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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! Rushing to leave for DD's in an hour, to do last minute fill-in babysitting while she has an in-office meeting in Seattle. No body painting for me, I've never cared for motorcycles, and since DS got badly injured riding his, I really don't like them. He still has problems with his leg from that injury (needless to say, he dumped the bike). Blueberries are "ok" but I'd much rather have just about any other berry. Will pass on the meal and drink, but the wine sounds nice. We were in St. Peter Port once, and spent the day at Castle Cornet. My photos are too much like those already posted, so won't post mine. The quote is a little amusing. Well, off I go -- into the morning Seattle traffic.....have a good day everyone!
  2. Good morning all! Not much on the agenda today other than I need to get my hair cut. That and some gardening/housework will fill the day. I'm all for chocolate any time any day! Forgiveness is so important, and I wish I could take a walk with my dear Dad. I don't agree with the quote and find it sad. Will pass on the meal, drink and wine. As Rich said, he and we were in Corner Brook in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings. I loved that town! Before the cruise I had read that one nice thing to do there is take the walk around the lake on Corner Brook Stream Trail. So that's what we did. Thankfully I didn't see any of the black flies that have been mentioned, and it was a 5+ mile walk. It was a very warm and extremely humid day, and usually that would keep me inside, but this walk was absolutely lovely and I'm so glad we did it. It did start raining before we were done, but luckily most of it was when we were in a wooded part with some cover. You can make the walk shorter by not going completely around the lake, so you can make it as long or short as you want. The lovely Rotterdam docked in Corner Brook On our way to the start of the trail we passed this cute couple. The Corner Brook Stream Trail circles this pond. It was beautiful. There were 2 swans and many ducks and seagulls. One part of the trail had memorial trees and plaques -- This one is in memory of 2 soldiers When it started to rain we were glad to be in this wooded area, so we didn't get *too* wet 😉 If I ever get back to Corner Brook, I would do exactly this again!
  3. I second Rich's recommendation of Rome Cabs -- we've used them several times. Also highly recommend hotel Alimandi which is right across the street from the Vatican. Of course it isn't central to other sites, but since you mentioned the Vatican... Great itinerary, we've been to all the ports except for Ponta Delgado. Ask away, you'll get lots of advice here! (I do have to say, Mykonos is a cat-lovers heaven). They're everywhere and so friendly. 🙂
  4. Good morning all! I'll be sure to give DH an extra kiss this morning in honor of kissing day. We both like fried chicken but don't have it often. And as a Washington State native, we have a joke here -- you can tell the tourists from the locals because the tourists carry umbrellas! 😉 Like others, I much prefer hoods so my hands are free. Our rain is usually just a drizzle. If it rains hard there is usually a strong wind, so umbrellas would be useless anyway. I agree with the quote, and like the meal, drink and wine. We were in Geiranger once in 2019 on the Nieuw Statendam, the beginning of our 65-day anniversary cruise(s). We took the tour that went on Eagle Road and up to Mt. Dalsnibba. I'll try to post some photos that haven't already been shared. We had a great time yesterday afternoon at the Seattle Aquarium with the DGSs. I can't believe we had never been there -- DD's family have a membership, so they have been there often -- in fact DSIL at one time was one of the "Santa divers" in the big tank. Today will be spent getting groceries in preparation of having the boys here overnight next week. My how those boys can eat!! @Ichiban NekkoI'm impressed with your move and downsizing. I know it's something DH and I will have to do some day, but I'm dreading it. You do make it sound almost easy! @marshhawkYou are not crazy! Good for you, you will love that cruise! The Med is my favorite place to cruise, I'm looking forward to your impressions of that area. @StLouisCruisersI'm so very sorry to hear about Buddy. Prayers for him, his family and friends. Some photos of our day in Geiranger: Some of the 11 hairpin turns on Eagle Road It was a foggy, cold day in September Our ship the Nieuw Statendam I braved walking out onto this grating for the (yikes) view below
  5. Good morning all! I love apple turnovers or any kind, haven't worn a bikini since my teens, and never was a complete work-a-holic. Will pass on the Mexican Wedding Cookies, but both the drink and wine sound good. We were in Stockholm on a Baltics cruise in 2014. Strangely I can only find one photo, of DH and me at the Ice Bar. That was a hoot. Rushing a bit this morning, we will be spending the day with the DGSs -- going to the Seattle Aquarium today. I tried lightening the photo, but a bit hard to see we're holding drinks in glasses made of ice.
  6. Well bbq it will be after all. There wasn't as much steak left from yesterday as I thought, so I had it for lunch 😉 and it's bbq chicken, roasted peppers and garlic bread tonight. The fireworks started before 9 this morning and haven't stopped all day. I hope everyone is having a good day!
  7. It really is, Vanessa. They bought the house because they liked the floor plan and the house has "good bones" and of course the acreage. It will be nice when they can finally move in, but fun to watch the progress meanwhile! Bruce @aliaschiefgorgeous photos, makes me want to take a drive down the coast! Are you staying at a rental or does your son own it? We're always looking for new places. 🙂
  8. Happy 4th of July to my friends in the US! We had BBQ yesterday at DS and DDIL's, they made a wonderful steak bbq for us. Today may be something I can do with my left-over steak (huge steaks!) Not sure yet what that will be, maybe stir fry or tacos. Not a fan of most Country Music other than I do love Johnny Cash. It's only going to get up to the high 60's F here today, so no sidewalk egg frying! Will pass on the meal but the wine and drink both sound yummy. I don't agree with the first part of the quote -- especially here in the casual PNW and have never been to the port but it's on the Grand Australia itinerary so I hope we'll have photos. Like several others, it's been hard sleeping this week with all the LOUD fireworks. I've been wearing ear plugs (and hate them) and cranked up the sound machine really loud. Tonight will be much worse. We had such a nice time yesterday. We saw the latest on DS and DDIL's house renovations -- seeing it in person is so much more dramatic than just photos. Wow!! The house has pretty much been gutted, all flooring will be replaced, the sunken living room was raised, closets and walls moved, on and on. I love their choices of counter tops, cabinets, flooring etc. DDIL is an artist and has definite likes and dislikes 😉 They have big plans in the yard too, like moving some fruit trees out to a sunnier spot (the previous owner put them under evergreens (!) and adding to their "orchard". I've already been asked to be the jam maker and have offered to make some yummy Apricot Riesling jam that is out of this world. @Cat in my lapsafe travels! @kazuToday just has to be better I hope!!
  9. Thank you, we need all the luck we can get! There are so many places for it to hide. I may borrow my neighbor's cat. The one that was with me is too old and laid-back to care!
  10. You're right, it happened to my Dad (and his car was parked outside). 😞 Will definitely check that. He (she) looked more lost/bewildered/confused when it ran into the garage, but I don't know. @Vict0riannwe have also used Air Tags (gift from DS) and love them. @dfishThe Navigator is notorious for having wrong info, we learned that on our last cruise!
  11. Good morning all! It's a drizzly morning here, but we do need a little rain so that's good. I won't have to water today. I won't be building a scarecrow, try to avoid mirrors when I can, and am always obedient (🤣) I love fried rice! But as others have said, it isn't good for my blood sugar. So we don't have it often. I try to add lots of protein (eggs and bacon or other meat or shrimp) and veggies so there isn't as much rice. It reminds me of my Mother, who made it when I was growing up. Maybe it would make a good dinner tomorrow but today we're going to DS and DDIL's for dinner. It's a belated Father's Day bbq. We'll also see the progress on the renovations of the house they bought (remember all the trials and tribulations about that!) They're still hoping to be able to move in late September, but there's a lot left to do. The wine and drink also sound good. Have never been to Asia. Yesterday something happened that I'm still worrying about. I was in the garage after gardening, and a small squirrel ran into the garage --- and was never seen again --- any advice??? I stayed out there for a few hours hoping to see it leave again, and looking for it, but no luck. In all the years we've lived here, this has never happened. 😕
  12. Good morning from a cloudy, cool morning in the PNW. Like others, "I forgot" seems to be my day. Usually I can remember eventually, but sometimes it takes awhile! I think there are UFOs, but have never seen one. Disabled recreation is very important. I agree with the quote, at least some of the time. Will pass on the wine, but the drink and meal sound good. We've been to Honolulu 3 times I think, twice on cruises. Will just post one photo, taken from the top of Diamond Head. After sleeping only 4 hours the night before, it felt good to get a whole night's sleep last night. But that was only after cranking up the sound machine and putting in ear plugs because the week of fireworks began last night and it's loud and long. 😞 It's illegal, but is never enforced. I really need to book a cruise over every 4th of July! @Sharon in AZcongratulations to your DH on his retirement! @dobiemomprayers for your GF's DH who is in the hospital.
  13. I agree, what a lovely and beautiful gesture. When we had to put our last kitty down the vet sent a sweet personalized letter and put her paw print on it. I treasure it!
  14. Good morning all and Happy Canada Day to our Canadian friends! We visit Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo often with the DGSs, but the best one I've ever visited is the San Diego Zoo. We would all love to have financial freedom! 😉 The drink sounds good, but will pass on the meal and wine. Sarande was on our itinerary for our last cruise in 2021, but it and some ports in Turkey were replaced because of Covid. Thanks for all photos!! I think I *may* have gotten 4 hours' sleep last night so today will be difficult. I've already dumped a whole box of cereal on the kitchen floor.....I think I should stay away from heavy machinery LOL! Napping isn't in my DNA, but I may make an exception today.
  15. Good morning all! I haven't seen a good meteor shower in years, but remember watching them as a child. My sisters and I would lie on our backs and gaze at the sky for hours. Since Covid I don't do much hand shaking, and CC and FB are the only social media I use. I'm more of a wine gal, but Mojitos are my favorite drink. Not a fan of strong curry, but I'd probably like the second and last recipes today. The port will be on our 2024 Grand Australia so I'm hoping there will be photos! Will pass on the red wine. Roy @rafinmdBon Voyage!! Terry @smitty34877Happy 74th Birthday to your DH! Jacqui @kazuyour flowers are gorgeous as always. Gerry @ger_77enjoy that family time! I like your idea for hamburgers and small hands, very clever. Our youngest grandson loves hamburgers (just catsup please) and we just cut it in quarters for him. Many times one of his parents ends up eating what he can't finish. Today is supposed to be sunny and up to 72 F -- sounds perfect to me. 🙂 Have a great day everyone!
  16. DH called today and talked to them about getting just supplemental medical. He's pleased with what they offer and the price, seemed very reasonable. After looking at a few other companies we'll make a decision.
  17. Good morning all! Good collections of days. DH has a camera and all the fancy attachments -- I just use my iPhone and am happy with that. Our family are all big huggers, haven't "enjoyed" mud since I was a child and made mud pies. I fell in love with Lumpia back when DH was in the Navy and a Filipino friend taught me how to make it. Lots of work!! I still love it, but have found that our Navy Commissary carries an excellent frozen product that is just as good. The Filipino employees agree. We have it often for family get-togethers, and there never seems to be enough because everyone loves it so much. Debbie's first recipe is closest to the one I got from our friend. Will pass on the wine, the drink sounds really good but if I had any I would be awake for 4 days! I can't even drink decaf in the evening. On the agenda today is lunch with my BFF. We try to get together mid-way between our towns once/month, but I think we missed a month or two this time. @kazuWe're all happy you're finally on that plane! Even on a good day I detest flying, and really wish we could drive to our next cruise....just looked it up and it would take us 47 hours 😞 DH would never go for that. @TiogaCruiserthank you for the photos from the Grand Canyon. Excellent photos! We were there last year and also to the Cameron Trading Post. And yes, someone here did recommend stopping there.
  18. I will! DH worked today but will be home tomorrow and he plans to contact them then. Debbie I love it just the way it is now! Beautiful color. OMG Jacqui! I hope you can get some rest tonight.
  19. Thank you, Ray. We are indeed members and have had all our car and home insurance through them for 40+ years. I'll mention it to DH! We're getting the HAL Platinum, but need to look at getting extra medical.
  20. Good morning all! Our mini heat wave is over (it reached 93 F yesterday) and we're having a sunny, breezy day in the high 60's. I finished staining the deck, and have enough stain left to do a bench that also needs it. But since it's breezy, I may wait for another day to do that and go to the nursery to buy flowers instead. 😄 Funny that it's insurance awareness day, as we're in the midst of researching insurance for our next cruise. The drink, meal and wine (from our local winery) all sound good to me. We were in Akureyri on the VOV with @richwmnin 2018. We did an excursion that went to the Botanical Gardens, Godafoss Waterfall, and an ancient manor farm. @mamaofamigreat news that your DH is out of the hospital, prayers he has a negative test. @kazuDam about the airline problems!! Here are some of my photos from our day in Akureyri. First from the botanical gardens. Everything grows big in Iceland! The landing strip for the airport Oldest house from 1795 Views from our excursion Ancient manor houses Some interior shots These "Cotton Flowers" fascinated me. We saw fields of them. Old farm equipment Godafoss Waterfall
  21. It does, and is called Voyage of the Vikings. You can do round trip Boston, which we did in 2018 and loved it!
  22. I'm so sorry to hear this, but glad you're doing better! About 7 years ago I found out I'm allergic to all bee stings, especially wasps. It took six wasp stings on my arm and allergy testing to find out.
  23. Good morning all! Today is our last hot day for awhile, then it's back to cooler, wet days. It's been a good trial run for the new A/C and I love it. 🙂 I like onions in moderation for added flavor in dishes -- too much doesn't agree with me though. I wear sun glasses all year, even on some of our cloudy days. Since I wear contacts, the sun really bothers my eyes. In the past we played Bingo on BHBs every time it was offered. Then the casino took it over and got very chintzy. In the past it wasn't unusual for me to win hundreds of dollars but not anymore so we rarely play now. It's a shame, we really enjoyed it. Will pass on the drink (not a fan of coconut) and red wine. The meal sounds good, but high in carbs. Today I'll finally finish staining the deck -- just in time, as the weather is changing! We've been to Korcula at least 3 times. Once we took winery tours, once we took the "Dalmatian Riviera Cruise" excursion, and once we enjoyed walking, browsing and shopping. It's a beautiful port as are most of the ports in Croatia. Approaching Korcula A church seen from our Riviera cruise through 20 islands in the Korcula Archipelago I loved this private courtyard with apartments Gorgeous peeks of the water through the alleys We saw this same cat twice on two different visits. She belongs to a man who sells jewelry, she has her own chair near him. Korcula market Mosaics in the sidewalk On one tour we also visited Vela Luka Another time a winery Where we saw old grape growing and harvesting tools The last tender returning to the ship
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