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Posts posted by Snowrose

  1. 4 hours ago, firstimerhaven said:

    How does RC intend to enforce this?  I mean, not even voluntary reporting will work because how does any person even know if they have come within six feet of someone who has traveled to these place?  Who knows who was on your flight?  Or on the bus or subway with you?  Or on-line in the grocery store?


    I believe their passports would be stamped by the country, and that would include the date they arrived in the country. Not sure if it would include the day they left the country.

  2. I'm glad to see that of the 10 people that NYC has tested for COVID-19 have 8 cases have come back negative. Two haven't come back yet.


    As I watch all that's going on, I'm feeling better about things for our cruise. We start driving in 13 days, and so far it looks like the spread of the virus will be minimal at that time.


    I do NOT think the ships have coronavirus. The two that did get it were Asian cruises that were stupid enough to pick up passengers from Asian hotspots.


    My DH's dad was on a circle the Caribbean cruise these last 2 weeks. His Princess cruise returned a day early because they had a little over 100 passengers with norovirus. Even that isn't a really high number. I just hope he didn't get it.


    People are coughing on cruises? At this point blame the flu and the common cold. With the coronavirus spread being in very specific communities so far, I think the current chances for encountering someone with coronavirus are probably about equal to winning a lottery. (This will of course change as time goes on, but we're doing really well in North America with people seldom getting dangerously sick.)

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, owlgirl31 said:

    Do not buy into the MEDIA hype of this virus! Where on earth did you read that possibly 75% of us will catch this at some point before it is "said and done", ?? 


    I believe that was a CDC quote, that between 40% and 80% of us will get the coronavirus before all is said and done. It's going to community spread now, as there are 3 folks on the west coast that have it but they can't pinpoint who they got it from.


    We leave in 2 weeks. I'm watching things carefully as I'm in a demographic that is more likely to have a serious case of it, if I get it. Long Island is isolating 83 to 224 potential cases, right now. We leave from Manhattan terminal, so I want to keep checking on that. That seems like a big number but then again it's among 8 million people in NYC,  so it really is a very small number - and they aren't even confirmed cases, right now.


    We'll make our decision just a day or two before we'd leave.

    • Like 2
  4. Two days after I read this thread I received a new credit card from my bank - with new numbers. My old account has been closed due to "fraudulent activity", not on my account but apparently with a company I charge to. My card is the card we use to charge NCL purchases.


    My husband also received a new card, but his number hasn't changed and this is the time of year his is supposed to change. My was changed 15 months earlier than normal. His card isn't used for NCL purchases.

  5. 4 minutes ago, S.A.M.J.R. said:

    The railing is 12" from the window sill.  If his body is against the railing, he wasn't a "couple of feet" from the sill.  


    I think the entire thought process of "he must have been swinging her in order for her to fall out so far" needs to be stopped.  Yes, if she was at a certain point in space and he simply let go, she would go straight down.  But any movement on her part or his  (leaning, pushing, whatever) as he lost his grip would have impacted the direction.  


    And either people are seeing better video than la comay posted or they're reading a lot into it.  I don't see where the quality of the video is good enough to see sun on their faces, getting bumped from a nearby passenger, or shoulder movement. 


    At the time the video that I saw ended (I don't know if it was the same video linked here), his body was not against the railing. He was a couple of feet away - but he had the child at or above his shoulder height, both hands above his head. Holding the child that high will completely change the trajectory for her to go out the window, making it more likely she could fall out.

  6. 1 minute ago, Love my butler said:

    Washing your hands usually goes right along with using the restroom.  The excuse of not being able to wash your hands 'in some situations' is just that, an excuse to be lazy.  Hand sanitizer is virtually worthless and a dangerous crutch for lazy people to not wash their hands with soap and water.


    Nice. Keep your assumptions to yourself. Not being able to wash your hands goes with things like standing in line waiting to get to a counter during check in, Bud. Last time we checked in, we got to the counter and were waiting only to be placed back in the line again because they separated a group and our counter person was told to help the group.


    How about you not being lazy and actually think about the circumstances surrounding the activity instead of getting your jollies attacking someone who is just offering experienced advice for those who are wary.

    • Like 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, mking8288 said:

    Forget the hand sanitizer, just go with soap & warm running water, use tissues & watch where your fingers are touching.  


    Personally, I wash hands often when in a situation I can do so. But you can't wash your hands in some situations, that's what the hand sanitizer is for.


    Totally agree with watch where your fingers are touching. If you're touching shared surfaces, don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth until after you've cleaned your hands.

    • Like 1
  8. For the record, the RCI ship in Bayonne has been cleared. No coronavirus on it. And in China, the death rate from corona is holding at 2% of those infected. The median age for those dying is 75 years old, so the majority of deaths are in the elderly (elderly by my definition about 70). There have only been 2 deaths from coronavirus outside of China, and one of those was someone who arrived from Wuhan.


    A friend is a nurse. She says her concern would be flying on an airplane, rather than on a cruise ship. Germs are passed more easily on a plane in tight quarters.


    BTW, coronavirus isn't a flu. Its closer relatives that we're used to are the common cold and pneumonia.


    We leave from NYC on our cruise on March 16th. Am I nervous? A little. Will I be cautious? A little more than usual, I'll be carrying hand sanitizer. We won't cancel unless the coronavirus goes free in NYC or one of our scheduled islands.

  9. I saw the 2 videos RCI has released. In one of them the GF appears to hoist Chloe above his shoulder, almost perching her on his shoulder as he leans a little toward the open window. Being on his shoulder, she's leaning at an even greater angle toward the window.


    He was a couple of feet from the window at that point, but with both of them leaning their upper bodies were much closer to the open window.

  10. Um, saw the video where a crew member was telling people to go to midships to be safe. That's all well and good - except if you go near the Atrium railings. You don't want to be anywhere near a railing if the ship is listing. Go midships and stay somewhere where you have actual walls, not a X story drop if you go over a railing or where something dropped over a railing could land on you.


    And I say that having been through a hurricane while on a cruise.

  11. I can't say anything about Anthem until Saturday. 😉 But I can comment on Port Canaveral. DH and I did this twice. The first time we had our daughter, the second time we went alone. We went to Universal both times. Universal Islands of Adventure with a 12 yo the first time and Universal Studios alone the second. (Both times to see the new Harry Potter additions.)


    For your daughter, I would recommend one of the Disneyworld parks or Universal Islands of Adventure, depending on what she's interested in. Honestly, the current Universal Studios is rather boring, except for the HP Diagon Alley. Islands of Adventure has the Marvel heros, Harry Potter, Minions, Jurassic Park, very colorful Dr Seuss, and lots of uniquely shaped buildings and features. If you look at park maps ahead of time so you know where you want to go, you can definitely make it through a park in the time you're given.

  12. 25 minutes ago, reallyitsmema said:


    It is called Escape to the Future if it is listed.  They put a sign out in the hallway when it is open.  Reservations do fill up since there are so few.  You get an hour to figure out a series of puzzles that lead to the key to get you out of the room.  If you ask whoever is at the desk on the right as you enter the Seaplex, they can tell you if there are any openings.  We had fun when we did it.  


    As of a week or two ago, people were reporting it was still there. But they do say the clues are still the same as in the past.


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