then replace the other 3tb with a 4t. I am still duplicating my storage for safety.
  6. My ENT friend is strong into building up the immune system. He also bought a few nebulizers to let friends use when they were hit. It really helped. The 3rd time I had it I was over it in about 3 days without doing much of anything. More like a cold., sore throat.
  7. At Pop Century and our niece got us 4 rooms next to each other! We try to have us all together for vacation each year. The last 2 has been Lakeside Ohio on Lake Erie. We get together throughout the year. A true blessing. At Christmas Sharon's side of the family got together. 89 showed. We try to do it every 4th year. It is usually over 100 showing up.
  8. We can't come to Disney and then skip Ghirardelli. It would be like me boarding a cruise ship without getting an ice-cream cone the first day. πŸ˜‚
  9. Speaking of eating healthy, we were just texted a pic of Lottie screaming. They stopped to eat and Buckee showed up. Zander loved it but Buckee was scaring Lottie.
  10. @bobmacliberty My new drives came in for the Synology NAS. While replacing the degraded hard drive I discovered I set it up as a SHR instead of RAID 1. SHR is a hybrid RAID. I read to much on replacing. It was so simple once I started. It let me hot swipe the bad one. Easy process but long. Took at the least 8 hours to sync. Surprisingly it is letting me load pics and videos much quicker.
  11. A couple days ago my youngest DD gave me an early birthday present so I could take it on this trip, a massage gun. Caden and Kenzie tried it out to make sure it works. I think Kenzie loves it. Then Kenzie tried it on Shashey's feet.
  12. πŸ˜‚ Not yet. As we were boarding in Memphis we got a text they were driving through Memphis. They are going to see how far they can drive before they stop. The other kids are going to try to make it to Tallahassee.
  13. Yes, and first Florida and Disney visit. She did great. You could tell that when we were landing the air pressure was affecting her.
  14. Thanks. We will be flying in with Finnley and parents. The other two families of five each are driving and will join us tomorrow. So thankful to be able to fly. Speaking of flying, I just noticed the armrest at the Memphis Airport will charge your phone.
  15. It's been awhile. I just remembered that we were able to get water bottles when leaving from breakfast on days at Port. I also remember going up at night. I am thinking 10 or 11pm.
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