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Everything posted by LadyZolt

  1. We're in Busan, South Korea now, so we were not affected by the earthquake in Taiwan. We were just there a few days ago, so it does make you think! It rained all day in Busan today, so some of the things people wanted to do weren't available due to the weather. Nonetheless, we got off the ship and rode the subway around, visited a fish and food market, and generally got an idea of what it's like in Busan. Here are some photos...
  2. Q: Is MDR dinner open seating or assigned? A: I think it's like every other RCCL cruise -- you pick early or late dining or MTD. If you pick early or late, you are assigned a table. MTD, you get seated where they have an open table. Q: Are folks sitting with the same passengers every evening for the entire cruise? A: We have a table for two -- we are beside other "table for two" couples and in the four groups of two closest to us, it's the same four couples in a row since December. I know another couple who are at a table for 8 or 10 (I can't remember how many) and it's been the same since December. Near the end of each of the mini-legs, though, the assistant head waiter comes to each of our tables (we're all on the full world cruise) and asks if we want to change which table we're at for the next leg. We haven't ever changed. But we could and so others may have over the months. Our stateroom attendant has been the same throughout the cruise -- some people have gotten new ones as their attendant has gotten off once completing their contract. But the dining staff for some reason changes every mini-leg, so we're now on our sixth set of waiter / assistant waiter pairings. Q: Have people created small groups/cliques? A: I think this has happened as this is human nature. But I haven't experienced any feeling of "you don't belong" when I've been in any groups or lines (excursions, theater, Top Tier event, etc.). Q: Has RCCL created space for "home" schooled children? A: I don't have kids aboard, but I do think that RCCL has created an area for them. Q: Has everyone stayed basically healthy? Sadly, I heard of one passing. A: Like anywhere, some people have gotten sick or injured and I think RCCL has handled it the way one would expect. They have twice so far asked for people to donate blood of a certain type to treat someone; there have been a few medical evacuations once we've arrived at a port; people who end up getting COVID are quarantined for five days (and get room service) and their cabin-mate who is negative is moved to a different cabin so it's less likely that they will get COVID, and the ones with COVID are given FCC for the 5 days they were quarantined. On a 7-night cruise, a 5-night quarantine would be significant, but on a 274-night cruise, it's just a little bump in the road. And just like other cruises, there are a fair number of people who are elderly or otherwise not in the best of health and who may pass away during the cruise. As you said, I am aware of one person who passed just before we arrived in Los Angeles. Q: Has anyone scheduled for the full cruise decided it wasn't for them and left early? A: I haven't heard of anyone doing that because, unless you got a very pricey "cancel for any reason" cruise insurance policy, you aren't going to get your money back from either RCCL or your insurance just because you don't like the cruise. However -- with the change in itinerary to Africa, RCCL has said anyone who wants to permanently leave in Dubai will be refunded 100% of the rest of the cruise -- that is Segments 3 and 4, or about half the cruise! It's like a "get out of jail free" card! I was very impressed with RCCL on this point as I didn't expect them to offer this. It is very generous! Q: What ever happened to the Tic Toc person who came on board to stir up drama. Luckily, never heard from him except to announce his intentions. I'm not on Tic Toc so maybe I missed it. A: I don't think he actually stirred up any drama. At least, not that I'm aware of. I'm not on TicTok, either, so I don't know what he said or is saying. I did see one article that reported him as saying you can't talk about the Titanic on a cruise ship. What nonsense! He clearly didn't cruise often. I think he is one of those people who deliberately says stuff he knows isn't true just to get views or whatever. This cruise probably wasn't as drama-filled or exciting as he thought it would be. It's not a mega-ship, so there's no race cars or tall slides or zip lines or ice skating. It doesn't even have the FlowRider. The vast majority of us are over 50, so there's not a lot of single young people with all the usual stuff that can happen when there are (drinking, dating, breaking up, hooking up, etc.) Most of us are just enjoying this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the world. This is not to say that older people can't behave that way -- it's just less likely that we will. 😉
  3. Hi, Sue! Here are my answers: Q: Are the headliners and ships singers and dancers still up to the same standard as normal for Radiance ships ? Do they change round the pub singer and other 'round the ship' musicians regularly? A: They have had folkloric shows in many areas around the world, and then will have headliners like a Beatles group who are all from Australia when we were in Australia, or general headliners like magicians, comedians, or singers. But they also have the Royal Caribbean singers repeating the same shows (which I know that's what they know -- but after seeing the same or very similar show two or three times, we don't bother going now). The pub singer and other musicians generally have stayed for a long time. Some of them have changed by now, though. Q: How often are the menu's repeated? A. It's a 28 day menu -- you'll usually see the same thing regularly (like a Cesar salad and a strip steak) and then other items appear only once in a while. Q: Does the Captain hold regular Q@A sessions? A: Both captains have had a few. It's called "Captain's Corner." With Captain Stig, I think it was just the captain talking, but the two I've gone to with Captain Kjell have also had other officers with him answering questions. Q: Do they have guest lectures? A: Regularly, and I consider most of them to have been excellent. We've had a photographer who is knowledgeable about a variety of topics and world areas; we've had a geologist; we had a husband and wife team who portrayed Presidents and First Ladies who were related to Hawaii becoming a state; and of course many travel experts who talk about what to see and do in the upcoming ports. Lots of variety of lectures! Q: And finally as a lowly Diamond on a ship full of Diamond + and Pinnacles is there any chance we'll get to use the Crown Lounge or indeed might the whole Viking Crown area be roped off for happy hour when we join in Barcelona . We love the Viking Crown bar for a drink pre dinner. A: Diamonds can use the Crown Lounge. At night, they will divide the area so that the Crown Lounge is larger to accommodate folks. In the morning, you can get espresso there along with some food items, and they also have evening food items. I was Platinum when we started and I'll be Diamond Plus by the end of April, and I personally have only gone into the Crown Lounge maybe ten times. It didn't ever seem crowded to me. I don't think you'll have a problem enjoying your before-dinner drink. 🙂
  4. Yes, Ishigaki was humid. Taipei was actually quite nice -- not too warm and not humid.
  5. We are in Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan today -- and we took the glass bottom boat and saw some coral and sea turtles. The island was beautiful! Here are a few photos....
  6. Internet has been slow and sketchy the past few days. Hong Kong was amazing, but uploading photos isn't quick. Here are some photos I took at sail away last night. This was my favorite sail away out of all the ports we've seen so far. It was beautiful!
  7. We were in Bali, Indonesia today. We saw many amazing statues, plants, carvings -- incredible sensory overload! Here are a few photos, but they don't really do the place justice. The monkeys are in the Ubud Monkey Forest -- they are Balinese Long Tail Monkeys.
  8. Lombok, Indonesia today -- here's the spectacular sunset from the ship:
  9. We're in Airlie Beach today and I took a plane out over the Great Barrier Reef. It was amazing! Here are some photos we took from the plane. There's a reef that's kind of "heart shaped" -- in the pic, you'll see the shadow of the plane near the bottom of the frame.
  10. Here's a few photos I took of Tahiti, including the Point Venus lighthouse and a black sand beach. It was beautiful! I would absolutely visit Moorea and Tahiti again! 🙂
  11. They have not yet said which ports (if any) on either Option 1 or Option 2 will be ports possible for anyone to either join or leave the cruise. We're waiting for Royal Caribbean to say -- I imagine Capetown would be approved and it is on both options, but we don't know for sure yet.
  12. Recent science indicates that a single vaccination turns out to be good for life! I've had it at least twice (probably three times, but can only prove two), so I feel pretty confident I'm covered. 🙂
  13. They answered some questions for us -- as John said, they will provide YF vaccines for any who need it (for free) and will also compensate those not on the ship yet but scheduled to join Segment 3 in Dubai for the YF shot they would need to get a few weeks before they join. I understand, too, that they will provide malaria tablets should we need those for destinations. They indicated that visas for most of the nationalities onboard shouldn't be a problem and they will deal individually with people from nations that might need help getting visas for places. They will not be opening any legs for sale to the public -- but if those onboard have friends for family who want to join, that will be possible. Voting for the two options will occur between now and February 26. I think they will announce the winning itinerary on the 27th. They discussed the math that will be used for calculating whatever the OBC or refunds would be and it's basically "actual fare you paid divided by 274" to figure your "price per day" and then it depends on how many days you end up deviating what amount you will get. If you opt to leave the ship in Dubai and then re-join at another point rather than do either Option 1 or Option 2, you can leave your stuff aboard and just take your medications, valuables, documents and things you'll need as they won't be re-selling any of the cabins. They said that once the new itinerary is selected, that will be what it is even if the world situation changes because there is too much involved with the logistics and planning, which makes sense. They will work on getting shore excursions available after the itinerary is selected and we should see those in April. Also, they said that things will be done by individuals -- so if, for example, a husband and wife on the full cruise decide that the husband doesn't want to do either of the new itineraries, but the wife does, he can opt to leave and she can opt to stay and the amount of money each gets depends on what they choose to do. I think Royal Caribbean is trying their best to make the most out of a difficult world situation and to give people enough options to feel like we can still salvage some aspect of what our hopes were when we booked this cruise.
  14. You have to pay for the entire cruise with your American Express Platinum card. Your TA has to be able to get American Express to apply the benefit. Mine says she does it using some online area and doesn't have to talk to anyone at American Express. Once you've paid for the cruise in full and your TA has gotten the benefit from American Express, you will see the OBC when you look at the reservation online. That said -- for Royal Caribbean, we should get OBC and a bottle of champagne. On the Radiance cruise we took last March, we got the OBC, but Guest Services acted like they never heard about getting champagne. But I'm currently on the world cruise and we did get the bottle of champagne. Because we booked this as "one cruise," and now it's actually 17 legs, we only got OBC for "one cruise." LOL! Oh well -- it's better than nothing, but I truly believe AmEx should have given us OBC for each of the 17 legs as I do have 17 reservation numbers. The shortest leg is 9 nights and the longest is 28 nights (the one we're on now -- Los Angeles to Brisbane).
  15. Flag Parade today to celebrate all the nationalities who work aboard the ship. Lots of good stuff in the parade! Here is our new captain representing Norway -- Captain Kjell Nordmo (first name is pronounced "Shell."). A warm "welcome aboard" to Captain Kjell! 🙂
  16. At the Captain's Corner talk this morning, Captain Stig said we've traveled 16,800 nautical miles as of yesterday. He also said he's leaving tomorrow at Cabo San Lucas and our new captain will be boarding. I didn't know until today that Captain Stig wasn't going to be going all the way to Los Angeles, but I guess that does make sense as lots will be happening in Los Angeles since it's the end of Segment 1 (and mini-leg #3), and the start of Segment 2 (and mini-leg #4). I think Captain Stig did a wonderful job getting us through difficult seas in several places, and I'm looking forward to learning about the new captain. Captain Stig said he will re-join us on June 21st in Trieste, and he will continue from then and take us back to Miami. 😀
  17. Except this one didn't stop to see crocodiles, but they may offer a version that does. And you got a better photo than I did of a butterfly! They just don't like to hold still. LOL! I did get some video, but no still shots.
  18. And since we're discussing crocodiles -- do you know how to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? (pause for effect) One will see you later, and the other will see you after a while. 😉
  19. By the way -- many of the offered tours included seeing crocodiles. It would be pretty hard to miss seeing a crocodile in my opinion. When we visited Costa Rica before (around 2011, I think), we did a tour that included crocodiles, so this time, I chose one that didn't as a lot of the tour guides on the crocodile ones actually hold out stuff for the crocs to leap up and eat so the tourists can see that, and I just do not want to be there when one of those poor guides loses a hand (or worse!)
  20. Like Dragon Of The Seas posted, we did a tour yesterday that included the aerial trams. We did have an air conditioned bus and the only slowdown was a traffic jam as we had to cross a bridge over the Tarcoles River and everyone was stopping to look at the crocodiles that were sitting there. I was glad that we weren't slowed down on the way back at the same spot -- and actually surprised we weren't as there were still crocodiles there. LOL! But we enjoyed seeing the plants at the "Rainforest Adventure" area, and the butterfly garden (many blue morpho butterflies that did not stop long enough for me to get a good photo of them), and we saw several iguanas (and even some bats!), and there were "leaf cutter ants" that we also saw many of. They even had a "leaf cutter ant crossing" sign at one point in the bath which I found pretty funny. While on the aerial tram, we saw several capuchin monkeys and also a pair of toucans, and lots of other kinds of birds, too. We enjoyed a pretty good lunch at the restaurant there at Rainforest Adventures as well. Even though it was hot, we enjoyed our day and I think the rest of our tour group did as well.
  21. One of the things I enjoyed most about the places in Chile so far is the art you can see on the streets just walking around. This "stair art" is my favorite for Coquimbo...
  22. Yes, that's another good point -- the wait staff aren't all staying on for the entire cruise, either. Our main waiter for Leg 2 ended his contract and left the ship yesterday in Valparaiso. Another person said that their cabin attendant left yesterday and they will have a new one now.
  23. On the dining -- yes, the MDR is changing the wait staff every mini leg for reasons unknown to me. So, for the full world cruisers, we were asked if we wanted to keep the table we are at (main dining) and we decided we would keep it, so we got new wait staff, but not a new table. But I know others who (as has been mentioned), like their specific wait staff members, so they have moved to the location where the wait staff is now working. We were only asked if we wanted to change our table location near the end of the first leg; nobody mentioned it near the end of the second (although I will admit to missing some of the last few nights as we went to Giovanni's and Izumi). We'll see if they ask near the end of this one.
  24. You may be right. My husband was using an app that tells locations of ships and it seemed to think the World had been there, but had left before us and that the ship in my photo was the Celebrity Eclipse. The Seabourn Pursuit was also there and I got pics of it. Someone on the Eclipse got a good photo of the Serenade and posted it on Reddit and I think that was in or near Paradise Bay, but I didn't happen to see the Eclipse passing us. As you said, crowded day in Paradise Bay. 🙂
  25. Here's a photo I took with my iPhone 12 mini in Paradise Bay today. For perspective, in the distance if you squint you can see the Celebrity Eclipse (looks like a dark gray rectangle).
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