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Posts posted by WpgCruise

  1. Celebrities new C.E.O. was blunt and upfront when he took the position that changes would be made.


    Many of the changes have been to improve Celebrities contribution to the RCCL bottom line. That is business and without a satisfactory R.O.I. there will be no new ships, and probably no Celebrity.


    This has upset a small but very vocal group of Cruise Critic and many of them post over and over and over again which can appear to a new reader that everything about Celebrity is negative.


    This view is not shared by the over whelming majority as demonstrated by the number of people who cruise with Celebrity every time one of their ships leaves a home port.


    I encourage the O.P. to go, judge for themselves the value of their cruise, and once completed come back, reactivate this thread and let us know your thoughts.


    FWIW, we moved to Celebrity from Princess in 2005, and we've never looked back. There have of course been changes, with Celebrity and I'm sure every cruise line still in business. If the day comes when we don't see value in a Celebrity cruise, then we will look at our options, but for now we are satisfied.

  2. You might want to give WestJet a call. Been a while since that happened to me but WestJet is one of the few that will (or did) provide a credit.


    What?? Your wife is a TA and you both "keep watching prices" after Final Payment?? You mean to say that she doesn't understand how cruise lines work with their pricing structure in order to sell their cabins?


    I booked two seats on the Canadian airline WestJet for a flight from Chicago to Vancouver for $243.00 each. A week later they were having a sale and were priced at $119.00 each because my daughter booked her flights after me. I'm not upset and I'm sure we'll enjoy our cruise in exactly two weeks.


    I hope she does not sell cruises if she doesn't understand the system. Hopefully she can learn quickly and explain it to you so you will enjoy your cruise.

  3. Interesting comment. My travel agent has been after me to try Crystal. Lower single supplement. So I went to those boards to see what the tone was like. Also decided I didn't want to be sailing with those folks.


    I wonder how many people have browsed the Celebrity Board recently and formed the same opinion of Celebrity that you did of Crystal, with the result being "decided I didn't want to be sailing with those folks" ??

  4. Android Tablets (Toshiba, Asus) have worked for us on the Eclipse, Solstice and Equinox. The Browsers we use are the stock browser, and Opera.


    As mentioned earlier we have gone to the iLounge, set up the account first, and from then on the tablets work just fine.


    Given the many different devices in the market today I can't expect the iLounge folks to be expert in them all and given their association with Apple understand if that is where their expertise lies.

  5. On our recent Eclipse sailing, the vouchers were issued, and I asked our waiter at the Sunset Bar if we were to give the unused vouchers to him did they have any value, specifically was he paid a tip by the Company for the vouchers he turned in.


    His answer was no, they had no value to him. He suggested that if we were not going to redeem them for the free drinks, to use them for beer, water or soft drinks to take back to our room.


    In any event we gave an additional TIP of a $1.00 or 2 per drink, just as we would have done had the Elite event been held in a lounge with service from the waiters there.


    Were we being played? I don't know, but given he suggested that if we didn't use the vouchers for drinks that we redeem them for other beverages, I don't think so.

  6. Does the fine print say that you will get bumped from your cabin if the cruise line gets a better offer from someone else? Because that is what has happened here.


    Further to the comment by Johhnnyt above coincidently I have a current contract and it reads as follows:



    a) Carrier may for any reason at any time and without prior notice, cancel, advance, postpone or deviate from any scheduled sailing, port of call, destination, lodging or any activity on or on the Vessel, or substitute another vessel or port of call, destination, lodging or activity. Carrier shall not

    be liable for any claim whatsoever by Passenger, including but not limited to loss, compensation or refund, by reason of such cancellation, advancement, postponement, substitution or deviation.



    Interesting isn't it the Terms and Conditions we are agreeing to?

  7. I think if the only reason someone is cruising Celebrity is the perks, they probably won't be loyal customers, because tomorrow someone else will have a perk that appeals more. To my thinking people choose Celebrity because they like the Celebrity experience, and the perks are just a way the company has of saying thank you for your business.


    On another point, people saying they are so unhappy they are going to choose another cruise line, I agree that Celebrity won't really notice they're gone. The cruises I have booked are pretty much sold out, and this tells me they don't really have a problem putting heads in beds.


    I'd really like to know how many are really choosing other cruise lines because of the change or even the way the change in the Captains Club program has been managed. As a really sharp business exec once told me, "When Everything Is Said and Done, There Is Usually A Lot More Said Than Done"

  8. To me, when a married man does not dress for formal night and his lady does, this is a form of mental spousal abuse.


    IMHO, when serious issues such as mental and spousal abuse are brought into dress code discussions ............frankly while you may well be entitled to your opinion, if you don't know what you are talking about your opinion really does not matter.


    I made a post in this thread saying I would speak to the offender immediately. I most assuredly would not turn a blind eye.



    In todays world of confrontation, that may not be the prudent course. I would suspect anyone on a ship who throws a butt over the side knows it is against the rules, but cares not. Speaking to them immediately would perhaps at best bring indifference, at worst physical confrontation.


    IMHO, H.A.L. sets the rules and is responsible for enforcement of their rules. As a guest I see my role as bringing the issue to H.A.L.'s attention, and action at that point is their responsibility.

  10. Why is it that some people think that by saying the same thing over and over and over that all of a sudden the rest of the Cruise Critic Community will sit up and post "My Goodness, You Were Right All Along!"


    Why not agree that there are differing opinions and move along?


    Sheese, it's like being back on the schoolyard playground.


    I'm right, no I'm right, no I'm right, no I'm right, no I'm right.




  11. I love the smell of garlic.


    For those who don't, and want to see an exhaust fan installed to move t, where would the outlet for the exhaust be...............probably just over someplace where someone would be who does not care for the smell of garlic.


    Now, if someone would start a campaign to limit the amount of perfumes and cologne allowed, I'd sure support that.


    But garlic in cooking areas, I'm fine with that.

  12. I understood H.A.L. made the commitment to the O.P. for a full refund and provided 75% of the cruise cost, and some O.B.C. against a future cruise.


    If my understanding is correct then H.A.L. has really fallen on hard times, selling staterooms not fit for purpose, and then compounding the matter by failing to keep their commitment regarding refunds.


    To the folks who think the O.P. deserves less than he was promised by H.A.L., all I can say is try putting yourself in the O.P.'s position and understand the circumstances from their point of view.


    The O.P. paid for a vacation, and due to H.A.L.'s inability to provide, shouldn't they get their money back? This wasn't an act of mother nature, or something outside of H.A.L.'s control, the lack of mechanicals was due to H.A.L.'s failure to provide fit for service facilities.


    I don't think H.A.L. should profit from this and no way should the O.P. be damaged. I think anything less than 100% restitution would be unacceptable to either the O.P. H.A.L. or any consumer.

  13. Actually the following is in the small print, the section under the blue box for "Enter Your Travel Partner Name Here"


    Program is combinable with one additional offer of your choice available up to the final payment due date. Program applicable to new individual Celebrity Cruise bookings only made on or after August 1, 2013.


    And further on ,under the Open Passages section "Open Passage is combinable with one additional offer of your choice at time of booking the specific ship and departure date".

  14. One of the great things about cruising 'back in the day' was that you could be in an inside room and still be able to use all of the same facilities and services available to anyone. Those days are long gone.


    And I for one am glad those days are gone.


    If we were still back in the day, we would still be paying yesterdays prices in todays dollars for yesterdays cabins, ships and amenities. I think I prefer todays affordable cruises over back in the day yesteryears exclusive high society only affordability.

  15. After reading through this thread, about all I can add is:


    Life isn't fair, then you die.


    How do we want to be remembered, as someone who fussed their life away about a free loyalty program, or as someone who was great company, loved life and appreciated the gifts life gave them.


    Some of us perhaps need to give our heads a shake.

  16. If the name "Elite" for Celebrities loyalty program is offensive, then best stay away from Air Canada who not only recognize their frequent customers as Elite, but


    (Cover the eyes of the children Martha, this is really going to be offensive)


    their top level tier is called "Super Elite"

  17. Sometimes you just have to shake your head about posts on this board.


    A while back I called out a poster for calling another poster a liar.


    I asked why they would do such a thing, and the reply back was "Because I can"


    These boards were at one point a great resource for information. They still can be, but the tone has changed to a much more aggressive confrontational tone, and instead of information I read for the entertainment.




    It still amazes me the rudeness that some people show on these boards...Did you really have to post this?? And so what if the OP did know.....Who really cares? Seriously who cares?????? Just ignore and move on with the next thread....
  18. behughey, I'm sorry for your loss.


    A few years ago we had to let our friend go, and while the pain has faded, the great memories of our time together are still with us. I hope in time the same will be true for you.


    For whatever good it might do, I'd like to share the following.




    If it should be I grow frail and weak

    And pain prevents my peaceful sleep.

    Then you must do what must be done

    When this last battle can't be won.

    You will be sad, I understand.

    Selfishness might stay your hand.

    But on this day, more than the rest.

    Your love and friendship take the test.


    We've had so many happy years

    That what's to come hold no fears.

    You'd not want me to suffer.

    So, When the time comes, please let me go.

    Take me where my needs they'll tend.

    Only stay with me until the end.

    Hold me firm and speak to me

    Until my eyes no longer see.


    I know, in time, you too will see

    It is a kindness that you do for me.

    Although my tail its last has waved.

    From pain and suffering I've been saved.

    Do not grieve it should be you

    Who must decide this thing to do.

    We've been so close, we two, these years...

    Don't let your heart hold any tears.



  19. Well..................an interesting position, but maybe you could do some research into the matter before formulating a solution.





    It's time to repeal the archaic Jones Act. This is such a stupid act for situations like this you can't board a cruise at a US Port but must board it at a Non-US Port. Europe doesn't have this stupid law.


    I think passengers who live close to Port Canaveral should have every right to board the ship where they want. They are paying for the cruise and should be able to decide where they want to embark/debark. As long as the port has Customs and Immigration then you should be allowed on or off the ship there.


    I mean lets say your on a flight from Canada they have pre-clearance in Canada so you can enter the USA as a Domestic passenger the same should be for cruise passengers.


    If I wanted to take a ship from San Francisco to Seattle I should not have to visit Canada to do so. Or to Hawaii why should I have to visit Mexico if I don't want to?


    My point is cruise lines should be allowed to visit any port they want with or without an international stop. Just think of how many more passengers you can get if you allow them to board at a port like Seattle before going to Canada.


    For flight delays this would be a great benefit to be allowed to fly to a US port and board to catch up with the ship.


    We as Americans pay taxes so we should not have this Jones Act or Warsaw Convention.


    I think if people write their constituents and tell them stories of missing a lot of a cruise because of this stupid archaic Jones Act then they will listen. Just imagine if you missed 1 day vs 4 days that would be better because you have to pay for hotels/transportation costs etc.


    What's your take on repealing the Jones Act?


    To the OP your trip was ruined because of our archaic Government how dare they make a tax paying citizen board a cruise ship at a Non US port. How dare they do it to you. This is pure extortion in my book.

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