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Posts posted by LOWTYD

  1. Our 10/9/11 Sailing on the Gem is a ghost town for a roll call. I'm booked in a mini, would LOVE an upsell to a M1 or actual suite if the price is right. All but one of the M1 cabins are still available. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


    I booked through a TA, so will it be my TA that calls me?


    Yes it will be your TA. You should let them know that you are interested in an upsell to the M1 (they may even call and offer you something different so be prepared) ahead of time and make sure they have a way to contact you immediately as they will not hold the cabin too long and move on to the next person.

    Good luck!

  2. In April, The Jewel Capt. told our meet & greet that they stopped the free tour due to "insurance" issues..


    Don't know wether that is true or not but we didn't get a tour...I am sure someone will chime in if the got the free tour since April..


    That's too bad. Maybe when I pretended to hit the anchor down button in March that made them a little nervous;)


    Seriously, we did do it during out March 20th sailing and it was really neat! Everyone behaved and had some great questions. The captain was actually off at the time so whoever was next in line did the tour for us. I am sorry you didn't get to see the inside from the inside but the the observation room is a pretty cool to watch from anyway.

  3. Happy cruzin - I am sure everyone is different in their approach, but we always tried to give the butler at least 3 hours notice. Most of the time we do not plan a meal too far in advance since we do not how we are going to feel about eating in or going out.


    Put you breakfast request on your door before bed (if your bedtime is before 4 AM!) and any special request you can hand write on it. Enjoy your suite!:)

  4. My delightful Butler made my first cup of coffee for me and brought it to me in bed. Of course, he had been meticulously trained in the art of giving a woman plenty of time to attend to some first morning things before ringing the doorbell. :)


    Cartwheel practice? :D


    We had to ask our bulter once and always had a pitcher of OJ and Cranberry in our fridge at all times to use as mixers for our bar setup. We had breakfast about 4 timess on in the room on our 7 day cruise and dinner from the MDR once. Ravi even took our DD broken 21st birthday crown and had it fixed. They can do almost anything! :)

  5. On our last cruise I went to stand at the rail of our balcony on a sea day.


    Now, I am very proud when I see our "Old-Glory" flapping in the breeze. I wasn't pleased to look beside me at the next balcony to see a woman standing there without any clothes. The problem was her entire body was flapping in the breeze! :eek:


    I guess I'm also one of those that can't shake the disturbing image....




    Maybe you should have saluted her!:D

  6. or at least the house he used to live in until they moved him to the museum.

    While his doll figure might be at the museum, I think his spirit is still in the house, which is now a B&B called the Artists House.

    We stayed there last June and the first night we were there I got up to go to the bathroom around 5:30 a.m. (it was still dark). As I was making my way back from the bathroom, I suddenly felt a push in my back and I went flying back into the bed...

    That was the only night any thing strange happened, although you do get to hear Robert's story twice a night as the ghost tour comes by...



    That's cool ( if you like that kind of stuff!) as long as no one gets hurt. What did you do? Shake it off our run out into the street! (LOL)

    I thought the tour and stories were great. (as we all yelled "You're doomed" if someone drove by and made fun of the tour or tour guide who was dresses in a goulish getup. )


    The museum I wrote about is in Vermont. It's part of a larger museum in Shelburne, VT. It had hundreds of dolls and lots of the old ones whose eyes seemed to follow you as you walked by. I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up!

  7. I was almost finished writing a ghost story about my deceased dad on this thread and my computer shut off. I think that is scary.


    TideOne, dolls are creepy! I never liked them after watching Night Gallery when I was a little kid...ever see the doll with the teeth that came to life? Yikes!




    LOL. I used to watch all those shows. Night Gallery, One Step Beyiond, Chiller Theatre, Outer Limits and of course, Twilight Zone. Dolls that come to life are creepy. Every gome to the Shelburne Museum? They have a whole doll exhiit and I wanted out of there real fast. I kept telling my DH that they come to life at night!


    I have been on the Ghost Tour in KW and heard about Robert!


  8. I believe!


    . I wet my bed that night.




    LOL, I had plenty of those nights when I was kid. We beleived we had a Poltergeist in our house. They tend to "show up" when a child is sick. My little sister was in my parent's bed (the Get Well Bed because that is where we always stayed when we were sick and mom would take care of us) Her dresser was facing the bed and had a TV on it. My Aunt had given my mom this ceramic blue mushroom (She still has it) I walked in the room and started talking to my sister. All of a sudden, the mushroom slide slowly across the top of the TV and to the ground as if it was placed there carefully standing upright. We just looked at each other and started to laugh. We knew who or what it was as we have had other experiences.

    My mom placed one of those old metal coffee pots on the counter, turned around and went to the fridge to get something and it disappeared. I kid you not. She thought she was losing her mind. We all tore apart the house but no coffee pot. Several month later, there it was, sitting on the counter where she left it.

    The onyl time I was ever frightened was on day after school I was alone watching TV downstairs. Our bedrooms were upstairs. I started hearing all the hangers falling from the closet (imaging those metal hangers clinking to the floor) I froze. I got an overwhelning bad feeling and did not want to be in the house. I tried to shake it off but it felt like I was being watched. I got up, darted outside , leaving the TV on, and ran to my friend's house until my mom came home (who yelled at me for leaving the TV on!)

  9. Lovin' the ghost stories!


    As for the 444 - I first learned about it while reading a book called The Messengers. The first part of the book is about a guy who's angels are trying to communicate with him by waking up his frinds with messages for him right at 4:44am. One night during the time in which I was reading this book, I woke up with a start, looked at the clock and it was 4:44. I got a clear "message" at that time that 444 would be "my number" as well and the way my angels would communicat with me. That was 14 years ago and I've been seeing them ever since. People that I have told (and have read the book) have also begun to see the number and I've had several people in my family be awoken at 4:44. Coincidence? I choose to think not.



    I actually play that as a aily # every so often. Angels not so good to me. I have never won! Do you actually see something or just feel thier presense?

  10. The one night we went to bed, we were awoken by a man and a woman arguing downstairs. I was so scared, I couldn't even breathe. I had the covers up to my eyes, my husband layed quietly next to me. They were screaming words back and forth to each other, until the one said they were going to kill the other. (I don't think I could put the exact words on here, or the post would be pulled) but it was that this fight worked up to a climax where the murder/suicide happened. (it was like a reinactment of the night it happened)

    (and speaking of such) I were to the court house with a (can't think of the name, the person who does all the looking up for an attorney) Anyway, I wanted to find out who all owned this house, (was there more to this then just the murder/suicide) I also wanted to look at the newspaper when this happened. I said to the woman I went with, wouldn't it be funny if they died on 666. We got to the court house and she was getting some paper work. She looked at me with eyes as huge as golf balls. I asked, what? She said remember when you said wouldn't it be funny (I meant strange)if they died on 666. Well, they did. It was the 6th day, of the 6th month, in the year that ended in 6.

    We went to search the backround of this house, to make a long story short, we had to go to the volt (we were going back so far) and the book we needed wasn't there. The gentleman in charge, said it has to be here, no book is allowed to leave the volt, except it wasn't there. The courthouse was closing, so we had to leave. We never did go back.

    Back to the house...you want more stories???


    Yes, I love this stuff. You should call Ghost Hunters.....

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